Friday, November 29, 2019

Message for Sunday 1 December 2019

Sunday 1 December 2019

}Guidance and Reward Emerging from Within{

Moon in Aquarius

Feeling confined in some ways, you may feel like lashing out at someone or something which seems to be opposing you. Actually it appears that "success is the best revenge" so that attending to practical matters you need to fix up would be far more helpful to yourself and everyone. Those in opposition to you will fade out of your life if you are conscientious in following wise rules you have made for yourself.

"A beacon light on a high rock" is pointing out things to you through impressions you receive, some of which could be Divinity speaking through your humanity even if "the world" thinks they are foolish. You do not have to be dependent on encouragement or support from others in order to be, or be the beneficiary of, "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity." Rewards that come are a result of depending on yourself and your unconditioned expectations. A wonderful person may symbolize that and be instrumental for your fulfillment. 

At the spiritual level, we have Jupiter in the final degree of his own sign, Sagittarius, symbolized by "The Pope." This is ultimately the sanctity of a life lived in accord with one's own spiritual principles. Outward religious or other leaders are helpful along the way. Ultimately you cure your own illnesses and secure your own advantages by relying on your inner self and its faculties. These take all mundane things as fodder rather than being disturbed by them.

{Sunday}  {Guidance and Reward Emerging from Within}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I do not emphasize my religion, Christianity (of a somewhat metaphysical and esoteric sort, but still based in the life and teachings of Jesus), in these reports, but it is worth noting that today is the beginning of Advent in the church calendar, or the 24 days preceding Christmas. It is a wonderful time for those attuned to Christ Jesus and His mission, regardless of the secular gift-buying obsessions which ought to be secondary for both Christians and non-Christians. Still, a blending of the pleasures of friendship with those of the Spirit is a glory of the season.
It is happening. 

Message for Saturday 30 November 2019

Saturday 30 November 2019

}Gain through Patient Search and Sharing{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until 9:51p PT | 12:51a(Su) ET | 5:51a(Su) UT
/moon is void-of-course 
until it enters Aquarius at 12:14p PT | 3:14p ET | 8:14p Ut

Venus sextile Mars, now with us and quite strong through December 10, is ordinarily good for love, romance, and intersexual relationships. However today there are indications that jealousy could be mixed with it. Some will be feeling resentful, with a tendency to "feud, fuss and fight." Some will not understand what they have done to deserve rejection, yet they have done it. It is good to take the longer view, study, think, observe, use "a book on which stands a compass and hourglass," that is, which compresses space and time into an understanding of how people and the world really are so that one is not disappointed any longer. "It is what it is."

"A mother with her children on stairs" is also trying to educate those with lesser comprehension into fearlessness through better understanding. This could be gained through lectures, podcasts, literature, or the like. What someone is teaching may not resonate in yourself exactly the way he or she intends it, yet one gains something. We put our own curve on what we learn.

"The Pope" can be someone who is lusting for power and pretending to be more than he is. Or he or she could be one who actually is making a sacrifice to bring mankind nearer the ideals it aspires toward.  We delight in "the moon shining across a lake." Two pairs of eyes gazing into each other bring forth romantic yearnings for deeper experience within heartfelt intercommunion. 

{Saturday}  {Gain through Patient Search and Sharing} 

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Message for Friday 29 November 2019

Friday 29 November 2019

\The Magic of Sharing Has a Chance/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (until late Saturday evening)

There is a desire to manifest justice, though one could be too severe in judging someone else. We are just and fair to ourselves by pursuing whatever is lucrative for us yet maintaining an ethical stance. This could mean, for example, investing in clean rather than dirty energy. There could be discovery of nature's secrets through protracted endeavor. One wants to follow one's own best path and not give much credence to others' advice. 

Some will be doing holiday shopping. It may not be a bad day for that, though in the |difficult third| our moods are serious, so one might adopt a "no-nonsense" style of shopping, buying what are the most conservative or least questionable gifts. Still, "an ape seated before a mirror" could be what you think of some for whom you shop, not meaning to demean them, but if you got them a humorous gift they might think "Is that what he or she really thinks about me?" "Two men playing cards" might mean that game-like gifts could be appropriate. 

When free of worry, care, shopping or whatever you need to do (duty tends to be prominent in a |difficult third|) you could exult in living out two beautiful symbols. "A small cottage with wide-open door" could be yourself or someone else offering hospitality and enjoying it. Yes, the Christmas season is upon us. "The moon shining across a lake" suggests ineffable rapport with someone. It is magic in the psychological adjustments which go on in interpersonal relations, so that there is release from compulsions and a natural entree into shared romantic yearning. 

