Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Forecast: Thursday and Friday, 28 February and 1 March, 2013

Thursday 28 February 2013 

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:38a PT | 3:38a ET | 8:38a UT
Moon also in the Via Combusta all day beginning at
7:28a PT | 10:28a ET | 3:28p UT

There are endless problems with Blogger! It messes up paragraphs, changes type-face, runs lines of my poems together . . . it is horrible. You can get a better version of these forecasts at

The raven spills the coffee, scolds the boss.
The smoker hides around the corner. The  

Crowd smells bad. The rabbi's scripture says a
Firm gate opens to those who hold the key.

}Getting the Drift; Through it to Inner Security{

We seem to be in strange times indeed. I am not ringing an alarm bell exactly, but must warn that if you feel completely lost, be careful in your reaction to that feeling. First, realize that you are not alone. It is a cosmic or at least an earthling condition, for everyone on the planet. Second, realize that drastic change would only make things worse. Holding to routines as best you can is probably best. This is the sort of day when one wonders why one is even bothering to go to work or tie one's shoes. Perhaps many will call in sick or otherwise slack off. That is understandable.

Yet beneath all the inertia, lassitude and confusion lies a profound spiritual strength to which you can turn as your refuge.

There are also strategists of a worldly or political sort who can be amazingly adept at doing what they are supposed to do, or look out for all of us whom they supposedly "serve." Maybe they actually will do so, to the best of their ability, although on a day like this it may require faith to comprehend that they are doing anything worth while. Some of them are, to a superlative degree, though within the limits of the current situation.

People want to protect themselves from imaginary (some of which could be real) enemies, ambushes, or deceptions. To do so they turn to their heritage, usually of a spiritual nature, or at least ethical. Each one's way of doing this is different. It involves "standing on the shoulders of giants" to get beyond malaise.

There can be hearty enjoyment of a hearty meal. You are fortunate in having what you wish in that regard.

A ledger at your desk, or digitized accounts, provide tools you need to be sharp and successful with money. If you feel that working with all that is pointless, give it a rest, trusting that all will be well, and when you come back you may see what to do or not-do for now.

An impulse toward liberty is intense. Since the moon is void-of-course, this could take forms mentioned in paragraph 1. Or if you attend faithfully to ordinary work, you will still be emphatic about things which turn up, and insist that you do them your way, the way of your personal freedom.

The religious side of you will seek seclusion  at times to pursue studies or meditations. 

Resentment of those in power-positions could work out in humorous ways. Whether anyone laughs depends on his or her position in the hierarchy, most likely.  Those mocked will not be pleased, and might overhear. You will not be happy with crowded conditions unless they bring somebody you like near by.

A tendency toward rashness and strife can be countered by the strength of security within your place of work. You do what needs to be done, cooperating with those with whom you must cooperate, and somehow anger dissipates eventually even if all is not sweetness and light. To whom do you turn as a haven?

When there is dissatisfaction with working conditions (or even job loss which perhaps some face as a result of the "sequestration"), it is possible to find your personal mandate to continue with what is most important in your inner consciousness. Then the outer path will be revealed, even if not today. Ideals requiring self-sacrifice establish you in karmic security no matter what the current peculiar drift.

{Thursday} {Getting the Drift; Through it to Inner Security}

Cosmic Piper

Friday 1 March 2013

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio (on course)
beginning at 9:35a PT | 12:35p ET | 5:35p UT
/moon void-of-course in Libra before that time
Moon in the Via Combusta all day
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week all day, continuing until around noon on Sunday

Jack and Jill couldn't climb the hill so drifted
To the concert. A boy with a candle
Met them, joining arms; they drank in music,
Quaffed fine wine, espoused deep-held convictions.

~Attaining Communal Peace of Mind~

From the above indications you can see that the day is problematic. Of course we need to learn how to live through such times gracefully, which is part of the mission of astrology: to help us do that by forewarning us.

Despite those patterns, the moon's trines with Neptune, Venus and the sun in afternoon and evening should give a chance for social fulfillment. This could be in more private or secluded spots, such as home, a friend's home, or a place where you feel secure and unhassled.

Whatever goes deep in you, your immortal nature, purpose or poise, is emphasized in a powerful way, as if you could manifest it through magical powers you didn't know you possessed. It helps prepare the world for better things. Two guides you trust could be working with you.

Self-defense can be a vice if it becomes paranoia, but if it is an attempt to bring out the better side of any potential "enemy" or interferer with your happiness, it is reliance on Spirit in a powerful way. There are higher meanings in anyone's life to which you can appeal, lighting them up, with potentials of manifest goodness.

You seem comfortable about finances to the degree that you can enjoy yourself magnificently, with food, drink, entertainment. Because of the |difficult third| and Via Combusta you may hold this to wise limits, but that need not detract from it.

You sense limits, in fact, as a part of life; you wish you had done more in some way, achieved more, but there is no point in fretting about that; the future remains to you. In a place which is homelike and comfortable you could enjoy exquisite music, drama, or the arts.

You seem to understand someone who has caused mischief, a mischief-maker. You don't approve of all he has done but, like the bad boy in Sunday School, he makes life more interesting. There are benefits in associating with all kinds of people in some institutional or home-like setting.

The values people want to manifest sometimes require them to protest the way they or others are being treated. How to do this is the crucial matter. You may have a mandate to help, to modify impatience and resentment with religious or spiritual teachings, yet not losing an impetus toward greater social justice. 

If there are disputes or turmoil, they arise from disagreements, most likely, over politics, religion, or implicit philosophic attitudes. But you have a way of bringing out the best in people. They trust and confide in you when you respond to them affably, with a sense of camaraderie and shared satisfaction. 

{Friday} ~Attaining Communal Peace of Mind~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, February 25, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 26-27 February, 2013

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:14a PT | 1:14p ET| 6:14p UT
until Wednesday morning
Mercury continues retrograde (since Saturday, until March 17)

The squirrel watches carefully; up the tree;
his nuts are safe. Better not to argue with
The raven. A message from the preacher
Helps the strikers win a point; then kick back.

