Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 29 July 2009

Wednesday 28 July 2009

~The Thrill of Unusual Sharing~

I have a chance to take a breather just before the Conference starts, so will write something about Wednesday.

The moon in the Via Combusta (not to be confused with void-of-course) on Monday and Tuesday was not too bad this time because of quite good lunar aspects. Today (Wednesday) Luna leaves that disturbing part of the zodiac at 8:08a PT | 11:08a ET | 3:08p UT. Her sextile with Saturn grants solid common sense and avoidance of risk. Her squares with Mercury and Jupiter, opposing each other tightly, suggest difficult but exalting communication or travel.

Architecture and buildings may interest you, old and settled. You appreciate nature, real estate or property, and the fruitfulness of both. There is rejoicing in ordinary as well as unusual prosperity.

You could experience celestial glory and sublime states of consciousness through what you hear, read, or see. Neighbors as well as relatives share such resplendence with you directly or indirectly.

The fighting of the nations, or of tribes and small groups as seems the case, may be disturbing to your poise and yet discussed or learned about with finesse if you are careful to avoid jumping to conclusions or trumpeting uninformed opinions. Such matters come up with people with whom you share living space.

A place in or near the country may be inspiring and relaxing. There is natural communion as well as more difficult communication.

Someone who has generously performed good deeds wants to boast of them.

A peculiar feature of the day could be inordinate self-indulgence as in eating or drinking. It comes down to a spirit of adventure shared with others which could veer toward the side of exciting excess, which for well-being can be as bad as boring excess. It is well to filter out the worst of this, while permitting what contributes to surprising camaraderie.

{Wednesday} ~The Thrill of Unusual Sharing~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 24, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 25 July 2009

Saturday 25 July 2009

\Restive Preparation/

[I will be attending the annual conference of the Sabian Assembly in Missouri this coming week and am not sure how many forecasts I can post here, or how complete they will be. I doubt that there will be a forecast for Monday so you may not find one Sunday evening or Monday morning unless I am very lucky in preparing for the journey. I will do what I can after that.]

We are still in the ||retreat third of the week (this may be a better designation for it than "difficult" although that it certainly is) until Sunday morning. But things may seem somewhat easier to handle than on Friday, at least until the moon goes void of course at 4:15p PT | 7:15p ET | 11:15p UT. An early bedtime and no party might be wise.

Nevertheless, there is a desire for friendship and you could communicate well with some friends. People are working out their problems gradually, feeling somewhat better about them, and so guardedly optimistic or mildly cheery.

A lot of things to be done keep you focused on them at home, although travel may be on your mind. It is amazing how much you can finish up, aware of all the details punctiliously and speedily.

Food, agriculture or healthful diet may preoccupy you. Information and choice go together hand in hand, plus a certain amount of trial and error.

It is good to realize the depth and strength of your talents so you do not fritter them away. You could get too involved in the previously-mentioned details which, although necessary, could expand beyond the necessary or reasonable. If you expedite them, you will have time left over for serious contemplation, study, and development of your talent.

People expect something from you which you can give, even if with extra difficulty.

There is the gruff, realistic way of helping people--"Just do it like this!"--and there is the patient, kindly way which tries to give all wounds a chance to heal. You are somewhere in the middle, lacking patience with those who don't listen to reasonable guidance but wanting still to help. Your patience might surprise you.

Do friends ever do what we want them to do? Rhetorical question. Still we put up with them rather than be friendless. Need I say more? People tend to separate at a time like this, not out of hostility but conflicting needs and life-patterns. Yet the special ones to whom you are linked will come to you, or you to them, and that meandering procession is afoot.

{Saturday} /Restive Preparation\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Forecast for Friday 24 July 2009

Friday 24 July 2009

\Quiet Dignity, Unostentatious Sharing/

The ||difficult third of the week has moved back to Friday and Saturday, leaving Sunday free this week (as of early that morning). Saturday seems the less painful of the two days. Today you can be prepared for reducing expectations so you are not too disappointed.

Costs, payments, and the like need attention. You might want to consider all bills due and settle as many as possible, and also attend to banking. You don't want unnecessary charges or fees.

Whatever is unusual in your handling of money comes to the fore. This can be good or else troublesome temporarily. You want to be ready to expedite payments wherever you are.

You may have to pick and choose entertainments circumspectly because of the state of your economy. Internal, private entertainment may be best today. Some forms of superficial entertainment could almost make you ill.

However, at your best you feel kindly toward all and willing to overlook people's weaknesses or moods. Your own bitter experiences have prepared you for tolerating others when they are "down."

There is something to appreciate in the struggles people go through with troubles or illnesses. It is their glory preparing itself for manifestation, through trials which refine and strengthen it.

