Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 1 December 2010

Wednesday 1 December 2010

}Patience and Trust{

This is the first day of Advent in the Christian calendar, in anticipation of celebrating the Incarnation.

Astrologically it is tough, as was yesterday, the |stressful or difficult third of this week|. The moon today is also in the Via Combusta, and we are in a Dark Epoch, so this could be considered a triple-witching day. Yet there are positive indications. Things may improve slowly into the evening. I would be extra-patient with myself and everyone, because things which seem bollixed up and troublesome are probably not as bad as they look; so just waiting, while attending to major necessities, is better than trying to correct things frantically, in most cases.

There is a desire to commandeer your thinking, resources, and friendships for a noble purpose, and you can master more than you realize. You reach toward those at a distance as well as those near. People are better than they appear. They even mask or hide their good intentions, so as not to boast. Heartfelt communion with a friend could happen as the moon is sextile Mars in the evening.

A large building could get your attention; there is something "double" about it. It has had its stresses, or suffered violence, yet is connected with friends or links to potential friends. Giving in to what has already happened is a form of magic, for it reorients you successfully. Fitful efforts do not avail so it is well to focus on something solidly rather than vacillate.

Your resources are adequate, even though you have to spend more than you like. You are getting control of proposed travel possibilities and of your household situation. When you need to rest, rest is good, for it leads your mind back to what is essential while refreshing you. You have loved and lost, and a lost love is far from you physically. Yet there is good fortune in pondering this individual, or getting in touch one way or another. What has been seemingly lost in the relation is still somehow a part of you.

Someone who speaks to large groups or teaches could be a friend. He works the magic of transformation in people when they submit to his influence. You get rewards, from either sex, when you are loyal. Opportunities in the background are long-term, not ripe for immediate picking. Your capacities are bright and clear, appreciated by those who cultivate them in you.

The moon in the Via Combusta can be loss of faith or of morale. "What am I doing here?" Reading the Bible or other scripture of your faith could be the answer. You care about certain people, and perhaps animals; you can give them support materially or otherwise. They may depend on you yet it is mutual dependence at a deeper level. There could be danger of loss through carelessness. It is well to remain alert: interested in duties.

All is not bleak; Venus has good aspects. Fresh love seems trying to awaken. Loving hearts are not absent even if distant. Those of foreign backgrounds may be good for you, secretly wanting your companionship or to confide in you. Friendliness promotes self-expression. Yet we remain in the |hard third of the week, at least emotionally|. The strifes and quarrels we see daily in the media, usually on the other side of the world, symbolize a need to respect and promote oneself even while living harmoniously with others. Something which, in the final analysis, can be done.

{Wednesday} {Patience and Trust}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 29, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 30 November 2010

Tuesday 30 November 2010

}Redeeming Yesterday through Reinstatement{

I haven't been harping on the Dark Hermetic Epoch, which some of you may appreciate since you may get bored with it, but we are definitely in one of those Dark Epochs until January 18. It starts out without fanfare; it sneaks up. Darkness is good for rest, for sleep, for dreams; it can be highly creative (even in the physical sense of procreation shall we say); yet is also a time when one might stumble and fall, or lose one's way. For all such reasons I chose Dark as the name of the Epoch of Mercury's slow and retrograde motion. The slow precedes the retrograde, which shall begin December 10 and last until December 30.

In a way that could be good for the holiday season, since the Dark or Slow or Backward Epoch brings up the past in a strong way, and Christmas is often a celebration of past ties to family and old friends. All that is coming out already in the WikiLeaks stuff which has dominated the news media for a few days. It is a revelation of the past, of secrets of the past, of covert things brought from darkness to light. The Dark Epoch sheds light on the darkness, so to speak. That is, we invade the darkness and find things there we didn't know were there. Sometimes they are wonderful and thrilling. Did that really happen? The past takes on new life. I like the novels of J. B. Priestley (now regarded as rather square and quaint) in which he makes clear that the "passed" is alive and can be visited or revisited. One of them is titled The Magicians. That sort of thing happens during the Dark Epochs. Of course when one invades the past its darkness becomes light, to dim again when one returns to what we call "now."

You might be experimental and investigative today (Tuesday). You want to know how things work and how you can use them, emulating the best of the past in a youthful way. To a child the passed, as in a story written long ago, becomes fresh youth; it is vitalizing. You might feel mentally intoxicated by things you are learning.

We judge ourselves recurrently. G*d forgives, but only when we seek forgiveness in the right way. By seeing what the future might be for you, you give up "sins," that is, mistaken directions, so as to actualize that happy prospect. A holy person or great teacher could be helping you realize this. The secrets of nature and the world, even of angels, come to those who keep on searching. What is not under one stone may be under another when turned.

While driving or commuting you might come under the influence of someone who is trying to bring peace and harmony to the world, even healing to individuals. You are seeing how to cultivate potentials in your world which redirect proclivities toward greater human warmth. The sensual and luxurious are not evil in themselves; have their place so long as not usurping more essential priorities.

You enjoy listening to someone who is a visionary genius, even if you feel his zeal for his (her) agenda is overly intense or unbalanced. Sometimes one who is unbalanced in one direction can balance you if you are unbalanced in the other direction. This is education in wider perspective.

We are in the |difficult or demanding or stressful or worrisome or moody| third of this week today and Wednesday. Yet it seems there are angelic components in whatever happens, that is, signals from On High to guide you. You can be shrewd in protecting your career and yourself from any mishaps. You sort out what helps from what hurts and discard the latter. A trend countering this is a temptation toward insemination (I am using shocking terminology), that is, toward inappropriate intercourse (shocking again) in a way which could cause you to fall from a position you have worked to attain. (The words have a psychological as well as physical meaning of course.)

The good part of the day is heartfelt and friendly, coming out even in your job or career, perhaps in connection with people above you in some implicit hierarchy. People sense what the hierarchy means, why it is there, and how to be happy and friendly within it. Still, there are those who want to impose their will. Maybe you are one of them. This could be impersonal competition, friendly in essence even though competition, if people develop the right spirit. What could be offensive, if taken more smoothly is jostling and jousting for position with no harm intended.

{Tuesday} {Redeeming Yesterday through Reinstatement}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Forecast for Monday 29 November 2010

Monday 29 November 2010

*Success as Cooperative Endeavor*

We are up against something like a sextuple square, that is, Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces square Mars, Mercury and Pluto in Sagittarius-Capricorn. This has been forming for a couple weeks and is very tight now. It has a lot to do with international relations, which seem confused and touchy on a lot of fronts, the Koreas for example and today the WikiLeaks stuff which could disrupt international relations, or not, but at least make them dicier and spicier. In your own life it has to do with career, friends, international friends, and household problems or the need to get your home in order or, as mentioned before, attend to heating problems.

