Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 30 November 2016

Wednesday 30 November 2016

^Steadiness Prevents Loss through Temptation^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week continues  ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:09p PT | 11:09p ET | 3:09a (Th) UT   * / |

The good or easy aspects seem to involve the planets of work or effort rather than the sweet, pleasant planets, so we are set up for a work day it seems. The disorder we notice is colorful disorder, as it were, so it provides spicy variety even if somewhat disorienting. There are dangers in too-swift or careless travel, that is, not carefully planned out. I myself would avoid travel if not essential to duties. 

Quarrels are not helpful. It is better to explain your position with probity, that is, deep integrity, than to attack someone else's motives or understanding. People want to protect one another when the cause is just, with faithfulness to ideals in cooperation with allies. That is good so long is there is also an attempt to understand the motives of opponents even while continuing to oppose them.

Incontinence is an inability to contain one's passions or overweening desires so that one does not lose out on long-range goals or missions through being deflected into what seems thrilling but is really a thwarting diversion. The symbols suggest a funeral, not because of a natural death but a violent one, so all need to be aware of how they influence---destructively or helpfully---others around them.

We all do much for others when we feel we are not sufficiently appreciated or rewarded for our endeavors. It is hard, yet we get a better reward ultimately when we are diligent. (I am not saying there ought not to be protests or agitations in favor of a better minimum wage---I have always supported that. That does not contradict the principle that if one has a job one ought to do it as well as one can.) Vain or wild projects or eccentric diversions may be helpful as relief from drudgery, for a while, but ought not to consume one's energies and hopes.

{Wednesday}  ^Steadiness Prevents Loss through Temptation^

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 28, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tuesday 29 November 2016

^New Moon of Practical Wisdom^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Wednesday evening)   ** |
New Moon of Sagittarius occurs at 4:19a PT | 7:19a ET | 12:19p UT

The |difficult third|, although thoroughly researched and absolutely valid, does not deny good things from happening. It just means that they are colored with a serious patina and imbued with an ethical or moral slant which mostly denies sheer effervescent partying. 

You may feel you are giving more than you are getting. The public benefits from your efforts, but does not give much in return. It is time, then, to reaffirm that the laws of karma, or of Divine Justice to put it in Western terms, will always give you what you have earned. If the payback seems delayed, what of that? 

People can be colorful, even disorderly, in a good way which brings out the carnival swirl of living. If you feel you are losing your reason, perhaps you need to quiet down and ask for Divine Order to re-establish itself in consciousness.

Driving or traveling is subject to strange incidents, as if you had forgotten where you were going. Yet in your mind you keep coming back to the "businessman" or "businesswoman" side of yourself, which focuses on solid undeniable accomplishment. The other side of you which wants pure escape can be indulged subjectively more than objectively.

You may want to express yourself in a public way, through a career outlet which shows you are competent at stating what is significant. This requires definition of purpose and incisiveness. Cutting out a line for yourself requires arduous yet rewarding effort.

You have discovered pretty amazing things, which are in fact prodigious. Why is it that people in general seem uninterested, or seize upon your insights without giving you anything in return, such as at least recognition? You need to remember your duties to yourself as well. Fulfilling those enables you to help those dependent on you.

{Tuesday}  ^New Moon of Practical Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Did anybody notice that the violence in Columbus, Ohio at Ohio State University today occurred while the moon was void-of-course and in Scorpio, the sign of death? (Apology to Scorpio people: It is much more than "the sign of death" but that is something contained in it, as it were, to be transformed into something more positive.) The void-of-course periods can be times when people "lose it" or feel that nothing is working and therefore that they might as well end it all. They can also be times when some who are maladjusted feel that no one else is entitled to live, because all are evil, or something of that sort, which is probably what the smasher-slasher was feeling. "They are all wrong, everything is wrong, all are evil, I will make a statement by killing or hurting at least some of them and that will make me righteous." Or something like that. Of course it doesn't work, which is the danger of the void-of-course periods: Adopting a plan which is destined to failure from the beginning. That does not mean that everything is destined to such failure during those periods, but that there is a heightened danger of falling into such a mistaken agenda. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Forecast for Monday 28 November 2016

Monday 28 November 2016

^Flaunting It^

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon is void-of-course   ** /
until it enters Sagittarius at 12:47p PT | 3:47p ET | 8:47p UT   ***
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 3:50p PT | 6:50p ET | 11:50p UT (until Wednesday evening)   ** |

Experimentalism appeals while Venus is square Uranus. This makes for strange or unusual patterns of thinking. On the emotional level it can be strong attractions, sometimes to the same sex (Uranus's reputation) or to someone strikingly attractive or fascinating. One thinks and feels above the clouds. One explores or discovers. There is a desire to map out an adventurous domicile in the wilderness while prospecting.

