Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 1 December 2011

Thursday 1 December 2011

~Complex Argument, Simple Kindness~

The remote and mystical takes on strength while the moon is in Pisces close to Neptune at the end of Aquarius.

There is love, whether you are at first aware of it or not, which will be even more evident in late afternoon and evening.

There is hate, or annoyance, irritation, disagreement, while the sun squares Mars almost exactly.

People overreach themselves in stating their positions or taking positions on any battlefield or venue of contest. They pretend to be self-assured when they really are not. A name for this is arrogance. It always has its comeuppance, later if not sooner. So perhaps you do not have to fight the belligerent ones, or at least not directly. You can state your case or take your position and be assured that if you are right, or "righter" then they, you will win at last.

You can trust in your natural and developed capacities no matter how unique or unusual they be.

Perhaps you know someone involved in complex riddles, researches, mazes of thought. This could be research of any kind, or puzzled reflection on enigmas, or attempts to solve some difficult theoretical or practical problem. Such an individual is important to you and affection can spring up between you.

Isolation within yourself is an interesting phenomenon. It is a challenge to you to understand that your differences from other people are perhaps not as real as they seem, and yet to use those apparent differences as best you can in the game of life. If we were all alike, there would be no game.

At times it looks as if all is flummoxed, crazy, impossible. Where is hope when things are so complex one doesn't know where to begin? As has been said, beginning is half the matter. This is probably re-beginning, which is even harder, because of the Mercury-retrograde cycle. "Old experience must be labored out once more" in the words of Sri Aurobindo. This is not hopeless: it is a test of faith and persistence.

Exact formulas can help. That is, a formula for keeping your daily activities in order, for doing what you need to do. You can see both sides of every dilemma and arrive at the exactly right choice at each moment, if you have a "formula" in the background to help.

Jealousy, rivalries, and feuds are possible, because Luna brings out the sun-Mars square by her square to the first and opposition to the second, continuing way into the evening and early tomorrow. People are attached to something or someone in a demanding way and when their possessive clutch is frustrated they become upset, in inner dangerous turmoil.

However, Luna is also in good aspect with Venus, Pluto, and Jupiter, and this can save the day if you work with those influences from a heart of kindness and mercy.

{Thursday} ~Complex Argument, Simple Kindness~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 30 November 2011

Wednesday 30 November 2011


A love-longing you experienced inwardly yesterday may take more tangible form today, in connection, conversation, meeting or communication.

It is healthy and invigorating to be out and about.

There is intensity about how you handle business, finance, career. This is good when you are sure of what you are doing.

Cruelty can mix with the pursuit of what people want. At worst they ignore the suffering of other humans or animals in order to satisfy their desires or lusts. When this is successful they can go on and on until the karmic price hits them. (The cosmos does not want to punish anyone but cannot help trying to awaken them, by pain if other methods have failed.)

I myself am often amazed at the way corpse-eaters talk about vegetarians with contempt, as if the vegetarians and not the corpse-eaters were betraying the human race and good taste.

As for cruelty, it is being discussed and protested in military circles, as in the case of Pakistan's claim that some of it its soldiers were killed deliberately by NATO. "Callously" was the word its foreign minister used.

There can be catharsis and transformation. While Mercury is retrograde (to December 14) we review our lives and experiences and re-estimate our character and intentions. You may imagine also how friends could be doing this, in some cases.

"A little child shall lead them," and you may find a childlike state of mind a cure for whatever is troubling you. Those who study the Gospels know that it is one thing Jesus recommended.

On the seemingly less childlike front: There is a way to merge the intellectual and the mechanical in your pursuit of excellence. This could be theory on one side, practice on the other; or carefully developed methods, strategies (Mars in Virgo until July) combined with the ideals you want to actualize by their means.

Intelligence is implicit in the invisible human being, and manifest through the brain's dialoguing right and left hemispheres, internal dialogue: and sometimes external dialogue with others.

Someone devoted to what he (or she) does, and to people who mean much to him, may deserve from you a higher estimate and tribute than you have realized. It is a rarity that anyone can be so guileless and devoted. I hope you realize how much this person means to you. Love is in the stars while Venus forms a trine with Mars, and Jupiter befriends both.

{Wednesday} {Ardor}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 28, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 29 November 2011

Tuesday 29 November 2011

}Settling Into Place for Now{

There is idealism, intensity, and deep thought, with the moon in Aquarius while the sun and Mercury remain in Sagittarius. Mercury retrograde helps you probe more deeply into things than usual, so that you might appear absent-minded outwardly. Your mind may be absent from the material world but not from the ideal one.

The possibly angry or quarrelsome nature of the sun's square with Mars, near its peak, could come out at work or at home, but need not be vengeful. You might be petty about things, or see others as petty, and wish to make your point. That point, someone else may feel, is drawing blood.

But the energy this aspect gives can be ambitious, so you can turn it into getting things done, especially those already under way. New projects would probably be disastrous, unless they grow out of old ones naturally and without force or upset.

Some have a gift for being cheerful even when they are losing in life's game, and they are a boon to the rest of us who moan and suffer too much over things which turn out later to be unimportant. A spirit of gamesmanship could be healthy, while the |difficult third of this week| winds down, ending at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET | 2:29a(W) UT. (I notice that no one corrected me on yesterday's report when I inadvertently typed "2:29a(Tu) UT" which would have made no sense because the earlier times were for Tuesday in the Western Hemisphere. This leads me to wonder if anyone ever uses these times or notices them. I do, so I shall continue to post them with the reports and I hope a few of you pay attention because they can be very helpful.)

You can be happy doing things alone, behind the windows from which you view the world, when they are meaningful to you, even if you sometimes ponder on absent friends.

Stormy kinds of weather, either literally or in your feelings, stimulate you to transform your thoughts or actions in positive directions in order to meet the exciting conditions with competence.

Stuff at a distance involving correcting someone, or being corrected, comes up. Getting the trivial stuff straight helps, giving you more freedom in other things.

Steadiness and industry are good because they anchor you to the situation in which you are and must be for now. That is your basis for everything else which might develop. You can remain content with your lot (a virtue and a felicity hardly ever appreciated in a materialistic restless culture).

Your mind expands by peering into the future, visualizing what you can do or express or enjoy or appreciate. You find the past in the future and the future in the past, or they dance together in your wondering present (presence). And so the contentment (of the previous paragraph) and the "future" orientation (of this one) find harmony with each other.

Someone is hospitable toward you. This person has rigid habits but is generous to you and others who enter her or his domain. The spirit of Thanksgiving has not faded.

{Tuesday} {Settling into Place for Now}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Forecast for Monday 28 November 2011

Monday 28 November 2011

\Creativity in Merging with Past toward Future/

Let's start with the difficult stuff. This is the center of the |stressful or karmically demanding third of this week|, which lasts until Tuesday evening at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET |2:19a(Tu) UT. (It's shorter than usual because the moon is traveling fast.) However, with Luna in Capricorn, much can be accomplished if it is in the train of old things you have already begun and need to complete. You would rather do this than play or have fun, and it will make you happier. Powers of concentration are intense.

