Sunday, June 30, 2024

Message for Monday 1 July 2024 \The Inimitable/

Message for Monday 1 July 2024

\The Inimitable/

The swords and the torches battle each other.

Necessity and desire conflict compulsively.

Resolution comes through magic understanding.

A man driving a bull and an ox is


Pecuniary, dealing in pecos, cattle. Is there

A bull market? How long? Prosperity arrives.

It seems that a clown making grimaces

Is seriously commenting on human foibles,


Exaggerating human nature inimitably.

The ridiculous stimulates self-realization.

The escutcheon of a noble family contains a harp

And a gauntlet, showing aptitude in both musical


And military worlds. Gentleness and irritability,

Playfulness and gravity, evince unique character.


{Monday} /The Inimitable\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Taurus 


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