Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

~Control through Internal Harmony~

A lot is afoot. Your mind is functioning in overtime. Books and papers are scattered everywhere, or else endless Internet "books and papers" as it were. You want to certify everything of interest to you, yet use your imagination at the same time to expand the significance of everything.

Some individuals are intent on strategy so they can forward their business or political aims, yet the way they do this is creative, perhaps even aiming at some reconciliations rather than endless battle. Whenever you focus on anything important, light will come.

They playful side of things is recuperative. You could lie down and rest or take a "power nap" fruitfully. You want to mix things up a little, simulate the style of people you admire or detest, just to show you are able to be what you please.

You can build however you choose to build. You care about your home and could labor to make it better, yet even this is recreative rather than overly laborious.

Someone important to you is a teacher, perhaps a great one, focusing on principles and ways of living which all can use within a world of larger harmony. Love is an overused word, yet glints and flashes of the real thing come.

Potentials of conflict are here also, in that some legal or semi-legal action could be necessary to protect your well-being, perhaps financially. At a higher level, this is the defense of Spirit, which comes when we listen for the Voice which elucidates and protects.

Sometimes things seem to go round and round, the same boring routine, as if there were no escape from the rigors of your schedule. Yet you can perceive the value of what you are doing, and realize that in a larger context you are responding to the needs of the human race so that it in turn will respond to yours.

{Monday} ~Control through Internal Harmony~

Cosmic Piper

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