{Friday}  /The Magic of Sharing Has a Chance\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Message for Thursday 28 November 2019

Message for Thursday 28 November 2019


Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:51a PT | 5:51a ET | 10:51a UT
until it enters Capricorn at 4:34a PT | 7:34a ET | 12:34p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week has begun (until late Saturday evening)

The |difficult third|, beginning, is mitigated by sweet factors such as Venus sextile Mars and Mercury trine Neptune, giving appropriate assuagement and refreshment for the holiday. 

The symbol of spading the soil, or mining, goes with Uranus opposite Mars in money signs, so we are enterprising in our minds even on a holiday. Rather than take advice, we rely on our own efforts in pursuing, arduously, success. Then we get in involved in plumbing experience to the depths in order to solve day-by-day problems. Victory comes when we show that we have backbone.

At a deeper level, we perceive eternal verities as if we had been initiated into the great Mysteries. Whatever is superior and elevated in our minds is having its way with us. It is not always easy to see how such profound intuitions ought to play out in social, economic and political life. "A veiled prophet of power" might have his hands full translating his challenging insights into prescriptions for social, business, or political solutions. Is not that difficult position where we stand today on many levels? New generations are saying that adhering to beliefs and principles in our consciousness is not enough if it does not yield action to solve pressing problems such as threats to the environment, clean air and water, global warming, and more. As "a veiled prophet of power," what would you say?

Yet there is a lighter level to this holiday, suggested especially by the Venus-Mars sextile. In symbol it appears as "A lady sitting on a divan fanning herself," said to denote the good things of life and prosperity. Further we have ""A group of cattle browsing in the sunshine." That sounds like the placidity of many a Thanksgiving afternoon. May yours be a happy one!

{Thursday}  /Thanksgiving\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Message for Wednesday 27 November 2019

Wednesday 27 November 2019

^Launched on a Wise Path^

Moon in Sagittarius

There is a desire for change and motion, symbolized by "immigrants entering," a restlessness because one senses that something better should be available soon---Mars opposite Uranus stirs up pioneering or entrepreneurial instincts. We sense that this could be very profitable, since Mars is in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus, the two major money signs. "A gold rush" is what we are involved in, and yet we know we have to hold back somewhat, take our time, be diffident about false leads or overeager paths and study things carefully (the Dark or Slow Epoch lasts until December 7). 

When we sense our own vanity in all this, we are a little ashamed. We may presume too much, think that we are able to know and do things which give us a huge advantage. This could be true and yet a careful analysis of opportunities to see if they are business-ready is still essential. The future does not always replicate the past, but the past has to be a guide for the most part. 

In other words, we are ahead of ourselves, at one level, yet should keep our feet on the ground at the basic level. Then the "heady" things we are projecting will have a basis on which to materialize. Life is shared activity. It is getting adventurous, with Venus trine Uranus and sextile Mars. Fulfillment beyond our dreams seems attainable. We have profound thoughts, yet prudent foresight. There is illumination not only for us but for others through us. It shines through us. We have ardent desires, are enthusiastic about causes we support, know what we are against, and are true friends to those we trust. 

{Wednesday}  ^Launched on a Wise Path^

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 25, 2019

Message for Tuesday 26 November 2019

Tuesday 26 November 2019

^There is Time^

Moon in Sagittarius
New Moon of Sagittarius occurs at 7:07a PT | 10:07a ET | 3:07p UT

This New Moon could bring good fortune to many. "A gold rush" shows that one's ambitions are intense and that one senses fresh opportunity. Still, we are in the "reviewing" or re-analyzing phase of things until December 7, and so you may be dissecting and studying whatever has gone wrong in your plans in order to get them in better alignment with what you sense as possible.

You may be aware of the danger of being vacillating about things, turning now one way and now another, so that you work hard in one direction which proves to be pointless and then have to make up for lost time. This can be cured through self-education. Also you may learn from someone who is acceptable to you as a teacher or guide, symbolized by "a mother with her children on stairs." She shows you how to climb rather than jump around and fall.

You may sense that "an hour glass has been inverted," that is, more time has been given you to get things consolidated. That is a relief, so you may be prompted to give thanks in some way consistent with your beliefs. Whether conventionally religious or not, most have something they revere as a symbol of the Highest, "a round temple with pointed roof." One may sing a hymn of praise, or a secular song which celebrates the abundant resources and joys of life, as "a female with the lyre in her hand" who is musical and appreciative of the refined whether in the arts or nature. 

{Tuesday}  ^There is Time^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Message for Monday 26 November 2019

Monday 25 November 2019


Moon in Scorpio
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:31a PT | 12:31p ET | 5:31p UT

Mercury is still trying to recover from the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch (which lasts until December 7), so things are somewhat foggy and plans uncertain. It's in the lap of the gods whether you will recover from what seem like minor crises. Hard-nosed realism is appropriate.