It's well to get close to the earthy details of what you need to straighten out, such as bathroom or laundry cleanliness, so you will feel you are free of impedimenta. A clean feeling is liberating, and what is needed to attain it beneficial.

Someone who is appealing to you has a taste for current popular entertainment and enjoys finding it and buying the tickets. Your sharing of some of this may be inadequate and only partially satisfying but still appreciated (even when you have to say "no").

What you have, to give, is worth giving because you have earned it through suffering and so will choose carefully how and where to bestow it.

A somewhat competitive approach can be easy-going, and lead to a point where you feel you are governing people wisely from a position of importance. Of course this would be ineffective if motivated by too much selfishness. You need to see how justice applies to yourself and your desires as well as to those of others. When there is less to use, there is more ingenuity in its use.

Happiness can be found, and communicated gladly, although with a serious or subdued note. The arts, poetry or music, or prayers and chants, could uplift you gently, and others whom you influence.

{Friday} /Quiet Dignity, Unostentatious Sharing\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Forecast for Thursday 23 July 2009

Thursday 23 July 2009

*Lines Drawn*

It could be an indefinite or uncertain time, with the moon in Leo opposing Jupiter and Neptune, both retrograde suggesting old issues still being resolved, and then going void of course at 12:29p PT | 4:29p ET | 8:29p PT. It may be better to punt than carry the ball. Important decisions or commitments should be confined to the earlier time. Evening could be somewhat relaxing or liberating with the moon trine Pluto although void-of-course.

A listless, easy-going, seemingly irresponsible attitude could seem natural and maybe is all right except for essential duties you really need to perform.

When things seem dark and dreary in one place, you think of moving to another. Whether this is a good idea or not, it may haunt you.

A game-like, playful approach has its value, although you may feel you are missing out on a mission you could fulfill by speaking in public or putting yourself in a position where your performance has an impact.

Eliminating the trivia of personal attractions could help you focus on what is really yours to do. It is not that being drawn to attractive or interesting people is wrong but that it might be fatuous, leading nowhere when you have little to contribute to each other.

Mental activity you carry out in private is good and strengthening. You have many questions to be answered. You feel dissatisfied with the answers others provide, including "authorities," and so are continuing your quest for proof, or at least reliable evidence.

Unique qualities of your profession, or hoped-for profession, may seem questionable to others and to yourself at times, and yet you are feeling better about them. Your "peculiar" approach may be bearing fruit.

Despite what was said in paragraph 1, you may see your way more clearly, early today, than you did on Wednesday, especially when it comes to possible travel, home change, or your relation to your community (whether physical or interest-group). The lines have been drawn, it would seem, in a way which grants dominion in your world.

If sometimes this all seems like a game, that is all right so long as you play with interest rather than indifference. Winning is not as important as keeping it going so others can enjoy as well as yourself.

{Thursday} *Lines Drawn*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 22 July 2009

Wednesday 22 July 2009

*Moving Past Crisis or Depression*

The moon slides into Leo while most are asleep and we have Prime Time all day, on the first day of a new lunar month. Venus square Saturn gives sobriety and reduced expectations, which can make things peaceful, while her growing trine with Jupiter and Neptune gives increasing optimism. I would guess you feel you have pretty much gotten over the worst of a crisis. If it lingers, it is anyway less disturbing.

Remarkable potentials are at hand. You have passed a test and are therefore ready for a position of authority or influence. Someone of a similar nature who is influential and well-disposed could help you, although there is controversy in the situation.

A sense of freedom is heady and exhilarating, although there is danger if you push ahead too fast too hard and upset some applecart. The sun enters Leo today, the sign of nobility. You may feel you are sacrificing yourself for a cause. This has its rewards as well as obligations. You are bridging from one generation to another.

Discipline of talents is needed to put you in control of them. That means eliminating certain pleasures as soon as you have had enough of them. Someone you like is trying to do the same, so you could strengthen each other.

Early in a lunar month, you can only do so much; then have to rest, look back, and start over with fresh perspective. Your mind is strong; learning gradually if you continue to apply it.

The way you mobilize yourself for a project is unique, resting on an unusual style of your own. This can have surprisingly convincing results.

You have perhaps fought a battle against something which seemed very wrong. You can continue, but with less strife or anger so that you do not cause pointless destruction. You can protect your foundations, your home and person, by being efficient and firm but without hostility toward what temporarily blocks you.

Someone you like who has visions or dreams may be good for you although you have disagreements. You are fellow seekers. There is a way to appreciate the companionship and let it yield good results.

{Wednesday} *Moving Past Crisis or Depression*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 20, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 21 July 2009

Tuesday 21 July 20090

~Quiet and Simple Restoration~

We have Prime Time again while the moon sails through Cancer toward a conjunction with the sun (New Moon) at the very end of the sign at 7:36p PT | 10:36p ET | 2:36a UT. The darkest night of the lunar month is good for extra sleep.

