Monday, October 31, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 1 November 2011

Tuesday 1 November 2011

\From Wariness, Charm and Wiliness/

Although still in the |emotionally challenging third of this week| with its worries, lunar aspects are shaping up to something sweeter in the afternoon-evening to give relief. But people still need to be treated with kid gloves.

People want to be dramatic. This makes it important to see through their masks. They overstate their case to make a point or be sarcastic. If you are not in the mood for humor, it may not please you.

You care about carrying out your mission, like a military man. Although deception is part of warfare, it does not have to ruin everything; at its best it is more like discretion. Rather than war with its maiming and killing, let's cultivate competition whether in sports, business or philanthropy.

Those who have not fully harvested the year's gains in grain or fruit may be doing so. Chores done in nature have a feel of natural satisfaction within them. The rustic life appears in the dreams and sometimes the surroundings of city dwellers.

Taking the long view toward goals will help you cope with delays. Your aim can be perfected though the target is yet out of reach. A rainbow of promise guides hopes upward. When you see significance in the destination, steps on the way are meaningful.

Charm is a mysterious quantity. It is more powerful than suspected, whether exercised in male or female costume. Those who attract or inspire have more lasting power than those who merely command or demand. If they can do the former, they can do the latter more successfully.

{Tuesday} /From Wariness, Charm and Wiliness\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Forecast for Monday 31 October 2011

Monday 31 October 2011

\The Long Stretch/

Those who feel bereft of parentage and support sometimes turn out well, facing hard circumstances and learning to fend for themselves. So you might feel today. When immediate goals seem unattainable, it is well to remain confident that remote ones can still be attained.

The |difficult or emotionally challenging third of this week| is today and tomorrow. You can tough it out. As if a pioneer or independent homesteader, you can labor for the day's goodness and be content with it.

Discontent or anxiety has to do with factors you cannot control, which may feel more ominous than they are, though it is wise to protect from harm in a reasonably cautious manner.

Being adequate to what life has asked of you, or you ask of yourself, is a satisfaction in itself. It is not necessary to have higher ambitions. He who can endure does not agonize during the long stretch.

Study and learning are possible in surprising ways. You can look at questions before you and arrive at superb insights or reliable conclusions. This can be with or without complex methodology or technology, depending on your personal situation. You can see how to arrive at answers.

{Monday} /The Long Stretch\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, October 28, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 29 October 2011

Saturday 29 October 2011

*Noblesse Oblige*

It seems a day of good fortune. There is a sense of freedom to explore and to find. You might discover treasure while shopping or engage in some profitable transaction.

You have your own thoughts which you treasure, and see into the folly of humanity at large (while others of course are seeing into you as another example of humanity at large). Yes, people can be brutish, insensitive, crass and self-blinded.
Nevertheless, much which is beautiful strikes your eye and opens your soul. The spice of intersexual strife might add to its taste. Something even deeper happens when aspirations soar.

It is frustrating when noble intentions meet with indifference. Nevertheless, you hold on to those ideal objects and they strengthen you.

You care more about them, and your thoughts, than about your appearance, which could get rather scruffy. So what, you think, people can take it or leave it.

At times you realize that you are partly sacrificing your own interests for the sake of others, or humanity, or G*d. (Yes, He needs help. From one viewpoint anyway, which might be all too human.) To rescue someone who is fighting you is one of the hardest things to do.

{Saturday} *Noblesse Oblige*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Forecast for Friday 28 October 2011

Friday 28 October 2011

*Wisely Beheld Adventure*

By attention to detail, building up large things from smaller, you are establishing yourself in a way which will get recognition and support.

Ideals to which you lend allegiance are beckoning to you like a flag flying high. You can be in tune with the higher destiny of the human race. This works out in immediate personal relationships (as well as broader long-term destiny).

Magic is happening. Of this you will be only partially conscious. Yet you feel that when you aspire toward something grandiose, the world is upholding you. You appreciate astonishing beauty in people, whether of body or manner.

There is also a deep sensitivity which connects with the sorrow in people. This is not depressing, however, for it looks beyond grief to the soul-depth which the sorrow manifests, precedent to that soul's victory in restored joy of life.

Some of whom you become aware are self-centered, introverted, neglecting their appearance for the sake of their detached imperturbability. You can appreciate that phase of their development, sensing it also within yourself. At worst it can be an episode of neglecting others' well-being while seizing what one can for oneself, not caring what anyone thinks.

It could turn to raw lust also, a perverse ravishment of other-body, other-sensibility. This has its natural limits and for most will end after a momentary thrill has uncovered something wiser beyond it.