"A little child learning to walk" is how you may feel, and this is nothing to be ashamed of. Individuality begins in youth and climbs forth out of helplessness. Some may wander off for the romance of distant places. Venus is beginning a wonderful sextile with Mars today by a five-degree orb and this is boosted by the symbol "A dove" indicating someone innocent and harmless who thinks and acts from the heart, a true friend or constant lover. 

Necessary work is not onerous. "A fat boy mowing the lawn" is rewarded for his participation in what is needed by those around him. By being as dependable as "a massive, rocky shore" one gains parallel stabilization from the universe, experiencing its poised sustainment.

"Spading the soil" means continuing arduous work so that valuable secrets shall be unearthed. Protracted effort brings discovery and success. The pure intentions of a noble mind vanquish puny foes and overcome obstacles. An insignia of that is "a white flag unfurled with a red Maltese cross upon it." 

{Monday}  ~Stabilization~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Message for Sunday 24 November 2019

Sunday 24 November 2019

~Outward Activity Developed Internally~

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta
The |karmically serious or sobering third| of this week has ended

There are hopes for gain through industry and allies. One is sensitive to adjustments which need to be made for financial health.

Quiet, simple things you do to develop your consciousness at home are pleasing. 

Luck is good for sensing what is most important, but there could be much clinging in mind to someone who is like a parent-figure. This is not bad in itself unless it interferes with what needs to be done. Actually, memories of parents and of one's childhood are common and healthy during any Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch, this one lasting through December 6. Bad and good karma from childhood or young-adult relationships is reviewed semi-consciously or consciously in order to make further progress in character development, or sometimes just for the joy of it.

The Slow Epoch is symbolized perhaps by "a youth holding a lighted candle," that is, we hope and aspire a lot even when we don't know for sure how to implement hopes into actuality. But as the Bright or Quick Epoch approaches we feel more like "a fat boy mowing the lawn" or have an urge to participate definitely in what is important to people around us. 

With Mercury, Mars and Luna all in Scorpio, there is creativity, either in the fine arts or in something more technical such as architecture or engineering. We draw schematically on paper or map out strategies. If the scheming tendency is shared in a game we are like "two men playing chess," mobilizing our abilities to win, or lose and learn.

{Sunday}  ~Outward Activity Developed Internally~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 22, 2019

Message for Saturday 23 November 2019

Saturday 23 November 2019

}Faith Holds Steady through Visible and Invisible Sharing{ 

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues
< moon is in the Via Combusta
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:51p PT | 9:51p ET | 2:51a(Su) UT
until it enters Scorpio at 9:59p PT | 12:59a(Su) ET | 5:59a(Su) UT

Distant scenes call, but a lot of material which is blocking your way has to be cut out. One thing has to be ended before another can fully begin. 

Treasure you desire, and feel within your grasp, still remains inaccessible and you keep thinking of that and wondering how soon it will change.

"A man standing with drawn sword" is highly significant while Mars opposes Uranus within a degree. One does not have to wound someone, or oneself, in order to get on with what needs to be done. One does not have to create strife or warfare. Rather, emulate the "fox sitting on his haunches" who is thinking only of himself but is a good strategist, avoiding conflict by indirect (or maybe sneaky) ways. 

You may know, deep down, what you should do, but be diffident about asserting that conviction through action. Yet "a youth holding a lighted candle" is still doing something, that is, shedding light on the situation, maintaining hope, uplifting spirits. Appropriate action will follow along after such reliance on transcendent enthusiasm.

The tortoise, patient and steady, does not shrink from necessary tasks. He gets to the position he has set out to gain, however slowly. One might pursue such calm activity within one's domicile of contentment, "a rustic cottage overarched by a spreading cedar tree." There where one feels at home one can succor or shelter any who travel to one's door, through sheer benevolence. (It's possible, however, that some of those visitors may be invisible.)

{Saturday}  {Faith Holds Steady through Visible and Invisible Sharing}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Message for Friday 22 November 2019

Friday 22 November 2019

}Calming Anger to Pull Together{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Sunday
< moon enters the Via Combusta (burning way, time of cosmic reshuffling and possible loss of morale) at 9:11p PT 12:11a(Sa) ET | 5:11a(Sa) UT (until Monday morning)

Warnings have to do with failing to follow out the plans and directives of someone "superior," either in a job hierarchy or in one's own estimation. Ultimately, this is the Supreme One, or whoever represents the ideals and designs of that One in your consciousness. Failing to attempt to live up to his or her good intentions is self-hurtful. One might do this through lethargy or caprice. If one feels deprived of some things, this is not so bad if one is content at heart in simplicity and freedom of spirit. 