Some matters may seem to be lightning-struck or suddenly transformed through a sort of shock, yet this, clearing away the old, makes way for the new. You should be alert to signs of good fortune so you can seize opportunities, either in your work or in negotiations concerning your home, whether you rent or own or are mortgaged or in forfeiture. There is a desire to be on the move, in search of strange or surprising companions.

A lot is forced, through lunar squares as well as those mentioned above, so you need to be alert to the direct path and not suffer too much from past-conditioned timidity. By participating honestly in what needs to be done you will overcome lazy self-indulgence and feel better. Health matters come to attention, in regard to someone else perhaps more than yourself, perhaps surgery or post-surgical analysis and recovery. Or this could be attention to health insurance. (Unless your insurance, like mine, is your connection with G*d.)

Someone who does not attract you very much may be attracted to you and you feel like pulling away, yet there is adherence. People are eating more than they know they should. By letting pleasures be ordinary rather than extra-ordinary, you circle back to home ground where life is more comforting.

Some strong relationships are still forming, are composing themselves, so you need to be patient with them, yet seize on relaxed opportunities to be with someone important to you as if playing a game. Your work or career is important (Part of Fortune in the 10th house) and you may strip down to essentials in order to carry on with it, facing lack courageously knowing you can overcome it through effort. Those who will work with you, as well as some who oppose you, come to your attention through correspondence or media.

New sensations and experiences make you feel like royalty. You can be resolute in taming yourself, and then in taming anyone else who either wants to be tamed or whom it is your duty to tame. That means bringing to bear your skills on his or her behavior in a way which transforms him or her for the sake of a future brimming over with splendor.

It is wise not to be indifferent to your work. This could be a crucial time to clamp down on it. You have seen enough to be able to anticipate the immediate future adequately to carry out your plans. Anyone who seems reclusive, even nasty or inimical, is susceptible to patience, prayer, and benign neglect, that is, attending to your own business rather than getting sidetracked by ill-will. At best the day could get you cooperating with someone who is truly good for you and your ambitions, while dispensing with unnecessary connexions with those who would hold you back.

{Monday} *Success as Cooperative Endeavor*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 26, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 27 November 2010

Forecast for Saturday 27 November 2010

*Sport or Party for the Worldly-Wise and Prescient*

Insecure affections become more secure throughout the day as the moon forms good aspects with Mars and Venus, themselves flirting in a sextile.

Whatever turmoil there has been can be turned to good effect. You are looking for something and can find it maybe at home or close to home. People are returning, or entering into fresh situations, or old ones which seem fresh, with optimism.

When people feel restricted and unappreciated, they turn to novel scenes for a taste of the unknown which just might be better.

Intensity in thinking comes from desperation, a desire to get things right, including possessions in your home and their arrangement. You can sculpt your world as you please.

Two individuals you want to impress both take your time, using your professional competence, and you are betwixt and between them and their demands on your time and affection. At times you want to just let them go, feeling you have done as much as you can for them. There is a circular timing in this, that is, your connections with interesting individuals come and go and come, so, sensitive to that, you can take opportunities to serve when they are at maximum.

Do you get sufficient credit for what you do? This is more an internal issue than a real one. It is better to do because you feel it is right to do, or what you need to do, than to worry about others' regard. Also you might be vain about your appearance. It is good to look in the mirror and adjust things as well as you can, then forget it while appreciating others and their charms.

There are rules for all games; within the rules is the opportunity for skill and daring. A sportsmanlike attitude is evident whether you attend a football game, play one, or merely partake of healthy games of human improvisation.

A luxurious side of the day is thrilling, with secret concessions made to your passions, though you are aware you need to hold back when approaching a danger zone. Whims seems to be approved by the universe for a while. At the same time you are aware of long-term goals, and so wind down indulgences when appropriate.

Despite all said above of a positive nature---potentially this could be a thrilling party day---there is also a trend toward moroseness, introverted offended or offensive individuality, internal ridicule of others, contempt. Ultimately this is of value if transmuted into philosophy, which is the skeptic's or idealist's way of trying to understand what seems wrong in human life. By seeing what is silly or hurtful in human behavior, you have become worldly-wise, yet are not willing to give up your hopes for something better. So you see into what is likely to happen and enjoy it as a play, or intervene to make things better when possible.

{Saturday} *Sport or Party for the Worldly-Wise and Prescient*

Cosmic Piper

P. S. For a while I did weekend reports. But my methods, researched for decades, are honed down toward a daily forecast. So now I find it better to write a complete forecast for one weekend day rather than a murkier boiled-down report for both. If you would prefer Sunday rather than Saturday as the day for a forecast, please let me know; or if Saturday seems okay let me know.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Forecast for Friday 26 November 2010

Friday 26 November 2010


This looks like a smoother and less emotionally charged day than Thursday.

You want popularity yet encounter strife. With Mercury square both Jupiter and Uranus, people are antsy about their beliefs. A few of them will be trying to expand their beliefs toward reality, or Reality, which is G*d, but not many! So they will argue with one another. Sometimes such argument is an approach to G*d even if a clumsy one. You could retire into seclusion to do things you regard as important.

Large people may turn up. Also those who are wearing costumes or preparing to wear them, or masking themselves for fun or frolic. At a deeper level, you want to uphold noble sentiments or agendas no matter what others are doing.

There is sensuousness in the air, people disporting themselves seductively. Yet there is also a desire to reform things which are wrong or get rid of false desires. When you are in a small crowded group you can be inventive and opportunistic.

You want to be in more than one place but also at home. So there is bouncing around. You care about certain people even if their affections have been fickle. You care about suffering even if there is little to do about it directly. Affirmative prayer is extremely helpful. Normal self-respect is based on doing what makes sense to you in career areas, thoughtfully because you are ready for wiser approaches.

When much seems premature, you are awakened to what is in fact possible right now. This includes festivity or shared enjoyments, stopped just short of harmful dissipation. There is delight in being yourself while trusting the universe.

When you feel gloomy you are pondering life's deeper mysteries. Without a grasp of them we are "in the dark" and that can be melancholy. Reasoned thinking is not an enemy of happiness, but when deep enough facilitates it. Unlikely individuals lift your mood through charm.

{Friday} *Thoughtfulness*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 25 November 2010

Thursday 25 November 2010

~Mixed Moods Accent Individual Liberties~

The paranoia about flying is one example of paranoia which can grip us even on a holiday. That is, two kinds of paranoia: Fear of terrorists on planes, paranoia A, and fear of scanning methods, paranoia B. I think both fears are justified, so what do we do? Just don't fly, my best advice. Not until Peter Pan teaches you.

There is a lot of snooping going on, it seems, not just the body scanning and pat-downs. Some is good, some bad, some neutral. On whom are you spying; who is spying on you? Privacy is harder to come by.

Maybe real mastery will come through study rather than travel. Study on Thanksgiving? Well, why not; or have sharply or deeply seeking conversations.