{Friday} *Wisely Beheld Adventure*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 27 October 2011

Thursday 27 October 2011

~Internal Strength Manifesting~

Mysterious factors permeate the day. Fortunately the moon has escaped the Via Combusta. Much still seems questionable or confused, however. There is a desire to sweep away the old to make room for the new. There can be deep feelings, even sorrow, while Venus forms a square with Neptune and Mars opposes it, yet this brings out the soul's profundity and stamina.

You are struggling to get something formed, "the bridge built across a gorge" mentioned yesterday, which will bring various factors of your life together when they had seemed to be separate dangling features. This can be done during this autumn season when all things are questioned during Nature's seasonal hibernation. How do you put together into functioning order what seems separated and disconnected?

That is precisely what the European leaders and finance ministers are trying to do in Brussels as I write. From the latest online Wall Street Journal:
"European leaders labored into Thursday morning seeking to reach agreement . . . "

This is as I had predicted, that the answer would not come during the |difficult third of the week| which ended late Wednesday or early Thursday. Those who will suffer temporary loss from these agreements will have to wait for better times.

There can be an audacious quality to the day if you get into the spirit of adventure, facing peculiarities of life with a willingness to adjust to them and experiment grandly.

You might work outdoors for a while, greeting the cooler harsher weather with a welcome because you know it strengthens you internally. Things can be done at home, in the yard or garden or neighborhood, which denote human ability to adjust to and use Nature in a liberating manner.

{Thursday} ~Internal Strength Manifesting~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 26 October 2011

Wednesday 26 October 2011

~New Moon of Care and Slow Beginnings~

I refer you to the third paragraph of Monday's forecast, where I suggested that the European leaders and finance ministers might do better to avoid the |difficult third of the week| extending through Tuesday and Wednesday. Here is what happened, from Tuesday's Wall Street Journal:

BRUSSELS—A meeting of European Union finance ministers ahead of a gathering of European leaders was canceled on Tuesday, raising concerns that parts of the package to stem the region's debt crisis remain in doubt and that a final agreement won't be reached at Wednesday's summit.
The finance ministers from all 27 EU countries had been scheduled to meet Wednesday in Brussels to settle on a package of measures ahead of an evening gathering of EU leaders and then a meeting of euro-zone heads of government.

And so, let us hope they will continue and reach some conclusions on Thursday and Friday, as I had already suggested. It is fascinating that the moon will be in Scorpio, a money sign, Wednesday through Friday, with three other planets (sun, Mercury, Venus), while Jupiter opposite them in Taurus, another money sign, is the "handle" planet in a Fanhandle configuration with them. This certainly points out what is happening, which could have far-reaching effects on the world's, including the U. S.'s, economy. Jupiter (said to rule bankers) retrograde is also significant, since debts from the past are the problem; they have been hashed and re-hashed for months. The New Moon of Scorpio occurs late Wednesday (in Europe) and so it is not surprising that Tuesday, day of the dying moon and within the |difficult third of the week|, did not work out for them. They need Cosmic Piper. I remain guardedly optimistic that something good will happen. Of course, most or all involved will have to "take a haircut" in the graphic term used for debt-induced loss, so it will not be exactly joyous for them, but could save the world from a much worse fate.

The New Moon occurs Wednesday at 12:57p PT | 3:57p ET | 7:57p UT. This often coincides with a gentle inner uplift or sense of "things are better," although, as pointed out, the |difficult third of the week| does not end until late tonight at 9:59p PT(W) | 12:59a(Th) | 4:59a(Th) UT.

Much about the day is deep and soulful. Music of a mellow rather than trivial sort could help you.

There could be a tendency to blame someone, and be cruel. You could even end a friendship by letting yourself be careless with words or actions. This ought to be guarded against.

The Sabian symbol for Jupiter's position is "A bridge being built across a gorge." This certainly makes sense in terms of the complex and painful negotiations among the European nations, who are annoyed with one another and yet have to cooperate in order to save themselves (and perhaps the world's finances, by preventing another recession or worse). In your life you may sense how you are trying to do something similar with someone or some project. "Don't be cruel" is a keynote, otherwise the bridge may not be built. A more childlike attitude would help, giving all a chance to be themselves.

Information coming to you from many sources is helpful. It stimulates you toward a more successful personal economy.

It is wise to slow down and think when you feel like acting from mere habit. Accidents can be precipitated by such carelessness. Messages coming from a higher source are both uplifting and practically helpful, if they stop you in the midst of an addictive or mechanical activity which could hurt you or seriously waste your time.

{Wednesday} ~New Moon of Care and Slow Beginnings~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, October 24, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 25 October 2011

Tuesday 25 October 2011

}Caution and Patience Promote Gain{

The good taste and idealism of the moon in Libra are tested by that satellite's presence in the Via Combusta and its conjunction with Saturn. People are trying to be nice, and maybe really are, but feel oppressed by things they don't want to mention.

