Monday, November 1, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tuesday 2 November 2010

\All Souls Unite, Remaining Free/

No political predictions! I could spew out my opinions for pages but shall refrain.

Mostly the day is smooth, maybe more than Monday, yet by evening the |difficult, morose or emotionally stressful third of the week| begins, lasting until late Thursday evening: about two days this time, a few hours more. It's a matter of recovering balance. It's not a party time.

However, the day up until evening has good vibrations and hopeful ones. It is good for money and business. Any business activities you need to continue or finish could be so continued successfully, as long as you avoid anything abrupt or cutting, because the opposition of the moon with Uranus can be such sharp divisions or separations, a "cut and run" attitude which might be what the electorate is feeling about some politicians (though about politicians on both sides of the great divide). But luck is with you.

Some repining about things not done, which you owe to someone, could make you morose, yet then you remember the good things which have been done and shall be, and feel better. Maybe you give yourself a too easy out. It is good to follow the rules of the game. That will straighten out your karma.

Meanwhile you discover and appreciate beauty in nature and humanity.

Too-easy living would be a temptation. The possible is not always the best. It might be dishonorable if one were to choose an easier worse instead of a harder better. Still, natural enjoyments come in stupendous measure which you ought not to miss.

People in a small space, cosseted or cherished within natural bounds, convey feelings of luxury and affection to which you are easily attuned.

Someone who turns up in your orbit will be a healer, magnetizer, soother, subtle therapist. You might go out of your way to be with this person again.

Mental acuity is profound. You find answers quickly and use them.

You might feel insecure around those who interest or attract you, or young people finding their way and so awkward without knowing it, or knowing it are timid. People fear what they need not, but through attempts to overcome anxiety arrive at self-expression.

You can use creative powers with fresh people in fresh scenes and in doing so arrive at safety, for people rescue you when you go too far in one direction or another, sometimes without knowing it.

Friendships which were forming yesterday can continue today, though perhaps harder by evening.

The tendency to depend on someone for emotional support is being worked out. You may realize you have to wean yourself from certain individuals, but you don't want to. Or you go back and forth, trying to be free of them but a nagging need pulls you toward them even if they are distant. Likewise someone may want to get support from you, but not necessarily someone you want to be with. Noblesse oblige, yet at the same time you have a right to privacy when needed.

At times you may even dismiss everyone in thought and retreat to solitude, meditating. No special technique is necessary to "meditate" in the broadest sense, provided one is as peaceful and trusting as possible. Today your meditation, even when alone, will turn to thoughts of love and connections with friends.

People like to help one another. You could bank on that, or be a helper on whom someone banks, or both. A lasting structure of relationships, neighborly, is developing.

You would not want to break with anyone whom you deeply respect, and there are those (in the body or out of it, maybe the latter in this time of All Souls) who are profound yet unassuming, epitomes of what you seek or want to become.

{Tuesday} /All Souls Unite, Remaining Free\

Cosmic Piper

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