Sunday, February 3, 2013

Forecast: Monday and Tuesday, 4-5 February 2013

Monday 4 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Sagittarius
entering that sign from Scorpio
at 7:46a PT | 10:46a ET | 4:46a UT

*Childlike Endeavors*

1  It is hard to write about sex in these forecasts, because it is so very individual, no two individuals (according to my observation) having the same predilections. The varieties are endless. I will say: You might experience deep strong longings of an erotic nature and wonder at their intensity. Whether this is good or bad is in the "lap" (oh-oh) of the gods. It might awaken you to something deep and mysterious in yourself. (I will not give a lecture on how our sexual natures are being refined, sublimated and evolved very slowly over centuries and lifetimes, for although I believe that is happening, I am not sure anyone is competent to elucidate it, nor would anyone understand the explanation.)

2  Something wonderful is happening. You get celestial recompense for some of your troubles and labors. Therefore you wish to help someone who means a lot to you, someone whose suffering would hurt you, dependent in one fashion or another.

3  It is well not to dissipate advantages. You feel you can rest on laurels and good fortune. In order to survive spiritually you need to make efforts, though they be supported by past solid achievements of others. If you were smug about things you could miss, recklessly, normal opportunities.

4  What is stable and continuous in your world? By making efforts to appreciate and use it, you make it more stable and more continuous. That gives you deeper peace which mere lassitude could not. Then you will feel even happier when you hear exalting music or enjoy something through refined taste.

5  A place you go which is like a small cottage may please you. Yet you feel you need to protect yourself there, as if surrounded by enemies or those who are suspicious of you. There is a deeper integrity in the community which, if you recognize it, will protect you, showing you how to interact carefully but without too much suspicion.

6  Apathy and ease, lying around with some excuse or other, could be bad for you. If you have more faith in potentials to actualize, you will let such ease be a matrix from which you emanate more beautiful and more effective.

7  There is a curious blend of the childlike and the authoritative. "A little child shall lead them." Childlike ones are too often assumed to be foolish or incompetent when they are really wise beyond the wisdom of the worldly. Such are some of the saints and yogis of India, for example; and they may not be entirely unknown in the West through wearing different garb. Even if despised, they bring, unbeknownst, therapy to the rest of the world.

{Monday}  *Childlike Endeavors*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:43p PT | 3:43p ET | 8:43p UT

*True Focus Brings Self-Appreciaton*

1  You might need help with transportation. Or it might be slow or delayed. Or, if apparently unable to get around, or be places you'd like to be, there are always alternatives to be pursued even while sitting in a chair. This could be on the mental plane, where you could contemplate "golden nothings born of wish" (Sri Aurobindo) with good results for well-being and poise.

2  Arriving at powerful truths is possible, as if you could be everywhere at once. This derives from your inner faculties, which come through for you in unusual ways. You can look upward, and know things, for Mind is one.  That is, you can tap in to the communal mind without knowing how you do it. The ornamental and artistic attract you, and convey truths. There is social concord especially before or just after the v-of-c time.

3  Scattering energies wastefully is to be avoided, especially before the v-of-c time. There are solid factors you can rely upon, thereby organizing processes around you which enable you to procure what you need.

4  Much around you converges upon you, even crowds you, as if thick traffic. Yet you can maintain inward peace even in the mutual bouncing of multiple vectors. Papers, hand-outs, blogs, or emails which try to reform the world turn up and some might be useful, others superficial.

5  You feel you need to defend yourself from whatever is deceptive. If people don't know what they are doing, they don't even know if they are deceptive. So you observe, analyze, and look curiously beyond the masks. What you see is more real than those masks disguising hidden motivations, and so you face reality rather than illusions.

6  If this went in a wrong direction, selfish isolation could lead to bitterness and misanthropy. This is a danger. It could take the form of miserliness, for example, if one thinks only of financial gain. The world of commerce is necessary at the present stage of human development. It works best when all who enter into it try for mutual rather than selfish advantage. If you judge some harshly, perhaps they have virtues you don't see and so you could wisely be more charitable.

7  Beyond the foregoing paragraph, good aspects to Venus suggest self-appreciation. You like something about yourself and see it reflected in others. Wonderful. Personality blossoms. If paragraph 6 triumphs, you might think too much of yourself and not enough of others, who also have beautiful qualities. You embody something your ancestors partly embodied; you can carry it further, manifesting a glory they would be proud of.

{Tuesday} *True Focus Brings Self-Appreciation*

Cosmic Piper

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