At times you withdraw and feel you want to contemplate life from a detached perspective to gain equilibrium. Childlike interests or the petty adventures of children could give relief from worries. That is good because there is much suspicion, with Venus and Mercury square Mars from the detective sign Scorpio. You and those close to you are, as it were, spying on one another or guessing at one another's opinions of one another and hidden motives. This is not exactly friendly and so keeps some at arm's length, unless there is a fracas where you light into each other. That, most likely, ought to be avoided.

Someone important to you as a true teacher is a real ally to be depended upon. This individual's wealth of mind is enormous, and so a benefit to you. Someone else who is unsympathetic or harsh-minded seems a block on your path, tempting you toward fruitless anger. Perhaps you need to keep your distance; or learn quickly whatever you can from the situation and exit the contretemps.

The sextile of Mars with Saturn shows that common sense is with you, impelling you to wise choices. You can moderate them so that you go neither too far to the left nor the right, neither too slow nor too fast. You try to take account of all significant factors. What you need to enlighten you about any issue is available; there are messages on all sides.

There are things you would be willing to give up, if necessary, to maintain your independence and freedom. By playing your cards well you will give up less rather than more, or recoup losses.

{Tuesday} {Caution and Patience Promote Gain}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Forecast for Monday 24 October 2011

Monday 24 October 2011


Today, Thursday, and Friday are likely to be the best days of this week for business or social matters of importance, or making deals, purchases or agreements. Today, technically the |difficult third of this week| begins at 4:01 p PT | 7:01p ET | 11:01p UT, extending through Tuesday and Wednesday. You can handle essential matters on those days but should avoid any serious departures from the tried and true. There is likely to be confusion and lack of morale, undermining clear thinking or intelligent choice.

Further, the moon is void-of-course today until 8:49a PT | 11:49a ET | 3:49p UT, so those early hours are somewhat suspect also. Routine is what will stabilize you then. That leaves more than seven hours for anything unusually important you need to do before Thursday.

Fortunately, as mentioned last week, general aspects other than lunar ones are getting better. That led me to predict that some workable and not terribly upsetting (to financial markets and the world's economny) solution may be forthcoming from the important gathering of leaders of the European nations and their banking systems. They are trying to meet a Wednesday deadline, but I would suggest that Thursday or Friday would be more felicitous.

Thoughts and hopes of great magnitude will uplift you. You sense who and what is likely to help you. You could be developing a fitness through exercise of some kind, physical and strengthening, which sets you up bodily and mentally to face the world.

You can learn from someone whose wealth of mind is enormous, whose learning and eloquence you trust. This person's writings and instructions are available, even if from beyond the grave. Justice is working out in world affairs, and your own. We are inclined to whine when it cuts too closely to us, eliminating some tidbit we had wanted, but we can make the adjustment and learn from it.

There can be an accentuation of skills through self-discipline. You are aware of what has made you slide from the true path in the past, seducing you into depending on external stimulation as a substitute for effort. So you can rise beyond such temptations, and get thrills from wise activity rather than stimulants or addictions.

Through the clash of teachings, ideals, and seemingly contradictory principles or methods, something great is rising up in you, granting illumination. The One who has formed us does not forget us; therefore true understanding can emerge from within.

{Monday} {Illumination}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Forecast for Friday 21 October 2011

Friday 21 October 2011

*Strategically Grandiose*

I'd rather write about current events today than give my usual pep-talk as to how we personally can get through the day with less stress. I consider the latter extremely important. It helps me as much as it helps any of you. But sometimes it is more enjoyable to write about technical astrology as applied to current events. Some of you probably have little taste for that, but even then you might find it instructive or interesting.

On everyone's mind is the death of Muammar Qaddafi (or Gaddafi). I did not predict the time of its occurrence, nor do I or would I predict anyone's death. That to me is a misuse of astrology. One might point out difficult periods, if that would be helpful to the individual in question, but always with suggestsions as to how the suffering can be ameliorated or avoided.
Nevertheless, in afterview one can always learn much from what happens to public figures. Unfortunately, it is usually the tragedies which get the news attention. It might be interesting, as an astrological study, to consider the charts of those who win lotteries and what current aspects are doing at the time. More useful would be studies of when people do well at their jobs or get promotions, since that is something realistic rather than improbable such as a gambling win.