Mars opposite Uranus, intense now and over the weekend, can be a violent temper, erratic or eccentric actions defiant of everyone, perhaps cruelty. I am merely pointing out the danger as astrologers have seen it over the decades since the discovery of Uranus (first called Herschel after its discoverer). This could be at a sexual level since the two are in Scorpio and Taurus. We need to be careful. People could be edgy or ornery. If one cannot be super-diplomatic, it might be well to pull back.

Symbols suggest a cure for all this. One can be like a tortoise--patient, steady, steadfast--enduring tasks became of what one can ultimately gain from them. One might engage in toil with others as in "a house-raising," where all would find it natural to control their individual tempers or rages in order to work together. Seeking one's own fulfillment through helping someone is one of life's high points.

A detective ability sees through plots and schemes, so that one is not imposed upon, and can ferret out and remove whatever would disrupt one's plans. The moon in Libra plus other indications suggest that one can be proud of one's appearance, or of some enhancement of it, such as hair style or clothing, in order to rise above blank dullness. Both women and men in general sense how to do this and it is a form of therapy, cheer-bringing.

{Friday} {Calming Anger to Pull Together}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Message for Thursday 21 November 2019

Thursday 21 November 2019

\Reserves of Strength Come Forward/

Moon in Virgo-->Libra

If you look at the forecast for Wednesday you may compare it with the Democratic presidential candidate debates. 

I think my prediction that Harris, Buttigieg and Yang would be favored was wrong. Live and learn. I think Sanders, Warren, and even Biden did better than I expected and none of them lost any ground. I think Harris lost ground but can't exactly explain what her problem is. She seems overly anxious and upset about things. Each has flaws. I am impressed by Tulsi Gabbard's views of military and international matters. I think she is right about all that. Corey Booker gets my nod because he is a vegan! And look how strong and impressive a vegan can be. But I do not feel strongly about him as a candidate. I was impressed by Bernie Sanders's commanding poise and his consistency. Likewise, Elizabeth Warren. Yang has always impressed me. I am amazed that two different online news accounts said that Bloomberg was going to be in the debate. He was not! I wondered, when I read that, because there would have been no time for him to get in. Skewed, wrong news. There is a lot of it around these days.

All the candidates seemed to be expressing their better selves, for the most part. It was inspiring. Democracy in action. (But I add that I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican.) The symbol I reported yesterday, one of those for the day, "A strong hand supplanting political hysteria," could have been the hand of any of those ten candidates. 

Because Mercury has turned direct, but is still very slow, things are still difficult in the details. In fact, on Wednesday they were worse than before for me. Many computer problems, difficulties with getting accounts straightened out, and so on. So I had a hard and yet in some ways fortunate day. I do not have time, because of all that and watching the debate, to write a complete forecast for Thursday. Here is something:

There are questions of domination. Who dominates whom? But at best this is the domination of being able to command because one knows what one is doing and others appreciate that.

There is a warning of excess or intoxication, "Three cups of wine standing upon a table in the form of a triangle."  But this could be spiritual "intoxication." 

One's thoughts and ideals permeate the atmosphere and others absorb some of them or become aware of them.  There does not have to be any tragedy or sadness in them, but there could be a determination to prevent and cure bad things through good, positive thoughts, intentions and acts.

 A "military" trend to the day is really your inner self wanting to command the situation throughout each variation of events. This is not violent but prevents violence and fosters the best in each player on the human scene.

{Thursday}  /Reserves of Strength Come Forward\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Message for Wednesday 20 November 2019

Wednesday 20 November 2019

\Discovering Leadership/

Moon in Virgo
Mercury turns direct at 11:13a PT | 2:13p ET | 7:13p UT (but is barely moving from geocentric perspective and will be in its Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch until December 7)

Health measures could be important. People may get excited about someone else's well-being, or fear premature death. If hearing about someone else's departure from this world one might identify with it intensely and ponder the mysteries of Time and ultimate rebirth. Conquering fear of death is set forth by all spiritual teachers as essential. But the emphases are different. Some masters such as Sri Aurobindo say that we can ultimately conquer even the death of the physical body and make it immortal, though perhaps through transformations we can't now envision. (These would be entirely on the spiritual plane and not connected with bio-technology.) If that is the case, we need to stop visualizing ourselves as dying. 

We can also conquer fear of failure. This could be, partially, through just "pawing up the earth like a bull" or asserting that we are sure as heck going to win, scorning opposition. If this is the way we feel, others will become aware of it or of other feelings or impulses we have, for "a broken bottle and spilled perfume" symbolizes our flow out into life making what we believe and want manifest. If be believe in ourselves and what we are trying to attain, we will not be dismayed by how others perceive us. 