\Dignity Maintained/

Although the moon is void-of-course (in afternoon and evening anyway) and Mercury retrograde, this does not have to be impossible. If you can finish up important business details or choices before that time, good. Afterward it is well to stick to routines which make sense or are necessary. It is not well to be ambitious or try new things, except calmly and experimentally when you have time. It is all right to let the mind wander, which it will, but not when you need to focus on driving or any task dangerous if you were careless. It is well to be absolutely sure people know what you are saying, because they could either misunderstand or forget. It is also well to say as little as possible in most situations. The moon in Virgo is suitable to unpretentious routines.

You can try to maintain optimism despite gloom. Extra rest could be good when you can squeeze it in. You are inclined to dream of the future, and could indeed see into it or enjoy high revelations which inspire you.

You can be both prudent and resolute in accomplishing whatever requires training yourself and possibly others. Even if they resist it at first, they may appreciate your direction when they feel adrift.

Spiritual or ethical messages which come have a bearing on your career. You can implement them partly through commercial, financial or accounting procedures.

Quiet resignation is helpful. At the same time you will rove in your mind to interesting places. The sea or sea-shore could be prominent in reality, memory or imagination.

Conserving mental energy is wise. You might feel that someone is envious of you or jeering. It is better to just let that go. Laws of karma take care of it (or "the vengeance of the Lord" in the Hebrew tradition). You can be independent and cautious, aloof from hassles which would waste time and energy.

Of course, you ought not to be indifferent to everything. Especially it is wise to prevent anger, upset, and strife with anyone with whom you have to deal. Even humor can have a bad result if misunderstood.

More happily, it is possible to work with someone who is familiar at a comfortable level where necessities are taken care of expeditiously without fanfare. You maintain your dignity while holding on to rights; then feel satisfied.

{Tuesday} /Dignity Maintained\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 27 February

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Libra
beginning at 5:03a PT | 8:03a ET | 1:03p UT
/moon void-of-course only before that time

To the lamb runs the child while it bleats a
Welcome to the feast spread upon the table;
In the pantry lie implements of testing.
The naked man finds himself discovered.

}Ice-Skating Toward Self-Expression{

It is important to hold on to optimism, because the lunar indications are mixed, suggesting upset or depression for a time, followed by a renewal of healthy interests and social fulfillment. That could begin especially after 5:30p PT | 8:30p ET. Amazing, angelic guidance and support will be in the air.

As for the anxious side of you, it is possible to be shrewd in protecting yourself and anyone important to you, including children or younger people, from problems or even attacks. That just means caring for those you care for in a responsible way, not hiding them in a fort (unless in fact you are in a war zone).

Religious truths which have sustained you and your ancestors still sustain you. Absorbing teachings from childhood and utilizing them is a great protection.

In your office or at your computer you can settle accounts wisely. You may be less worried about them after the time indicated in paragraph 1.

There are peculiar trends hard to explain. One side of you is testing everything, a little suspicious, but fascinated by your special studies or interests. This is somewhat anti-social. Another side of you is ready for a fall into--well, let's not say love but fascination or obsession with someone. Even if you know you cannot hide what you feel, you may be willing to take the plunge. Gossip about what you have done could be a danger.

You can survive past any such malicious, mischievous rant or whisper against you, by being consistent with what you deeply believe.

A convivial trend can be wonderful, so long as it avoids unnecessary strife and conflict (see paragraph 1 for possible timing). High living may be self-indulgent, yet a great pleasure when shared bountifully.

Spontaneous tendencies and talents emerge, suggesting unlimited potentials to be enjoyed among others who also express themselves freely. The hard side of this is beneath the surface, in people's insecurities. They feel they are not sufficiently rewarded in some way and so feel like protesting their lot. If you can accept that in them and yourself, and then transcend it, the happier promises may come true.

{Wednesday} {Ice-Skating Toward Self-Expression}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 24-25 February, 2013

Sunday 24 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 4:51a(M) UT
until it enters Virgo at 10:54p PT | 1:54a(M) ET | 6:54a(M) UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
ends at 4:22p PT | 7:22p ET | 12:22a(M) UT

A pause in work promotes deep solid rest.
Instruction comes from Masters, friends, the lost.
Raven mocks the worker, the professor
And the lost. It cannot mock the fresh-winged butterfly.

*Dissatisfaction Pushes to Higher Ground*

An ethical or spiritual message is calling to you: "Come up higher. Exalt your vision. Listen to the angels and do what they suggest." [Long shot: Be on higher ground physically, also, or the higher levels of a building, etc. Those dwelling on lower levels may suffer disturbances from above, unless of course they derive from angels!]

You are reserved and self-protected. You may become aware of wishful thinking in yourself. But if that has even a hint of realism in it, it is a blessing, suggesting a fresh beginning, resurgence. Daybreak!

Then you may feel bleak, wanting to lie down and rest. Fine, for a time. You can recover quietly, alone. Working out accounts in your mind or on paper, financial records or plans, could be revitalizing rather than depressing. You may ponder a friend and his problems, with a prayerful desire to help.

Spiritual interests and aims flourish in a niche where you can attend to them peaceably. Disagreement in such matters is usually the result of misunderstanding. There is danger of exacerbating rather than healing such differences if you were to let someone's harsh or destructive argumentation get to you.

Even well-intentioned people can fall victims of envy, craftiness or designed mischief. This is to be guarded against. If you witness it in anyone, or yourself, you might awaken yourself to oppose it, not violently but by spreading angel wings above it and carrying yourself and the other to higher ground.

Pointed and direct speech is good, but not if rash or warlike. People are working out karma slowly, as well as dharma, that is, spiritual or lifetime duty. What is your duty for this lifetime? You are finding it, by back and forth cogitation, during this Dark Hermetic Epoch through April 5. It requires continuous efforts, rather than coasting on an endowment (even if you have a fine endowment to coast on).