Some will feel that their hopes for love have been dashed, or else placed in some warehouse from which they might be extricated no-one knows when. Venus square Saturn can be loneliness and isolation. The good side of this could be a chance to reconstitute yourself internally while alone. Those will be most comfortable with this aspect who are most comfortable alone. "Never less alone than when alone" is an ancient motto whose meaning may be elusive but helpful.

You could look to work you want to finish for someone else, for a friend or group of friends. You have been put in a semi-official position and are expected to perform, but this need not feel burdensome; rather it will make you feel needed and appreciated. If you do it alone, you can savor the flavor of ultimate approval.

Someone who is critical but sincere earns your respect by being willing to give up something for you, even if dourly.

Your basic game-plan is being set right and you know your opportunities. Someone who seems pernicious, or pest-like, could make things hard for you. Why is this person in your life? you wonder; yet there is a reason. Perhaps it is to stimulate your thinking and expand your awareness through the challenge presented. You might share game-like entertainment together, competitive in a not unpleasant way.

It is well to be wary of anyone who has a fierce look, however, or who could "flip out" and cause a fracas. This person has good intentions but feels put upon or mistreated to the degree that he could hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally. He wants reassurance that the world can be good to him, and some of that could relieve the situation.

Difficult Mars aspects are decreasing and it appears that most male energies are directed toward more peaceful paths. Believe it or not, males can be generous and kind, or friendly and playful.

In both sexes a "giving up" attitude can be either depressing or helpful. Depressing if it means feeling one's hopes are blighted. Helpful if it means acknowledging temporary limits in human life and love, and bearing on with one's destiny calmly without much grief over what seems missing.

{Tuesday} ~Quiet and Simple Restoration~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Monday 20 July 2009

Monday 20 July 2009

~Persistence Past Bitterness~

The ||difficult third of the week which encompassed the weekend has ended, and we have Prime Time all day. However, Venus's square with Saturn, exact today and tomorrow, can be an emotional storm of bitter disappointment with people.

Mercurial or mental pursuits are wise, since they can be divorced from those bitter feelings if you are vigilant. Even if you were to fail at something six times, you might succeed on the seventh.

Dealing harshly with people may not seem nice, but may be necessary if they "just don't get it." By harsh of course I do not mean cruel. Firm is more like it.

You'd like to be robust and rugged, your own person. In order to do that you need to separate from certain individuals at certain times; it does not have to be a dramatic or permanent break. By controlling your body and inanimate objects, you are strong.

You may tune in to the greater good, which could save you from shortsighted mistakes stemming from your personal issues.
You have been developing brilliant schemes which satisfy you, and they can proceed toward consummation efficiently.

Chaos in your projects could be a problem, however, that is, too many irons in the fire. You can look back over what has truly been helpful to you and hold on to it, while dropping whatever has an aura of danger. Some friends are friends only at certain times and for certain purposes.

Mental creativity could be intense, perhaps when you pour your sufferings into it. You seek peace through activity; you keep trying to manifest something which is your ideal of talent-fulfillment, and when you succeed a little, feel better at once.

People will respond well to your attempts to do something significant, although you cannot rely on their attention to last; you need to be self-reliant rather than reliant on applause.

{Monday} ~Persistence Past Bitterness~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 17, 2009

Foecast for Saturday 18 July 2009

Saturday 18 July 2009

}Peace Within the Ordinary{

We're in the ||difficult third of the week. It lasts through Sunday; gone early Monday morning.

Young people and entertainment might seem disappointing. You may imagine you have lost more than you have.

A community project which requires boring labor might be good for you. The boredom will dissipate into relief that you have done something your conscience approves. People do not own one another, but by sharing it might be said we own shares in one another.

People near you, no matter what their problems or faults, are likely to be better-natured than seems, trying their best to rise above negative feelings while cheering others and you.

Cleaning a latrine or toilet or carting manure or getting down to dirty basics could be necessary and satisfying when finished.

Housework indeed could bring out the best in you, or garage-organizing or yard work. You might get fired up concerning the glories of your domain and by setting them shipshape feel yourself glorified.

An X factor in your personal self and mission is to be filled in by yourself with exploration toward potentials, resting on what you have learned in the sustaining past and expanding it. The result will be unique and for that reason needed.

You meet the world's chances with a determination to get what you want for yourself at all costs. (Well, let us say, barring a cost unethical, for that would cost too much.) So you vie with competitors and use all skills to secure what will grant security. A good winner is one who makes the loser feel okay.

Well, if you're the loser, you might want to make the winner feel okay.