Mercury has been retrograde since Friday and I am feeling it. It comes out in slowness, delay, procrastination, and the like. You might set a coffee cup on a spoon and spill some of it. Or burn the toast, or find the toaster won't work, or spend three minutes looking for the pair of shoes you "know" you had left in a certain place last Friday, or miss the bus or train by a minute. I hope not, but when this stuff happens, remember Mercury is retrograde and get a grim smile out of it.

There can be ease and comfort, even placidity, while Venus is trine Jupiter and the sun bi-quintile that planet. This is when you feel you are accomplishing something or have accomplished it and your conscience is at rest.

You actually have a lot of vitality in these early days of a sun-moon cycle, so can push ahead with zest whenever you feel challenged enough to do it.

The worst thoughts you have about yourself and your future--that all is hopeless, that you are on your last legs, that nothing is going to work out--are perhaps natural now, but we need to be supernatural to overcome the demons of doubt. Actually the planetary structure now is more promising than in summer and early autumn.

It might be smart to get major things done before the moon goes void-of-course at 3:01p PT | 6:01p ET | 11:01p UT. No matter what pressures, at least you can focus more clearly before then.

One issue is Uranus in the first degree of Aries--the planet and the sign of independence and freedom--in a tri-septile with Saturn, lasting through December, or in other words through the Dark Hermetic Epoch which happens to end January 1. Saturn in Libra is the social world, the economic world, the world of justice and courts and legality. So, many will be feeling that they, lone wolves (Uranus in Aries), are pitted against the Establishment or the courts or Big Government or Big Business. "The mills of the gods grind slowly," and this one is grinding out self-reliance (oh, I said there was no such thing a few days ago!). (Emerson said that "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" so I will be inconsistent when necessary to make a point.) In other words, yes, you have "the world" to contend with, but you are adequate and "the world" is making you more adequte by testing your ability to meet it full-face. (I am not finding this easy any more than you are.)

And so, sometimes, we might think, "Why not go back to the soil? Live on a farming commune and live off our produce?" This especially while Mars is in Virgo (until July), which seems to be a sign of farming. A breath of such realism can be bracing. Some will be changing their diets wisely.

People at a distance may seem to test you. Are you really communicating with them? Is that even possible? Are you condemned to live your own separate lives without understanding one another?

To be original you can be experimental. This may be a time for that. The Dark Epochs, including the Mercury-Retrograde periods (this one lasts until December 14), can be times for originality. Your subconscious is fertile and productive. Watch your dreams! They are giving you amazing links with your past--some disturbing, others encouraging. The past and present commingle at these times, which is one reason people are absent-minded and there are more mistakes. From the mingling of these two comes an urge toward a "different" future, a desire to experiment. In other words, your past is a womb of creativity in which you spend time to be reborn.

And not just dreams, but day-dreaming. While supposedly at work, you dawdle and muse. Suddenly you realize you are in a reverie about something that happened years ago. This is not unhealthy. It is part of Mercury Retrograde and can be strengthening if you have a good attitude about how to use those memories.

Diplomacy is good, to get you past any brewing arguments. You are illuminated by much awareness of who your true allies are and how to benefit by cooperating with them. And so you can keep on with projects which have validity and wait for assured (even if slow) results.

{Monday} /Creativity in Merging with Past toward Future\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 25, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 26 November 2011

Saturday 26 November 2011

*Estrangement is not Self-Estrangement*

I wrote a complete forecast for today, labored over it (I mean labor), struggled with it (I mean struggle) for more than two hours. Then when I copied it, as I have dozens of times, to post, the copy function failed and destroyed the post. No, I did not hit "cut" rather than copy. Then I could have recovered it. It was a failure of a Microsoft program. All this adds up to the probability that I will turn to Apple for my next computer. Usually I write online, in Gmail, which is good because it is automatically saved online. I cannot do that now because of Internet connection problems.

The best I can do is try to recall some of the essence:

Saturday (this paragraph applies to Sunday also): Venus is square Uranus, and Mars square the sun. Beware of arguments, fights, insults, harsh words. You could end a friendship or a relationship.

That is probably the most important warning for the day.

You might worry about a young person whose troubles are on your mind.

Your difference from the world and what most people think or feel is evident to you. It does not have to make you depressed, but could be a key to some talent or skill you have or are developing. In other words, estrangement could be the opposite of self-estrangement. When you separate yourself from the world or others' expectations you may become someone, paradoxically, whom the world looks up to for guidance or expertise.

There are potentials of being an intermediary, finding a way to reconcile opposing forces or individuals, if you are alert to the depth of what is going on and find a position of inner security which will allow you to avoid coming out hatefully or offensively on one side or the other.

There are happy potentials in the trines of both Venus and Luna with Jupiter, a romantic and luxurious ambiance which you can tap into--if the previous warnings are heeded successfully.

That is a truncated and less articulate version of what I had written.

{Saturday} *Estrangement is Not Self-Estrangement*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Forecast for Friday 25 November 2011

Friday 25 November 2011

*Self-Trust or Self-Proclamation*

As I write on Thursday morning, I am feeling the effects of the "dying moon" at the end of Scorpio before it joins the sun for a New Moon (10:11p(Th) PT | 1:11a(F) ET | 6:11a(F) UT). I would guess others, like me, do not really feel like getting into a Thanksgiving social ritual, but may still do so as a matter of routine. My own view is that the internal thanks-giving to G*d is most important of all.

Friday contains a reasonable amount of prudence. Those purchasing gifts might find children or younger people coming to mind. First choices may be spurned in favor of second or third.

There could be irascibility or irritability with the moon squaring Mars from Sagittarius to Virgo. With the moon moving toward a now-retrograde Mercury, one may feel thoughtful, and wonder why some others appear to be thoughtless. (Well, they might be feeling the same.)

Something profound happens in your consciousness accenting your separation from other people in a regard which seems important. You realize something they don't, or exercise unique interests they do not appreciate. Being true to yourself, you may find that some others find this attractive or magnetic.

Somehow the qualities in you which make you out of sympathy with "the world" are good for your talent and profession. You muse on them and use them to be something that world finds useful, attractive or interesting.

Whatever you write, or otherwise communicate, comes from your strong viewpoint and could arouse those who either agree or disagree. Some may regard it as superficial whether it is or not. You care about logic and ethics and will speak the truth as you see it.

You are alert to the charms of music whether heard or performed by you. Dancing could happen, even if you uncertainly look to someone else to provide the pattern of it.

Independent discovery along some line, perhaps remarkable, seems natural to you, whether or not anyone else understands or appreciates it.

{Friday} *Self-Trust or Self-Proclamation*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 24 November 2011

Thursday 24 November 2011


One wonders often what people mean by "self-reliance" since we rely so much on everyone else, whether we are in business or living on social security or whatever our status. As a matter of fact, the more you think about it, "self-reliance" means just about nothing. Nothing at all.