Wild projects may seem foolish, yet have genius in them. Eccentricity is a matter of perspective. In some circles eccentricity is the norm, paradoxically. One wants to run away from the boring and throw off restraints. The limits and dangers of this should be obvious, yet one wants to push against them.

Lovebirds will be lovebirds. Consistency with a loved one wins her or his loyalty. One can do this even though toiling at work. We seem to have a lot on our hands so we need to buckle down. Thoughts of the adored one can inspire our better endeavors. 

The world of fashion or theatricality comes into play, for one wants to be admired, and to admire others as at least a way to gain favor in turn. Personality flaunts itself. Trying what looks impossible is a way to become something and achieve something you could not have otherwise. 

{Monday} ^Flaunting It^

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 25, 2016

Forecast for Week of Saturday November 26 -- Friday December 2, 2016

Week of Saturday 26 November through Friday 2 December

^Savvy Steadiness^

First, the data for Saturday and Sunday:
Saturday 26 December 2016

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon remains in the Via Combusta
/moon void-of-course   * / <
until it enters Scorpio at 0:03a PT | 3:03a ET | 8:03a UT   ** <

This should be a smoother day than Friday because although the moon remains in the < Via Combusta it is no longer / void-of-course.

Sunday 27 December 2016

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta   ** <
until 6:26a PT | 9:26a ET | 2:26p UT   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:49p PT | 4:49p ET | 9:49p UT   ** /

Week of Saturday 26 November through Friday 2 December 2016

Hunkering down to basics is a theme while the sun approaches Saturn. Life is not dreary, but requires a focus on realities. Further, there is much that is worthy of study or investigation in a serious manner.

Jupiter is in high focus, and the keyword for that is "Paternal" according to Marc Edmund Jones, who discovered the "high focus" phenomenon. Now this is interesting: This was also the case three weeks ago during the week of the election, and whereas "paternal" would suggest a preference for a male, I interpreted this as a win for Hillary because Jupiter is in Libra, ruled by Venus. However, the "paternal" side of things is what won (though not by the popular vote). Jupiter is the paterfamilias, though Mr. Trump be a peculiarly pampered-playboy sort of perverse paterfamilias. 

However, Jupiter is a benefic planet and wishes us well (whether in the person of the president-elect or otherwise) so we can take heart and listen to other guides than he, whom we have chosen for our gurus or teachers. Jupiter is the planet of the guru, in India, and of clerics (pastors) and professional counselors in Western astrology. We may find ourselves pushed into such roles, as well as honoring and learning a great deal from those who are naturally fitted for such roles---your guide, guru, chosen elder, teacher, pastor, rabbi, or whatnot. We all need Jupiter and he is out there in strong form now; and we all need to be Jupiter as well, coaching or guiding someone or other somehow or other.

Steadiness and industry are important this week. We can be "plodders," as suggested in Friday's report. We also have interests we want to broadcast to others, perhaps favored causes or beliefs we want to promote on the Internet or through speaking or writing. So there is an element of "I won't give up" in the approach to disseminating information or opinions about various matters. That applies to others also, and some such opinions may seem superficial, but that in turn is a matter of opinion. Symbolically, you hand out your pamphlet on the street in competition with others handing out pamphlets.

Who is your audience? You might imagine yourself as an orator. What would you be saying? Or if you were writing a book, what would be the topics? It could be worthwhile pondering such questions. What person, perhaps "dead" in appearance, would you choose to write or talk about, or extol? We owe so much to those who have passed on, and it is well to say so.

Psychic powers and brilliant gifts are with us in some form. This is very individual. You may exhibit such gifts among those who appear not to appreciate or understand what you say or do. They enjoy your presence and benefit from it but yield very little in terms of respect, admiration or appreciation. Take heart; that appears to have been the lot of prophets and teachers forever.