Looking at Qaddafi's birth chart I see Mars at 25 Cancer. That is the sign of Mars's "fall." Obviously, Qaddafi did not "fall" during his whole career, though he was perhaps in the process, one might say; nor does this signature in a birthchart mean one has an evil destiny, by any means. Brilliant people and superb ones have been born with Mars in Cancer. However, at the time of his death it is more than interesting that the sun was also in the sign of its fall, Libra, and exactly square (from 26 Libra) his Mars. Mars is of course, at its worst, a planet of violence. The square is, with the oposition, the most difficult aspect. Mars the planet of violence in its fall squared by the sun in the sign of its fall is self-evident. A difficult day. I say "day" because this has happened to Qaddafi once every year throughout his life, at approximately this date near October 20. What happened on previous years? It would be interesting to know, if one could study his diary. Quarrels, most likely. Threats. And so on.

This time, the aspect was reinforced, unhappily, by Saturn at 21 Libra, and moving toward a square with Qaddafi's birth Mars. A hard aspect between these two "malefic" planets as the ancient astrologers called them has been regarded by most astrologers, historically, as about the worst possible. Still, Qaddafi went through this approximately 28 years ago when Saturn was at that position. It is by no means fatal but points toward "difficult karma" shall we say.

One could go on and study other aspect to his chart, and his progressions, although this could degenerate into morbidiy. What would be the point? To me, the point would be to learn something real about astrology as a basis for future developments in its techniques. Not so that we can predict the death of people, but see into all the complexities of their living and the karma they have earned in a way to help them. As for Qaddafi himself, it is doubtful any astrologer could have helped him at this point, although perhaps that would have been possible at an earlier stage of his career.

In terms of general astrology, as I use it in these forecasts for all of you who dare to read them, the killing of Qaddafi occurred while the moon was in Leo moving toward Mars in that sign of rulership, that is, Leo the royal sign, or sign of the head of any nation or enterprise. These two planets were squared to two planets in Scorpio the sign of death (Mercury and Venus). Sometimes these simple meanings--such as Leo, royalty or ruler; and Scorpio, death or ending--are sufficient to point out, or provide a backdrop for, much which is happening in the world, if one merely contemplates things from an astrological (astral logical) viewpoint. Be it noted also that the square of Mars and Venus is known for violence, sometimes within the family, as here within the national family of Libya. This is intensified when it is in fixed signs and especially when one of them is Scorpio.

Further, I must point out that I pointed out last week the exact hours and minutes of this week's |difficult third| and that the killing of Qaddafi occurred within that period. One might say, Well, but this was not "difficult" for his enemies. True, perhaps, although who can see into the mind of G*d when it comes to the karma of warfare? His enemies exulted, but did that make them truly happy or better off in real terms? No one knows for sure. The |difficult third of each week| is impartial; it is a time, as I have said repeatedly, when karma hits, when one has to face responsibility for what one has done and what one has become. Such was Qaddafi's fate this week. If you look back over Tuesday and Wednesday, and Thursday until about 2 p.m. PT | 5 p.m. ET, you will note some of the issues you have faced and learned from. This last is, after all, the point of the whole thing. We live in a beneficent universe governed by a beneficent Deity.

The events of 9/11/01 occurred within a |difficult third| of that week, as did the assassination of John Kennedy and countless other difficult events, down to quarrels between husbands and wives or fist fights in schoolyards. The purpose of pointing out this period each week is not to depress you but help you rise above these times and use them to advantage rather than mope about helplessly. One of the best things you can do is, first, pray for guidance before you do anything else.

The next one comes on Monday, October 24 at 4:02p PT | 7:02p ET | 11:02p UT, extending through Tuesday and Wednesday until Wednesday-Thursday at 9:59p PT(W) | 12:59a(Th) | 4:59a(Th) UT. (The period gradually moves earlier, toward Monday-Tuesday at this point.)

Friday this week (October 21) is serious yet beneficent. People are thinking about their jobs and careers in a big way, wondering what the next developments will be. Fidelity to one's purposes is a key to happiness. One could become gloomy if yielding to the fatalism of the fall season (bittersweet in autumnal coloring). Mapping strategies is a good use of your mind. You could be very sharp at that. Also, a spiritual awakening is occurring at a deep level, which can manifest in countless ways. You want to espouse causes and their supporters, link yourself with high aspirations in a way which enhances the depths within your cohorts. You can be humane rather than touchy or angry, turning dissatisfaction into activities and thoughts bold and grandiose.

{Friday} *Strategically Grandiose*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 20 October 2011

Thursday 20 October 2011

*Pride Justified by Achievement*

The |difficult third of this week| ends in mid-afternoon, later in the Eastern Hemisphere.

I have good hopes for the meeting of high-level financial honchos and government officials in Europe scheduled for Sunday. It is said by some, including the financial analysit Martin Weiss, to be the most important event in the world's financial history in a long time and for a long time to come. Are European banks going to fail, sending the world into a deep depression? Some think so. Some say, cash in all your investment chips. Others say, this is a temporary crisis and the markets will soon be up again.