If dissatisfied with one's work, one can reorganize it. It is possible also to instruct others, although if one seems conceited, the instruction will probably fail. Friendship may be hard, or seemingly nonexistent, yet the following sentences are true. Old friends need each other, to keep learning from one another, for the friendship itself is a signal that they can do that, no matter what the problems. Each gets psychological insight into himself through psychological insight into the other. That makes one's work also smoother and more poised.

{Sunday} *Dissatisfaction Pushes to Higher Ground*

Cosmic Piper

Monday 25 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo
(not void-of-course except very early; see yesterday's figures)
Full Moon of Pisces-Virgobecomes exact at 12:27p PT | 3:27p ET | 8:27p UT

Submerged, he owns incompetence, and prays.
Instruction from above insists he reach the spot
Where flowers bloom in mystic meadowland.
A booty cursed lies there. He rules himself.

\Service Preceding Rulership/

Many are the messengers, fewer the listeners, and fewer still those who try to obey the message. One function of the sublime, the mysterious, the occultly or mystically fascinating, is to help us realize that this world is a world of illusions we may shape in various ways not suspected by us. Yet such shaping has to be ethical to succeed; in fact has to put others ahead of us much of the time.

There can be deceit in the financial world as elsewhere. Yet to avoid fragmentation, it is better to avoid suspecting everyone and to trust where there is no solid reason for suspicion. Otherwise smart plans get lost in doubt. Intelligent formulas see both sides of every outcome and adjust the approach accordingly.

Ill health could be a need for rest. Then emotional complexities clear away. Adjusting money matters as well as you can removes worries which could have been getting you down. Knowing accounting details is therapeutic.

Incompetence is never absolute, but relative. If you feel lost in some area of expertise, you are not lost in other areas. You can improve your competence in any area crucial. Even in small ways, that removes any feeling of hopelessness.

Even those successful in business may fail in other ways, as in giving their fortune away unwisely or carelessly to anyone who seduces them. The Dark Hermetic Epoch (until April 6) is a time when this can happen to any of us if we let down our guard.

Those who joke implicitly insult. Sometimes this is a vice which ought to be rebuked; other times it provides real humor which can refresh us and make us more aware of our foibles without resenting the awareness. The continuity of the world we love and appreciate establishes us in a security which is not afraid to exert itself and serve when that feels deeply appropriate.

Integrity and service precede rulership. Such can be happening for you. Annoying attitudes in the ones served, which could provoke strife, can be dealt with in better ways. A bitter pill swallowed may promote well-being and strengthen your authority to do things as you wish.

Times of adjustment to work are necessary, even times when one abstains from work as a protest against its harshness or regimentation. It is possible for an employee to instruct an employer, a client a professional, as well as the other way around. Life's problems are elucidated and solved through patient investigation.

{Monday} /Service Preceding Rulership\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Forecast: Friday and Saturday, 22-23 February, 2013

Friday 22 February 2013

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Leo
beginning at 2:13p PT | 5:13p ET | 10:13p UT
/before that, moon void-of-course

The |karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week is upon us until Sunday evening, but other factors make Friday much better than Saturday for partying or having fun

Join the parade! It weaves through dark streets
Where ghosts gather, then to bright lights
Which need a fuse. When three horses reach the
Bazaar of bouquets, let the toasts begin.

*Modest Celebration*

This is the day of this weekend for fun or partying, not Saturday and probably not Sunday, at least not big-time.

In fact, there may be cause for celebration. People feel good about themselves and therefore good about everyone else.
There is a slight discount from that statement because of the |difficult third| but we have to live with that and work with the relativities we are dealt.

You may find that things get better as the day and evening proceed. Many feel good about something in their careers and might share that. It is as if they were emerging from obscurity into public favor.

Pioneers in the spiritual realm are aware also of accounting, of keeping finances in shape which will support their mission. Then they feel they do not have to protect themselves from ambush.

If anyone gets over-excited, feeling his mana as irresistible, he or she may feel specially privileged. If he rather tries to awaken his joy in others and benefit companions, things will go well.
Mutual instruction goes swimmingly. There is accord among two or three individuals. People want to share pleasures in a setting which supports amicability. There is praise and flattery which does not detract from dignity.

Because we are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until April 6), not all the plans and hopes discussed so exuberantly will work out exactly as imagined, but we are wary of this and ready to abrogate problems which could imperil our schemes. A traditional decorative ambience improves the tone of the mind.

At worst, the jubilant mood could turn dark if someone gets too cocky and before realizing it stirs up a fight. We need to remember that we disagree about some things and there is no remedy for that except patience. Remembering what we have, our security, our homes, is a help; we have privileges which should make us calm rather than arrogant, and protective of what we rely upon.

In the background of people's thoughts may be a feeling that they are cheated, underpaid or under-appreciated. Yet in the foreground is self-dramatization and mutual inspiration. Let us celebrate.

*Modest Celebration*

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 23 February 2013

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Leo
moon not void-of-course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
lasts until Sunday at 4:23p PT | 7:23p ET | 12:23a(M) UT

The poker hand looks good. No bluff. Not so
Good. Back to accounts. Bubbles in the air.
Lumber to chop. Dice to roll. Drills to go through.
Snakes uncoil; slither away at command.

*Long-Term Aim, with Patience*

While the Full Moon approaches (exact on Monday), overconfidence could be a problem, when it involves gambles or risks. Most likely it is better to pull back and be prudent.

You can definitely aim well at your target in career areas, if study or some other approach to them is possible. You might also dream of high ideals, bright thrilling fantasies, which is fine so long as they don't entice you into dangerous actions. Mercury is at its station, ready to turn retrograde early Monday, and the effects are evident. Your mind drifts into past obsessions, some of them "flaky," others legitimately fascinating but seemingly impractical.

Good strategies may come to you as you ponder ways to accomplish a mission. You may see how to handle the commercial side of it, protecting yourself from loss.

Someone well-disciplined, perhaps a military person, might fascinate you, as if some of his or her skill rubbed off on you. Possibilities which seemed promising yesterday may recede, though you still dream of them, awaiting a chance to bring them closer to fruition.