There is an element of wild or grotesque dancing, or sheer baseless exhilaration, at times. I am not one to condemn that! We care about long-lasting serious matters but we live in and for the day also and deserve some fun.

Uncertainty and trial are strong possibilities, or at least undercurrents. The sea is rough and we as skippers have to know our stuff to keep the vessel balanced and safe. Business may look better, then worse, then better again. It is wise to take the long view. For that purpose it helps to remember the past, that is, those symbols, stories and teachings from it which lend life and glory to the daily grind. Symbolic realities are indeed realities helping us cope with the more demanding ones.

Impatience is a danger, running off to heaven knows where in pursuit of heaven knows what. Comparing the body and lower self to a horse, we have to keep it saddled and bridled (much of the time and at crucial times). There is beauty around us, and secret beauty in both business and learning. We may want to capture it before it fades. This could be the impatience of raw desire, or a more balanced appreciation of human, artistic and natural beauty as a savvy connoisseur. 

{Week of Friday 26 November through Saturday 2 December}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Forecast for Friday 25 November 2016

Friday 25 November 2016

}Plodding On{

Moon in Libra
< moon in the Via Combusta   ** <
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:53a PT | 8:53a ET | 1:53p UT   * / <
(until after midnight tonight)

To be the Grinch: I can't really say this looks like a good day for holiday shopping, with the moon both in the Via Combusta and void-of-course. But if you are buying very predictable presents---you always get this person this item every year!---then probably you are safe. To me it looks more like a day for relaxing casually, insofar as duty allows, and then buying things or otherwise spending only when you have a strong intuitive impulse to do so.

I have noted that the Via Combusta often indicates changes in people's lives which require much reorientation. This can be internal, external, or a combination of both. But, let me emphasize, it is not a good time to force a major change or pursue something questionable. On the contrary, the danger flags are up for any such move (especially because there is void-of-course at the same time). 

There is often a feeling, at these times: "I need to go in a wholly different direction." But that direction is probably a spiritual direction, not a physical one. 

According to Christian Science, all force is in Mind, that is, God; is inherent in Mind. What seems outer force is merely a manifestation of Mind. We measure such things with instruments, with thermometers, barometers, radiometers, but we do not understand thereby their whence and whither and especially their Why? 

Sometimes the mind spins around and around, "a mill-wheel driven by the wind," yet we can do important mental work even if it can't be captured decisively. Such are essays and poems, or a scientist's trial and error even if it turns out mostly error. Music can be tentative, as in jam sessions or riffs. Yet this can be effective and persuasive, winning accolades. 

There are questions of trust. We may even feel distrustful of our best friends. It is well to catch oneself in this. They feel what they feel and think what they think for their own reasons and probably wish you well. It is usually better to trust than to make doubt evident, undermining mutual respect. Neither of you can really see into the future, though you can make attempts to do so. Let experiment continue rather than doubt or recrimination.

Steadiness and industry, plodding away, is always restorative of self-respect and stability. Energy and force, when displayed in unusual ways, seem to come from nowhere, but really come from the steady plodding of somebody leaning, evolving, and gradually manifesting an inherent skill or talent. 

{Friday}  {Plodding On}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 24 November 2016

Thursday 24 November 2016

}Happy Thanksgiving{

Moon in Libra   ***
< moon enters the Via Combusta at 5:43p PT | 8:43p ET | 10:43p UT (perhaps a loss of morale or a cosmic reshuffling which feels disorienting)   ** <

He plows and plods; his life looks boring; he cares only to finish his
Work. The brightest colors in the sky attract no attention,
But today he is allured by a seeming aurora out of season 
And place. What could it be? He looks back down at the soil.

People line up on the stairs. All move very slowly. 
What is the point of this progression? A man who stages
Feats of combat, a warrior set to show prowess.
Do they want to imitate him? Just watch? Revel in power?

Riding high-speed on a horse, he hastens to carry out his
Mission, a man who teaches. His life looks romantic and wild,
But really he cares for instruction. Except when he changes pace, 
Wanders to row a boat on a lake with beer at his hand.