I wish I could give a definite answer; but I do have hopes for something good emerging. First, the sun enters Scorpio on Sunday as this meeting happens; it will be out of the sign of its fall, Libra, for the first time in a month. It is also moving away from its difficult conjunction with Saturn. Second, Mars in Leo has moved away from its square with Jupiter in Taurus (money sign). Third, said Mars will be forming a trine (by 15 degrees) with said Juptiter beginning Monday, for the first time in many months forming a Locomotive pattern in the sky. This is favorable, as opposed to the Vise patterns we have had all summer. Fourth, although Venus and Mercury continue to move toward a square with Mars, and are in Scorpio a money sign, they leave the Via Combusta (15 Libra to 15 Scorpio) within 24 to 48 hours before the beginning of the meeting. And so, I as an astrologer applaud the timing of this meeting. Also, on Sunday the moon will be sextile Venus in said money sign. Agreements are possible.

The pessimists may be wrong. Somehow or other, the Europeans may pull it together. (Without perhaps too-excruciating spanking of the bottoms of the Greeks who brought the crisis on by their self-indulgence.)

For Thursday, much attention to ordinary work is required, despite the moon's presence in Leo, a fun sign. You feel your honor is at stake or that you have to live up to expectations.
Rituals, religious or semi-religious, could be important. They sustain consciousness in ways which keep one functioning harmoniously with the cosmos.

People are awakening spiritually. This is not easy. It requires letting go of too-easy dreams of material indulgence. Pleasures can be dropped only when one becomes deeply aware of something transcending them, namely spiritual joy in being and doing what is concordant with the Supreme Will. This need not be painful but can be hard when one is pulled in both directions. The higher gravity gradually replaces the lower gravity.

There can be anger (Mercury square Mars in fixed signs) over disagreements. Your principles, let us hope, are solid; but you question someone else's, as if he or she needed to be taught true values. At moments one feels, "Enough! This person is beneath me, a bad influence, I need to drop him (her)." Perhaps. Or, if the friendship survives the crisis, there is still something, apart from the diagreement, holding you together.

There are congenial moments. Some will be in a party mood. Still, they will want to hold up their heads in pride about whatever they have been doing.

There is also some indolence, easy drift, whenever one feels one deserves it. I don't want to warn against it, but must, to be honest. Separating fun-time from work-time could be very wise, so that you accomplish what makes you feel good about yourself.

{Thursday} *Pride Justified by Achievement*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wednesday 19 October 2011

~Shared Concerns Lighten the Load~

Today feels more like the |difficult third| at the mood level than yesterday. Too much worry sums it up. More practically, you need to do things which, thourhg they confine you, are necessary for career development or job security.

There is a mood, at best, of benevolence and hospitableness, letting friends be what they are because feeling more secure yourself at some intangible level. You discern, perhaps, who a true friend is, and are willing to give her or him the benefit of the doubt in a heartfelt manner. This can happen despite differences of opinion, which nevertheless are very important to you.

Comfort and good fortune promote happiness, albeit with the worry already mentioned. Tuesday's Market surge, promoted by good signs in the European bank crisis, may or may not continue, but a feeling of increasing wealth is prominent somehow. You are using a compass in your mind, developed through study and observation, which helps you discover the right direction to move at any time. By doing that without delay you reduce fretting.

Congenial attitudes in people are not absent although it may be necssary to ignore their bleaker moods to bring the former out. Then there can even be a party atmosphere to a small degree, limited by the schedules all feel they need to keep up with necessities.
There may be true comradeship in which someone is not afraid to share his or her worries with you in a way which need not be depressing. Misery loves company, and the informal psychotherapy in friendly conversation sometimes holds the world together.

{Wednesday} ~Shared Concerns Lighten the Load~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, October 17, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 18 October 2011

Tuesday 18 October 2011

~Wary Security Could Equal Contentment~

Entering into the fray seems hard at times, but there is assurance of victory if reasonable care is combined with the optimism of the spirit.

The anger which certain people feel over disagreements is hard to calm or eliminate and so sometimes has to be ignored. This is a case of truly benign neglect.

The bulls of the American financial market encounter the dismal plight of European debts as well as American ones we have faced for years. The bull is pawing the earth, ready to roar and roam, but held back by fears. I do not pretend to succeed in predicting the financial markets with astrology. There are enough pseudo-predictors out there to take your money for their questionable advice.

Despite such worries, there can be a degree of contentment and placidity, happiness with the wealth one does possess and the comforts one has secured. Financial savvy comes out in small as well as large directions to make sure one has enough, and is able to trade or share with others who need anything.

