Monday, November 21, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tuesday 22 November 2016

\The Sublime as Protection/

Moon in Virgo   
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Thursday)   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:43a PT | 12:43p ET | 5:43p UT   * / |

A reader of these forecasts wrote asking me to mention the astrological aspects and data from which I derive the daily predictions or commentaries. That would be very hard to do, if not impossible, because the daily charts I use are encompassed in four field systems, with an average of about thirty minor and major aspects each day between the ten conventionally used planets (which include the sun and moon, not astronomical but astrological "planets"). 

Since the year 1978, when I began writing the daily guides for Sterlings' Magazines' Astrology Guide Magazine (under the editorship of Marsha Kaplan), I have studied all this daily. I have experiment, experimented, experimented, experimented,


and continue to do so. That does not mean frivolous amusement; it means making detailed tables of aspects, systems, field systems, planetary positions, and on and on, and trying to find the best, that is, most consistently accurate, methods possible. That I have done for 38 years, and for hundreds of hours each year. (I estimate an average of at least 2 hours per day--sometimes 3, 5, 8, or 10---which comes to at least 730 hours per year, probably a lot more; I am trying to be conservative.) I am, of course, trying to do what had never been done before. Otherwise what would be the point of all that? 

I cannot claim to have a pipeline to absolute truth, nor does any other astrologer I have ever met or read. Astrology is an experimental, phenomenological, explorative, speculative, thrilling, personal and superpersonal science and meta-science. 

And so, of course, it is fallible, if one judges it in terms of predictions of specific events. 

What works the best? I have to say---and this is a major secret to which you are now privy, and you are one of the very few on the planet---that after all this study I find that yes, my field systems work; I have tried, tested, and retried and retested them over and over and have thrown out many which failed and retained those with the best track records. I have four, for the daily charts, which are amazingly accurate, but I choose not to release that information until I am able to do so more coherently and systematically in book form. When? Maybe 20 or 30 years from now, I do not know---when it happens. But the secret which is more accessible to you is this: I use the symbolic degrees of the zodiac (360 degrees) as given by two 19th century and one 20th century clairvoyant. You can find them online and order the books. (You can find the books for yourself, or ask me if you must.) Why should that be? It is a great mystery, but somehow the cosmos has utilized these three (actually five, all gone from this world) individuals to give us guidance of a nonpareil order. 

What time do I use for the daily charts? Again, I choose not to reveal that. If you are not an astrologer, it wouldn't help you anyway; if you are, you would be able to figure it out by reading the daily forecasts and comparing them with (a) the planetary positions and (b) the symbols given in those three systems of symbols. If you are not willing to do that, why would you want or deserve the secrets, and what could you do with them? Nothing. So I keep them to myself because they would do you no good. If and when I am able to write a book about all this, I will try to make them as explicit as possible, as well as their rationale---and probably one or two people over the next two or three centuries will actually study the book and figure out how to use the systems.

That is the way it goes.

You sense my frustration, no doubt. I overcome it only when writing these daily reports and I hope that they could sometimes be helpful to you. The frustration has to do with trying to put symbols, which are often literally accurate, into words which convey what the symbols are meant to convey to each individual, because when not literal they are meant to convey something different to each. Further, the frustration has to do with the fact that I doubt that you or anyone wants to read or re-read these "forecasts" or reports at the end of each day, rather than the beginning, to see what they may have meant. But that would be the way to get a grasp of what they mean. They are commentaries on the events of the day which cannot be fully understood until after the events have passed yet remain in memory.

All this remains a work in progress. I thank you for your kind attention to it and hope it has some value for you. Today after hours of study I decided to simplify a little so the following may be less wordy than it has been of late:

Tuesday: We need to heed the void-of-course moon, and avoid getting lost in "a dark tunnel" which has no value except to waste our time. Time is life. Rather, we can contemplate the mysteries of consciousness and living, for we might have unique insight into the unusual and sublime. 

What has separated you from relations and kindred and special friends? This is on your mind at least subconsciously. You can repair your relation to them inwardly, telepathically, no matter how far in the past and no matter whether they live on this plane of existence or have gone beyond it to another. That can uplift your outlook. 

There is an energy which feels like combat or fighting sometimes, and we need to drill ourselves to be ready for any situation. That reduces fear. Those aligned to spiritual disciplines believe that spiritual readiness is as protective as physical training, or more. Spiritual "combat" is more like an ever-ready capacity of understanding which dissipates opposition by apparent magic. To understand anyone capable of harming you is to disarm him or her. (But really to understand involves much more than we are usually capable of. We need to stretch ourselves.)

When we are tete-a-tete with our inspiration we approach a certain ecstasy of full comprehension. This is marvelous and takes us to the wild and romantic rather than the tame and dull. 

What is adventurous may seem hazardous, yet aspiration toward purity of motive protects from serious danger. Lofty ambitions motivate exploration in directions which center around a center of purpose. Then we do not get lost in a "dark tunnel" of the vacuous and pointless but rouse ourselves toward a beckoning light of the sublime, available when we seek it.

{Tuesday}  /The Sublime as Protection\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. A request: A friend who is an excellent novelist has just published his third novel, The Woman of My Dreams. He is in a contest for nominations on Amazon. I hope you will nominate him, Glenn Fain, for the prize. First you can read about it, see the cover and read an excerpt at (click on) The Woman of My Dreams . I think you will find it fascinating. Then you can click on the button to nominate it. It's that simple. It does not mean you are saying it is the best novel ever, just that you are nominating it for consideration. Thank you!

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