You rely on whatever it is that gets you through each day and difficult situations. If it is your childhood upbringing, did you bring up yourself? No, your parents and society did. Is it your skills? Did you teach them all to yourself, or did you have help? I could not have learned astrology, and automobile mechanics could not have learned how to fix cars, without teaching from (in my case) dozens of astrologers through their writings and sometimes their conversations with me. Dozens of experienced mechanics. And if you drive a car, while you are driving you are totally dependent on those hundreds, thousands, or millions of mechanics and automobile engineers, for without them your car would not exist and could not be repaired.

Self-reliance? Perhaps one of the most meaningless phrases in English.

Seignior Borelli gives as symbol for the sun's position today, "The Goddess of Mercy Enthroned." This is extraordinarily significant in that today is Sri Aurobindo's Day of Siddhi (November 24, 1926), celebrated all over the world by those who know this Avatar and his work. Sri Aurobindo taught that, as he once put it humorously, "God is a woman," although of course God is also male to the highest degree of exalted, not foolish, maleness. That the Goddess of Mercy (called The Mother by Sri Aurobindo's disciples) should be enthroned on the day Americans celebrate as Thanksgiving---giving thanks to the God of mercy---is wonderful and not coincidental.

Whether you know it or not, you are dependent on the God or Goddess of Mercy.

We tend to become more aware of this when aware of death as having happened to someone, or seemingly likely to happen. Who would not turn to something greater than himself at such a time? Terror at times of crisis is a key to transformation. Why do people watch movies which horrify or terrify them? Or Greek or Shakespearean tragedies? In order to develop their ability to meet crises and transcend them.

Whom or what do you trust? is a significant question. We need to go deep in finding the answer. There could be a hierarchy of the trustworthy, with, for me, the Supreme Lord at the very top, and His Avatars, messengers, and guides in descending order. Then at lower levels there are the things, methods, procedures you trust as getting you through each day or earning you an income. The trust they have earned is always provisional and yet they must be trusted tentatively at least. And then the people who do things on which you are dependent, such as your banker or credit union, your car mechanic.

If we are reliant on a self, it is the Self of all of these and so a Super Self.

On the other hand, there is the rebellious instinct, the need to be oneself, as a child (of which age? I haven't studied child psychology lately) will insist that he is the omnipotent emperor for a period which exasperates his parents. This of course is not ultimate self-reliance because it is actually, unknown or self-hidden to itself, dependent on the parents whom it imagines it rules.
Then there has to be, following this, a period of self-restraint, when one realizes that holding oneself to the standards of the people around one is an inescapable necessity for survival and self-approval. Restraining oneself is not exactly ruling others, but an approach to it in a subtle way. Until, perhaps, the very idea of ruling or being ruled falls away, as in Karl Marx's yet-unrealized vision of "the withering away of the State."

At that point there is utter patience with everything and everyone because one sees how they all fall into a universal pattern of which one is not the victim but the happy active or passive participant.

To wish you a happy Thanksgiving means to hope that you will feel true and deep thanks to the Lord of All, for life and breath itself if nothing more, for if you do you will be happy.

{Thursday} ~Thanksgiving~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 23 November 2011

Wednesday 23 November 2011

~Mystery Ameliorated by Common Sense and Hope~

Woe unto holiday travelers! Well, take this with a grain of salt. Maybe you will get where you are going in seamless prompt order. However, Luna in the Via Combusta while in the last days of a dying moon, with Saturn in fields of travel and home while tri-septile Uranus in other fields of home and travel, could mean delays big-time. Or it could mean, for those who have no trouble traveling, that they feel out of place this Thanksgiving.

When I grew up, Thanksgiving was "over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go," because all my family lived close by. So the idea of plane flight to get home for Thanksgiving is alien to me. Call me a curmudgeon, but I believe airplane flight is not healthy for human beings or the planet. When it is necessary for vocational purposes, business, and government (although we all wonder these days whether businessmen and government officials know what they are doing or where they are going), okay; and we might allow ourselves one round-trip flight a year for vacation. The rest seems to me otiose. Take the bus or train, and get to know seat-mates from other economic strata during a grueling days-long trip. It might be good for your soul. Or have Thanksgiving with your next-door neighbors. What an odd idea!

Max and Augusta Foss Heindel say of Jupiter opposed to Saturn (going on until the first week of March): "Gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide." Sound like anyone you know? Your congressman, maybe? Senators? Some of us wish that they would experience the rest of this delineation: " . . . often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest." Our congressmen? Perish the thought! But a turn in the poor-house might do them good.

The sun's square with Neptune, which occurs about twice a year, is not terrible but has its peculiarities, such as a need for extra rest or sleep. It warns against too much alcohol or drugging. C. E. O. Carter says of it: "The tendency of Neptune to produce scandal is often seen; sometimes the native is to blame, sometimes apparently not. Often the whole affair is involved in mystery, and no one seems to know the truth about it." Sound familiar? Need I mention Penn State? And Herman Cain? (The aspect began November 5.) More of this delineation by Carter also hits at least the first of those marks: "[subjects of the aspect are] sometimes oblivious to the laws of conventional morality and straightforwardness, not perhaps so often deliberately as by reason of a seeming 'blind spot.'" Also, since Neptune is involved and in Aquarius, "the water carrier," many will have experienced peculiar problems with liquids, urinary matters, water, or plumbing. (Some of the incidents at Penn State are supposed to have been in the shower.)

I like to give out older (and in these cases deceased) astrologers' delineations, like this, because they get so little credit for the amazing work they have done.

Wednesday: We should beware of anger and argument because the sun's square with Mars is increasing (witness Egypt) and the moon in one of Mars's signs, Scorpio.

A musician, poet, or painter (deceased or in the flesh) might impress you, with Venus sextile both Saturn and Neptune. His or her glory is yours for free.

You might notice yourself walking up or down steps which are close to the natural world of growing (or dormant) things or animals. This is a symbol of hope and of the beauty and order you are bringing into your life. (The Sabian symbol for Jupiter lends this insight.)

Doubt is an interesting phenomenon. One wants to trust, but feels one has been betrayed in the past, and fears to trust again. You might be feeling this about conditions in your work situation or what you do for income. Yet you have worked out something solid in these areas you can depend on, rather than searching for something new. Individuals and methods proved helpful should be trusted.

The situation of women and men in connection with strained or restrained alliances having sexual overtones is coming up. Fortunately, this is the first day of Venus's trine with Mars, lasting through December 16 (by ten-degree orb); therefore, whatever the problems, happy outcomes are available.

Pleasing someone in a power position could be important. This is not "sucking up" but being responsible so that you are well-regarded rather than seen as impotent or lazy. Going the extra mile on the day before Thanksgiving?

{Wednesday} ~Mystery Ameliorated by Common Sense and Hope~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 21, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 22 November 2011

Tuesday 22 November 2011

}Human Drama: Weep and Laugh{

A "frozen up" feeling is in the air, whatever the weather where you are, that is, a sense that things are on the brink of change and difficult to organize or manipulate. (Mercury goes retrograde the day after Thanksgiving and we are feeling that backdrag already while the "winged messenger" slows down.)

Freedom of spirit and simplicity can mitigate all worries, helping you to trust the cosmic order as it gradually improves your life and consciousness.