Warnings against hopeless gambles abound in the chart. It's fine to dream, but not wise to risk loss by trying things which in more sober moments you would realize are not realistic. One bit of good advice would be to finish up duties, or things you feel you ought to do, before trying anything fresh, unusual, adventitious or possibly delusional.

Mobilizing your abilities to get immediately necessary things done will be a tonic. It cuts out the deadwood from your thinking and feeling.

Rash acts could bring turmoil or strife. Everyone is likely to be in a mood to try to gain by some crazy scheme and so there is angry competition under the surface which can explode when anyone is frustrated in his designs.

Covertly, people are thinking of their work, their position in the world and how inadequate it seems. They are silently protesting against that indignity and it makes them edgy. 

Seeing things as a circus in progress could help. Then you don't take it all too seriously. Of course there can be entertainment. It is just wise to realize it is entertainment rather than get carried away by desires, angers or passions aroused by it. Life is an interesting long-term experiment. Impatience could make it an agony it does not have to be.

{Saturday} *Long-Term Aim, with Patience*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, 20-21 February, 2013

Extra Report: Review [Forecasts for Wednesday and Thursday are beneath this]
It is always good to review things during the Dark Hermetic Epoch (this one from February 8 through April 5). These reports are in evolution, as they have been since their beginning in 1999. Since going back to the daily approach a month or two ago, Cosmic Piper has been struggling to get his sea legs. I think some of the reports have been excellent, others not so much. Nobody probably would believe the countless hours I spend on reviewing them and my procedures, and reviewing past events in my life, others' lives, and general public occurrences such as 9/11 and others (usually it's the tragedies that have the memorable dates), with the daily charts of each. I work on deciding the correct or most useful orbs for each aspect to each planet. Too much is too much, too little too little. Another astrologer once said to me, "It's like cooking." Indeed. The best recipe for these reports has eluded me since the beginning; my only comfort is that (a) nobody else is doing better, so far as I know, and (b) at least the tentative recipes I use produce something palatable, or anyway you faithful readers say so. I appreciate your loyalty through it all. My aim is to produce something not only palatable but more nourishing than ever.

Not only orbs but other factors are so important in the daily charts. I use experimental "fields" rather than "houses," although I have tried the traditiional "houses" set up for various place on the earth and for various times of day or celestial events. The daily time of the moon's entrance into each lunar mansion would be one way to do it. I have tried that extensively, over the years, and found that it has some value. But it did not come out as the most-accurate and therefore most-favored method. My own discoveries, namely field systems, have won the prize, and at last I have finished, I believe, my investigation of them. Some won, most lost.

There are many ways to do astrology, but if all of them worked it would not be a science but a chaotic wilful delusion. Some of them do not work. I have tried countless methods which seemed to work for a while and then failed too often. They are gone. I do not return to them. Others which have had promise I have kept in the "stable" of possible methods, and trotted them out after months or years to try them again. Most of them have been dropped but others retained, until I believe finally I have the best team of steeds for the daily race toward the truth, which is the goal.

Still, as in any science or art, there is no substitute for experience, and that goes on and on. I believe I am getting wiser, if not smarter, and learning how to balance all the factors I use. I use too many, it would appear. And so I try assiduously to reduce them, as a cook does not want unnecessary ingredients. But then I find that there is an irreducible minimum of factors to come up with a daily reading which is accurate, useful and interesting. That minimum is quite large! So I am wrestling with more factors in each daily forecast than perhaps the human brain can handle realistically. I am continuing to learn how to balance them and let each modify the others appropriately. I hope you will see that the reports get more cogent and useful as we proceed.

I am very happy that you are coming along for the adventure.

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 20 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer
beginning at 2:46a PT | 5:46a ET | 10:46a UT
Moon on course after (not before) that time

The gauche fire drill flares tempers. "You are wrong;
Do it this way." Acceding humbly, some
Evoke fairies of the sunset spreading
A solemn path to serenity's feast.

~Around Obstacles to Enjoyment~

The "cycle of misunderstanding" of Venus square Saturn may be past us, partially, but today there are other indications of a similar issue, as if you felt you were not properly appreciated while you continue to give forth what you can for the benefit of those who don't appreciate it enough. This has a harsh but also an erotic side, as if your disappointment were a tonic to erotic feelings (which compensate).

Celestial powers and gifts are yours. You will sense what that means. They open doors to surprising love-feelings, as well as  financial awareness promising greater prosperity.

A mission you have requires stamina and persistence in the face of opposition, as if you had to protest something. You want to reorganize something in your own way to end dissatisfaction. Therefore you assert yourself in that direction, and someone may perceive you as being a bully although that is farthest from your mind.

If you sense what could upset your plans, you can use circumspect, even crafty methods to prevent that from happening. Even imagination and fantasy could help, if you express them in a way which catches the fancy and sensitivity of someone who then comes over to your side.

Your allegiance to drills or routines which make sense to you will help you prevent upsetting people in a way which would lead to strife or anger. Your awareness of a talent you have, unusual and second to none, will help you rise above a tendency to quarrel, because you feel confident that you don't need to do that; you have something no one can take.

Something or someone you rely on is very good for you as long as you don't make that reliance into a petrified crutch which could fail you at crucial moments. In other words, you can use that help, with gratitude and satisfaction, but be ready to go beyond what it provides when that is wise.

Good times seem ready to pop, if you get past a crucial point around 4 p.m. PT | 7 p.m. ET (a few hours before and one hour after that). People may be too sensitive during that time, likely to "go off half-cocked," but you and they can control yourselves patiently, and then the rest of the evening could be wonderful, with shared meal or other kinds of conviviality.

Being high-minded has its rewards. You stop worrying what people think, because you don't have strong desires which insist that they do this or that or perceive you in this or that way. Then all can feel comfortably familiar with one another. Serenity smooths a path for peace of mind and enjoyment--yours at least, and maybe theirs if they are open.

{Wednesday} ~Around Obstacles to Enjoyment~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 21 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:09p PT | 9:09p ET | 2:09a(F) UT

Car radio blares, tires screech: rage of the road.
Furrowed brow, angry words. Military band
Inspires escape. Safe spot, familiar meal.
Book in the sky from which floats butterfly.


