Friday, November 29, 2019

Message for Sunday 1 December 2019

Sunday 1 December 2019

}Guidance and Reward Emerging from Within{

Moon in Aquarius

Feeling confined in some ways, you may feel like lashing out at someone or something which seems to be opposing you. Actually it appears that "success is the best revenge" so that attending to practical matters you need to fix up would be far more helpful to yourself and everyone. Those in opposition to you will fade out of your life if you are conscientious in following wise rules you have made for yourself.

"A beacon light on a high rock" is pointing out things to you through impressions you receive, some of which could be Divinity speaking through your humanity even if "the world" thinks they are foolish. You do not have to be dependent on encouragement or support from others in order to be, or be the beneficiary of, "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity." Rewards that come are a result of depending on yourself and your unconditioned expectations. A wonderful person may symbolize that and be instrumental for your fulfillment. 

At the spiritual level, we have Jupiter in the final degree of his own sign, Sagittarius, symbolized by "The Pope." This is ultimately the sanctity of a life lived in accord with one's own spiritual principles. Outward religious or other leaders are helpful along the way. Ultimately you cure your own illnesses and secure your own advantages by relying on your inner self and its faculties. These take all mundane things as fodder rather than being disturbed by them.

{Sunday}  {Guidance and Reward Emerging from Within}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I do not emphasize my religion, Christianity (of a somewhat metaphysical and esoteric sort, but still based in the life and teachings of Jesus), in these reports, but it is worth noting that today is the beginning of Advent in the church calendar, or the 24 days preceding Christmas. It is a wonderful time for those attuned to Christ Jesus and His mission, regardless of the secular gift-buying obsessions which ought to be secondary for both Christians and non-Christians. Still, a blending of the pleasures of friendship with those of the Spirit is a glory of the season.
It is happening. 

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