The "broken bottle" may mean, We can't hide who we are, which could be pertinent during the Democratic presidential debates tonight. People "smell each other out." Further, it's extraordinary that one of the day's symbols is "A strong hand supplanting political hysteria." Which hand might that be? I do not see either Warren, Biden, or Sanders "breaking out" tonight. Things look better for both Libra (Kamala Harris) and Capricorn (Buttigieg and Yang). I do not know the sun-signs of the other candidates. Of course this is just speculation. Predicting elections is not what astrology is intended for. The free choice of the people has to speak. "A man with a bow and arrow" who is a good marksman could be anyone who lives up to that description. Buttigieg has been in the military. 

At the individual level, we might be "marksmen" by delaying our opinionated judgment in politics until we have enough information and sharpened savvy to make intelligent judgment. We "supplant political hysteria" by retaining our opinions rather than flaunting them, perhaps. Asking questions of an "opponent" might be best. And waiting. Power lies in outstanding leadership. 

{Wednesday}  /Discovering Leadership\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 18, 2019

Message for Tuesday 19 November 2019

Tuesday 19 November 2019

^One's Invisible Kingdom Becoming Visible^

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 9:12p UT
until it enters Virgo at 5:56p PT | 8:56p ET | 1:56a(W) UT

This seems an excellent day for business and finance. Mercury is still retrograde but shall reach its station of immobility (from geocentric perspective) tomorrow and then start very slowly moving forward. But today other auspices including the positions and relationships of Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius suggest good fortune in one's finances or business plans. Some will feel "on top of the world" because of what seems like a good turning point. 

At the emotional level we have indications of obstinacy in many, a determination to insist on their own way while their anger against those who oppose them remains lasting. 

The passive side of the indication is a sadness that love-hopes have been forlorn. Mars and Venus are in a septile aspect and this shows something fateful or destiny-laden in relationships. One may feel that one loves without a response. There could be jealousy. Are one's disappointments selfish, based on wanting to appropriate the loved one rather than bless her or him to find his or her own path, whether oneself is included in it or not?

Yet things do not have to remain worrisome. One could get on a figurative "sight-seeing bus" and take pleasure in just being with strangers, fellow human beings. Then one passes over "an old bridge over a beautiful stream." The stability of the bridge and the glory of the nature around it are idealized in one's thoughts and feelings. We conserve our world so we may enjoy it. And the friendliness of our fellow beings reassures us that no matter what happens in close relationships, there are varying avenues of sympathy and self-expression everywhere.

"A butterfly emerging from its chrysalis" is ourselves when we let ourselves be the self trying to emerge rather than tie ourselves in knots trying too hard to push forward. This is not a military march but a smooth emanation. We emerge into a new world where we are like "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." We make the world our domain by using our imagination to shape and form it nearer to the heart's desire. Then we find that others respond to our wishes, showing their allegiance to us as we have shown it to their hopes. 

{Tuesday}  ^One's Invisible Kingdom Becoming Visible^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Message for Monday 18 November 2019

Monday 18 November 2019


Moon in Leo

The level of contempt people feel for those on the other side of the political spectrum is probably unparalleled in my lifetime. I will not preach a sermon on how we all ought to try to understand one another's viewpoints, because we have all heard that sermon and we all seem to ignore it. I try to respect both sides of the conflict and learn from them but cannot claim it is easy. We run the risk of dismissing those on the other side as "contemptuous smart-asses" which, at some moods and moments, they may be, but that is not their soul and we need to have faith that all can manifest something better. Litigation, contention, and strife are the unfortunate nature of the current "impeachment" process. 

One might perceive some individuals as conventional, boring, and insipid, maybe hypocritical "airheads," even if they are attractive in other ways. 

At a deeper level we are all trying to sculpt out, from the materials given us, something worthy of immortality. This requires knowledge, perspective, and wisdom developed from experience and accompanying thought. 

You are intrepid, avoiding triviality and drabness while you press on toward a goal which can be a basis for your enduring reality. You may have a vision that you could take an active part in some facet of public life, and from that secured position have a lasting good effect on humanity. The details of this keep changing, and seem uncertain while Mercury is retrograde and then slow (until December 7), but the promise is realizable.

{Monday}  ^Intrepidity^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Message for Sunday 17 November 2019

Sunday 17 November 2019

^Mastery Within Aloneness^

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 8:34p PT | 11:34p ET | 4:34a(M) UT 
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:16p PT | 3:16p ET | 8:16p UT

Individuality and reserve could be felt as misanthropy, either by yourself or someone else. "Just give me my space." Yet "Indians making camp" are ourselves when we realize we have to depend on one another in group activity, even if we want to avoid it, and the lonely Howard Hughes was dependent on his phone calls and business or financial contacts to sustain his richly lonesome lifestyle. "Making camp" means we extemporize from within the immediate need or opportunity of each situation.