You can be aware of gigantic possibilities in one who approaches genius level, someone who could be a friend who is going through work therapy, retraining, or labor pains, or developing amazing potentials in a way hard to understand.

With all the headlines about financial and debt woes, it is hard to believe, perhaps, that you are in a position to acquire what you need in a good strong way, but so it seems. Take that as a grain of faith to plant and see the gradually successful results.

It's true that, as pointed out yesterday, we are in the |karmically difficult third of this week| until Wednesday afternoon at 1:07p PT | 4:07p ET | 9:07p UT. This forces you to focus on what is essential rather than on trivia. Whatever you have neglected is asking for attention.

People set forth their big plans and ideas for socio-political-economic change, and the more one looks at them the more they seem like weak echoes of past and failed agendas. It is fascinating that on the day (Monday) Congress let the debt crisis go unresolved, unable to agree on anything, the sun was in the very last degree of Scorpio, sign of "other people's money" including taxes and entitlements. It was the last gasp, for now, of any smart decisions, while the moon dies (in the final days before the New) in the Via Combusta.

You can be resourceful as you ricochet from one activity to another, refusing to let yourself be depressed despite strong tendencies in that direction. Small pleasures are creative, awakening within you an expanded grasp on the world and its wonders.

Human kindness is not absent, while Venus is sextile both Saturn and Neptune. You will note that someone likes to play-act in a friendly way, to lighten everyone's burdens. Taking on other mannerisms or attitudes is therapeutic even if mocking, which is why we enjoy striking dramatic presentations.

{Tuesday} {Human Drama: Weep and Laugh}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Forecast for Monday 21 November 2011

Monday 21 November 2011

}It's Here Now{

The complexity of the aspects among the planets is spectacular. It includes the relatively rare (because of small orb) septile configuration formed with Uranus, Mars and Saturn (the tri-septile in this case). Then other septiles (or tri-septiles) are between Mars and Mercury, Jupiter adn the sun. This is the aspect of fate working out, that is, karma or something inevitable. Of course this is not necessarily disturbing and can be good, and is not totally "fated" because the way we react to it determines whether it helps or hurts us. It would appear that on the political-financial scene it is the ever-recurrent "debt crisis" in Congress. This goes along with the returning long-term opposition of Saturn and Jupiter already mentioned recently (when I gave its term limits, which I do not recall at the moment with exactitude). This is "old business," namely debts, with a vengeance, all over the world. The answers cannot be delayed, yet of course during the Dark Hermetic Epoch (lasting by chance until January 1) they will be delayed. Mercury goes retrograde (as it always does at the center of that Dark or Slow Epoch) the day after Thanksgiving, for about three weeks.

It's not doom and gloom, but a warning to seek your happiness in other than swift and sure progress of outer plans or ambitions. Some of those will inch along well, if you make them, while others will be obstinately slow. So the holiday season, if truly jolly or sacredly serene, should be specially welcome.

On Monday you have feelers out for whatever is happening with people, especially at work or in business. They don't fool you, but you entertain their vanities for the sake of harmony. You know how to please "the boss" whomever that may be, without detracting from your self-approval and poise.

You persuade, you fascinate, and inspire others to serve you for a modicum of service in return.

You also investigate and discover, or learn how to sail above clouds of worry by getting and following the secret formulas of your success. This is in a way which no one else could imitate.

No matter what Congress, European bankers or the stock market may do, somehow you are feeling prosperous: perhaps because it's Thanksgiving week. You can assemble what you have and enjoy, sensing how to display or share it genially.

Reformers are restless and enthusiastic. They put out their ideas as if pamphlets. This could be in politics or within a business or non-profit organization. Even if some such ideas are premature or shallow, there is a search for significant agenda.

I don't want to, but must say that the |difficult or challenging third of this week, according to one formula which has been reliable|, is today through Tuesday until Wednesday forenoon. Good things can happen and be made to happen, but it is important to control depressing or desperate moods.

Despite that, so much is happening that you get on this merry-go-round and can't get off. It can be exhilarating when it goes well. Probably today would be better for concluding an agreement or making a purchase than the rest of the week. You might set things up for later so that you know where you are headed over the holiday.

Hope is always good, even if some forms it takes are excessive or in a misleading direction at first. Calm in the face of infinite expectation is wise, because the infinite is here and now as much as there and then.

{Monday} {It's Here Now}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 18, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 19 November 2011

Saturday 19 November 2011

\Fairytale Project/

One's "place in the world" is indicated by the 10th house of the horoscope, in which the Part of Fortune sails today. This means you care about what you are doing, what your life is all about, your profession or career, or if unemployed or retired, your projects. Further, you care about the overseer or Overseer of all that---if you do not know G*d, you have no real ultimate overseer. So you will have to make do with shifting allegiances and temporary subjection to employers or clients. This is the house which asks from us honor and integrity.

There could be a reclusive trend, so that you can find internal spiritual security. Perhaps nothing in the outer world can give this; yet for myself, Scripture or holy or sacred writings--and what they reveal or inspire--never fail me.

Another trend, seemingly contrary, is to enjoy popularity with someone and cultivate it, which makes you feel better about yourself in every way. This is linked somehow, but not in a heavy way, with the careers or projects of both of you.

You are tightly involved with your impressions and highly sensitive. (The sun square Neptune is part of this.) Therefore you react deeply to everything you see or hear or what is said to you or around you. You are impressionable or mediumistic. This can be a benefit if you are able to use such feelings and perceptions to open your ability to help or be kind to someone or, as in paragraph 2, link with your deeper self.

There is an adventurous and relaxed quality even to projects you want to carry on with, or shared attempts to get something done in a mutually beneficial, jovial way.

Those with no financial worries (as the stars of Gossip Girl) may relax into fantastic fairytale perceptions, hopes, and projects. Those who are financially tight may do the same though with less extravagance and therefore more ingenuity.

Harsher trends (such as the sun moving to a square with Mars) are present, which could erupt in contention, strife, and litigation or conversation about it. Sometimes people cannot separate their eccentricities from their political or other opinions. If wise, you will rise above such incidents when they occur and try to find the point of trust and ease beyond the anger, which is a signal of underlying fear or anxiety.

{Saturday} /Fairytale Project\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Forecast for Friday 18 November 2011

Friday 18 November 2011

*Invisible Leadership Becoming Visible*

I feel like a cheerleader trying to tell you things are better than they seem. This would apply to both ends of the economic spectrum: well-off investors, on one side (and not all investors are well-off, by the way), and the "99%" protestors on the other. The former ought to relax a little and invest more so the economy can get jump-started, rather than worry so much about international debts and let them be a drag on progress. The latter have a right to protest what they see as unfair, and much of it is, in one way or another, but also ought to be more optimistic about their individual possibilities and follow them up.

[This is not a political journal, but let me say: Nothing I have said about "deadbeats" and the like means I am not with the protestors, on some issues, especially those who have had to contract debts to go to college, or those without jobs. There are a lot of middle class "deadbeats" not among the protestors, such as those who assumed mortages they could not pay, other debts, etc. The bankers are not the only ones responsible for the mess, by any means. Also, nothing I have said even remotely justifies the police brutality we have seen. These protesters are non-violent and deserve to be treated as such.]