If results of your efforts seem nil, you have tried, and learned something, and what is unfruitful now may become fruitful later. Meanwhile, peace of mind is a prize you can grant and no one can take.

{Saturday} {Peace Within the Ordinary}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Forecast for Friday 17 July 2009

Friday 17 July 2009


The moon toward the end of Taurus goes void of course at 1:49p PT | 4:49p ET | 8:49p UT until it enters Gemini at 7:42p PT | 10:42p ET | 2:42a(Sa) UT. Before the void-of-course time we have Prime Time. Good choices should be possible. You think about friends, and could connect with them or make plans with them.

Things could be turbulent. You could be in a hurry, wanting to fend off crises which would be a result of too much dalliance.
However, then you could attempt too much and get tangled in things. When you calm down you make good choices.

You could link with people who want to be friendly in surprising ways. Life has its glamor of good-willed sharing among colorful individuals.

You are using sharp acumen to handle career matters, sometimes in a private space or at home; you are sensing just what people whom you need to satisfy will need, and learning how to provide it.

Your mental powers are appreciated at least by yourself. You use them in service in ways which do not get recognition now but will later on, in fact, even by future generations.

You attain practical goals through efficiency. You look at details others don't see, and map them in ways which are realistic and therefore help you get results.

Good chances are on your side if you are industrious at getting what you want through competition. Everyone can win, but you have to win in your own way which is not the way someone else will win. He may lose in relation to you but win in relation to someone else.

You are versatile and that is good, but could try too much and get confused. Being loyal to older people, or those who have been loyal to you for a long time, is your best choice.

{Friday} \Loyalty/

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 15 July 2009

Wednesday 15 July 2009

}Honor Protected{

[Circumstances in my life pushed this report to the end of my day so it is posted later than usual; I hope most of you will still be able to profit from it.]

The moon is void of course at the end of Aries beginning at 8:08aPT | 11:08a ET | 3:08p UT until it enters Taurus at 3:31p PT | 6:31p ET | 10:31p UT. Those 7+ hours may be good for gathering moss, relaxing more than usual, or letting your mind get the inner drift of things, rather than for decisive action. Routine activities could still go well, even if with more mind-wandering than usual.

Self-restraint and contentment are important, to counter feelings that you are unloved or persecuted. This latter may be true but what good does it do to whine about it? Rather you can show that you deserve to be loved, and not persecuted, by doing the reasonable and responsible thing.

The religious urge is not necessarily sectarian or narrow-minded. It can be broad and universal, the religion of humanity embracing divinity. Divinity, however, is not just a glorified humanity but something (Someone) transcendent to that. "You shall do homage to the Lord your God and worship him alone." (Jesus in Matthew, chapter 4) Honoring God is more important than seeking honor for yourself. If you honor Him fully you will not even have to do the latter.

You may have set up, in your home, ways of communicating with Higher Intelligence. Scripture reading (whatever your religion) is still one of the best ways of doing that (and perhaps the very best). When things seem bleak in a void-of-course period such as we have today, it is an excellent way of finding your way again.

You can strengthen yourself through repose. This is not escapism if it is temporary. It supplies you with a more relaxed and higher view of your resources and work.

You care about your profession or career. You have established ways of organizing it mathematically, almost, or with a definiteness of procedure and measurement. These methods will support you when you feel unsure.

In any legal issue, you can state things clearly, as clearly as you can, perhaps especially in writing, and then seek redress or partial redress on the basis of your honest exposition of what is going on and what would be fair. Giving this statement to all involved and to officials could win more cooperation than endless litigation. (Or it could prepare you for the latter when it is appropriate.)

Someone who seems a secret enemy is so much like yourself, in some ways, that you wonder why you are fighting each other. Communication with him or her about this might be possible more and more, although requiring restraint. (I would avoid attempting it directly during the void-of-course time, although you might write the first draft of a letter to be edited thoroughly or rewritten later.)

Those who are lost, confused or foolish may be luxuriating in a situation which pampers them. Envying or being angry about this would not help, but confronting any ethical issues involved could be bracing to them and you. Of course, in that case, you need diplomacy as well as principle.

Some things in your life may seem to have been spoiled when people have been rude, crude, unfeeling or unfair. "Get over it" is not enough, of course, so maybe you can ferret out better responses and potentials through facing issues involved as well as boosting your optimism through renewed faith in the Highest.

{Wednesday} /Honor Protected\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 13, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 14 July 2009

Tuesday 14 July 2009

*Holding On To Order*

I have barely enough time to dash of a line or two and post this.