Experiment seems the order of the day; a futurist drawing the 
Project. Yet the plowman continues his work within the aurora.

{Thursday} {Happy Thanksgiving}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 23 November 2016

Wednesday 23 November 2016

}Beyond Shadows{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon void-of-course   * / |
until it enters Libra at 11:43a PT | 2:43p ET | 7:43p UT   ** |
|Difficult third of week| ends at 3:33p PT | 6:33p ET | 11:33p UT   ***

Politics is hard. I don't comment on it often here. Astrologers in general have not been great at predicting political outcomes. Of course there are exceptions, but often they are just flukes or luck. Actually a non-astrologer professor, Alan Lichtman (I think that's the right name), predicted Trump's victory better than any astrologer I know of. Also, the non-astrologer but clever philosopher Richard Rorty (passed on in 2007) wrote in a book published in the late '90s an amazing prediction of what is happening with Donald Trump---an exact prediction except that he did not know the year it would happen. So astrologers are not the only ones who can predict. But there seems no sure-fire way of knowing who really has the correct insight into the future---if there were, we would all be making millions on the stock market---or rather, if we all knew how to beat the market, nobody could beat it. 

So I confine myself to these reflections on the meaning of events as determined to a large degree by clairvoyants who have long since passed from this world. If you find them interesting, I am glad.

Wednesday: We look beyond shadows for truth. A quick and original mind is forceful. It sees into things as a recent unheralded physicist has seen into the mysteries of the hydrogen atom and is about to unleash upon the world a new source of energy which is almost without cost and without the dangers of nuclear power. His name is Randell Mills. 

Inspiration is a personal thing. Does it depend on distance? Or can it come at home? You can be at home sitting on a meditation pillow and also be in India or the Himalayas or wherever you wish. There is ecstasy when the youthful meets the established. 

The Mother-Goddesses of the world are real, and they are reflections, into multiple traditions and minds, of the one real Mother Who is the ParaPrakritii in Hindu terms. If you want to associate Her also with the Mary of the Roman Catholics, that is fine by me.  She is alive and well, protecting still Her people whether in the nation of Trump, Putin, or Modi. If she blinked at the power of these human officials she would not be The Mother. She is the goddess of mercy, and is enthroned.

Intelligence and gentleness combined are insuperable. We see the combination more often in non-politicians than politicians, so that it appears the politicians are merely bubbles blown by the elect. Steady industry may be called plodding by those who feel superior to it, yet it upholds the human world, and those in lavish penthouses could not be there were it not for the daily labor of the minimum-wage workers. Do they forget this?

Children amusing themselves through made-up games, sometimes solitarily, sometimes with others, may seem to be doing nothing. I wonder. Something is going on. It is said that even ants and bees know how to play and that every animal does, at times. 

What is the difference between transcendental powers and efficient formulas? Do we know the difference? Are Internet or technology wizards any different from the wizards of old times? We need two heads, each of us, or two brains, the left and right; as digital miracles require two foundation digits, 0 and 1. Marriage requires two heads, and the alchemical marriage probably more than two. Vibration is vibration between poles, and the source of energy. To what end? "Beyond the shadows" is the clairvoyant's answer. 

{Wednesday} {Beyond Shadows}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 21, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tuesday 22 November 2016

\The Sublime as Protection/

Moon in Virgo   
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Thursday)   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:43a PT | 12:43p ET | 5:43p UT   * / |

A reader of these forecasts wrote asking me to mention the astrological aspects and data from which I derive the daily predictions or commentaries. That would be very hard to do, if not impossible, because the daily charts I use are encompassed in four field systems, with an average of about thirty minor and major aspects each day between the ten conventionally used planets (which include the sun and moon, not astronomical but astrological "planets"). 

Since the year 1978, when I began writing the daily guides for Sterlings' Magazines' Astrology Guide Magazine (under the editorship of Marsha Kaplan), I have studied all this daily. I have experiment, experimented, experimented, experimented,


and continue to do so. That does not mean frivolous amusement; it means making detailed tables of aspects, systems, field systems, planetary positions, and on and on, and trying to find the best, that is, most consistently accurate, methods possible. That I have done for 38 years, and for hundreds of hours each year. (I estimate an average of at least 2 hours per day--sometimes 3, 5, 8, or 10---which comes to at least 730 hours per year, probably a lot more; I am trying to be conservative.) I am, of course, trying to do what had never been done before. Otherwise what would be the point of all that? 