Where are the leaders? I have asked. I don't mean the obvious ones such as Obama and those in politics on either side. I mean among the protesters. I applaud their attempt to figure out some agenda for progressive change in the economy, but bemoan the lack of leadership among them, a clear agenda, a definite plan, party, process for what they want to happen. Today, I believe, some such individual (or individuals) could be rising from among them. Watch for the signs.

Fear is a problem, which is holding back investors---there is a lot of money out there in individual, institutional, and corporate hands which could be released into the economy as stimulus for new jobs and benefits for all---and we need to start to trust one another more. Who among corporate leaders, or Wall Street honchos, is willing to extend a hand to the protestors, say "I sympathize, I want to help"? Who among the protesters is willing to extend a hand to the corporate leaders or Wall Street types and say "We want what you want, a country with more fairness and better opportunities for all. Join us to find that."

And, if that sounds naive, then right there is the problem. It is not naive but contains a seed of the possible solution.

Hope is essential, and can be forthcoming. It "springs eternal" even in November, when the obsolete falls (with its own charm as colored leaves). When hope is expressed in the immediate, in beauty and order, as many of the protestors in their tent cities have done, and as many of their seeming opponents do in their privileged domains, it is a path to shared prosperity.

It's Friday and not everything is serious. There can be exploration and entertainment, though with serious themes lying behind it. I would only say (not to be a wet blanket) that the real wet blanket could be too much alcohol, for some, because both the moon and sun are in harsh aspect with Neptune. I have seen that at those times people already have so much Neptunian tendency toward dreaming and the Invisible (which can be good) that too much alcohol is dispiriting and deadening. For those who drink, cutting one's usual allotment in half might be wise.

Making a psychological adjustment to opponents is important. Because the protests have been in the news, I am thinking of them, but they symbolize other facets of your life and relationships. To develop any kind of intimate interrelation among those from different sides of a fence requires fluid, flexible adjustment so they can appreciate the differences between them rather than make those interesting differences an endless source of enmity.

There are those whose self-mastery and deliberate mental development make them ready for leadership roles. Let us hope we discover them or they are bold enough to step up. In what are you fit to be leader, within the family, corporation, or intimate group? If it is natural for you to assume that role, you are meant for it.

{Friday} *Invisible Leadership Becoming Visible*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 17 November 2011

Thursday 17 November 2011

*Relying on Connections, Contacts, Strategies*

We have escaped the |hard third of this week| (always allowing for other "hard" times on other days because of other statistical patterns) which ended early Thursday at 1:19a PT | 4:19a ET | 9:19a UT. What problems came up for you, Tuesday or Wednesday, which require solution?

Lunar aspects of the day are cheery, the moon trine both Mercury and Venus especially in afternoon and evening. Old business remains important, and connections with people at a distance, and religious-spiritual consciousness.

The longer-term opposition of Jupiter and Saturn, discussed yesterday, can at worst bring out "suspicion, distrust, indolence, or even basic dishonesty" in the words of Robert DeLuce. It is interesting that these are the character-failures the northern European countries are attributing to the southern ones during the debt crisis of these latter, affecting the whole world. Likewise, the "occupy" protesters in the U. S. are blaming Wall Street for these character disorders. It might be said, indeed, that debt is a character disorder which is racking the world economy. Debtors have their "deadbeat" disorder, and creditors their "vulture" one. The deadbeats want to feed on the vultures and the vultures on the deadbeats, but they have fed and now must fast.

However, as discussed before, Mars is trine Jupiter: Again from DeLuce: "The native [astrological subject] gains through enterprise, activity and diligence in all his affairs." A formula the world needs. This could be specially true because the aspect occurs in earth signs, which have a talent for the immediately, materially applicable. Someone you know and communicate with frequently is helping you do this, whether by support, challenge, or both.

Passions and rages can destroy detached objectivity, while the sun squares Mars. This goes on for at least a couple more weeks; as it sets in, the anger and violence in the protester-police contest has increased. When emotions overcome reasoned protest, things get out of hand, and of course this can be on the side of the police or otherwise. People want to get even or, better, just to win. In your own life you can use this energy of "let me win" to pursue your goals with fine-edged strategy rather than blunt belligerence.

Stability of purpose helps a great deal. Meanwhile, romantic dreams occupy you especially later in the day and evening, when you could indulge them successfully up to a point. You could be a social climber, if so inclined, or find that you gravitate to beautiful, gracious individuals, congenial and helpful.

{Thursday} *Relying on Connections, Contacts, Strategies*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 16 November 2011

Wednesday 16 November 2011

*Quiet Confidence is Security*

Things may be indefinite until the moon, from the end of Cancer, enters Leo at 8:17a PT | 11:17a ET | 4:17p UT. Then watch out for romantic fireworks. There is a desire to be intimate with someone unusual and compelling. Your ideals can prevent anything unseemly, but you may have to fight it off. Attraction may be incipient love, but this bud is fragile (if not tantalizingly poisonous).

Your influence on people is stronger than you realize, including those at a distance.

The opposition of Jupiter and Saturn, which we have discussed at length in past months under the title of their "Mutation" (with the square, a once-in-twenty-years phenomenon), is with us again (by wide but effective orb) until March 9. This is likely to be a finishing of old problems, a resolution of them, but they have to come back for you to be aware of them and resolve them. It is nothing to fear. I like Robert DeLuce's inspirational take on this: "Losses of money, position, and reputation may bring the native [individual under astrological analysis] to the brink of despair. Let him still preserve his faith, hold his integrity and trust in the unalterable and immortal nature of Truth and he will pass through and recover all that he temporarily loses." Because this aspect does not complete itself (being most exact in early January and then diminishing), I believe that the "loss" in question will be of the past, and that most of us will be recovering from that gradually rather than suffering new loss.

Indeed, exactly today the trine of Mars and Jupiter is exact, promising good fortune financially (whether the Market goes down or up). Either you are reaping rewards, or you have successfully planned for them and are carrying on successfully. This aspect is with us until early December, then returns for most of March. Therefore the long transit of Mars, turning stationary and retrograde and then stationary and direct, in Virgo for 8 months, is likely to be rather good and is one reason I do not predict a worldwide depression or serious recession. I believe you already know how to benefit from all this, if you stay with well-wrought plans.

Correspondence or conversation with someone at a distance could be helpful today.

You'll know how to prevent any extravagant words or choices if you calm down and trust that the prudent, steady course is best. "Hold your horses" is one way to put it.

By doing that, you will be led to continue a course of job or professional activity which leads on to recognition, especially when you trim what you are doing to fit the needs of someone important with whom you can cooperate or collaborate.

You'll get what you need if you stick with what you know.

A hopeful feeling saturates the ambience, with moments when playful childlike entertainment is good. (Paragraph 1 is pertinent here.)

Security through high-minded invocation of ideals and their powers (ideals have powers!), mentioned yesterday, is protection against long-lasting disorder or lapse of judgment.