I pointed out last week the exact hours of this week's |difficult third of the week|, approximately today, tomorrow, and early Thursday. One generally feels less confident at these times. However, late today the moon's trine (from Cancer to Scorpio) with Mercury and Venus promises some kind of enjoyment, entertainment or limited social pleasure, tinged with melancholy but still satisfying. (The |difficult third| by no means indicates ups and downs in the financial markets with any reliability. It functions more on the level of emotion and consciousness. Sometimes worries impel investors to invest, and the markets go up at such times. Sometimes worries impel them to sell.)

You are using science, or scientific methods, or technology, to estimate correct solutions to problems, and this can be successful (Mercury and Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn). You feel constricted and limited when you worry, but rational thinking can release many of the worries when applied straightforwardly.

Defending oneself from loss takes time and thought. However, if this goes too far it becomes degenerating fretting which cuts too deeply into the enjoyment of living. Therefore contentment, especially this evening, is a wonderful blessing.

{Tuesday} ~Wary Security Could Equal Contentment~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mopnday 17 October 2011

Monday 17 October 2011

}Regaining Innocence{

[There was no forecast for Saturday because Friday found me working hard at research again, going over past events with a fine-tooth comb to improve perceptions of correlations between human and planetary events. It felt necessary but took my time. I hope good results of that effort will come out in the forecasts.]

As pointed out last week, this should be a smoother day for social and business connections than Tuesday and Wednesday. Business, however, might be less clear after 6:37a PT | 9:37a ET | 12:37p UT, when the moon becomes void-of-course (except for a non-practical but pleasant trine with Neptune) until it enters Cancer at 6:38p PT | 9:38p ET 12:38a(T) UT. That includes most of the day in the Western Hemisphere, so it might be a time for "old business" or finishing up things you have already decided to do. Nor is entertainment or pleasure excluded.

There could be charm, fun, attractive interplay among those drawn to one another. There is also a distant attitude sometimes, when one feels estranged from those who interest one yet continues to think of them. People don't know quite what to make of one another.

Mental work could be important while Mercury opposes Jupiter. You are not so much angry with people as somewhat curious about them, unless they offend you deeply.

It is not cheerful to think of those who suffer for a cause, martyrs in the true sense, yet sometimes important if there is a chance of doing something to aid or protect them. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch come to mind, and the individuals in crisis they work for. Christians, Muslims, those of minority religions, and others suffer for their faiths or beliefs and this ought not to be.

The innocence of children is a wonderful elixir for the human race, inspiring adults to be less gummed up with guile and trickery. To see into the heart of a child or someone childlike is to be healed of self-deception.

When there is anger, an equal concern for oneself and someone else is trying to come out, which could be fostered by taking a deep breath before exploding in outraged insult (even if in one's own mind).

To avoid insecurity, it is well to be observant, but not to the point of fearing what is only imaginary. There is a middle way, when intuition is active, which protects oneself without paranoia.

{Monday} {Regaining Innocence}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Forecast for Friday 14 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011

\Source of Support/

If you are wondering why, since I said the |difficult third of this week| ended Thursday, you are still feeling rather down. Well, there is always something . . . this time, the sun conjoined to Saturn. It is actually diminishing today, in terms of exact mathematics, but not necessarily in terms of suffering. We are up against our limits (Saturn) and the limits of those with whom we are most closely connected, like it or not (Libra).

How to escape the "always something"? Spiritual consciousness, which is independent of astrology, although the latter helps both in attaining it and in understanding the world, events, and people once one has attained it.

Present duties need to be faced. Then there is hope of something wonderful happening to make you feel you are a favored one. The favor is partly earned, partly sheer Grace.

What sustains you? To one who knows Him, only the Supreme Lord. To others, material activities. And so I cannot answer for you. You are questioning, perhaps, what your true support is, and finding answers, both at spiritual and material (or financial) levels.

Confusion in beliefs or perspectives is likely while Mercury and Venus together oppose Jupiter. This is the religious-questioning aspect, the aspect of skeptics and believers at cross-purposes, resulting in quarrels over philosophy, religion, and approaches to Truth; the clash of gurus, cults, denominations, religions, and viewpoints. Yet you are able to find what makes sense to you and it is not impossible to communicate this to some degree.

(I am almost sorry I mentioned the clash of "gurus," because actually in India most of the time gurus are more respectful of one another than are varying spiritual groups in the West, or so it seems to me. Tolerance is something the West can learn from India.)

There are ways of getting beyond pettiness (yours or someone else's) and recovering poise. Humble prayer is one way. As the day proceeds people will be feeling brighter and happier.

A T square focused on Mars in Leo suggests sports and games could be emphasized.

Exploration and discovery bring wealth. This can work out in smaller or greater ways, reassuring you that life is on your side.