The moon remains in Aries and it is Prime Time all day. Questions about travel and study concern you. Friends who seem lost may trouble your thoughts. You have things to do at home which will comfort you, especially in the evening. Because we have Prime Time and Mercury is conjoined the sun at the center of this Bright Hermetic Epoch (which lasts until August 17), even if you are feeling a little blue and depressed you could continue to focus on what you have learned in the past month, and codify it or state it in writing or make it clear to yourself somehow as a basis for the near future. You are getting important things in order, perhaps especially concerning your agenda and work routines.

{Tuesday} *Holding On To Order*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Forecast for Monday 13 July 2009

Monday 13 July 2009


There is an enormous lot in today's report. I did not plan it that way but it spilled out. So I hope you will study it and perhaps save or re-read it during the next few weeks. I have made the parts with longer relevance (rather than just today) dark green.

We face the perhaps inreradicable selfishness of human beings while the moon is in Aries; but in a naive, innocent, youthful way so that we forgive everyone and ourselves for being self-centered.

The moon forming sextiles with Mars and Venus makes this one of the best social days-evenings of the week, so if your Monday is usually dull, you could make it exciting this time.

People are wanting to share their energies in quasi-sexual or erotic style. The gene pool is not always to be found inside a condom. This is largely subconscious but when it erupts can be momentarily thrilling. (Of course I recommend caution when it comes down to the physical level where there can be consequences.)

At the same time there is much kindness from unexpected sources, perhaps a waitress or female bartender (G*d help them, they should not have to bear such burdens!), or anyone whose suffering is making her or him compassionate and kindly toward others who suffer; this is not so much tragic suffering as just the little worries and separations which plague people while Venus squares Saturn (July 12 through July 30). People in escaping from that could be unexpectedly friendly. Being nice is a way to buy solace in return.

Paradoxically, there can be a perverse desire for punishment under this aspect. "Hurt me because I have been naughty; spank me because I have failed. I'm already hurting, so make it worse so I can feel what I need to feel." This is a subconscious desire in many; of course not all that is going on, but it explains some peculiar behaviors. It can also of course be a desire to make others suffer, or be rude or cruel, to make them feel the pain one is feeling.

Of course there is no reason why that should end tragically; rather it usually opens out into a liberating realization; things start to look better and the temporary perversity evaporates in the sunlight. But depths of misery and self-contempt may need to be experienced first (depending on the personal situation and psychology).

There, I have given you an analysis of part of what this Venus-square-Saturn aspect means, so please mark it on your calendar; it will help you through this period, so review what I said here a few times before it ends on the last day of July. When you know that others are going through this as well as yourself you will have more patience. The too-easy tendency is to note that others are being grouchy or offensive and not realizing that one is doing it oneself also.

Fortunately the sun is forming progressive aspects and we are still in the Bright Hermetic Epoch until August 17, so the aspect just discussed will not be as hard as usual; the key is to divorce yourself from nutty emotional clinging to love-on-the-rocks so you can pursue intelligent objectives which are not so sentimental. You will do well with brilliant schemes you have labored out in your thinking. You are at a peak of mental power and clear perspective. That could be even now, today, for Mercury conjoins the sun all day (and exactly at 7:15p PT | 10:15p ET | 2:15a UT). This is the literal center of the Bright Hermetic Epoch. As in the past, I suggest you write down some of the things you have realized in the past month. You have clarified many things in your life--procedures, schedules, technical matters or ways of keeping up with things, preferences and priorities. It might help to anchor some of that so you don't forget it or deviate from it when confusion tries to set in later on. As your own detective, you have found answers no one can take from you.

If some individuals seem obsessed with trifles, irritating you, let it go, because when your inner direction is clear they need not detain your attention.

Guarding those important to you from harm becomes a priority, because you know their needs, at least intuitively even if neither you nor they spell them out. They are likely to worry too much so you could comfort them.

Also you might note people being too passive. They are just waiting rather than taking advantage of opportunities which surround them abundantly.

A warning has to be sounded against over-optimism in wrong directions. I just said there are good opportunities. True. But there are also false opportunities which would lead to disaster, and sorting between these two is necessary. Trusting the Supreme One is wonderful. Then He/She will direct you toward trusting the trustworthy only.

Actually many aspects are plumping up your good judgment if you are alert and comprehensive. You might be lucky in procuring what you want as a gift or something someone else will enjoy. Good fortune smiles on those who cultivate friendship, and a friend would be gladly responsive. In the mystique of sharing, the prodigal course is the better, at least for now.

Brash charm is not always a defense or an offensive; sometimes it's the best way to help people, no matter how superficial it seems at first. It breaks the ice. Be prepared for dour responses, but let the sun keep shining and you will be unsuspectingly healing those who need reassurance that all is well.

{Monday} *Spunkiness*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 10, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 11 July 2009

Saturday 11 July 2009

~Depth Manifesting~

The ||difficult third of the week is with us (lodging still on weekends for a few weeks to come), ending late Monday afternoon (taking up almost three days this week because the moon is slow). This is partly an emotional matter--things seem worse than they are--but also a karmic matter, that is, your conscience is telling you there are things you would like to avoid which you need to consider.