"A sculptor" immortalizes some facet of life by putting it into stone. We want to make or do something which is lasting. Therefore we need, as basis, adequate orientation, such as "three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head." There is therapy in contemplating the things we desire, and there is strength in seeing realistically, through knowledge, how to approach or invite them.

We balance mental and physical force in order to attain mastery. This is a yogic process, outlined super-brilliantly by Sri Aurobindo in his Synthesis of Yoga. Conquering things spiritual requires self-government (rather than governing others as politicians are trying to do). Being a man or woman of weight and consequence is like being commemorated by "an obelisk," that is, through many trials, while living among the people, developing something of lasting value which at last comes to be known and appreciated.

{Sunday}  ^Mastery Within Aloneness^

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 15, 2019

Message for Saturday 16 November 2019

Saturday 16 November 2019

~From Selfishness to Providence~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Sunday evening

Nobody can accuse me of trying to please or flatter you readers! I may be writing the most "grumpy" or cautionary astrological forecast anywhere on the planet! It is not my choice. I wish I could say, every day, "Wonderful vibrations! Do what you want, take a vacation, go to the beach!" But (a) I am more realistic than that,  (b) I rely on my experience of life to guide me in interpreting the aspects, and (c) I use the degree-symbols of three clairvoyants (from the 19th and 20th centuries) who were not only clairvoyants but spiritual seekers, sages, and prophets. Their symbols and the interpretations they give are often "heavy," weighty, even morose at times, but only because they are trying to warn their readers of lurking problems they might not be aware of without astrology. These men, and one woman, were gurus in a sense, or channeled gurus--always aware of the fact that we are imperfect beings striving toward perfection through many lifetimes, and need angelic parenting as it were. They also give delightful, liberating symbols, maybe 40 to 50 per cent of the time, but today they veer toward the warning side. That is appropriate during the |karmically difficult third| of this week which is at its most intense today, in the morning-afternoon especially. 

It might be good, this Saturday, to take the advice of orthodox Jews and Seventh-Day Adventists and make this a sabbatical day, free of intensive work or any extravagant expectation. However, G*d is not idle every seventh day, and neither are we, so such advice is only relatively wise, perhaps.

Probably these symbols are getting at something deep in us we do not want to recognize. "A wolf standing upon the carcass of a horse" is intended to warn against overweening selfishness, seizing things from people or the world without paying back in kind, forgetting the karmic laws of give and take. At its best, this is successfully cunning and predatory. But our souls tell us we have to give also. "A fox sitting on his haunches" is a good strategist, but selfish in a purely animal way determined by Nature,, and we are human beings.

"A man beneath the paw of a lion" shows that we could get in trouble by ignoring a "chain of command" represented by the lion, the King. 
It is not good to blame seeming "enemies" for our own instability or impotence. "A serpent surrounded by a circle of fire" feels captive, and has to resort to whatever he can to escape. It is an ordeal, yet the stress and limitation build up strength toward ultimate triumph. 

Part of the trouble could be that we are not using our reasoning powers to think clearly. "Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge" is ourselves trying to "get" what we are doing wrong so we can do it right. One thing we may realize is that selfishness brings isolation and suffering, whereas "a hen scratching for her chicks" is happy because fulfilling her true function and purpose. Both males and females are happier when they provide for someone they care about who is partially dependent. The protector is protected.

{Saturday}  ~From Selfishness to Providence~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Message for Friday 15 November 2019

Friday 15 November 2019

~Melancholy, Sober and Responsible, with Extravagant Colorful Impulses~

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:41a PT | 6:41a ET | 11:41a UT
until it enters Cancer at 8:16a PT | 11:16a ET | 4:16p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 7:27a PT | 10:27a ET | 3:27p UT (until Sunday evening)

Thinking of those gone from this outer world is a good thing, if one keeps one's thoughts about them uplifting. I personally believe that, wherever they "are" in the invisible planes of being, they can be with us in consciousness in a real way, that is, they can be aware of us as we of them. Rarely is this a solid conversation or vision, but it can be a convincing feeling and it is wonderful. Very few human beings have the developed capacity (dependent on changes in the body brought about by meditative or yogic practices) to be fully aware of anyone "on the other side" but all of us can have the feeling-connection at times, and it is very convincing.

(These thoughts are inspired by one of the daily symbols plus the Part of Fortune in the 8th house of death and regeneration plus Mercury retrograde [the past] in Scorpio a sign of the invisible and immortal.)

Such thoughts and connections, even if melancholy, could be invigorating, inspiring you to get going with some practical effort, as "A man in rough clothes hewing timber close to a log hut." In fact, attending to household matters, maybe housekeeping or yard work, is suggested by the daily chart. 

