Sunday, October 24, 2010

Forecast for Monday 25 October 2010

Forecast for Monday 25 October 2010

}Effortless Effort Bringing Success{

An inventive faculty is strong, with a desire to explore and consolidate factors in your business, profession or job in an almost mathematical or exact manner.

There is a jesting proclivity or desire to shock or awaken, or shake things up so people will try something new rather than be stuck in dullness.

Certain types of individual are focused on what they want to get from life and persist in that in more than one venue, driven by their inner urge to win, yet kindly and humane.

Winning in a game could happen, or seeing that if someone else wins you partake of the glory.

You are hard on others and yourself because you expect more than superficial hypocrisy, yet your attempts to reform yourself and them might succeed through a judicious dose of humor.

People are seeing that when immediate gains are inadequate, faith and persistence are sure to multiply them.

A philosophic attitude toward your work gives you great relief. You see how the mighty fall, though finding ways to rise again, and you develop a detached perspective which makes you care less for "success" and more for peaceful wisdom which nothing can take from you. Then this internal solitude or detachment can find employment in social or business situations where jumping in and helping is better than holding back and deferring. Such cooperative work does not detract from your philosophic perspective but enriches it. Then you gain respect from those who see that you are unassuming and modest, willing to join in the common enterprise.

A careless or nonchalant attitude can make work joyful, or at worst could make things dissolve in inconsequence. It is fun to pursue a lot of things at once, including love-attractions, yet this tends to dilute them eventually. However, just about everyone gets certain satisfactions and cooperations from Nature and humanity as if the wish for them evoked them. They come surprisingly like comets or meteors. Even your eccentric qualities get appreciation from those to whom they are refreshing. You develop a rapport with all which makes your serious work (a major focus of the day) easier.

{Monday} {Effortless Effort Bringing Success}

Cosmic Piper

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