Experimental thought and observation are good, in a scientific way. This leads to secrets of the past and present unveiled. There is also less-intellectual fun, emulation of people who are going through their own "changes" but trying to do it gracefully. Just trying is sometimes better than hiding in a corner. Mental intoxication could be thrilling whether alone or with others who share thoughts.

Liberty is precious, increasing through the day into the evening, even though the whole day concludes the |more depressing or stressful third of this week|. A holiday mood can overcome a lot of that. You may be ambivalent about some of your Thanksgiving companions, yet enjoy the drama as it unfolds. The piggish side of the holiday is not lost, as you observe most overindulging. Going round in circles, as in a dance, releases you from unnecessary concerns. You may be attracted to two individuals of the opposite (or same) sex and vacillate between them.

People want to take a few risks, to enliven the party. Trying new things brings out your individuality. Some however will stand on the sidelines, wary of any risk, though when convinced all is safe they try their powers.
Thrills of mutual attraction arise even if they glimmer and disappear.

The traditional side of the holiday brings thoughts of your family as it was when you were younger. People want freedom but they want links with kindred also. Good people have much to share and share generously, bringing healing to those who feel timid. When things get strange, feelings are intensified but a crisis is averted cleverly. Those who serve serve gladly.

A woman is fascinating. You do not know what to make of her. She sneaks up on your feelings. Something in her ancestry is compelling. You use your reason to modify the spell she casts. When feeling gloomy and thoughtful you go deeper. Compelled joyfulness is not real joyfulness. After submitting to deeper moods and profounder thoughts, you can rejoin the party until it winds down.

{Thursday} ~Mixed Moods Accent Individual Liberties~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 24 November 2010

Wednesday 24 November 2010

~Superficial Gloom around a Core of Fulfillment~

This day leading into the American Thanksgiving holiday is harder than the holiday itself so it is well not to be spooked by things which seem to go wrong. Both Wednesday and Thursday comprise this week's |specially difficult or stressful third|.

Today it is well to avoid too much doubt about your work or your home. Some things about each are stressful but need not be overweening. You can trust certain authorities, bosses, home owners, or landlords more than you feel you ought to. They are imperfect but will not abandon you. They are examining things from differing perspectives in order to arrive at conclusions. So you need not assume they are fixed in positions which seem inimical. You yourself can exert a masterful influence on your career by learning and studying.

You might look for and find something at home or at job headquarters. Research might involve foreign individuals who have arrived from some other country or are headed toward one. Some restrictions in human affections are not as terrible as they seem. You may feel someone has cut off friendly links with you. Yet this is largely an illusion. There can be cheer through gifts or homey sharing, surrendering to the trend of things.

Philanthropy and kindness can result in miracles. By giving through a charitable or other organization, religious or not, one can work a form of magic and evoke fulfillment of one's own wishes. Wherever you are you can awaken interesting potentials, in small groups, when differences vanish through shared intimacy. This may seem unreal because of the |difficult third of the week| phenomenon yet can become real through persistence. Glum moods do not have to swamp conviviality or good luck.

An architect, engineer or artist may be developing something partly for the sake of someone "dead" or passed from this world. Abilities are developed through serious study, while semi-consciously one imagines how one will win. A woman with a strong influence on you is merciful, knowing how to direct things and people through gentle persuasion.

Delving into things at home, you are rewarded; items from the past turn up as treasures. You could be ruthless in settling things within the family or home circle, determined not to let anyone abuse or neglect you or anyone. Memory and secured knowledge serve you, perhaps with thoughts of travel or connection with someone at a distance. A wish may be fulfilled even if you are morose about accompanying circumstances.

Someone, a woman or a man with feminine powers, can twist you around her or his finger. You don't mind. It is perhaps mutual magic. Yet rational powers are invoked to prevent anything going too far in an inert direction. Fatalism may not be good, yet when you give up everything to G*d, as in prayer or meditation, passive to the core but invoking the Ever-Active, you find that the divine will is not gloomy but peachy-friendly.

{Wednesday} ~Superficial Gloom around a Core of Fufillment~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 22, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tuesday 23 November 2010

}Depth, Melancholy, Rational Recovery{

Beauty is a welcome factor, with the moon in Gemini trine Venus in Libra. You may find it even in your work, job, or business situations.

Some people, during the change in the weather, may be having heating problems or difficulties in heating their homes. It is possible to procure what will aid in the situation before the weather gets truly icy.

You could find yourself doing paperwork in connection with finances or in some way which will stimulate people toward what you think is more beneficial for them, in accord with your opinions. Sometimes you will find that this seems a thankless task and that it is going nowhere or that you ought to give up. It is possible however to maintain your integrity by saying or doing what seems right to you.

There is danger of arguing too much with, or fighting, someone who refuses to be reasonable. There is a limit to what you can do to change this person's views. Then you can go into seclusion and do what you need to do in privacy.

A happier side of things is temporary popularity which you can enjoy with those who come your way or turn up felicitously. They have their own issues and worries but some interchange could be helpful.

Someone mildly foolish and youthful may act a part or role in a way which you don't "get" at first. You can relax a bit, socially, and let others relax free from too much worry, although you will also be wanting to control everything from within yourself.

The question of control is hard when there is fear that someone could hurt you, upset you or make you a victim. You can be irrepressible in seeing that this does not happen, finding endless possibilities within and without to stir things up in a way which benefits you. You may need something out of the ordinary, a bit wild, to awaken your accurate judgment and self-mastery.

Someone deceptive but persuasive is not all bad but could take advantage of you. When you remember past similar situations you are equipped to overcome this one as well. Charm is a good thing when not abused to seduce the unwary. It is well, by evening, to decide on something safe to do rather than something where someone could cause trouble for you.

Being quiet, and seemingly without ambition, is good when it helps you think clearly, or let your rational powers decipher whatever you need to figure out about your personality or your personal situation and career. You can, rationally, eliminate concerns, associations, or worries which are going nowhere. This could feel gloomy at times; but then it gives you a certain mastery over your feelings and others' feelings so that you are appreciated in a deeper manner.

{Tuesday} {Depth, Melancholy, Rational Recovery}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Forecast for Monday 22 November 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

~Evening Epoch Begins~

To me, the sign Gemini has a yellow color, or yellow-gold or yellow-orange, and that is what I tried to use here: for the moon's position yesterday, today and tomorrow.

A lot of strength is demanded of us today. There could be difficult controversy, or a need to settle disagreement. There could be changes in your home base, a need to move things or rearrange them or repair something. Such readjustments have the feeling of a frontier when they are accomplished even if they seem tiresome at first. Passing through a fiery test, you may find the outcome to be relaxed enjoyment.

Someone may need to reexamine something, someone who has not noticed what is wrong and needs to find out before fixing it. You may find this person distrustful even of honesty, so may need to convince him or her in a gentle manner.