Stability and purpose are required in order to avoid "falling under the reproach of a king or ruler" or boss or admired figure. In other words, we are sensitive to a "chain of command" and need to avoid breaking it. Then, if responsive to the basic terms of our world, we live amid "brightening influences" which enfold us in rewards for effort.

The fey and outre could be with us too, despite the foregoing and the |difficult third| arriving again with the weekend (which keeps happening until the very last weekend of the calendar year). There is a person "with tangled hair," his or her face painted, or perhaps displaying tattoos or other colorful decorative art, which might seem disordered or grotesque, but after all, such individuals enrich our living in one way or another. Further, there could be a "well-appointed table, with the remnants of a feast lying upon it." This is extravagance, maybe recklessness in pursuing sensuous delights. It's Friday. No lectures on prudence. But you will know when enough is enough. 

{Friday}  ~Melancholy, Sober and Responsible, with Extravagant Colorful Impulses~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Message for Thursday 14 November 2019

Thursday 14 November 2019

}Braced by Beauty{

Moon in Gemini

If one chooses an unusual course, one may be lonely and feel abandoned. Unique projects and adventures may not be well-rewarded in the world's coin, and ensuing troubles seem to amount to desertion by everyone.  However, one is not alone utterly, and "a labor demonstration" is a clue that banding with others for fulfillment is possible. Each one as a brother or sister to the others represents the whole group's interests. 

Proceeding from that position, one may also become a speculator, trying in advantageous ways to gain what one can. Doing this can develop a religious consciousness, for who but the Supreme can really give anyone success in speculative ventures? 

You are surrounded by beauty, if you open yourself to see, hear and respond to it. It can be extraordinary, and does not have to fade even though it sometimes has, in superb artists such as many musicians and Vincent van Gogh. You might be pleased to encourage some such individual. The brightening influences by which you are surrounded are lifting you physically into health as well as spiritually into noble hopes and aesthetically into beauty. 

{Thursday}  {Braced by Beauty}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Message for Wednesday 13 November 2019

Wednesday 13 November 2019

}Withdrawing and Observing before Reconstructing{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon is void-of-course (only very early)
until it enters Gemini at 0:47a PT | 3:47a ET | 8:47a UT

I do not believe that everything is terrible during a Mercury Retrograde period. But I have watched these periods intensively for decades and know a little about them. (This one lasts until mid-day on the 19th, but the Dark Epoch of which the MR period is the center shall continue until December 7, as a "mini-retrograde" period because Mercury will still be moving slower than the sun in geocentric appearance.) Yes, often everything seems to be terrible! "Seems" is the right word. Contradiction is the nature of the period. I have moved during such times with good results, but that was when I had planned the move beforehand. I once got an unexpected  job during such a time and it was a good, long-lasting job. And so good things can happen. It just seems that most of the time everything is chaotic or hard to grasp. 

The symbols for today bear that out, but let's not be alarmed by them. One is "An industrial strike." One may feel like not-working, or one may feel one is insufficiently recompensed for the work. If a protest is in order, one can protest, but during a MR period any protest has the possibility of ballooning into a fight which does no one any good. I realize that Republicans generally have a negative reaction to strikes and Democrats a positive reaction to them. I have been on both sides over the years. Today the larger problem may be that one feels stuck in a hole, so that, work or no work, nothing gets any better. Perhaps some projects have seemed vacuous. Perhaps they need REvision, a key during the REtrograde period. The "strike" doesn't last forever but is a way of improving things.

Another pitfall would be blaming an innocent bystander (even an animal) for one's plight and, without realizing what one is doing, being cruel or hurtful. Even a hurtful word could bring bad karma in its wake. Rather, one could, in recognizing that some things are wrong, be an "open enemy," in other words, state the issue to someone or an opponent but without offending, just as a way of clearing the air. True friendship is consistent with kindly honesty about one another's problems. (I realize that taking such a tack is dangerous, but am trying to make sense of the symbols.)

What helps in all this is being like "an airplane hovering overhead," that is, taking a large over-all view of things, reflecting upon them in a detached manner. The relationships among things, and the consequences of each, can be sensed, and this is reassuring. Then one is like "a giant" in consciousness who can understand things prodigiously, thereby protecting all from misconceived actions or reactions.

{Wednesday}  {Withdrawing and Observing Before Reconstructing}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 11, 2019

Message for Tuesday 12 November 2019

Tuesday 12 November 2019

\Cultivating Poise/

Moon in Taurus
Full Moon of Scorpio-Taurus occurs at 5:36a PT | 8:36a ET | 1:36p UT  
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:49a PT | 10:49a ET | 3:49p UT
(moon enters Gemini after midnight; time given tomorrow)

"A soldier derelict in duty" is what we all may feel like during any Mercury Retrograde period (this one is from October 31 through November 19). We deviate from our ordinary schedules, as much as we can get away with, it seems! Haven't you noticed your sleep, eating, meal-time, work-time schedules changing from day to day over the past two weeks? We have an urge to do something other than our "official duties" and so, like the derelict soldier, are chastised by the "commanding officer" who is ourselves. And yet, as Dr. Jones says in elucidating the symbol, we may be faithful to "the inner stirrings of self" and this is a sort of courage, for we are "willing to face the consequence of true self-assertion." 