Problems with a friend are mystifying. Have you done something to entangle yourself with someone? Would you rather opt out? Hard issues might need a rectifying decision. Just make sure everything is transparent to everyone to avoid further misunderstanding or strife.

Things you do which are unknown to most, and of which you do not boast, may be your real contribution to humanity and G*d. You may sense how to further those beneficent objectives in an intelligent, substantial manner.

Your understanding of certain things, including financial ones, is your own, and you do not confide in anyone concerning it, so you might expect some misunderstandings to arise. Maybe there is little you can do about that directly. Some things are best left to G*d through trusting prayer.

You are meeting needs of others and yourself. People need provision for their necessities. You have a solid way of doing this based on clear calculation of the details involved. It is not just gratuitous kindness but a sort of karmic duty.

People sense and appreciate deep qualities in you which they could not put into words. Your way of manifesting these has to be speculative and adventurous to some degree, based on hope and trust. Then you will not disappoint people at a distance with whom your lot is partly cast.

Whatever is aloof and self-centered in your career or important projects is gaining support gradually in ways you cannot detect at present.

Nevertheless, it seems that some individuals, basically friends, are partly inimical to you, probably through misunderstandings in connection with sexuality or romance. This can be rectified gently rather than allowed to get out of control. Strife is sometimes a confused form of affection.

{Saturday} ~Depth Manifesting~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Forecast for Friday 10 July 2009

Friday 10 July 2009

}Contentment as an Achievement{

We have Prime Time except for a little more than an hour in the evening (10:18p to 11:45p ET, in case that's important to you, during which time the moon is void of course at the end of Aquarius before it enters Pisces; I leave it to you to adjust for your time zone).

The moon's square with Mars can be uncomfortable but it stimulates activity. This could be connected with travel as well as career matters and study.

Memories are important. They can be peaceful and calming. Something from past halcyon days is wonderful to recollect, not "gone" but merely in abeyance ready to be summoned up. Those who prattle on about "living in the moment" forget that the past can always be with us in a good way. Why should the past be disturbing? We are not chained to it but it is a bulwark. When appreciated correctly it does not frustrate the future but improves it.

Contemplation and study have a definite value on their own, even if unconnected from career goals or projects. In caring about the hidden and remote you care about reality. The sun at a position in good aspect to both Saturn and Uranus (which are opposed) allows a contemplative, peaceful and helpful reconciliation among past, present and future. This you could share with a friend in some way, directly or indirectly.

There is acumen in your thinking because you are open to the unsuspected, novel or surprising. At the same time you recognize basic reality as "just what it is" and can adjust to it without being swamped by it. There is profundity in seeing how to benefit by what has happened and what has been said and taught, even if it seems imperfect. The larger context of which it is a part is more perfect.

You care about efficiency in what you are trying to do and learn. In this you are alone, or have to figure it out for yourself without relying on a partner. You are sensing when you overextend yourself; it is a relief to realize you don't have to do that.

It's okay to care about your appearance and the way you present yourself. You want to be presentable and even eye-catching; yet inwardly may feel that, as long as you are so you don't have to extend yourself any further, remaining inwardly aloof.

Contentment is a wonderful quality, and might even be called an achievement. When you have it you let up on struggle and worry. Then you are more courteous, and elegant in your poise. Actually then you finish things you want to finish more smoothly.

{Friday} {Contentment as an Achievement}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Forecast for Thursday 9 July 2009

Thursday 9 July 2009

}Secure Position{

We have Prime Time and a lot of things can be settled.

You have attained a position in the world based on good judgment. You can make the most of it by continuing in the wise patterns you see as correct, whether this makes you popular or not.

Being careful in regard to money has put you in a good position, whether this has seemed selfish or not. To have, in order to do and aid others, is not selfish in and of itself.

You are shrewdly prescient in regard to home, career, and money, sensing just how far to go in each venture and what the safe limits are.

Determined to get it right this time, you use the past only for perspective, not as a rope around your ankles. When your needs fit in with those of a friend you can push ahead together.

People at a distance, involved in your travel plans, have a traditional role to play in your life which is healthy for all. So idealizing them is not foolish, even if they sometimes disappoint you. By taking a chance on them you make life more adventurous and interesting.

Perched on something you have achieved, and are achieving, you feel capable in your domain. So you trust your judgment and gain respect from those who count.

{Thursday} {Secure Position}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 8 July 2009

Wednesday 8 July 2009

}Long-Term Loyalty{

Lunar aspects are quite sweet, culminating at 4:07p PT | 7:07p ET | 11:07p UT when the moon trines Venus exactly. (Such aspects do last for hours after the time of culmination but tend to fade.)