I cannot claim to have a pipeline to absolute truth, nor does any other astrologer I have ever met or read. Astrology is an experimental, phenomenological, explorative, speculative, thrilling, personal and superpersonal science and meta-science. 

And so, of course, it is fallible, if one judges it in terms of predictions of specific events. 

What works the best? I have to say---and this is a major secret to which you are now privy, and you are one of the very few on the planet---that after all this study I find that yes, my field systems work; I have tried, tested, and retried and retested them over and over and have thrown out many which failed and retained those with the best track records. I have four, for the daily charts, which are amazingly accurate, but I choose not to release that information until I am able to do so more coherently and systematically in book form. When? Maybe 20 or 30 years from now, I do not know---when it happens. But the secret which is more accessible to you is this: I use the symbolic degrees of the zodiac (360 degrees) as given by two 19th century and one 20th century clairvoyant. You can find them online and order the books. (You can find the books for yourself, or ask me if you must.) Why should that be? It is a great mystery, but somehow the cosmos has utilized these three (actually five, all gone from this world) individuals to give us guidance of a nonpareil order. 

What time do I use for the daily charts? Again, I choose not to reveal that. If you are not an astrologer, it wouldn't help you anyway; if you are, you would be able to figure it out by reading the daily forecasts and comparing them with (a) the planetary positions and (b) the symbols given in those three systems of symbols. If you are not willing to do that, why would you want or deserve the secrets, and what could you do with them? Nothing. So I keep them to myself because they would do you no good. If and when I am able to write a book about all this, I will try to make them as explicit as possible, as well as their rationale---and probably one or two people over the next two or three centuries will actually study the book and figure out how to use the systems.

That is the way it goes.

You sense my frustration, no doubt. I overcome it only when writing these daily reports and I hope that they could sometimes be helpful to you. The frustration has to do with trying to put symbols, which are often literally accurate, into words which convey what the symbols are meant to convey to each individual, because when not literal they are meant to convey something different to each. Further, the frustration has to do with the fact that I doubt that you or anyone wants to read or re-read these "forecasts" or reports at the end of each day, rather than the beginning, to see what they may have meant. But that would be the way to get a grasp of what they mean. They are commentaries on the events of the day which cannot be fully understood until after the events have passed yet remain in memory.

All this remains a work in progress. I thank you for your kind attention to it and hope it has some value for you. Today after hours of study I decided to simplify a little so the following may be less wordy than it has been of late:

Tuesday: We need to heed the void-of-course moon, and avoid getting lost in "a dark tunnel" which has no value except to waste our time. Time is life. Rather, we can contemplate the mysteries of consciousness and living, for we might have unique insight into the unusual and sublime. 

What has separated you from relations and kindred and special friends? This is on your mind at least subconsciously. You can repair your relation to them inwardly, telepathically, no matter how far in the past and no matter whether they live on this plane of existence or have gone beyond it to another. That can uplift your outlook. 

There is an energy which feels like combat or fighting sometimes, and we need to drill ourselves to be ready for any situation. That reduces fear. Those aligned to spiritual disciplines believe that spiritual readiness is as protective as physical training, or more. Spiritual "combat" is more like an ever-ready capacity of understanding which dissipates opposition by apparent magic. To understand anyone capable of harming you is to disarm him or her. (But really to understand involves much more than we are usually capable of. We need to stretch ourselves.)

When we are tete-a-tete with our inspiration we approach a certain ecstasy of full comprehension. This is marvelous and takes us to the wild and romantic rather than the tame and dull. 

What is adventurous may seem hazardous, yet aspiration toward purity of motive protects from serious danger. Lofty ambitions motivate exploration in directions which center around a center of purpose. Then we do not get lost in a "dark tunnel" of the vacuous and pointless but rouse ourselves toward a beckoning light of the sublime, available when we seek it.

