Friday, October 1, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of October 2-3, 2010

Weekend of October 2-3, 2010

*Deep Satisfaction Through Strategy, Awareness, and Honest Sharing*

Not only are we in a Bright Hermetic Epoch until November 22, this weekend the moon in Leo has escaped the |stressful third of the week| syndrome; so you may feel quite chipper. Things are looking up, are they not?

If you don't quite feel that way, it could be the fact of Mercury at the end of Virgo opposing Jupiter and Uranus while beginning to conjoin Saturn in Libra. This is kind of like drinking up the dregs of the same aspect by the sun which went on for the past two weeks. It feels that we are coming out of the woods, but there are still branches and maybe some snakes in the way. Much better, however.

Stuff you have been trying to clear away, old stuff you need to finish before you can enter fully into fresh living, is symbolized by Jupiter and Uranus retrograde while they are opposed by Mercury, and by Saturn (always significant of old stuff to finish, or of delays). Yet this is easier than it has been for weeks.

Today there is a touch of romance, with the moon in Leo. It moves toward a square with Mars conjoined to Venus in Scorpio, late in the evening or early Sunday morning. This could be hot eroticism. Perhaps it is dangerous for me to suggest that on a Saturday night. Normal precautions need to be taken, most certainly. People "fall for each other" at times like this. So if I were writing for a lurid men's magazine I would be suggesting this as a night to be out on the prowl in pursuit of whatever men are in pursuit of when on the prowl. Since I am writing for a more genteel readership, I shall avoid the more lurid suggestions, but I think you get the picture. It is interesting how paying attention to the esthetics of erotic arousal, the set and setting as well as clothing and grooming, can lift everything toward a less dangerous and more satisfying level. All of this carries over into Sunday, even more intense in the morning, but gets murkier and more inward or spiritual later that day. After the party comes the reassessment.

This could be a good time for realistic financial strategies. Perhaps you will look over your savings and investments and decide on better procedures. You are up for being selfish in a sensible way, thinking about your position in the world and how to better it cleverly. For some, this will be more important than the sensual proclivities just hinted at.

At other moments you go deeply into what it means to be yourself, and deeply into what it means that your identity seems inextricably connected with others' identities in mysterious ways. Who is your alter ego? What are the invisible, ever-present influences in your life? These can be salutary, if of the best, or dangerous if of the worst. When you find your true "invisible fellowship" of good influences, you receive a benediction extending into your material prosperity and career as well as emotional health.

[This just in: on Friday there were "gusty storms" on the East Coast, composed of driving rain and harsh winds. Subway tracks were flooded, as well as expressways, with air travel snarled and the rush hour horrendous. The moon was in Cancer, a water sign. Last week I reported that while the moon was in Pisces, the previous water sign, such a storm hit Michigan (and maybe adjacent areas). I am not so simple-minded as to assert that rainstorms always come when the moon is in a water sign. But I think that if weather statisticians would do their work with astrology, they would find some statistical correlations. We will probably have to wait a very long time for that, for they are deathly afraid of anything which might challenge their assumption that they already know all there is to know about the weather. Astrology threatens the presumed basis of physical science in material and efficient causes alone, for it introduces Formal Cause, which physical science neither knows nor wants to know.]

It is interesting how lovely and delicate scenes you might run into, or seek out, flowery with the glories of late summer, have their downside, that is, characters wandering around in them who are unsavory or less than honest or even criminal. Now that is not to make you paranoid, please. It is possible to see dangers, perhaps, everywhere or anywhere. The point is to steer your way through them, which is not so difficult when you have the subtle technique of inner equipoise which detects just what to do and where to go in every situation.

By late Sunday you should feel you have settled some things in a way which gives you greater inward, as well as outward, security. This is clever strategy but at the same time it is deep awareness of the guiding influences in your life which keep you spiritually sound and anchored, no matter what social pleasures you are moved to appreciate and enjoy. These could be considerable.

{Weekend of October 2-3} *Deep Satisfaction Through Strategy, Awareness, and Honest Sharing*

Cosmic Piper

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