Anyone itching for a fight is in a position to be gratified, by arousing the anxieties and sensitivities in someone to the point where malice is expressed on one side or both. At the same time someone else is trying to be good by dispensing succor to those who need it.

During the Dark Hermetic Epoch (up to April 6) most of us experience psychic phenomena more than usual. Today you might be able to "pull down" important, useful, esoteric information from above. This might have a bearing on the well-being of someone with whom you are infatuated. This person is both militant and sweetly refined or musical. He or she cares about some situation which deprives him of his true vocation or interferes with his calling.

You are silent and watchful in connection with work or study. A cunning, cautious approach protects you from upset. You may assist in bringing two individuals together, whether intended or not.

Many are rushing into print before they have anything really to say. A writers' agent remarked that "there are more writers than readers" at this point. You may find that some old book inspires you deeply and develops your ingenuity more briskly than current shallow writing.

When people are in a hurry to get where they want to go they bump into or interfere with one another--"heavy traffic." This can be on foot as well as in a vehicle. It can be in the psychic realm, where too many impulses from varying sources converge and confuse. Fortunately you can shield yourself from all this by being prudently resourceful: selective.

Intelligence creates a haven of rest and security. You may share this with someone close to you. It is wonderful to relax around a table where the edibles on it are less compelling than the fellow-feeling shared with the other or others assembled.

What seems abnormal in you, to someone else, may be one of your assets if you use it wisely. When you encounter malice, you can know that it surges from some sad or tragic happening in the malicious one's recent past. Therefore you can fend it off by a charitable approach. The uniqueness in you which "set him off" is a value you are developing and using, often without realizing exactly how.

{Thursday} ~Selective~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday and Tuesday, 18-19 February, 2013

Monday 18 February 2013

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Gemini
Moon on course

The petrified receipt shall show wisdom
Or show folly. The lady wearing fur
Fast walks her dog around the snorting bull.
Children pig on snacks beneath the piano.

}Right Refined Moves{

A strong, manly element is needed to traverse the day. Common sense works when too much strategizing fails.

Anger and even violence are possible; also a deep appreciation of beauty in anyone who strikes your fancy. Men who feel sadistic toward women who attract them are to be tracked down or avoided.

Copying documents, faxing them, or working in e-documents may be necessary and successful. Some details may remain mysterious or unresolved.

Good fortune and prosperity in mundane matters could impel you to go on a lark. You devour provender among those who are secretive and avaricious.

Silent and careful methods enhance your chances of avoiding trouble. You rely on old, well-preserved resources. Achievement streams through fingers of skill.

Tastefulness is a way of displaying suavity and prosperity. It need not be an excuse for avoiding fixed purposes. If it were it could lead to endless diversions like a model on a walkway for eternity.

Shopping prudently could be rewarding. You enjoy the vigor of savvy commercial transaction.

Love turns up four days after Valentine's Day. You are adaptable and persuasive with one you love. You elucidate things for each other as if in a master-pupil relation. If successful this leads to a union of minds rather than debate.

"You always hurt the one you love" is, fortunately, an exaggeration. But it happens. One way to finesse it is to sense it as "a game of meeting kinglinesses" in Sri Aurobindo's phrase. As in chess or tennis, there is beauty in the right refined moves.

{Monday} {Right Refined Moves}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 19 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:49a PT | 1:49p ET | 6:49p UT
until it enters Cancer Wednesday at 2:46a PT | 5:46a ET | 10:46a UT

"The fire next time" sings the Revolution.
Go on strike, strategize, trash the palm bar,
Launch balloons with messages, study the
Manifesto. Withdraw, pretend to drift.

}Justice Sought Openly or Sub Rosa{

There is rivalry as if a desire to succeed in a contest with someone. This results in an industrious attitude which can take care of details affecting your prosperity.

You are reaching upward, toward the top, however you may define "top" in your speculations. So you want to make sure your financial basis is accurate and reliable.

You have a strong sense of what is right and just, and so you will not want to tolerate what is unjust. This means you could protest it in no uncertain terms. There are those who could cooperate with you, at a distance or internationally, but after the v-of-c time it would be hard to make solid arrangements. Still you could study toward revolution, like the fanatical Marx or Lenin.

Caution anticipates sources of trouble. You can rely on something ancient or petrified as a crutch or support. By eliminating the non-essential, trimming back, you will enhance late afternoon and evening simply and naturally.

The precision of clear, attainable targets is an asset. That could prevent you from stirring up strife or upsetting people, because you will be efficient enough in strategy to avoid that. There is a danger of trying what would turn out to be frivolous even if impressive at first.

Accompanying the forgoing is considerable caution, a desire to be unnoticed and therefore safe. If people will just leave you alone, you might even appear indifferent to everything. Actually you are passionate about some things, but know when you can teach and when you have to be patient and learn. You could do some of both.

Turmoil within you seems to result in a conflict between the two tendencies. 1., You want to change things, especially those unfair. 2., You are willing to make a fool of yourself, stand up and draw attention to yourself, to make an impact. But 3., you want to be safe and so you don't want to go too far. Getting some practical work done industriously will be a cure for some of this and show you what is feasible and what not.

{Tuesday} {Justice Sought Openly or Sub Rosa}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 16-17 February, 2013

Saturday 16 February 2013Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus
Moon not void-of-course

Naturally Blogger is going to ruin these posts however it may. It runs lines together, changes the typeface, and generally hates Cosmic Piper and is trying to do away with him. I struggle on. You will have to deal with the ugly formatting.

|Karmically difficult or sobering third|of this week continues
until Sunday at 10:50a PT | 1:50p ET | 6:50p UT

The military drill points swords of sorrow toward hearts
Of woe. The accountant gazes toward his bottom line.

The fire is quenched by water from the stream
Where a drowning man is rescued by his friend.

\Holding On for Dear Life/

Accounting and business details can be worked out, financial plans and calculations. Such matters might go swimmingly now if you are at all inclined toward them.

Have you been less than tactful with someone? Either someone else, or that person himself, is someone you can cling to for support to reduce insecurities. This could happen in ways quite unexpected.