{Tuesday}  /The Sublime as Protection\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. A request: A friend who is an excellent novelist has just published his third novel, The Woman of My Dreams. He is in a contest for nominations on Amazon. I hope you will nominate him, Glenn Fain, for the prize. First you can read about it, see the cover and read an excerpt at (click on) The Woman of My Dreams . I think you will find it fascinating. Then you can click on the button to nominate it. It's that simple. It does not mean you are saying it is the best novel ever, just that you are nominating it for consideration. Thank you!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Forecast for Monday 21 November 2016

Monday 21 November 2016

\Tracing the Plot/

Moon in Virgo
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until Thursday (it seems like three whole days but is not because almost none of it is in sleep-time hours of the Western Hemisphere. Also the moon is moving very slowly so it lasts longer than usual.)   ** |

We are seeing how money seems to fall into the hands of the unworthy. Plato, Plotinus, and philosophers such as Spinoza have commented upon this, and most of them were as poor as the proverbial church mouse, schoolteacher or professor (the last-mentioned do better these days than in the time of Plato). Some others, impecunious by fault, irresponsible and foolish, end up being ejected from normal human relations. Others worthy or not feel abandoned, suffering vicissitudes and hardships. Others become crafty and predatory, like foxes running in the moonlight.

People keep trying, aiming their arrows directly at their targets, hitting for a long time, then missing. Brilliant mental force and originality help. Even those who lose a lot, near the poverty level or below, can be naturally simple and free in spirit.

Native intelligence sees beyond the shadows of doubt and despair. Fame or popularity may prove ephemeral, approbation dependent on nothing firmly measurable. At some point of darkness, growing light on the horizon heralds rebirth into the hopes of humanity as a whole rather than sordid selfishness. Some teach, some learn. Well-informed or wise explanations furnish comfort.

The strange, curious, and sublime get our attention. Those who do not believe in occultism nevertheless watch supernatural thrillers. Archways in ancient ruins lead to memories of former incarnations. Innocence and amusement, bubbles in the air, intimate scriptural secrets to the naive. Some who think they are poor inherit baronial mansions. 

Are astrologers scientists or clairvoyants? Usually a little of both. The quest for truth is as enlivening, often, as the ungrasped truth itself. Soldiers may be unfortunate but they continue going through their drills and preparing for battle. A sensitive, subtle Sherlock sees through all plots sagaciously.

{Monday} /Tracing the Plot\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. A friend who is an excellent novelist has just published his third novel, The Woman of My Dreams. He is in a contest for nominations on Amazon. I hope you will nominate him, Glenn Fain, for the prize. First you can read about it, see the cover and read an excerpt at (click on) The Woman of My Dreams I think you will find it fascinating. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Forecast for Sunday 20 November 2016

Sunday 19 November 2016

^Mobilization and Release^

Moon in Leo   ***

Something simple, rural, and humble is reassuring. "Inspecting horses" is a symbol, but in our day it could be reviewing automobiles, or savvy comparison shopping. 

Our President-elect has been choosing hard-line hawkish people on the military side of his government-to-be and one symbol for the day is "a soldier going through his drill," but the clairvoyant says the soldier will be unfortunate. Let us pray. There seems to be a revving up of defensive, semi-military or totally military options.

An incisive and critical attitude could awaken bitterness in others. Or, it could quicken them to a sort of conversion from their former viewpoint. It's a Sunday and yet the symbols point to governmental appointments, so whether the Trump team announces them today or just chooses them quietly, that appears to be going on. Secrecy and caution are needed in the bearing of anyone trusted with authority being conferred.

New forms of energy are being created, for example, the hydrino, still disbelieved in by physicists who seem sometimes way behind inventive technology. Your own mind may be brilliant and original. Trump may be choosing a woman for some important office. You may note that someone who attracts you exerts personal charm cunningly.

I don't watch the Sunday TV talk shows, but maybe I should this time because it seems that dramatic governmental gestures are in the air, aggressive moves. We may seek relief from that by hanging out with a large group of people who just want to be together free of over-dramatization.

"A boat landing washed away" is the way many feel since the election. This is a respite from politics, for many, or else a stimulated response to emergencies. It's our choice. Some will seek relief in broad humor or spontaneous joking, and playfulness is a needed release of energies when high ideals seem beyond attainment.

{Sunday} ^Mobilization and Release^

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 18, 2016

Forecast for Saturday 19 November 2016

Saturday 19 November 2016

^Insisting on Justice's Equilibrium^

Moon in Leo   ****

The four stars are not a promise but a possibility.

