Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 16 November 2016

Wednesday 16 November 2016

}Decadence or Delight{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until just after midnight in the Western Hemisphere, later in the Eastern)   ** |
/ moon goes void-of-course at 2:59a PT | 5:59a ET | 10:59a UT   * / |
until it enters Cancer at 4:56p PT | 7:56p ET | 12:56a(Th) UT   ** |

I don't know how much you "believe in" the void-of-course times, or how you use them. Some seem to find them pointless; others use them to advantage. Life goes on, so we have to accomplish necessities at those times and keep on schedule with major matters. But here is what happened to me on Monday this week while the moon was void-of-course:  I needed to go to a hangout (a bar) in my neighborhood where two friends would be whom I needed to see for different reasons---I was taking a book to one; the other was going to leave town the next day for the holiday season and I wanted to say goodbye. In late afternoon I duly departed, got to the destination, and realized that I did not have the book! I walked back home (a few blocks), got it, and set out again. This time when I arrived and went in to order a drink, I found that I did not have my wallet. Embarrassing. If I had not known about the v-of-c I might have surmised that I had "lost it." I left the book with a friend who knew the other friend to whom it was to be given, and went back home the second time for my wallet. When I arrived, the building manager met me in the hall and said that he had just come back, also, after leaving the house, because he had forgotten a card he needed. All this happened within the last hour and a half before the moon entered Taurus, while it was void-of-course. Also the manager told me that another resident had forgotten to do important paperwork and was in danger with the landlord; but when I contacted that resident (a friend) he said that he had taken care of it though the manager did not know. Why am I repeating all this? Just to show what can and often does happen at these void-of-course times. Everything works out, but not without mishap or apparent time-wasting. Forgetfulness is common, as well as miscommunication.

You do not have to suffer all that today, but if you do, I hope this helps you cope with it.

A further practical suggestion: Go easy on pressuring people at these times. They have enough on their hands, usually, and will resent you bringing up things they need to do or ought to have done or any implied criticism. Leaving that for a better time is wise, unless of course there is an emergency.  You can propose or suggest things, if that seems crucial, but be willing to "take it light" if they do not respond well---they are uncertain, as perhaps you really are. Maybe neither of you can see how things are going to fall out.

Wednesday: You are careful and ambitious, reaching ahead to future consummations. These involve difficult communication. There is devotion and love toward someone innocent and guileless. 

Light joyousness in contacts could seem like vacillation or a love triangle. Uneventful peacefulness, even placidity, could be a relief from worry. 

Subtlety and mystery have moments of grandeur while people dramatize their lives to one another, as in a soap opera or mystery play. At the same time you realistically take account of all pertinent factors needed for a thorough mastery of circumstances.

The congruity of your pursuits and interests is satisfying because it allows you to be true to yourself and your history. Alluring individuals knock on your door, or appear in your life, to reassure you that you are romantically alive. 

Finding fault with people or being hypercritical is possible, but not so much as in recent weeks, for Mars's aspects are gentle ones suggesting that you see the opponent's point of view pretty effectively. If you encounter selfish, crafty or cruel people you know how to deal with them in a way which diminishes any harmful impact they could have. 

There is prosperity, and a desire to enjoy it through self-indulgence, eating or drinking to one's heart's content while appreciating whatever provides comfort and luxury. Raising all that to a higher level is possible through expanded consciousness.

{Wednesday}  {Decadence or Delight}

Cosmic Piper

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