Thursday, November 21, 2019

Message for Friday 22 November 2019

Friday 22 November 2019

}Calming Anger to Pull Together{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Sunday
< moon enters the Via Combusta (burning way, time of cosmic reshuffling and possible loss of morale) at 9:11p PT 12:11a(Sa) ET | 5:11a(Sa) UT (until Monday morning)

Warnings have to do with failing to follow out the plans and directives of someone "superior," either in a job hierarchy or in one's own estimation. Ultimately, this is the Supreme One, or whoever represents the ideals and designs of that One in your consciousness. Failing to attempt to live up to his or her good intentions is self-hurtful. One might do this through lethargy or caprice. If one feels deprived of some things, this is not so bad if one is content at heart in simplicity and freedom of spirit. 

Mars opposite Uranus, intense now and over the weekend, can be a violent temper, erratic or eccentric actions defiant of everyone, perhaps cruelty. I am merely pointing out the danger as astrologers have seen it over the decades since the discovery of Uranus (first called Herschel after its discoverer). This could be at a sexual level since the two are in Scorpio and Taurus. We need to be careful. People could be edgy or ornery. If one cannot be super-diplomatic, it might be well to pull back.

Symbols suggest a cure for all this. One can be like a tortoise--patient, steady, steadfast--enduring tasks became of what one can ultimately gain from them. One might engage in toil with others as in "a house-raising," where all would find it natural to control their individual tempers or rages in order to work together. Seeking one's own fulfillment through helping someone is one of life's high points.

A detective ability sees through plots and schemes, so that one is not imposed upon, and can ferret out and remove whatever would disrupt one's plans. The moon in Libra plus other indications suggest that one can be proud of one's appearance, or of some enhancement of it, such as hair style or clothing, in order to rise above blank dullness. Both women and men in general sense how to do this and it is a form of therapy, cheer-bringing.

{Friday} {Calming Anger to Pull Together}

Cosmic Piper

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