Is there something else, important to you, you have been fiddling with and rearranging, improving, for the past couple of weeks? I think you have arrived at a point of balance in that investigation or project. You went "where angels fear to tread" but have settled the "karma" or necessary work involved and so are master of the matter. Maybe it is time to consolidate those gains and refuse to fiddle with them any further.

You are discovering what you do not need to be involved in, and it is a relief to disentangle yourself from it. Anything questionable which would sap your energy you can dismiss, kindly but decisively. If someone wastes your time, you can interact to just the point required, no farther.

Someone very nice and kindly, perhaps a woman, might be subject to too much manipulation from someone, until she sees the light and finds a way to limit her subordination.

You might reminisce about fascinating links with people from the past. Their natural simplicity is wonderful when you contemplate it. Yet you know also how to overcome or avoid whatever in them may be false or unfair. Humanity is better when one perceives its foibles with wary tolerance.

Certain individuals seem to give more than they get, and sometimes are hardly conscious of that. Injustice might be protested, or ignored, but in some way it will be felt. Yet certain wonderful souls will continue to serve the community in their own ways, impervious to injustice or lack of reward.

Some things get better when you submit to them, or refuse to fight them when it looks as if the fight would make things worse. Even generals in warfare recognize this. When you carry out repetitive tasks without complaining, eventually some block is removed and everything is better.

You are arriving at a fresh plateau on this first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch. Darkness is good for inner vision. The analogy of the Mercury cycles with Bright and Dark is something I thought over a long time before adopting the terminology. Dark is not scary except to those who have no inner bearings. We are beginning a time (until January 18) with interesting possibilities which we will unravel as we go along.

You become aware of youthful valor, combined with humanity, as a constant trait in you which will not give in to doubts and is sure to triumph--first inwardly, but outwardly too.

{Monday} ~Evening Epoch Begins~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 19, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 20 November 2010

Saturday 20 November 2010

\Full Friendly Moon/

The day as a whole is progressive, with the Full Moon on its way (Sunday afternoon) and some good aspects of the moon with Jupiter and Uranus.

If there is harshness it could be in connection with household matters as well as friends, one of whom is involved in agriculture, somewhat of a plodder, and the other wild with strange tastes and appearance. Both are innocent, and the fracas involves misunderstanding. A childlike attitude would help.

Some play-acting in people could be harsh, as if they wanted to dramatize things in a way which gets a reaction, even if they have to be hurtful or upsetting. The answer could be recuperating, while removing yourself from the scene of the anger or upset.

Science and mathematics are favored. This could be also complex details you study in literature, the arts or music. You want to do this for a purpose, as to rescue someone from possible disaster, or be effective in setting wrongs right.

You could lift yourself higher in some realm, but not by envying anyone. Your essential freedom is exalting, so you do not need to cause mischief for anyone. Humor however is harmless or liberating.

You are crowned by your very limitations and servitude. By doing what will serve others you gain fulfillment. Circumstances are brightening around you. You have worked out some things financially which relieve your mind. Energy in motion links you happily with the human race.

{Saturday} /Full Friendly Moon\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Forecast for Friday 19 November 2010

Friday 19 November 2010


Where I am, the students are leaving for their 10-day glorious Thanksgiving holiday, and the patterns in the sky seem to reflect that, with a bit of euphoria. A nice full-moon weekend is shaping up.

There are trends, during such a time, to the pointless and silly, as children blowing bubbles, and toward being lost within a welter of opportunities going nowhere in particular. Yet this is a relief from hard self-seeking strife, and brings rebirth of hopes within the friendly context of humanity at large.

The better qualities of people come out when you are near them in a crowded situation where everyone is rubbing shoulders with everyone else. The sensuous and uplifting mingle; may titillate and definitely elate.

Those who would take advantage of such a situation, pickpockets or predators,
are not likely to get very far if you take simply reasonable precautions. Your inner spiritual center triumphs even within questionable environments. There is a glory of shared allegiances, fairyland strutting, a desire to be adored and to adore. You let people play their thrilling roles as you play yours.

Is there a dark note in all this? Perhaps it is a tendency to drift, to give up to fate, to ignore the things one could accomplish while dreaming of those more improbable. The Part of Fortune in the 6th sector suggests that weekend and holiday festivity need to be accompanied by some serious work so you do not lose practical momentum.

Much seems to be getting better. You feel you can combine your daily efforts, which have the feel of drudgery at times, with noble aspirations and wonderful success. So the prognosis is: You have arrived! At something, at a point or plateau from which things can continue to improve.

{Friday} /Arrival\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 11 November 2010

Thursday 18 November 2010

*Strength Within Changeable Sensibilities*

The |hard third of the week| lasting through today has been somewhat lightened by the Part of Fortune in the 5th sector (also yesterday and Tuesday evening, or the Part of Life in Leo if you prefer). This makes people somewhat friendlier or more creative.

You can be alert to whatever could help in your living situation. Things may be moving or changing. What one person sees as a desirable living situation is not what another sees and so there is a difference of viewpoint as to what to choose, as in hotel rooms or residences. A cul de sac for one might be a temporary refuge for another.

People are changeable in ways which seem peculiar, perhaps, yet to themselves they seem unchanging. In order to keep your own momentum going you need to get a broad orientation, maybe "looking at the sky" as suggested a few days ago, literally and metaphorically; expanding your horizons. The sky is a good focus for meditation. It changes; yet something about it is changeless. You do not want to lose momentum you have established toward goals.

The people you associate with are part of a project for mutual healing, as it were, or for keeping one another attuned to better potentials. If you keep that in mind their lazier, more sensuous side will not seem disturbing and you will not be too judgmental. Separations are not always based on irritation, just convenience.

A "military" tenor to the day is worth observing. You may note it in the news. People feel they are right and want to harangue others so they will be "right" too, and accomplish things they believe to be essential. This can be admirable and effective if the cause is a good one.

You can adjust yourself to what comes up swiftly, and then withdraw when that is wise. Some individuals who are orphans, homeless, or wanderers may need assistance, yet want to remain free of obligation to you.

You feel you need to control yourself and your feelings, including pointless desires, in order to have dominion over your physical world.

You look toward career aims, financial hopes, and thoughts of travel to keep your outlook bright and positive. You can idealize yourself, which is not egotism, in the light of ideals you perceive partially in others, whether real people around you or historical-mythical figures. Either be a hero like them or rely on their heroism to lift and transform. Then you can perform your daily, repetitive service (as all we must) in a way which is neither tiresome nor depressing.

{Thursday} *Strength Within Changeable Sensibilities*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 17 November 2010

Wednesday 17 November 2010

*Not Treadmill but Dignity*

We are in the |generally more difficult third of this week| until early Friday. (New readers: This is not because it is in the middle of the work-week, but according to an astrological formula I worked out over many years of observation. It moves slowly earlier in the weeks so that eventually it will come to the weekends.)

The most difficult part of the day might be the few hours before or after 7:30p PT | 10:30p ET | 3:30a(Th) UT. This could involve worries about money, personal relationships or your home.