{Wednesday} *Quiet Confidence is Security*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 14, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

~Slow but Persistent~

There is no reason to slack off on efforts, except briefly for rest. Yesterday the times of the |hard third of this week| were given, which includes today and Wednesday. It's a good period to focus on what has the most utility in your life. You can work humbly at what is good for you and anyone you serve.

Another side of you wants sheer entertainment or colorful relaxation. This is normal, and is partly a desire to relax into your roots, that which has sustained you from your birth (or before). This we can do every night in sleep but sometimes the daylight hours want some of that depth-exploration and playful renewal.

Whatever the world of business and the Market may be doing, somehow you are flourishing in terms of resources you have at hand or available. We approach the time of thanksgiving or harvest-appreciation, and it is well to remember how much there is to appreciate. The trine of Mars and Jupiter in earth signs is blessing us.

A trend toward retreat is evident from several factors, including aspects to Neptune. Again, the sleep mode intruding on the hours of activity. If we could all take naps during work this might be a good day for that. Otherwise, it can come out in quiet breaks known only to yourself, internal solitude with prayer or meditation.

A feeling of being abandoned hits all of us at times. Divine protection and security is available to those who invoke it. It might take the form of at least two individuals, Presences, or paths which help you enormously. Then with that aid you will perhaps get back into the spirit of the first paragraph.

{Tuesday} ~Slow but Persistent~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Forecast for Monday 14 November 2011

Monday 14 November 2011

~Shared Projects on the Trestleboard~

You are pretty much aware of important projects you could devote yourself to, if you can just summon the interest and enthusiasm to do it.

Someone at a distance might be calling for aid, actually or telepathically.

You could fail to see what is important in terms of career partnership. Yet you could work with someone using professional or trained skills. This can have good results, if you pull yourself out of indifference or gloom long enough to do it.

It seems you need to keep pulling yourself out of "brown studies" which could at worst become "red studies" in anger or imagined retribution. Yet this need not be. If you find yourself drifting in such a direction, you can use firm self-control to recognize that attending to your unique skills and using them for the benefit of anyone will benefit yourself as fully as anything can.

The sciences do not have to be closed to psychic or clairvoyant investigation. It is about time for them to loosen up rather than continuing to throw out the baby with the bath water. Astrology also, any area of amazing investigation, could fascinate and expand your mind-powers.

You can glorify that to which you are dedicated, just by believing in it and carrying on.

At worst, you could give up too easily. There is something you can do in cooperation with someone else which utilizes your skills and even expands them. You might, instead, turn to fruitless interests which go in circles and do not benefit you or anyone.

The moon is in the sign Cancer. The |difficult or emotionally trying third of this week| begins later today at 4:40p PT | 7:40p ET | 12:41a(Tu) UT and lasts through Tuesday and Wednesday. It will be a good time for concentrating on major goals or necessities, rather than on social life or fun. You could get a lot done, especially on started or promised but incomplete projects. Today, leading up to it, could be the time to link with anyone for whom or with whom you might cooperate.

{Monday} ~Shared Projects on the Trestleboard~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 11, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 12 November 2011

Saturday 12 November 2011

}Easy-Going Links to Destiny{

Action remains important as a manifestation of your sense of home and security. That is, doing what makes you feel right with the world while at home. Partnership remains a focus needing attention. What are relationships made of? They are being tested.

Robert de Luce says of Mars opposing Neptune (still with us), "only spiritual means can be used effectively to overcome the troubles, dangers and adverse forces which this aspect will bring." It teaches "reliance upon Divine protection." Spiritual study is the most effective way (for mental individuals such as those likely to read these forecasts) to invoke Divine protection. Even in churches and synagogues, the recitation of Scripture is the most important part of what goes on.

Mars is now in Virgo, until July 3. This is a very long time, because Mars will turn retrograde in that sign. Its retrograde period happens only every two and a half years or so. Then it goes to the other side of the earth from the sun, so appears to us to oppose the sun. Its presence in Virgo grants a perspicuous attention to details and a willingness to work. No doubt it will correlate to changes in the labor market all over the world, as they develop in response to global economic necessities. Re-(retrograde)-developing "human resources" as they are so oddly called (as if human beings were coal or soil) will be on the agenda, that is, job retraining for many. We will also see changes in police and military jobs; re-deployment.

There is a flair for variety in your work today, Saturday, and also Sunday. (The rest of this forecast applies to both days.) You want to try various things. You might focus on a hobby or two.

Love relationships are mixed up with mental orientation or information while Venus and Mercury sail along together. One focus is domestic: whoever you live with or near. Another is more professional: study of what will make you better at what you do. Both avenues of activity are enjoyable and fruitful. You approach them with a light touch, easygoing and adaptable.

A straightforward quality is good. You feel you can meet the world honestly. Therefore, with optimism, generosity, and nothing to hide, you feel comfortable with yourself and others. There is also a flirtatious tendency, but held within limits because you are aware of the fateful quality in relationships or possible relationships. You sense "the end from the beginning" and so are careful and, let us hope, wise.

{Saturday} {Easy-Going Links to Destiny}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Forecast for Friday 11 November 2011

Friday 11 November 2011

\Self-Rulership Within Relationship/

Aficionados of numerology might make much of this 11 11 11 day! 11 and 22 are said to be Master numbers; and traditionally I believe the highest degree within Masonry is 33. Make of it what you will.

The moon is void of course (in Taurus) until it enters Gemini at 12:11p PT | 3:11p ET | 8:11p UT (eleven again!). (Oddly enough, last night I watched a movie from 2001 titled Ocean's Eleven. I do not recommend it. It's a silly "heist movie" about idiotically clever criminals who rob three [three elevens today!] Las Vegas casinos through an elaborately concocted, preposterous scheme employing all eleven of them. I would stick with the Freemasons if I were you.)

The septile of Mars and Venus---Mars being in Virgo today for the first time in many months---always means something important. It will be something involving a relationship, most likely. (Oh-oh! Venus and Mercury are at 11 degrees of Sagittarius.) What is evolving or happening surprisingly within a relationship? Watch for it and make it as good as you can. It will be "fateful," one meaning of the septile, but can still be good.

There is independence and originality in your thought processes, which require sustained effort to come to fruition.

Arguments over complex issues of "who is to blame" are looming. I feel helpless in giving advice about that. Some of it could happen within a job situation or among those who work together. You need to defend yourself perhaps, but also to see the other fellow's viewpoint. Never easy except for a perfect saint or yogi.

Mars forming a trine with Jupiter (continuing by a ten-degree orb through December 4, and then returning, in the same signs since Mars will go retrograde in Virgo, in February-April) is considered by astrologers to be a superb aspect for money and gain. So I must part from the company of the sour "bears" who tell us that the European debt crisis is the end of civilization, or the beginning of a depression. I heard today about a sort of financial miracle which has happened in Argentina since that country experienced the depths of an economic crisis. Something like that is already under way in America, South America, China, and other places, and will be in Europe also at some point. At the personal level, I would say, do not try anything extraordinary (such as robbing a casino) but do keep your faith in what has worked for you in the past and hold on to those good plans. Circumstances will support them.

Work remains important today no matter what else may be on your mind. Finishing some part of it is crucial for your happiness afterward.

