Saturday, February 23, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 24-25 February, 2013

Sunday 24 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 4:51a(M) UT
until it enters Virgo at 10:54p PT | 1:54a(M) ET | 6:54a(M) UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week
ends at 4:22p PT | 7:22p ET | 12:22a(M) UT

A pause in work promotes deep solid rest.
Instruction comes from Masters, friends, the lost.
Raven mocks the worker, the professor
And the lost. It cannot mock the fresh-winged butterfly.

*Dissatisfaction Pushes to Higher Ground*

An ethical or spiritual message is calling to you: "Come up higher. Exalt your vision. Listen to the angels and do what they suggest." [Long shot: Be on higher ground physically, also, or the higher levels of a building, etc. Those dwelling on lower levels may suffer disturbances from above, unless of course they derive from angels!]

You are reserved and self-protected. You may become aware of wishful thinking in yourself. But if that has even a hint of realism in it, it is a blessing, suggesting a fresh beginning, resurgence. Daybreak!

Then you may feel bleak, wanting to lie down and rest. Fine, for a time. You can recover quietly, alone. Working out accounts in your mind or on paper, financial records or plans, could be revitalizing rather than depressing. You may ponder a friend and his problems, with a prayerful desire to help.

Spiritual interests and aims flourish in a niche where you can attend to them peaceably. Disagreement in such matters is usually the result of misunderstanding. There is danger of exacerbating rather than healing such differences if you were to let someone's harsh or destructive argumentation get to you.

Even well-intentioned people can fall victims of envy, craftiness or designed mischief. This is to be guarded against. If you witness it in anyone, or yourself, you might awaken yourself to oppose it, not violently but by spreading angel wings above it and carrying yourself and the other to higher ground.

Pointed and direct speech is good, but not if rash or warlike. People are working out karma slowly, as well as dharma, that is, spiritual or lifetime duty. What is your duty for this lifetime? You are finding it, by back and forth cogitation, during this Dark Hermetic Epoch through April 5. It requires continuous efforts, rather than coasting on an endowment (even if you have a fine endowment to coast on).

If dissatisfied with one's work, one can reorganize it. It is possible also to instruct others, although if one seems conceited, the instruction will probably fail. Friendship may be hard, or seemingly nonexistent, yet the following sentences are true. Old friends need each other, to keep learning from one another, for the friendship itself is a signal that they can do that, no matter what the problems. Each gets psychological insight into himself through psychological insight into the other. That makes one's work also smoother and more poised.

{Sunday} *Dissatisfaction Pushes to Higher Ground*

Cosmic Piper

Monday 25 February 2013
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo
(not void-of-course except very early; see yesterday's figures)
Full Moon of Pisces-Virgobecomes exact at 12:27p PT | 3:27p ET | 8:27p UT

Submerged, he owns incompetence, and prays.
Instruction from above insists he reach the spot
Where flowers bloom in mystic meadowland.
A booty cursed lies there. He rules himself.

\Service Preceding Rulership/

Many are the messengers, fewer the listeners, and fewer still those who try to obey the message. One function of the sublime, the mysterious, the occultly or mystically fascinating, is to help us realize that this world is a world of illusions we may shape in various ways not suspected by us. Yet such shaping has to be ethical to succeed; in fact has to put others ahead of us much of the time.

There can be deceit in the financial world as elsewhere. Yet to avoid fragmentation, it is better to avoid suspecting everyone and to trust where there is no solid reason for suspicion. Otherwise smart plans get lost in doubt. Intelligent formulas see both sides of every outcome and adjust the approach accordingly.

Ill health could be a need for rest. Then emotional complexities clear away. Adjusting money matters as well as you can removes worries which could have been getting you down. Knowing accounting details is therapeutic.

Incompetence is never absolute, but relative. If you feel lost in some area of expertise, you are not lost in other areas. You can improve your competence in any area crucial. Even in small ways, that removes any feeling of hopelessness.

Even those successful in business may fail in other ways, as in giving their fortune away unwisely or carelessly to anyone who seduces them. The Dark Hermetic Epoch (until April 6) is a time when this can happen to any of us if we let down our guard.

Those who joke implicitly insult. Sometimes this is a vice which ought to be rebuked; other times it provides real humor which can refresh us and make us more aware of our foibles without resenting the awareness. The continuity of the world we love and appreciate establishes us in a security which is not afraid to exert itself and serve when that feels deeply appropriate.

Integrity and service precede rulership. Such can be happening for you. Annoying attitudes in the ones served, which could provoke strife, can be dealt with in better ways. A bitter pill swallowed may promote well-being and strengthen your authority to do things as you wish.

Times of adjustment to work are necessary, even times when one abstains from work as a protest against its harshness or regimentation. It is possible for an employee to instruct an employer, a client a professional, as well as the other way around. Life's problems are elucidated and solved through patient investigation.

{Monday} /Service Preceding Rulership\

Cosmic Piper

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