A lot of things look bleak. You need faith so you will not get too depressed. Maybe you have made mistakes which are costly. You can't avoid the price, yet you have learned something so you can prevent the same mistakes in the future. You can keep your eye out for what will benefit you in the long run. Some of that is very close, in your private space, that is, in your heart, soul and consciousness.

Things get certified for you when you look past your ego into a global context. You might want to read occult or unusual reports or stories. You can work magic, even fantastical magic, at least in your consciousness, which lifts your mood.

You wonder when you can be alone and when you have to be with people. You veer between the two needs. Some individuals actually are seductive, whether physically or indirectly, and this coyness is refreshing but you find little use for it when you are focused on more severe matters. You are linked on invisible planes with those for whom you care and would like to help.

Alertness will help you extemporize, make use of things which are there, rather than reach for things which aren't. Dealing with others' anger or foolishness is hard. Your individuality could make you a loner, yet you are trying to help someone by means of heavy strains on yourself, and such nobility will make things better for you also.

People are likely to say harsh things. Their bark is worse than their bite. The long haul is what counts, so you can ignore explosions of petulance around you and trust that even evil actions cannot harm you if your heart is right and your acts well-intended.

Courage is necessary, and perhaps encouragement from outside in whatever way you get that. Things will brighten if you brighten them. Your essential dignity is sound. If you have to work at projects which seem like a treadmill, you are contributing much to the universe and the universe will repay you.

{Wednesday} *Not Treadmill but Dignity*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 15, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 16 November 2010

Tuesday 16 November 2010

*Letting Go Before Letting Readiness Ready Itself*

By mid-afternoon we enter the |more difficult third of the week at least from an emotional viewpoint|. It lasts through Wednesday and Thursday until early Friday.

There is also a void-of-course period of almost 8 hours before the moon enters Aries at 3:00p PT | 6:00p ET | 11:00p UT. That means, take it easy and refuse to be ruffled by things. The normal and routine is probably best, as well as rest and recreation, rather than major initiatives.

You might look up with advantage, that is, literally up, at the sky, whether it is bright or cloudy, and at the stars at night. Good for you. You will find out why when you do it. You might get reassurance through young people who cross your path, or if you don't, look again.

You can assert your knowledge, which you have struggled to develop, and adjust it further. Voluptuous tendencies are in evidence, in yourself or others--erotic self-display--yet also kindness and benevolence.

People in small groups are looking to others to certify what they are. The shock of recognition is not such a terrible shock if it is mildly educative. Healing is possible in multiple ways, usually when no one knows you are the agent of it.

You investigate intriguing things in private which give you a sense of your own powers, borrowed, as it were, from others such as authors, actors, or performers. You can get rid of things which cling to you uselessly and hamper you. You conquer if and when conquering is noble and strengthening.

There is a self-centered quality in you. This is strong, and good when focused on essentials, not good if arrogant and too-demanding. When things seem harsh it is a force for renewed realization of your essential competence.

The brighter side of things makes you responsive to those who are valiant and worthy of respect. You even want to serve them and don't mind doing it. Everyone goes through one crisis or another, but remaining young and free through crises is something to learn. It appears that you will fortify yourself through these three days, until Friday when you will have arrived at a fresh plateau.

{Tuesday} *Letting Go Before Letting Readiness Ready Itself*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

~Control through Internal Harmony~

A lot is afoot. Your mind is functioning in overtime. Books and papers are scattered everywhere, or else endless Internet "books and papers" as it were. You want to certify everything of interest to you, yet use your imagination at the same time to expand the significance of everything.

Some individuals are intent on strategy so they can forward their business or political aims, yet the way they do this is creative, perhaps even aiming at some reconciliations rather than endless battle. Whenever you focus on anything important, light will come.

They playful side of things is recuperative. You could lie down and rest or take a "power nap" fruitfully. You want to mix things up a little, simulate the style of people you admire or detest, just to show you are able to be what you please.

You can build however you choose to build. You care about your home and could labor to make it better, yet even this is recreative rather than overly laborious.

Someone important to you is a teacher, perhaps a great one, focusing on principles and ways of living which all can use within a world of larger harmony. Love is an overused word, yet glints and flashes of the real thing come.

Potentials of conflict are here also, in that some legal or semi-legal action could be necessary to protect your well-being, perhaps financially. At a higher level, this is the defense of Spirit, which comes when we listen for the Voice which elucidates and protects.

Sometimes things seem to go round and round, the same boring routine, as if there were no escape from the rigors of your schedule. Yet you can perceive the value of what you are doing, and realize that in a larger context you are responding to the needs of the human race so that it in turn will respond to yours.

{Monday} ~Control through Internal Harmony~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 12, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of November 13-14, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of November 13-14, 2010


Both days have a somewhat social coloring, nice for a weekend. There is also a desire to get important things finished, on Saturday (or perhaps Sunday if you observe a Saturday Sabbath).

I blush to mention the "spiritual" in this materialistic age and yet you could pursue higher studies if you choose. These help you to order your life and even put pattern and meaning in your relations with others, as they develop from within your consciousness. Does consciousness control the world or the world control consciousness? I had a discussion of that point last night in a Bible group.

Chaotic thoughts could lead toward a downfall, so it is well to measure things efficiently and make definite choices based on your "scientific," as it were, understanding of what you have seen to be true in the past. Even purely inward meditation leads to such awareness, making one savvy about external complexities.

The harvest may be uncertain. The financial world has the jitters, as brought out during the G20 conference. So you need faith that you can control your financial destiny. Things change, seemingly radically, but then like a rubber band they return to their previous shape. Some culminations may be good, and then you can reap your harvest.

Your inward compulsions need not control you utterly, but it is very hard to gain control over them. They could lead you into dissipation and loss. They need not do so. You could be enterprising on Saturday, then on Sunday make an imaginative transition to the other-worldly.

Gloom and fatalism are a potential. On the good side these make you realistic, and willing to be content with less than wild dreams would have chosen. The wise have suggested that contentment is more secure than attainment and equally rewarding, so why not go for contentment? Philosophy of the best sort can bring that to you. By Sunday you may feel nearer to spiritual consciousness, which when it suffuses daily life redeems everything.

{Weekend of November 13-14, 2010} Contentment?

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Forecast for Friday 12 November 2010

Friday 12 November 2010

}Practical Answers within a Contemplative Context{

Although the weekend is beginning, it looks like a work-oriented day to a large degree, with the work going well.

The easy-going sensuous side of things conflicts with the work ethic, and through your constant attempts to adjust these to each other you are making headway in your basic mission or agenda.

Some of your work seems inadequately rewarded, or unappreciated. Yet you continue. You take it as a game you want to win. The rules are partly imposed from outside but mostly imposed by yourself on yourself.