If there seems a peculiarity or standoff in a relationship, this could be the moon squaring Mars and opposing Venus while those two are in the septile. At worst it could be a tendency to interfere with each other. It is a chance for better definition, perhaps, with both of you sharpening your meaning for each other.

{Friday} /Self-Rulership Within Relationship\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 10 November 2011

Thursday 10 November 2011

\Maintaining Stability/

The Full Moon of Taurus-Scorpio occurs at 12:17p PT | 3:17p ET | 8:17p UT. As it happens in the two money signs, it is not surprising that debt issues are undergoing another re-evaluation in Europe and elsewhere.

Nevertheless, I have to come down on the side of the optimists: I do not see a strong astrological reason why there should be a worldwide depression.

Personal finances ought to be amenable to wise and gainful handling while Mars moves closer to a grand trine with Jupiter and Pluto over the coming weeks, even into December.

The Full Moon brings heightened consciousness on many levels. Panic is to be avoided. Old established methods and systems are the ones to hold on to for dear life when you feel inclined to jump ship or try something radically new.

Any discontent you feel can be eliminated by getting things done, the very things you had intended to do but have not as yet.

{Thursday} /Maintaining Stability\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wednesday 9 November 2011

\Full Generous Moon/

So much is possible now! You might be overwhelmed by a sense of potentiality. Yes, we are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch, but not yet in the Mercury-retrograde period which starts the day before Thanksgiving. It is good to avoid profitless paths which attract your wandering mind; if you succeed in that, you have a chance for consolidating gains and agendas. Your ambitions reach to the skies, and you have a shrewd practical business sense while, today, the moon in Taurus conjoins Jupiter and trines both Mars and Pluto. Further, today and tomorrow are Full Moon days.

Whatever good luck was with you Tuesday is likely to continue through today.

We need to be aware of fanatics or anarchists while Mars opposes Neptune. This has something to do with the protests in Greece, America, and all over the world in regard to difficult employment and financial circumstances. When intelligently directed such protests can be healthy; when merely inspired by malcontent, they go nowhere except to give people jail records. (I do support civil disobedience when inspired by noble ideals. In such a case a jail record could be a credit.)

This aspect also has to do with "the fall of the mighty" when one takes Mars as a strong man and Neptune as the throttle upon him, either imprisonment or loss of status. So we have had the end of Qaddafi during this aspect as well as the resignations of Papandreou in Greece and Berlusconi in Italy. Today I saw a photo of Berlusconi with his eyes raised to heaven as if in prayer. I joined him in prayer for the nations and for the resolution of the world-wide debt problems. It is easy to blame either bankers or profligates, deadbeats or socialists or capitalists. Blaming does not solve the problems. Responsibility, of course, is needed on all sides; but who teaches real responsibility except the prophets and Avatars? Responsibility based only upon fear of consequences is not the sustaining ideal.

Such ideals are another side of Mars opposed to Neptune. It pushes us toward them. Spiritual action is real, and has as a component, sometimes, material renunciation.

Such trends may seem contrary to another which is prominent, the success and prosperity pointed out in the first two paragraphs. Yet they are being combined on the world stage and in individual lives. There is warmth and kindness, with Jupiter well-aspected in Taurus, a desire to share in wise ways.

The Full Moon will be exact Thursday afternoon and is now in full evidence, as a heightening of consciousness, a wide full comprehensive view of things, fulsome memories, flavorful reminiscences, and sharply successful strategies. May you be a beneficiary of this largesse.

{Wednesday} /Full Generous Moon\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 7, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 8 November 2011

Tuesday 8 November 2011

*Concentrated Focus Wins*

The "intent-on-myself-and-my-needs" trend continues. You have a great deal to accomplish and probably feel up for it.

This despite the |difficult third of this week|, which continues through today. The difficulties are almost welcome because you are plowing through them.

Learning gladly from mistakes is a cure for gloom or despondency.

The opposition of Mars and Neptune might spell a period of spiritual struggle, trying to figure out whom or Whom you depend upon for your well-being. For atheists or agnostics, this would be some human organization, enterprise, or ideal-in-motion; for others, that but even more something intangible touched through spiritual tradition.

Luck is with you! The bi-quintile between Venus (plus Mercury) and Jupiter assures that. You are accomplishing something which feels right as rain. Research in a job or financial area goes swimmingly. Activity at home is satisfying and esthetic or pleasing. Study and learning are not only profound but useful in the achievement of goals.

Whatever your inheritance or heritage, you are able to develop and benefit by it while Jupiter and Pluto remain in a trine (continuing through March and perhaps April).

Friendly entertainment is enlivening, although you keep a focus on things you want to accomplish, perhaps blending or interweaving the two trends.

The direct and fearless approach wins while Mars remains in Leo, through Thursday and its Full Moon, for he is trine both Jupiter and Pluto. A good symbol of this is an entrepreneur. Hard economic times are not hindering those who get into this spirit of full bold pursuit.

{Tuesday} *Concentrated Focus Wins*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Forecast for Monday 7 November 2011

Monday 7 November 2011

*Ambition to be Useful*

The focus is on yourself and what you want. You have magnetism and may use it almost forcefully. When playful this is mildly sadistic. That is, you want to get a rise out of someone.

Of course, the danger is that you might be more cruel than you realize and therefore offensive. It's "a game of meeting kinglinesses," as Sri Aurobindo has put it.

Research in your career area is highly profitable.

Spiritual control of oneself is an important lesson while Mars opposes Neptune. You have an entree to the teachings which will enable you to do that. And for protection of all kinds, only the Divine is ultimately reliable.

Invigorating life-force is ours while Jupiter trines Pluto, and prosperity in surprising ways, or a feeling of prosperity no matter what the bottom line.

It is interesting how the square between Uranus and Pluto is working out in the OWS, Occupy Wall Street, or 99% movement. Uranus is "give me freedom" and Pluto is "give me moola." So together, in a harsh aspect, they suggest the strains within capitalism; yet also the strains within socialism, as in Greece. At worst, this aspect can be a determination to prosper at someone else's expense. At best, it could be awareness of this, leading to reforms. One trouble is that we often see others' greed but not our own.

The playful side of things can be erotic, though Venus in Sagittarius is an innocent position, childlike, enthusiastic in love without guile. The Scorpio factor, also present, is more reserved and calculating.

Saturn in Libra, however--accented today by the moon opposing it during this first day of the two |specially or emotionally difficult days of this week|--is a desire to be useful. You realize subconsciously that unless you are contributing something or helping someone you are not fulfilling your life. Your way of doing that can be developed quite smoothly; and you do not want to give up.

Balancing this last paragraph with the first three is not at all impossible.

{Monday} *Ambition to be Useful*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 4, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 5 November 2011

Saturday 5 November 2011

~Listlessness, or Relaxed Learning and Sharing~

There can be comradeship and mellow conversation times. People want to be frank and easy with one another.

It could be said the day has two strikes against it, for practical outer matters: (1) the moon is void-of-course (in Pisces) all day; (2) this is the first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch extending to late evening on December 31. So there could be disorientation. The Sabbath prescription of communion with G*d, or your soul, or whatever feels deeply real to you, is a very good idea.