{Friday} /Source of Support\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 13 October 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

\Coping with the Difficult Third/

Sometimes life seems a great weariness. This is usually (not always) within the period I have called, for years, "the difficult third of the week" and marked off as follows: |the difficult or trying third of the week|. I stopped doing that because it seemed nobody cared. I wonder if anyone intelligent reads these forecasts? Because if you were intelligent you would see how accurate that |hard third of the week| forecast was, every week, and perhaps tell me how it helped you. No. Nobody said a word. I wonder sometimes who I am writing for, and why.

Nevertheless, for myself and G*d I shall return to mentioning the |difficult or hard or whatever (I use various words but always put it within |these| markers) third of each week|, because it helps me enormously. This time it extended from Monday at 11:36a PT | 2:36p ET | 6:36p UT until Thursday at 9:07a PT | 12:07p ET | 4:07p UT. So, if you are reading this Wednesday evening, you are still in it; if you read it Thursday morning you are almost but not quite out of it. Mark this. Watch it. Think about it every week. I will continue to mention it every week. You will see what it means for you if you are observant.

This time it lasted almost three days. That is rare. I have given the exact percentage of its occurrence before, several times, which probably nobody noticed, but shall not calculate it at this moment. It is a little more than one-third of the time, I think about 35 per cent, less than two-and-a-half days per week (on average). That leaves about two-thirds of the time for less wearing, disturbing, fatiguing, disappointing experiences. Of course it does not always hit Tuesday-Wednesday as it has been lately. It moves gradually earlier so that in a few weeks it will hit Sunday-Monday, then Friday-Saturday, and so on.

How should you gear yourself up for these periods? That is completely up to you, but I usually offer suggestions each week. If you watch these periods you will sense strategies for coping with them which work in your own case.

Usually more, or harder, work is required. Things "go wrong" more often during those periods. People are moodier and edgier. You might experiment with avoiding social connections intended to be for sheer fun, parties or the like, at these times, because they often turn sour, but there are no hard-and-fast rules. Occasionally you might attend a social event or meet someone and have a wonderful experience during these times. But emphasize "occasionally."

Likewise, they are not usually good times to ask the boss for a raise (if anyone ever does that during this peculiar economic period), apply for a job, agree to a contract, and so on. You can explore such options during this time but usually it would be better to slow down in your decision-making until you are sure. Sometimes, of course, one of these periods could be the perfect time to take a job, agree to something, get a new place or whatnot. Again, no absolute rules; but emphasize "sometimes."

Of course, "life goes on." You might find these excellent times to concentrate, focus, get important things done. These are crucial periods. They are karmic. You have to pay up, fork something over to the cosmos for the privilege of having a body on Terra. Usually that means finishing something to which you are committed, or keeping on with it, rather than beginning anything new.

I have run out of time for today's forecast, but what I have just written could be extremely important for you. I will give you next week's |emotionally hard or karmically difficult or concentrating-on-essentials| period: beginning Tuesday, October 18 at 5:44a PT | 8:44a ET | 12:44p UT (all times except UT in Daylight Savings Time for now) and extending until Thursday, October 20 at 1:59p PT | 4:59p ET | 8:59p UT. That means virtually all of Tuesday and Wednesday next week, and Thursday until mid- or late-afternoon. (Somewhat later in Europe or India, as you can calculate easily.)

The rest of the time, beginning by noon today in the Western Hemisphere, is good for fun, parties, vacations, the beach, hanging out, enjoying yourself . . . I wish :>)

{Thursday} /Coping with the Difficult Third\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 12 October 2011

Wednesday 12 October 2011

*Ideals Felt as Imperative*

There's a trend of wanting to be left alone. You want to feel sufficient to yourself, without interference. Of course, cooperation is essential in many regards. You might frustrate this without realizing it by jumping to conclusions or offending people by stating harsh facts without regard to their feelings. Those also need to be heard, but they may be afraid to say what they feel, or jump in and offend you so that things go in contrary directions with defiance. People need to realize they are not really threatening one another.

All this is likely to calm down after the moon enters Taurus at 6:36p PT | 9:36p ET | 1:36a(Th) UT, though there be remnants of it.

People are sincere in their religious beliefs and practices, even if they are afraid to wear them on their sleeves. You care about your standing with anyone who represents your faith, and also care about his or her ability to "walk the talk." There is a desire to participate in what can uplift the human race. Faith is essential in such projects.

The easy path to wealth is desired by many; few there are who succeed along it. Something, at least good will and kindness, needs to be given back for what one receives. Avarice and revenge dig their own pit and fall into it. It might be that Wall Street types fall more easily into avarice, and "99%" protestors into revenge. G*d, the solution through His Words, is too often ignored or disparaged by either or both. So we are left thinking dark thoughts about one another instead of opening our hearts to Gospel charity.