Effeminate (is that a sexist term?) pleasures are okay within a context of a cozy group which inspires you toward your best in your field of endeavor. (If you think about it, a lot of women work harder than most men: except when they're thinking about clothes, hair, chatting with other women . . . [sorry!].)

A part of you wants to be independent and free; so could resort to escapist tactics. You may deviate from too-rigid patterns imposed on you, in order to enjoy the savor of freedom. You have to do it your own way or find your own slant; even abandon some things entirely when they aren't clicking for you. By sundown you have a solid perspective on the day's scenario and where it is going.

It is well to show your regard for those in authority positions, even if you depart somewhat from their preferred patterns. You study the indications, the results of your actions, and estimate how to proceed quite accurately. People will not be offended if you are true to your mission.

Some part of you is subject to melancholy or brooding. This may be surprising because a lot of things are working out nicely. You want to go deeper and get behind things, feel their meaning and adapt to it. The Socratic method of questioning, while chatting in a social context, could turn up in conversations or in the conversation within your own mind. Meditation can be practical, questing, spiritual, reassuring. Answers are coming. They help you feel that you know what you are doing and accomplishing.

{Friday} {Practical Answers within a Contemplative Context}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 11 November 2010

Thursday 11 November 2010

}Toward Fortunate Balancing of All Factors{

There are about three hours of void-of-course moon just before it enters Aquarius at 2:33p PT | 5:33p ET | 10:33p UT. That should be a fairly easy, lazy period when you could take time off from your schedule. The day as a whole is progressive, good for balancing all factors in your life as well as introducing something fresh and interesting. You are dropping what you don't need so something good can come in.

Sharpening skills is natural while Mars is sextile Saturn. Job-related research is savvy. You are diplomatic yet assertive when it comes to superiors in any hierarchy. The light you have to work with, both physically and mentally, is adequate when you take advantage of it.

What you want to be fixed can be fixed. That includes physical processes, health improvement, and technological maintenance. You recognize that some things cannot be fixed as of now, or are not your business to mess with (perhaps in connection with younger people), and can let them go while hoping or praying for something better. What is normal is good. You are detached from the irrelevant while you get the relevant in order.

Privilege is wonderful when it falls to you. People you like also like you and may be more intimate than you had expected. Gains through work or profession could make you giddy.

Exploration and discovery appeal to you, whether impractical or not, so you could dream of travels which make you the discoverer of something special for yourself. Meanwhile those dreams fuel your work and make it more interesting. A bit of gambling or daring overcomes monotony.

The lazy side of the day would trust too much to luck, which in fact may be with you. Yet something in you wants to get important things accomplished and will probably triumph, if not earlier, then after the time given in paragraph 1.

Fatalism is unnecessary, though it give you some comfort. You see that people and events have their own mechanical gravitation. That helps you understand them in ways to your advantage. Rational comprehension is not incompatible with deep feeling and human interest. You are on top of things when detached enough to see patterns unfolding.

{Thursday} {Toward Fortunate Balancing of All Factors}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 10 November 2010

Wednesday 10 November 2010

\Gradual Upliftment/

The |morose or painful or serious third of this week| remains with us until around noon on Thursday, but should be easier today than Tuesday. There are stronger uplifting influences. Interestingly, where I am Tuesday was the first day of snow and what seemed like winter. You will find, if you watch these |difficult thirds of the week| as I point them out, that often the most inclement weather falls within them. That is for anywhere on the globe, although naturally it is different for each region, but a statistical reliability for all of them. Statistical means, there are times when it does not work that way, but more times when it does. There is generally more precipitation during these times (though of course not every time), which obviously is good for feeding us, if not for having a picnic.

You can expect more than you expect, that is, if you heighten your expectation of what life might give you you will get more. This is not without work or payment, but what you do convinces those close to you that you are a person of substance and worthy.

Clear thinking is easier than it has been for the past week or so. Moods have been affecting your thoughts. This is still true but less so. You can lift yourself up and try again with whatever you are trying to do, for that heightens your individuality and your value to yourself. You are prepared to meet those on the other side of any conflict or disagreement and need not shrink from that. You are strong enough for it, and it strengthens you further.

A small group you live or work within is cultivating your social skills. This can be through somewhat sensuous indulgence part of the time, enjoying yourselves together when you can "let your hair down." People need that kind of easy-going intimacy even if it is always inadequate. What would be adequate?

The sun's squares with Neptune often bring about a feeling of lassitude or inwardness, not wrong, for it is a need of the soul, which can only be satisfied through something spiritual rather than material.

An easier thing is to slip into conventionality, readily available conversations based on repeating things you already know. But that is okay when it "breaks the ice." Something in you wants to stand up for people or ideals you believe in, and you can do that with panache. You are consistent in defending those who are allied with you. As for those who are not allied, you can at least hint to them what you think.

You remain yourself, unaffected by the tides of nature and humanity, the witness Purusha in Hindu terms, yet you can participate in human desires and activities for the sake of others if not yourself.

Yet there is gloom. This has a good purpose. It makes you thoughtful, reflective, open to deeper impulsions from within which can rectify whatever is unhelpful in your living. Pondering things deeply or praying makes you feel better, oriented to eternity rather than the moment, and then you are happier with people also when (not always) it is well to communicate with them. Such communications are likely to be of a deep nature.

{Wednesday} /Gradual Upliftment\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 8, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 9 November 2010

Tuesday 9 November 2010

\Mellowed Hopes and Savvy Associations/

Today and Wednesday comprise the |stressful, thoughtful or difficult third of this week|. Nothing to get upset about but you may want to focus more on important or serious stuff than on parties and fun. The moon in the determined, persistent sign Capricorn increases that trend.

There are opportunities and rewards in accord with your capacities, which shall be recognized when you get down to brass tacks. Love is more in the realm of illusion than reality. Being solitary is being in love with the Absolute. (I'm not referring to the vodka.)

Measuring things carefully is better than falling into a pit of misfortune by ignoring wise limits. You are irrepressible, and perhaps irascible, which could mean people take offense when you didn't know you were offending. Work you know you need to do is better than too much daydreaming.

People enjoy being themselves in a somewhat lazy way which makes others wonder if they are too lax, or coasting on privilege.

The sun's trine with Jupiter promises basic fulfillment of hopes, plans, and thoughts, as symbolized by the harvest season upon us.

Those who play with others' passions and affections are in danger of having their bluffs called. Even if beyond shame, they may fade away from one conquest compromised to look for other game.

There is a hard strain in people which would gladly use others in a purely selfish manner, whether aware they are "using" or not. They are thorough in testing whether anyone is trustworthy, or else whether he or she can be easily manipulated. When is loyalty foolhardiness? is a pertinent question.

Others in their thorough dedication to someone special, the beloved, may be almost saintly, and protect the one cherished from predators or unfair treatment.

Seeing into people to prevent falling into painfully misguided associations with them is a rare art, and the one good at it is often regarded as antisocial. It is better however to do this than to be the victim of forlorn hopes centered in those not worthy. A hard saying which I would rather not say. It does not mean the end of human affection but rather a mellow seasoning of it which takes away its power to hurt when it is missing.