People in your neighborhood who need help or who are indigent or ill may be in your mind and you could be specially nice to them. If you know some astrology, that could help.

The laziness yet superficial harmlessness of lethargy and overeating is one of the seven "Deadly Sins." We can all plead guilty to it at times. Fixed habits you adhere to around your home are curatives. Home seems a good place to be even if the mind soars on international wings. Being a good husband or wife is not the least of human virtues.

Being brave is important. You have to stand for something. That is in the public arena. But silently and quietly, at home or in a secluded spot, you are "an owl sitting in the moonlight," a student of occultism or life's informal mysteries revealed to the subtle reflecting gaze.

A light, joyous spirit vacillates between differing objects of affection. But you can turn that promiscuousness to some other account if you write about your feelings and experiences in a methodical matter. Journaling is a way of opening up doors to the inner self you have not yet thoroughly interviewed. 

The impact of beauty is extraordinary. We go through a lot to be near a beautiful body or face. We are willing to nurture someone who pleases us. Others meet our needs when they find our company satisfying. 

Our tendency to go in circles is healthy when it helps us orient ourselves to repeating factors which reassure us. Whatever we want to do to shore up the rights, lives or futures of those we respect, cherish or pity can be done if we are courageous, and do some praying along with acting, pleading, dealing and requesting. 

{Saturday}  ^Insisting on Justice's Equilibrium^

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Forecast for Friday 18 November 2016

Friday 18 November 2016

~Allegiances Uplifted~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo   ***
/ moon goes void-of-course at 2:04p PT | 5:04p ET | 10:04p UT   ** /
until it enters Leo at 7:16p PT | 10:16p ET | 3:16a(Sa) UT   ***

Astrologers do not have an easy life. They know they are onto something incredible, but have a hard time making clear to anyone exactly what it is. At last they may feel that they have accomplished their life mission at least somewhat, albeit imperfectly. Such were Marc Edmund Jones, Isabel Hickey, Al Morrison, and Eleanor Bach among those known to me personally; and C. E. O. Carter and Grant Lewi (and many others) among those I never met. Truly unsung heroes and heroines. 

Are some individuals revengeful and treacherous? No doubt, though fortunately they are a tiny minority. If we relax our vigilance we could be their victims. Constant prayer is a way to eliminate their ill-effects---not just "Please protect me, Lord," though that is fine and proper, but also "Thank You for protecting me in the past." 

Some individuals have an impact upon us which is extraordinary--many actors and actresses, musicians, writers, athletes.  At a higher level are invisible beings, including those commonly termed "angels," who attune us to universal harmonies and awaken us to hidden potentials.

We can cultivate allegiances, develop affecting and uplifting contacts with multiple beings human and otherwise. The symbol is "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." It is possible to take the initiative rather than merely wait passively. Sometimes we recur to old relationships or friendships in a circling manner which is reassuring. 

We love freedom, but find ourselves in bonds, even if only the bonds we wrap around ourselves in order to complete a mission. So what would escape be? Not escape from our destined task, surely! If we are prone to abortive enterprises, we can learn to abandon or revise them so they do not waste energy, and seek wisdom to choose effective or uplifting paths.  (The uplifting is also ultimately effective.)

Self-indulgence and flattery (even if only flattery of oneself) can lead to trouble in love affairs, stemming partly from multiple infatuations. Where do we look for security? Toward something solid and lasting, "a cross carved in stone haloed in divine light." This is not the all-too-human but the divine love. It does not abrogate but edifies the human. 

{Friday}  ~Allegiances Uplifted~

Cosmic Piper

Forecast for Thursday 17 November 2016

Thursday 17 November 2016

~Powers Leashed and Tamed~

Moon in Cancer   ***

You possess more resources than you may realize. Some of your powers are unconscious. They need a social ambiance. Things may seem a maze to solve. Ingenuity wins appreciation.

Much is essentially hidden; you are prophetic and powerful in bringing the hidden to light for the few who can see it (not many). 

People have an urge to pierce or penetrate into others' lives; this could be somewhat phallic in essence even if subconsciously. Then there can be jealousy, and feuds based beneath the surface on frustrated or rejected love or infatuation. 