You might look toward someone in a high position, trusted, reliable and kindly, perhaps at a distance from you, or even a superior in your job set-up. This person could be ready to grant you a favor.

I am not making this a stock-market prediction site, but prices are going down as I suggested they might at the beginning of this Bright Hermetic Epoch. Bright does not mean stock market prices go up! This time they went up in the Dark Epoch, as I had predicted. Bright Epoch means you can make good decisions. Hopefully you are not overinvested in risky stocks.

Look at what I said near June 15, the beginning of this Bright Epoch: I warned against a possible downward trend. It began just then.

You could be in touch with foreigners or consider travel. You are informing yourself about widespread links which could be profitable for you. Knowledge in philosophic areas broadens the mind and procures deep benefits.

A sense of loss is good when it shoves you toward appreciating true values, centered in things which cannot be lost, such as fidelity to the Highest: immortal love.

When you settle things connected with your household you develop practical acumen.

People can make fun of one another without hurting when they clown a little. Those who value you will not be offended by your sense of humor.

Doing your part to maintain traditions which are long-lasting, if not ancient, strengthens you as well as those you will come to regard as partners through such loyalty.

Independence of judgment and courage are developed through trying to do the best you can in your daily work as well as in learning fresh things. Today you should not lose heart when it comes to either finances, work, or personal relations. Someone is open to persuasion. You could pursue someone toward a good outcome.

Someone dignified, in a position of trust, responds well to your allegiance. Anything educational or involved with teaching and learning will go smoothly when personality is an asset in the total situation.

{Wednesday} {Long-Term Loyalty}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 6, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 7 July 2009

Tuesday 7 July 2009

\Good Business, Smooth Companionship/

Even though the moon is in Capricorn, a somewhat glum sign, I like the looks of this day because it trines both Mars and Venus, increasing in the evening, as well as Saturn (though that is decreasing all day). Conservative business dealings could go smoothly, as well as shopping when you are very sure what you want.

There is a free, bohemian, artistic ambience, if you tune in to it, and a readiness for easy friendship everywhere. This, however, mixes with the solitary brooding spirit of Capricorn. You can combine these two in your own way.

I keep emphasizing the practical because the sun is sextile Saturn, so that basic and long-lasting decisions affecting business and finance could be solid; and helpful for a long time to come. Today we have Prime Time all day. Stopping loss is as good as starting gain, and you may see how to do that. When things seem blank or unclear, restricted service is good, that is, just facing the things you know you need to do to continue your life with self-respect and the basic approval of the human race (which is a rather tough judge of all of us).

You can guard those you feel intrusted to you. They may or may not understand or appreciate what you do for them tangibly and intangibly. Young people tend to coast on freedom unwittingly.

In his discussion of Mercury opposite Pluto, Robert Pelletier says, "remember, in your relationships with others, what you are is more important than what you have." If this rings a bell, it might help.

While Mercury approaches the sun, conjoining it at the heart of the Bright Hermetic Epoch (next Monday and Tuesday), things get clearer and clearer. You sense and understand your inclinations and where they lead. You penetrate into secrets because you are unsulliedly curious about them. So you feel at ease doing the best you can.

You may ponder the potentials of sharing a better living space with your partner. You look to the past because memories help you envision the future. Possessing your own home (if you don't) would be wonderful; or shaping it more into the image you desire.

Your career is more potent when shared. Someone with a mature sense of your possibilities could persuade you to do more along some line. Then there is a superb sense of freedom to do and be what you desire, with full appreciation from those who count.

If you gravitate to a natural scene, or body of water, graced with music and someone you like, all is groovy (corking, peachy, not bad).

{Tuesday} /Good Business, Smooth Companionship\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Forecast for Monday 6 July 2009

Monday 6 July 2009

\Background and Savvy Focused for Achievement/

The Full Moon happens early tomorrow at 1:23a PT | 5:23a ET | 9:23a UT, so this is the Full Moon night. The day, Prime
Time, looks like a down-to-business opportunity. Much can be settled or established. Business needs attention. Research and development is important. Routine tasks which provide a framework for everything you do must be completed. It's not a party day, although the rich consciousness of a Full Moon can be exhilarating. You will feel thrilled when finalizing the formulas, plans, and schedules of your projects. That could include either investment or creative work, or both. It could include transactions or agreements with bosses, that is, superiors or inferiors in any hierarchy, deciding on the terms of service: who does what, and when and how. It might be good to settle as many such details as you can. Tuesday looks good for business too, but could also be better for fun and friendship. Today nitty-gritty stuff could be settled and that would make you feel on top of things.