{Tuesday} /Mellowed Hopes and Savvy Associations\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Forecast for Monday 8 November 2010

Monday 8 November 2010

*Appreciating Good Fortune*

Today's problems seem minor in comparison with the good luck available. Full steam ahead toward goals!

Someone in your home, a neighbor or roommate may be intensely involved in something all-consuming, either romantic or possibly creative as career focus. You may know only part of what is going on. Education is involved, or you may feel you need to educate someone, and get a sweet response.

Someone you know who is homeless, or nearly so, is resigned to his or her fate for the time being. There is a willingness to experiment and learn through hard times. If you see this person, you reminisce about pasts you have shared. You also recall others who have helped you overcome hard times in your own life.

Indolence leads to satiety, a fetidness of rank pleasures, so you may want to reduce these partially even while enjoying them. People close to you, intimates or almost so, entice you into dalliance, yet could cultivate happy interests.

If you feel abandoned and lost temporarily, you re-find your nucleus of battered veteran selfhood, which does not depend on friends or associates overmuch, yet uses them or invokes their aid without crafty strategy.

Insecure love can lead to resentment, but there is a cure for this in a willingness to experiment and try again when you enter into novel situations. Radical change is sometimes the catalyst for fresh self-realization and better relationships.

Life is indulging you quite a lot these days. You could drift too much or trust to luck and become careless or lazy. Yet this good fortune could give you time to regenerate your thinking so that you comprehend the cosmic order in ways which solidify good fortune through prescience, a knowledge of what to expect and how to proceed. A little effort in that direction could yield high dividends up through the evening and tomorrow morning.

{Monday} *Appreciating Good Fortune*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 5, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of November 6-7, 2010

Weekend of November 6-7, 2010

Consolidating Gains

The New Moon comes late Friday at 9:53p PT | 12:53a(Sa) ET | 4:53a(Sa) UT. Saturday looks more intellectual, Sunday more dynamic, with a feeling of change in the air both days. Saturday evening could be a good time to sort out plans or realize things.

Mercury currently trine both Jupiter and Uranus has been a boon for those using the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and for those in publishing of any kind. I think a lot of people have added numerous "friends" or followers in their online accounts. This can be a "too much" aspect or an "increase" aspect, sometimes with the increase to be pared down later. It has been a boon for the stock market.

On Saturday the tendency to see into or through other people, sometimes with contempt (four planets in Scorpio), is mitigated because the moon also (with Mercury) will trine Jupiter and Uranus, so although you see people's weaknesses they do not trouble you. "That's life." Tolerance of foibles seems needed to gain tolerance for oneself.

On Sunday there is a tendency to be "antsy" about one's residence, thinking of travel or a change. A male religious leader, or teacher, could have a strong influence (not just because it's Sunday but the moon conjoins Mars in Sagittarius). There are things about this person you don't understand yet there is basic trust.

On Saturday there's an inclination toward "way out" thoughts, feelings and human connections, a penetrating futurist urge, discontent with the normal.
That's at the emotional-intuitive level. At the mental level there is a chance to straighten out finances carefully.

By Sunday evening you are more content with the ordinary: your routines and the stability they bring.

We are in a rather lucky time-frame, so we ought to remind ourselves to take advantage of it fully before the beginning of the Dark Hermetic Epoch on November 22 (two weeks from Monday). Whatever you want to set in motion should be set in motion now, not after that. Further, luckily those two weeks are in the first half of a lunar month, generally better for initiating things or bringing important ones to as much of a solid conclusion as possible.

{Weekend of November 6-7, 2010} Consolidating Gains

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Forecast for Friday 5 November 2010

Friday 5 November 2010

~Clubhouse of the Elite~

I am using a deep purple because the moon is approaching the New Moon; it is Old and fading into its death-and-rebirth. Sometimes these are good days for extra rest or taking it easy. But this is an excellent day in terms of planetary aspects, so it is likely you will be active.

There is much prosperity. The stock market's phenomenal rise Thursday verifies that, whether it shall continue to ascend or correct itself today. With the moon in the Via Combusta, it is hard to tell, but I suspect it shall rise further whether that is realistic or not.

Even those out of work may feel somehow in the lap of luxury. It is easy to make the best of whatever one has and wherever one may be, in a placid contented manner, with the universe providing what is needed. Further, there are allurements of interpersonal attraction whether at home or in the workplace. The unrealistic in love seems real, and may be, maybe!

Those who are magicians in a positive way are coming into their own, encapsulating and loosing their powers to aid all, and of course benefiting themselves in the process. Some of this may seem so easy as to be miraculous, although it is the result of long suffering and training, now transformed, as reward, into swift puissance. If this is used in too-decadent ways, for lazy sensual satisfaction, that is all right up to a point. Detecting that point is wise, to prevent collapse into befuddlement. Perhaps you have come into an intimate association with cultivated people, somewhat snobbish, who are good for you in a big way.

Those who are sweet and innocent are fated to be with you, and feted if you allow the contact to be established. They please you by acting from the heart, spontaneously, though with instinctive intelligence. There is comradeship, frank conversation, and jovial mutual indulgence. You are seamlessly attached to those to whom you wish to be attached.

Affection, unselfishness, and mutual influence pervade the atmosphere. The moon in the Via Combusta merely means that you may wonder at times which way to turn, with so much munificence available. So there could be uncertainty or backtracking but this is hardly a serious problem. There are opportunities to offend or take offense, but these ought to be minimized easily. People are curious about one anther in a friendly way. This opens and swells sympathies and mutual interests.

{Friday} ~Clubhouse of the Elite~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 4 November 2010

Thursday 4 November 2010

}Embarrassment Leads to Recovery and Grandeur{

Pardon me if I seem confused about this day. It looks good. It looks bad. It looks confusing.

Let's take the bad first. You could be spooked by certain individuals or circumstances. Yet they are bringing out your character. You feel adrift when you relate to them or think about them, as if they were alien, yet they have some fascinating power over you. You can look for a just way of relating to them and find it, even if not right away.

Yet there are hopeful trends which make you feel sure of your destiny and happy to keep on playing the games you have to play to be in the games . . . since sometimes it seems all there are are games.

You may look at what you have done and are doing in your career and feel quite vain about it. You have done well. Others see that and when you get praise you become a peacock. Yet all games have rules, so you are holding yourself to the rules as you have perceived them, so as to keep yourself steady. As our President, so you may feel you are struggling to give a lot to the world with little or no appreciation, at times, yet then the first three sentences of this paragraph intervene and you feel better.

Some things you have done to salvage others, or "the world," and things you have studied to ready yourself for that, are coming to fruition in subtle ways which do not get you any applause except from G*d and His angels.