The overeating or overindulgence mentioned yesterday (did it happen for you?) could continue today. We want our creature comforts. In addition there is a desire to speak, write, or promote one's views or talents in a public way which wins attention.

Repetitions circle around the center of your life, and hold it in place. Is that why stars desire to have planets? You are happy to keep up with routines which expand from circles into fascinating spirals through the joy of fresh yet familiar living. Those older or more savvy are happy to aid those younger and learning; that is sometimes called education but seems the more effective the more informal.

There are light and joyous attractions and flatteries. These are gratifying in themselves, but also feed the fires of zeal, or one-pointed pursuit of something which obsesses you. That is good for you and all provided it is not totally impractical; in that case it could deplete your energies while making trouble. Moderation and balance can set things right.

{Thursday} ~Powers Leashed and Tamed~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 16 November 2016

Wednesday 16 November 2016

}Decadence or Delight{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until just after midnight in the Western Hemisphere, later in the Eastern)   ** |
/ moon goes void-of-course at 2:59a PT | 5:59a ET | 10:59a UT   * / |
until it enters Cancer at 4:56p PT | 7:56p ET | 12:56a(Th) UT   ** |

I don't know how much you "believe in" the void-of-course times, or how you use them. Some seem to find them pointless; others use them to advantage. Life goes on, so we have to accomplish necessities at those times and keep on schedule with major matters. But here is what happened to me on Monday this week while the moon was void-of-course:  I needed to go to a hangout (a bar) in my neighborhood where two friends would be whom I needed to see for different reasons---I was taking a book to one; the other was going to leave town the next day for the holiday season and I wanted to say goodbye. In late afternoon I duly departed, got to the destination, and realized that I did not have the book! I walked back home (a few blocks), got it, and set out again. This time when I arrived and went in to order a drink, I found that I did not have my wallet. Embarrassing. If I had not known about the v-of-c I might have surmised that I had "lost it." I left the book with a friend who knew the other friend to whom it was to be given, and went back home the second time for my wallet. When I arrived, the building manager met me in the hall and said that he had just come back, also, after leaving the house, because he had forgotten a card he needed. All this happened within the last hour and a half before the moon entered Taurus, while it was void-of-course. Also the manager told me that another resident had forgotten to do important paperwork and was in danger with the landlord; but when I contacted that resident (a friend) he said that he had taken care of it though the manager did not know. Why am I repeating all this? Just to show what can and often does happen at these void-of-course times. Everything works out, but not without mishap or apparent time-wasting. Forgetfulness is common, as well as miscommunication.

You do not have to suffer all that today, but if you do, I hope this helps you cope with it.

A further practical suggestion: Go easy on pressuring people at these times. They have enough on their hands, usually, and will resent you bringing up things they need to do or ought to have done or any implied criticism. Leaving that for a better time is wise, unless of course there is an emergency.  You can propose or suggest things, if that seems crucial, but be willing to "take it light" if they do not respond well---they are uncertain, as perhaps you really are. Maybe neither of you can see how things are going to fall out.

Wednesday: You are careful and ambitious, reaching ahead to future consummations. These involve difficult communication. There is devotion and love toward someone innocent and guileless. 

Light joyousness in contacts could seem like vacillation or a love triangle. Uneventful peacefulness, even placidity, could be a relief from worry. 

Subtlety and mystery have moments of grandeur while people dramatize their lives to one another, as in a soap opera or mystery play. At the same time you realistically take account of all pertinent factors needed for a thorough mastery of circumstances.

The congruity of your pursuits and interests is satisfying because it allows you to be true to yourself and your history. Alluring individuals knock on your door, or appear in your life, to reassure you that you are romantically alive. 

Finding fault with people or being hypercritical is possible, but not so much as in recent weeks, for Mars's aspects are gentle ones suggesting that you see the opponent's point of view pretty effectively. If you encounter selfish, crafty or cruel people you know how to deal with them in a way which diminishes any harmful impact they could have. 

There is prosperity, and a desire to enjoy it through self-indulgence, eating or drinking to one's heart's content while appreciating whatever provides comfort and luxury. Raising all that to a higher level is possible through expanded consciousness.

{Wednesday}  {Decadence or Delight}

Cosmic Piper