Anything heroic could be achieved with great impact. That is, you could dramatize a cause or injustice or gain cooperation on important issues. People sense you as a valiant friend.

You can pull victory out of lethargy. That is, when you feel like just sitting, quiet contemplation could show you a plan well worth implementing.

You care about those younger or less mature. Your influence on them can be subtly strengthening. Then they appreciate you more than they express.

If feeling oversensitive about work issues, that you are being "put upon" or assigned too much, you could pull back inwardly and realize this as an opportunity to prove your mettle; then forge ahead gladly. You ascend above difficulties when you put wholesome imagination into the way you sweep them away.

You understand people's needs and feelings, providing them with a setting where they feel comfortable. That is good for business as well as friendship.

To avoid loss, it is well to choose your top priority and get it done; then the next, and so on. Complaining to anyone along the way will not help. Rather, daring and eloquence will be convincing.

{Monday} /Background and Savvy Focused for Achievement\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 3, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 4 July 2009

Saturday 4 July 2009

*Letting It Be*

A holiday in the heart of the ||difficult third of the week suggests letting it happen rather than making it happen. Over-ambitious plans could be disappointing while simple ones could relax everyone. You do not have to be extra-demonstrative toward people you love; they will get the message without pyrotechnics.

There could be a lot of motion around town or the neighborhood. People are wanting to explore but not in an aggressive way, more for the sake of peaceful reconstitution.

Oddly enough, many may be wanting to be active. "Oh, it's a holiday; do I have to enjoy myself?" Work on a car or technology or the garden, yard, household (or whatever) might be what something in you wants, so you feel restless in the obligatory "hanging out with family and friends" mode.

A group-activity project could be satisfying.

Then, when you've had enough of that, you could slip into the luxurious "Let's do nothing" mode.

Some entertainers could be versatile and fascinating, while helping you catch up with "lost youth" which never really has to be lost.

Feeling guilty about self-indulgence is perhaps salutary but maybe unnecessary. You can coast a bit.

A deep curiosity about things, people and events makes mental questing indomitable.

There is much sympathetic understanding while Jupiter and Neptune move closer toward an exact conjunction. You might assume a public role of expanding tolerance or kindness toward a group or individual.

An adventurous trend is muted by the ||difficult third of the week; yet could come out through recreation in a place comfortable and communal such as a park or luxurious yard.

Enjoying fully whatever richness is available, as in arts, cooking, music, or your own craftsmanship, is fully appropriate with Venus in the last degree of her sign Taurus. It's a day to appreciate obvious as well as unsuspected luxuries. The deeper part of you will be seeking more than that, some reason for being. You can serve others by making them comfortable.

{Saturday} *Letting It Be*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Forecast for Friday 3 July 2009

Friday 3 July 2009

*Gladly Representing Something Real*

We are hot red today because the moon is in Sagittarius, sign of Jupiter, a hot planet some believe on its way to becoming a star millions of earth-years from now.

The ||difficult third of the week begins earlier than it has on recent Fridays, at 10:42a PT | 1:42p ET | 5:42p UT, extending through the weekend until Monday morning. This can mean emotional withdrawal to a degree, a need to ponder deeper issues as well as to keep one's feet on the ground rather than try to soar too high.

Yet the moon in the fifth house plus intense Venus aspects suggest that love is on your mind. You need entertainment. You need a feeling that you are free and that someone will appreciate you as you are rather than as you should be. When you have done your best to present yourself, you can give approval to yourself.

Those who are drawn to sadism or masochism may be having such feelings now, with Venus and Mars together at the end of Taurus both sextile Uranus. The healthy form of this is just play, pretending to hurt or be hurt; "getting a rise out of someone" by evoking intense feelings.

Details of travel may need attention. In order to promote long-term goals you need to look at the minor factors involved and straighten them out. The major is sometimes built on the minor.

You would like to take the easy course at home in connection with responsibilities, and can get away with that to quite a degree.

The gossip of recent days concerning some public officials is a manifestation of Mercury opposite Pluto, a gossip-prone, scandal-loving aspect. People are always concealing something. Do you really need to know what it is? It will reveal itself when you need to know, inevitably. If you don't want your secrets out, maybe you should not be drooling over others'.

In some situations you feel you are upholding values you believe in, built into your character, requiring you to stand by them and affirm them even when they are not understood or supported by people around you. This is never entirely easy but when you are sure you are courageous.

What is the setting you need in which to dramatize your hopes, aspirations, and ideals? It is public and you may be in the midst of it, wherever people go for recreation, for example. You can't help presenting an ideal and being a leader, no matter to how small a degree, wherever you are. Followers will adhere to you when they sense that you represent the integrity of the group or the human race, for they need that to reassure them.

{Friday} *Gladly Representing Something Real*

Cosmic Piper