Sorrows you have felt recur like the ebbing and flowing tides. Often is it impossible to discern all the causes of them, whether in the past or present. However, there is a reduction of them, noticeable in the coming week as Venus moves away from her emotionally painful square with Saturn.

The cyclic nature of life could become clearer to you. You see that weekly, monthly, daily, and other cycles and schedules are so important and real that you can hook up with them in a better way. This has big value in your career. Although you may envy others--who of us does not at times--you sense that the ups and downs of life carry all of us on their teeter-totter, so we may as well make the best of them as consciously as we may.

Your desire for independence is strong. Choices you make for items, purchases, deals, or for love and friendship are designed to make you feel free of law and restriction as much as possible. So it is well to reduce the myriad details in which you could get lost, and be efficient in controlling quick choices at critical points. You are not likely to make mistakes if through the excitement you embrace your exalting freedom.

Precision and efficiency are crucial. Rather than making you less peaceful, they secure peace through definite procedures. You have a vision of a high place you could arrive at if you stick to intelligent methods.

If you think someone near you is sneaking around and spying on you, perhaps you could sense this as flattery, since obviously it shows you are interesting. Maybe if you emerge from your hiding place and spread your wings, they will see you in a new way, respect you, and cease to bother you.

Onward and upward, as a knight facing endless duels. Your power of execution can be stunning. It is even a cause for celebration when people are inspired by the way you exhibit yourself.

A practical focus seems best, at least before you go out socially; then the adventure will be happier because you will feel you have achieved something which makes you more secure. Some of that could be business and financial details. Paying bills or doing taxes can be therapeutic. If you have done anything which has put you in a bad position, there is a friend or friends to ask for help, and you will get it if you ask. This might be an advantage to the friend or helper as well as yourself.

{Saturday} /Holding On for Dear Life\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 17 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus until
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:32p PT|3:32p ET|8:32p UT
Moon enters Gemini (no longer void-of-course)
at 1:51p PT | 4:51p ET | 9:51p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
ends at 10:50a PT | 1:50p ET | 6:50p UT

The sword is rusty, the armory collapsed
To make way for the circus. Three violins 

Accompany three clowns. A ray supreme 
Lights up the tortoise who has won the race.

}Past Trouble Toward Contentment{

Much that is easy-going and peaceful should be your lot. You are patient, slow, contented, able to take the long view. Music, the arts and literature could be satisfying.

An apparent absence of trouble is very pleasing. Good fortune has multiple sources. Gratitude would enhance it.

You might be aware of individuals, at least in your mind, who are seemingly nice but filled with malice under the surface. You might encounter or observe them in a restauruant, bar, or coffee house. They do not even know why they have a semi-conscious desire to hurt people. Your own merit will detect them, and you could be eloquent in opposing them if they make trouble or even insinuate false accusation.

By anticipating trouble you can prevent it. I am not encouraging paranoia, but confident watchfulness which does not shrink from life and its challenges. The breadth of your resources gives you survival-power. Prodigally sharing gifts or talents, in a friendly way, relaxes people to the point where their fangs recede.

Examples from the past inspire you. Those who have been through wars, and write about them, often show us the way to peace. (A current example might be the movie The Gatekeepers which I have not yet seen.) In the digital era there are also cyber-wars. Video games exalting killing are one of the banes of our culture. The young killer in Connecticut was addicted to them, not surprisingly.

Being in a place where one is secure, such as home or a home-like space, is reassuring. The universe is basically friendly. Continuities between your ancestral or childhood home and your current one could be rallying. Thinking about your father might support this.

Authority which could come to you, in your own domain, might exceed that of your father or mother. In some realm you rule, even if in play-acting as in a circus. The lion-tamer, clown, ringmaster release our own powers.

Your convictions will show you what to do and when. You will probably not feel hurried, but give yourself time to assimilate reality and comprehend it so that, when united with your inner sphere, it guides you peaceably.

{Sunday} {Past Troubles to Contentment}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Forecast: 14-15 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:36p PT|10:36p ET|3:36a(F) UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
begins at 3:32p PT | 6:32p ET | 11:32p UT
and continues until Sunday afternoon (almost three days, longer than usual)
In recent weeks, the following events have occurred within the
|difficult third|: The Sandy Hook storm which closed down New York City,
the nightclub fire in Brazil which killed hundreds, and the storm in the Northeast
this past weekend which closed down car and air traffic. Such notoriously notable
problems do not occur every time, but if you watch these |periods| closely you
will determine what they mean for you personally. Generally, quieter, more individual
and "lonesome" activities are preferable to business or social initiatives.


It seems that Valentine's Day expressions and activities might go better earlier in the day or early evening. Late at night it seems that unwelcome, perverse or decadent trends might set in.

The whole day could be brimming over with mysteries, some of them fascinating. By struggling to understand, you arrive at surprising insight.

Disciplined effort is better than speculative gambling. Feelings of gloom or futility can be overcome by focusing on your basic work. This might include difficult but important communications.

You can be strong, determined, and independent, asserting your dominion. This requires control of a quailing or shrinking trend in your emotions, but you are capable of that. A place where people recompense themselves through refreshment is favorable.

You can be bold and forceful when necessary. Most of the time you prefer to avoid dangers cautiously. It is possible to make positive suggestions to people without "leading them on" insincerely, if you develop the knack. They feel you are promising something but without a stated commitment.

An intellectual-spiritual side of the day runs deep, as if you were seeking illumination. That can bring you profound  contentment and well-being. Someone homeless or otherwise needing assistance will not be a drag on things if you handle the situation smoothly.

Adhering to some delicate, easy-going tradition could ease your feelings and make you less isolated.

A happy facet of the day is some sense of possession, of aristocracy or heritage, a feeling that you are set up to be an asset to others, hospitable: a boon to the community.

Precise, exact thinking and accounting in business will dispel clouds of worry.

Whatever is filthy or perverse will be easily dispatched if you remain watchful. You guard against whatever would subvert calm simple purposes with which you are aligned.