There could be a musical festival, or musical-chairs dance, of moving noncommittally from one scene to another. People care about something they are trying to accomplish, learn, or study, but are willing to put it away from them while they enjoy the spice of variety.

There is brooding, but it goes on within a context of restlessness and adventure. People want to relax and be friendly without worry, so are hiding or transmuting their worries. Therefore all can seem to be jolly.

Whatever is sublime and refined gets your appreciation. Your ordinary tastes are refined upward a notch or two.

Things ramify in many directions, so you need to balance them without stumbling too far in one way or the other.

Young people get your attention, and probably your worries. You can do something for them (at least serious prayer) yet cannot solve all their problems. Why is there suffering at all? we frequently ask. Whatever the answer you accept, you need one to keep you poised, even cheerful, while you face the problems people have gotten themselves into. I hope the previous paragraphs also will help.

{Saturday} ~Listlessness, or Relaxed Learning and Sharing~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Forecast for Friday 4 November 2011

Friday 4 November 2011

~Reassuring Turning Point~

A lot of thinking is happening, and a lot of deep stuff that is beyond thinking. People are regrasping their orientations to life.
The stability you want in your life could be as hard as rock, because you are learning to trust yourself and your intuition. (Though from my theistic perspective, "in-tuition" is tuition from the Supreme One, not from "ourselves" limited as we are. Any other viewpoint would be to me extreme arrogance.) Since the Dark Hermetic Epoch (for two months or until late in the day on December 31) begins tomorrow, this is our last day to set in stone, as it were, our major decisions, choices, schedules and agendas for the near future.

You may be sensitive and impulsive in regard to home life and also study which uplifts you. You flirt with mild danger a bit, because you feel confident that you can circumvent it as you go along.

Friendship and adventure could be wonderful. You go where you feel like going and everything confirms that changes happening are good and that you proceed through life with happy company around you.

Visual arts turn up as meaningful, whether you dabble in them yourself (or perhaps are a professional) or notice carefully and elegantly drawn products of others. Architecture both domestic and foreign could be fascinating.

There seems to be a fresh beginning of things, heartily reassuring. (The Dark Epoch inaugurated tomorrow does not mean nothing new can begin, but that it is wise to let new things be experimental rather than relied upon as lasting for a long time. It is a phase for tentative new projects, and sticking with established ones, rather than for deciding on major new ones.) You relax a bit, feeling that your grip on the future is secure. Therefore you are not in a hurry, and can hold back prudently while developing inwardly and outwardly your skills, perhaps subconsciously even more than consciously.

{Friday} ~Reassuring Turning Point~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 3 November 2011

Thursday 3 November 2011

}Soul Strength{

It is hard to be protecting oneself always from something or someone one fears. This can be a pathological state of mind, or a normal one when real dangers threaten. One can see in TV situation comedies or soap operas how people paint themselves into corners by suspecting things in others which are either not true or only partially true, or which would go away if neglected benignly. Fortunately the disastrous comeuppance is laughable on TV, not necessarily so in real life.

The planetary aspects with Neptune suggest a desire for the marvelous, the romantic and remarkable. You may search for overwhelming beauty, something to admire or gape at. Where this takes you is nobody's business but your soul's.

Disappointment or delay are sometimes merely annoying, but now are likely to toll an ominous bell in your inner consciousness which gives you pause. Yet this is not really frightening; it is a call for reorientation, so that you can sense the kernel of the past's sad absent donation as a gain to further the next stage in your growth. You are missing someone or something deeply. Yet you also know that what they have given you is immortal; and so are they.

Something wild calls you away from the humdrum. Autumn colors haunt you. The splendor of Nature in her autumnal fall from summer's glory is stupendously moving to the soul. At the same time, you need to focus on work either physical or mental, instilling that awe into your endeavors.

Even in autumn, every moment is new: daybreak. It contains the past, the harvest; but points to something fresh.

What is the enemy you need to encounter? Only you can say. Something, first, in yourself which has hindered you. Then, with Mars opposing Neptune, you can carry on a crusade or mission, imbued not with anger or revenge but the soulful depth we have been pondering.

{Thursday} {Soul Strength}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 2 November 2011

Wednesday 2 November 2011

}Wise Plans Discerned Dimly or Clearly{

This is the last week of the Bright Hermetic Epoch, which changes to Dark on Saturday for about two months. So you might try to finalize whatever plans or ongoing strategies seem to be working for you. This is a matter of Mercury (hence his epoch is called Hermetic, for of course Hermes is Mercury). It is, in other words, a matter of your mind, your thinking, planning, strategizing, your ability to map out your life consciously. It has a lot to do with your everyday routines and methods. What methods have you been deciding on in the past month or two? What are your conclusions? It would be good to write them down before Saturday, when you might start to question things unreasonably. It is very likely that you can trust what you have decided upon in recent weeks. This could be concerning big things involving major decisions, or smaller ones (nevertheless essential) such as daily scheduling, weekly agendas, and so on. You have seen how to direct your life for the immediate future at least, and it is well not to forget what you have learned.

As of Wednesday we have escaped the |harsh or challenging third of this week|, that is, the special segment of it marked off that way. During it, this time, Prime Minister Papandreou of Greece threw his monkey wrench into the world markets which had just started nicely to recover. World markets went down precipitately during the two days of the |difficult third|, Monday and Tuesday. But beware: The market does not always behave like that, as I have explained before. Sometimes people and institutions buy rather than sell during the |difficult third| of each week.

The insecurity you feel about various matters does not have to be an everlasting habit. It is funny how we can worry about things which never happen, and forget to worry about more important things, such as our spiritual standing in the eyes of G*d. Jesus said that men spend too much time seeking honor from other men rather than the honor which comes from the Supreme Lord alone.

Mercury's position (with Venus) at the center of a T square with Neptune on one side and Mars on the other has many possible meanings. One, for today, could be that you see into plots, schemes, and subconscious wiles of people (or yourself) and see how to foil them and prevent bad results from them. We can be detectives on ourselves as well as others, and learn how to stop ourselves from defeating ourselves.

In reorienting yourself from the possible loss or absence of friends or family, you can trust that something new and good will develop, rather than cling to the past when it is gone in any practical sense. Of course it is wonderful to remember all we have known, including those gone from this physical world, and appreciate them and what they have contributed to us, which is immortal insofar as it is progressive. It is equally as important to honor them by attending to things we need to do, which, if they are conscious of us, will please them.

You are leaning how to prevent people from imposing on you without offending them. At crucial times you need your space as they need theirs. You are also subtle and sensitive concerning more abstract philosophic matters which interest you, so you can get the drift of what the Higher Mind of the human race is showing you.

There is significance in your dreams. They are not pointless. They are showing you how to complete some project which you might be conscious of only semi-consciously most of the time.

It seems you are confronting another side of you which wants to forget about projects and coast. It is willing to rest even on a hard bed rather than work for a luxurious one. This is personal choice at work, so no one can tell you which way to go at any given moment.

{Wednesday} {Wise Plans Discerned Dimly or Clearly}

Cosmic Piper