We will see others also doing this sort of thing, and we might not be as charitable toward them as to ourselves! The conventional symbol of Justice, holding a pair of scales in one hand and sword in the other, could be ourselves feeling or acting too severely to someone who has seemed to be utterly wrong about something. (Or we may feel that someone has done that to us.)

(The application of this to politics is all too evident. Democrats will see the "derelict" one as Trump; Republicans will see him as one of the many members of the Trump administration who seem to be turning against their commanding officer without sufficient reason. And so it goes.)

At a different level we may be studious, wanting to expand our consciousness along with the fulsome moon. Mercury going backward, our manner of doing this is unpredictable and chaotic, "a quantity of books and papers in disorder." The way our intellect functions may be unpopular and yet have its distinctive genius. It may even break out into lyricism, "A Spaniard serenading his Senorita." Poetry and music manifest the soul's constancy no matter what Mercury is doing. (For the past week I have found myself listening to old music, even classics, rather than new things.) 

We are still feeling, at some deep level, that we want to be "a flag-bearer," whether the flag we care about is a national one, that of a political party or sect or religion or secular cause such as climate-change correction. It takes nobility to actually act on one's touted principles. The Mars-in-Libra symbol "An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other" makes clear that we have to face the dualities in whatever we achieve, veering neither too far up nor down, right nor left. Adeptness is a matter of doing this poisefully and successfully. 

{Tuesday}  /Cultivating Poise\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Message for Monday 11 November 2019

Monday 11 November 2019

\Rescuing Creativity from Anxiety/

Moon in Taurus

Things have a feeling of unreality or irreality, while we are in a Mercury Retrograde phase.  What is real?  What from the past am I relying upon?  Is the past more real than the future?  Such questions or feeling-questions may preoccupy you.  How can I transcend or transmute the suffering in the past, but rely upon what was good in it?

The Full Moon approaches (exact tomorrow) and our consciousness is intense, but it might dwell more on the ominous than the joyful unless we are able to raise it deliberately.  There could be a feeling of confinement or imprisonment, a sense that one has little control over things and does not know where they are going.  Self-restraint is better than restraint by others. Narrow limits and seclusion could help you to get your bearings. 

You may feel that "opponents" in your work or social life are formidable.  How do you get the advantage?  By "dueling," but this is likely to be on the mental level, trying to understand their position as well as your response to it.  Or, perhaps, responding from an instinctive yet trained comprehension of the dynamics involved.  Then you are "a flag-bearer," upholding your ideals in a noble manner.

Are you purposive or creative?  "An eagle and a large white dove turn one into the other."  You can be both, as needed.  The creative side is fostered by "A woman drawing two dark curtains aside."  There has to be some courage and daring if life is not to be colorless and bland. We rise from semi-imprisonment, where seclusion is necessary, to some version of creative trial and error.

{Monday}  /Rescuing Creativity from Anxiety\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Message for Sunday 10 November 2019

Sunday 10 November 2019

\Character Developing/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 12:24p PT | 3:24p ET | 8:24p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:02a PT | 9:02a ET | 2:02p UT
until it enters Taurus at 3:19p PT | 6:19p ET | 11:29p UT

One wonders about people with whom one has serious disagreements. They may seem pestilent, disturbing. Yet their intentions may be good, and it is hard to grasp that. Perhaps they lack original discernment and are like "parrots" in some way, conventionally imitating viewpoints and habits they have picked up. 

"The pleasures of the senses" are indicated by "a fair woman sporting herself on a couch." Sepharial says this warns us not to be sybaritic, falling into inept sensuousness. A more generous reading might be that we can enjoy some unusual pleasures as long as we don't get lost in them. Charubel says we may have magical powers, deriving from a strong will, but could use them in a reserved, morose or hurtful manner. When pleasure in lording over others fades, there is bound to be regret.

One learns "nobility" by discerning that one's destiny is linked with common ideals and not just individual ambitions. So one becomes "a flag-bearer" or works for a cause. This can be done tactfully, and with a sensitiveness to final ends which are mutual. There is "information in the symbol of an autumn leaf," or inspiration in the colorful changing of seasons which brings a winter-time of dependence on one another in some cozy cold-shunning fashion.

The lunar data above suggest that whatever seems difficult or painful should feel better by late afternoon or evening. 

{Sunday}  /Character Developing\

Cosmic Piper