{Thursday} *Probity*

Cosmic Piper

Friday 15 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus
/moon void-of-course until it
enters Taurus at 2:09a PT | 5:09a ET | 10:09p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
until Sunday afternoon

\Options Toyed With; Misanthropy Overcome/

However dull this may sound, quietude and calm are a good approach, rather than high expectations of any sort of excitement or thrill. You can let things work out by being as easily responsible as possible--easily because you do not make an issue of things you have to do but just do them, making your object not ambition or success but "just doing it" as if serving in a Zen monastery.

A trend toward Nature could be wonderful. You want to be somewhere free of the artificiality and selfish calculation of the urban environment. Of course this can be a state of mind you enter into even in the intensity of a metropolis if that is your only option.

A sense of futility and gloom can be overcome. A place of refreshment can help. Of course I don't meant drinking until you fall asleep in a bar. However, "misery loves company" and being with the down-and-out can be a comfort. They have little to enjoy and so make the most of it.

A strong desire for freedom could lead to fascinating examination of your options, what you might buy or use as a springboard to gain and liberty. Is this realistic? Maybe not but it gives you hope--which is a sustainment in consciousness at least even if it doesn't buy the tickets you would like.

At a deeper level, common sense jibes with spiritual seeking so that you could soberly keep a calm head while pursuing deeper knowledge, insight, and illumination. Desires fall away as you confide in a higher power. Then anxiety falls away also.

Work is a part of your salvation. You see what you need to do in the immediate situation, so doing it expeditiously is a tonic. Heave-ho! Then you feel flushed with accomplishment, no matter how small the task, and revived for further adventures.

Those could include something like a game or play--at worst foolish gambling, or, for the better, relaxation through either a formal game or free-form joking or jostling with people. During a |difficult third| this has its limits. Unfortunately people can get out of sorts rather easily.

Inspiration and ingenuity flow to you especially in the evening, no matter what your mood. That can protect you from bitterness, which could be one of the worst features of the day. You may see the worse in people too easily, brood about that, and become morose and misanthropic. But by evening you should be able to sense the solid reality in your situation, the economic, business, and career foundations of your life, and that is a comfort.

{Friday} /Options Toyed With; Misanthropy Overcome\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, February 11, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 12-13 February, 2013

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Pisces
until moon enters Aries at 5:52p PT|8:52p ET|1:52a(W) UT
Before that, /the moon is void-of-course

~What We Have~

We work with what we have. That simple statement is meaningful today. There is no gain in moaning about what seems lost or unattainable. What is here and attainable is what you have and is sufficient. Your memory also is sufficient, reflecting what stands out as important. If you work with what it reflects, as in a looking-glass, you will know what to do.

Someone charitable has a destiny to be helping people. You may see him at work in a place where people are served food or drink.

Promptings of desire could be intense. One knows not where they come from or what they mean. Would your analyst or therapist know? I am not so sure. The TV series In Treatment is revealing, showing that therapist and client are both groping toward answers neither knows. Yet you can realize you are not helpless, and keep your activities normal, free of abnormal isolation or drift as well as of preying on anyone through overweening desire, during the void-of-course time especially.

You want to be bold and independent. Yet to do that you are relying on something solid as a structure, almost petrified; a set of rules or habits you believe have sustained you. During the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until April 6) it is good to hold on, for survival, to what has been your support in the past. Things which happen will validate that you are on the right track.

You can keep practicing skills and pushing them, no matter how hard it seems. Then when you are passive and thoughtful, you will not degenerate into lassitude, but use that period of calm to regenerate yourself before you push forward again, exact with methods and rules.

You have your own space to retreat to. And you are your unique self, using all that uniqueness to overcome all your limitations. That feels good. Your small victories sustain the cosmos.

How do people become vindictive and malicious? Psychiatrists and criminologists will tell you what they know and what they surmise. Often those evincing violence have become embittered when they feel they have failed a test; and then blame the world. They need to see that if they don't qualify in some realm they will qualify in some other realm where they can be proud of themselves.

[If you wonder why in these reports I repeat things which are perhaps generally true, and consider them forecasts for a day, it is because they are suggested by the daily chart and can turn up in your life and thinking in multiple ways. As to the previous paragraph, you might meet someone who is very angry either on the surface or beneath the surface. Or think about such a person or feel like one temporarily. Or study something about such individuals or see a movie about one of them.]

The Venus-square-Saturn aspect, still with us strongly, began February 3 and lasts through the 18th. For many these are critical periods of self-doubt and the seeming failure of love both given and received. You might be so impressionable that you think every little indication of failure or disapproval is the collapse of your hopes or your life. Please realize that this is a temporary "sobering" period which afflicts us only so we can get a firmer spiritual footing. Valiant attempts to be courteous to everyone are a remedy, for you see that they also are suffering as you are in one way or another.

We continue to press forward, working with what we have.

{Tuesday} ~What We Have~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Aries
Moon not void-of-course

*Toward Success and Affluence*

This seems a far more satisfying day than yesterday. There is encouragement for plans, hopes, transactions, dealings, career attempts and projects.

Beyond the third dimension is the fourth, in which the whole sweep of human and individual history is unfolded, and within which dwell higher dimensions. The problem is that in that sentence I am using temporal and spatial metaphors to suggest what is "more than" temporal and spatial, and so language fails, except in the extraordinarily competent, thoroughly crafted and brilliantly expressive language of Sri Aurobindo whether in The Life Divine, Savitri, or his other writings.

[As mentioned yesterday, when I write gnomic things like that, which are true every day, I am doing so because the daily chart suggests their current powerful relevance.]

Higher mysteries abound. They turn up even in ordinary places such as wherever people share food or drink. Yet even if you surmise people would not react well if you stated them, because they wouldn't understand, these mysterious truths are active within you when you give them leeway. Yet the deepest truths are not achieved without effort. Human life itself is an effort toward them. They come to many after decades of activity and trial.

Trying to be free, you resort to whatever will work to keep up the appearance of freedom. This is straightforward action, and also caution in avoiding dangers. You see how to "hide," as it were, from people who at present would likely interfere with your progress. Impetuous acts in your neighborhood or community also could help you be or feel free, and may be protected by current aspects (if they are not violent).