Within a complex of good and interesting people, small but intensive, you are cultivating skills, often in ways which seem easy and natural because of the free interaction with those who evoke them. There is also a sensual trend, observable in others as well as yourself, which gets people into lazy self-indulgence or borderline licentiousness. The two trends can interact harmoniously.

Strategies you work out, perhaps selfish, involving communicating or influencing people, could be fatefully effective even if they rub a few the wrong way at first. Some such strategies are highly inventive, bringing out ingenuity and creativity. If you are reserved, keeping your own counsel, this could be right, for you will influence people just by being the tower of stability they subconsciously appreciate.

The more melancholy strain of the day (because the moon is in the Via Combusta) will probably not remain melancholy for long, although it urges you to go more deeply into things through meditative panache. Mysticism is wonderful when it is not mystification. Then, when you dare to be more social, you could spill out what is within you, perhaps in embarrassing ways, but embarrassment after all only reveals what is there. Deal with it! Everybody has secrets they'd rather hide. We live in a democracy of implicit embarrassment. Somehow from that we rise again toward restored confidence, even with magnificence and grandeur.

{Thursday} {Embarrassment Leads to Recovery and Grandeur}

Cosmic Piper

Forecast for Wednesday 3 November 2010

Wednesday 3 November 2010

}Balance Enforced{

The tough third of this week continues until Thursday evening. Costs of things and "the economy" are emphasized, and business cutbacks or careful accounting.

The Republicans are likely to find that cutting taxes is stupid and impossible at this point, and that cutting programs is equally impossible, unless they finally decide to cut back stupid, foolish, and destructive military spending. But they don't want to do that so will announce all kinds of stupid plans to make Social Security Market-based etc. in other words they have no ideas whatever and a sterile government or a government shut-down is what they want. Meanwhile the wealthy they represent will remain wealthy and the poor get poorer.

With Saturn in Libra the sign of balance, what could happen, if people were smart (they are not), would be intelligent, reasoned plans to work government spending out from a centrist position, as happened even under Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower, although he as all of them supported mostly the greedy classes. Because no one is willing to be "balanced" voluntarily, Saturn will enforce the balance in ways none of them like. The Republicans have nothing to be happy about. They will now meet reality and find it does not support their simplistic ideas.

Meanwhile escapism, with Mercury square Neptune, is likely to be the order of the day, so far as that is possible, and of course it is an illusion.

There are hopes for things to be "normal" once again, as the wish behind conservative impulses in the electorate. What is normal? Nobody knows. The old normal is not always the new normal.

Reducing suffering is important and you can do it, both for yourself and others, to some degree, and accept the rest of the suffering as a temporary means toward deeper self-realization.

With Mercury trine Jupiter in water signs, there is opportunity to become aware of healing ideas and transmit them to those who need them. What is "healing"? It has become a vague word though a useful one: Broadly, whatever ameliorates suffering and helps people to relax and trust that things are getting better. Physical healing follows upon mental healing, a key fact which unfortunately our culture in its pursuit of endlessly complicated physical healing methods forgets.

Angers stemming from ideologies can be lasting, and yet the unexpected, the peculiar suffering of one in the underclass, the unexpected illness of the ideologue, can dissolve anger into something approaching humbled wisdom.

The opposite of this is the special privilege which ignores others' work and contribution toward the privileged one. Karmically such privilege is doomed unless it awakens to responsibility.

Self-defense is important only when really needed. Otherwise it is paranoid worry. What we forget is that true prayer, if inspired by true teaching such as Scripture, is self-defense.

We can expect from some few at least, elders in the Senate perhaps, enough brain-power and experience to lead the dim-witted ideologues toward intelligent choices which will preserve the well-being of all and not just a few. To be helpful in building a community is to find community for the first time.

Finding the true value of ideas and plans is to be disillusioned by their inadequacy, often, yet in solitary meditation some can discern what lies beyond, what is possible, and what inevitable. Then this deep philosophic or mystical comportment permits slow not rapid resolutions within the body politic and fosters even personal relations of a happier more mellow depth.

{Wednesday} {Balance Enforced}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 1, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tuesday 2 November 2010

\All Souls Unite, Remaining Free/

No political predictions! I could spew out my opinions for pages but shall refrain.

Mostly the day is smooth, maybe more than Monday, yet by evening the |difficult, morose or emotionally stressful third of the week| begins, lasting until late Thursday evening: about two days this time, a few hours more. It's a matter of recovering balance. It's not a party time.

However, the day up until evening has good vibrations and hopeful ones. It is good for money and business. Any business activities you need to continue or finish could be so continued successfully, as long as you avoid anything abrupt or cutting, because the opposition of the moon with Uranus can be such sharp divisions or separations, a "cut and run" attitude which might be what the electorate is feeling about some politicians (though about politicians on both sides of the great divide). But luck is with you.

Some repining about things not done, which you owe to someone, could make you morose, yet then you remember the good things which have been done and shall be, and feel better. Maybe you give yourself a too easy out. It is good to follow the rules of the game. That will straighten out your karma.

Meanwhile you discover and appreciate beauty in nature and humanity.

Too-easy living would be a temptation. The possible is not always the best. It might be dishonorable if one were to choose an easier worse instead of a harder better. Still, natural enjoyments come in stupendous measure which you ought not to miss.

People in a small space, cosseted or cherished within natural bounds, convey feelings of luxury and affection to which you are easily attuned.

Someone who turns up in your orbit will be a healer, magnetizer, soother, subtle therapist. You might go out of your way to be with this person again.

Mental acuity is profound. You find answers quickly and use them.

You might feel insecure around those who interest or attract you, or young people finding their way and so awkward without knowing it, or knowing it are timid. People fear what they need not, but through attempts to overcome anxiety arrive at self-expression.

You can use creative powers with fresh people in fresh scenes and in doing so arrive at safety, for people rescue you when you go too far in one direction or another, sometimes without knowing it.

Friendships which were forming yesterday can continue today, though perhaps harder by evening.

The tendency to depend on someone for emotional support is being worked out. You may realize you have to wean yourself from certain individuals, but you don't want to. Or you go back and forth, trying to be free of them but a nagging need pulls you toward them even if they are distant. Likewise someone may want to get support from you, but not necessarily someone you want to be with. Noblesse oblige, yet at the same time you have a right to privacy when needed.

At times you may even dismiss everyone in thought and retreat to solitude, meditating. No special technique is necessary to "meditate" in the broadest sense, provided one is as peaceful and trusting as possible. Today your meditation, even when alone, will turn to thoughts of love and connections with friends.

People like to help one another. You could bank on that, or be a helper on whom someone banks, or both. A lasting structure of relationships, neighborly, is developing.

You would not want to break with anyone whom you deeply respect, and there are those (in the body or out of it, maybe the latter in this time of All Souls) who are profound yet unassuming, epitomes of what you seek or want to become.

{Tuesday} /All Souls Unite, Remaining Free\

Cosmic Piper