Sunday, October 31, 2010

Forecast for Monday 1 November 2010

Monday 1 November 2010

\Happy Orientation Gets a Foothold/

It's a good day to sort through things and arrive at choices. We are still in the Bright Hermetic Epoch until November 22. What I said a week ago about this being a good time to figure out basic plans, choices, and methods is still true. This has been happening for me in a big way, and I hope for you also. If not, there is still time to make it happen. None of us can probably see to the end of our lives, or into future lives, but at times like this we can see as far ahead as we need, and plan accordingly. The moon's sextiles with the sun and then Mercury (way into the evening and past midnight) make this even more feasible.

Action at home or at headquarters which seems imperative is being almost forced on you, and that it good because it is imperative for your true well-being even if it seems like extra work. You may be slow at first to arm yourself and get going but you can do it in a prudent way which shows in fact you are prepared. You are learning to do something about which you have doubts, but once you get started you do it well, with your individual accent.

Sensual tendencies, an inclination toward easy pleasures, would be your escape, but you think better of them in time. A small place which cultivated people inhabit could be your venue for something both useful and pleasant. Then you feel you are using powers you have which are little understood but which invisibly lift and aid important people or projects.

Someone might make off-color jokes, or pretend to be malicious or caustic, while merely playing with you. This could inspire you to think in a different way which brings out your understanding through reawakening. Then you are ready to enjoy a good time with people around you, perhaps through shared food and drink which arouses the slumbering fraternity-sorority of humanity. Meanwhile you are not incognizant of better ways to direct your life, some of them already known but experienced in a fresh way through intuitive orientation (paragraph 1).

You could appreciate the arts wherever you encounter them. They have a touch of the romantic, the perils of love welcomed gladly because one feels their rewards stronger wine than the briars in which those grapes of passion must be picked.

You find higher meaning in challenging situations, so you can rely on gifts of grace which filter through them. Innocence may be protective. Someone who is a magician, truly or figuratively, has a love-potion indeed, of which you could partake, or you may slip it into the drink of an object of your amours (figuratively, please!). This is not black magic, if it is implicitly true love seeking an entrance in ways which appear devious to the sullen ethicist.

{Monday} /Happy Orientation Gets a Foothold\

Cosmic Piper

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