Observing everything from a high level of detached competence, you will reduce or eliminate sorrow. Trials you have gone through in your younger days may be fading away. (This is a help to ameliorate the condition mentioned in the next-to-last paragraph of Tuesday's report.) Self-protection, perhaps especially emotionally, is felt as a need, so you are constantly measuring the conditions around you, economic and social, so you can adjust efficiently and avoid embarrassment. But this is easier than yesterday.

The possibility of falling, that is, failing in some way and having to pick yourself up again, is there, but if you avoid blind and ill-considered action you will be safe. Someone who is tasteful or somewhat snobbish, conscious of clothing or style, might be an ally to a degree if you are able to connect through mental rapport.

Mostly the day is positive. It could be very smart to press ahead and make contacts, connections, proposals. Anyone in business who might aid you or be an ally might respond well to requests. Your intuition, in this regard, will be correct, guiding you to the right approach to personal success along any line.

{Wednesday} *Toward Success and Affluence*

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 10-11 February, 2013

Sunday 10 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Pisces
beginning at 1:21p PT | 4:21p ET | 9:21p UT
Before that, moon in Aquarius
/goes void-of-course at 11:21p(Sa) PT | 2:21a ET | 7:21a UT
until it enters Pisces at the time above (fourteen hours of v-of-c)

The New Moon of Aquarius occurs at the beginning of the v-of-c time (above)

~Doubting Defeated~

1  On this first day of a New Moon, there is intensity of aspiration and hope. You sort out friends and allies and realize who is on your side. Rivals cannot defeat you in your special field if you are consistent, even if you cannot see exactly all the details you need in order to proceed and succeed. The "aspiration and hope" are greatly challenged by the square of Venus with Saturn, exact now, but this is something to overcome rather than submit to. It is doubt: doubt of oneself and of others, and above all doubt that one is loved or can love.

2  A businessperson who knows how to settle things practically could be helpful, whether or not you like his or her personality. This could prevent you from drifting too carelessly, although it is a Sunday. The drifting might be natural and relaxing, restorative, before the moon enters Pisces (time above). You receive recompense in multiple ways through your community. You can find a subtle, easy balance between indifference to your needs and too much worry about them.

3  The question of control is interesting. How much control do we have over our lives? Philosophers and psychologists, and of course neurologists and geneticists, might tell us: Very little or none. Astrologers, who generally recognize the reality of past and future lives and the long outworking of personal destiny, say that we have enormous control; and our birth-charts (and, I hope, these forecasts) help us see how to implement that within the limits we have already ourselves created. Our powers of survival are endless. Still, you are inclined toward ordinary caution when it comes to choosing contests or opportunities, avoiding those which seem pointless.

4  You might express yourself through regimenting things, even people and allies. This actually could bring peace to them, since they then know what to do within the security of the framework to which you have summoned them. Speculation unites with ambition to carry you, and them, higher.

5  Your aptitudes should not be squelched by those around you who might throw cold water on them. When that happens, you can use it as an incentive to increase your naive, hopeful self-expression, in the face of their doubts or even ambushes. You have not lost prudence, but it is accompanied by a smile and a wink.

6  Diligence and industry seem fated, a part of your life at this moment, so you do not give up on tasks even if you wonder whether they will succeed. Self-training gives you more pleasure than constant self-indulgence. You practice skills and rise to every occasion. During the long v-of-c time, this might be more practice than implementation; even mostly practice in the mind.

7  There is a warning against setting yourself against "the ruling powers" of this outer world, whatever they may be. Your personal freedom depends on cooperating with the current set-up whether you like it or not, part of the time at least. You might suspect that someone who has power over you or some of your projects is secretly wishing you would fail. This may or may not be true, but even if it is, you can look rather to your self-estimation, and carry on, though with care not to offend those who could upset your plans. Despite worries, you can proceed toward a higher plateau of insight and accomplishment.

{Sunday} ~Doubting Defeated~

Cosmic Piper

Monday 11 February 2013
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:04a PT | 12:04p ET | 5:04p UT
(until Tuesday evening when it enters Aries, almost 33 hours)

~Earning and Emanating Serenity~

1  The stress of things, linked with intense squares among major planets, could seem partly inexplicable, coming from hidden sources. This is not paranoia, just a realization that there are a lot of confused people in the world, and confused invisible entities, according to occultists. They seem able to "possess" us more often when the moon is void-of-course.

2  There are practical expedients. You are watching over your bottom line, as well as anyone important to you whom you can aid or protect. By being faithful to someone you assimilate the best in his or her reality. People flow into and through one another while the moon is in Pisces.

3  When you feel compelled by circumstances into strange positions, knocked about, you can turn to established, almost petrified support, whether material or spiritual, which has aided you before. This allows you to be inspired and ingenious in getting out of tangles.

4  When they have group responsibilities, people can become officious. Still you could learn something from them if you "obey" at least to the point where you maintain your peace of soul. That could prevent strange quarrels erupting. However, if a matter of principle is at stake, you may have to defend yourself straightforwardly while avoiding bitterness.

5  If you remain resourceful and reserved, with philosophic composure, you will attain a serenity which enables you to ignore the promptings of passionate desires. It is not that you have to stomp on them and crush them but that they fade away in the light of your inner detached peaceful understanding.

6  If you have a strong connection in consciousness with that to which you are dedicated, and seek illumination as to how to fulfill that dedication, you will not care much whether you get payment or recognition, for the dedication itself is its own reward. Such is the life of a priest in the truest sense, or a selfless teacher in any field.

7  Whether or not you feel wronged or misunderstood, you are able to assert yourself with courage. When you observe indications of something amiss, you can take strong, fearless measures to correct it. If possible, you prefer to do this in a homelike, tastefully furnished setting where people while enjoying conventional comforts see ahead of the curve of individual tendencies and find ways to finesse their differences.

 {Monday} ~Earning and Emanating Serenity~

Cosmic Piper