A public display of something you have done could have edifying results. You demonstrate that in what you care about you are not whistling Dixie. Then your glory is shared by others.

Those who feel frustrated, with the sun conjoined to Saturn, could at worst ignore the previous paragraphs and throw themselves into rage or angry activity. There are signs, however, that this is diminishing. Most are smart enough to see that subconscious vandalism (on either side of the "class war") vandalizes the vandal. Jupiter moving back to a trine with Pluto suggests that people are able to appreciate what they have.

{Wednesday} *Ideals Felt as Imperative*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Tuesday 11 October 2011

*The Soul Perseveres*

There's a trend toward being alone, or feeling alone; independent. Yet work for income requires some contact with people, obviously. You are determined to take the long hard path toward being the ruler of your life. You have the will power to do it. You are supported by invisible forces. You could get lost by trusting improbable schemes or out-of-the-box beliefs, yet your romanticism helps you by keeping you optimistic.

Many are wondering how it is that others seem to be more prosperous. The fodder is always greener on the other side of some fence. Yet the harshness of loss is a way of sharpening your abilities. An idealistic streak in you is determined to win out over all depletion of energy, hope or finances. By caring about what is right, you strengthen yourself. Something you do which no one else does as well is your trump card.

The arts, drama or music could be sterling. They get you over hard places, which is one reason we have them. A novel, story, poem or film can work magic, reinvigorating hopes and aspirations. Then you throw more savvy energy into endeavors, almost without trying.

{Tuesday} *The Soul Perseveres*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Forecast for Monday 20 October 2011

Monday 10 October 2011

*Awakening to Depth before Breadth*

The characteristics of famous or prominent people are interesting. One sometimes wonders if when seeing into them one is being arrogant in criticizing their weaknesses. On the other hand, it is by seeing such things that we can grow beyond them in our own lives.

While at home or in a friendly place, you can reach toward a higher power. This is the "religious" activity of human beings and I am not at all convinced that atheists do not do it--in their own ways, disguised as humanism.

The quarrelsome nature of some of the Wall Street protests does not obscure their serious purpose, a groping toward some kind of "justice" in the economy which satisfies all sectors. That would be the true nature of a "democratic" solution of economic inequality, though perhaps unattainable, or attainable only in ways which would please some and not others. Still, there are signs of people being willing to put away some of their differences for the sake of the greater good. In the European banking or sovereign debt crisis, this is obviously essential.

A deep side of you is able to look beyond the superficial into the mystical, the other-worldly, what lies beyond death. Rare are those who do not have at least one spirit companion, though unknown to them.

What seems laziness in some could be their temporary way of changing paths. Those who are hospitable even to the obtuse or indolent gain something in return.

Envy of others' economic status can be a path to restructuring one's own. There is also a trend toward constancy in one's principles, so that one is content with what one has because one wants to do whatever is right rather than what might be more advantageous in a worldly or financial way.

Depth of feeling can tend toward the magnanimous. When none feel afraid of loss, there can be more spontaneous sharing, and that at a metaphysical as well as material level.

{Monday} *Awakening to Depth before Breadth*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, October 7, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 8 October 2011

Saturday 8 October 2011

~Cozy, Prescient Drifting~

Carrying on with routines or rituals is sometimes necessary even when they seem futile. There are ways to find inner peace which is actually power, when you are effortlessly linked to a higher power. But usually effortlessness begins with some kind of effort, though done in effortless style (clueful paradox).

Another paradox is the desire for companionship mixed with a reclusive trend, as if you were angry with people or wanted to avoid them even while feeling a need for them. This is partly the moon in Pisces, which goes void-of-course early within that sign at 9:52a PT | 12:52p ET | 4:52p UT. Before that (while the moon is forming a sextile with Jupiter) may be your best time to talk or communicate if there is a serious purpose; make plans or consummate them.

There may be an interest in northern or icy places. Yet you are not bracing up for anything strenuous such as an arctic excursion! Rather you want to take an easy path, let things slide a little, especially after the time given.

Although you have a tendency to attempt too much (in your mind), it appears that you are protecting already-established advantages in some way which makes sense to you. Whether it makes sense to the world is another question, but you feel you are more prescient than the world. You take an easy avenue to social connections, or tentative ones, or sheer relaxed sight-seeing or people-watching.

{Saturday} ~Cozy, Prescient Drifting~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Forecast for Friday 7 October 2011

Friday 7 October 2011


This is an excellent social or enjoyable Friday, perhaps especially in the afternoon. That lead-up into the evening can be kept going later but might lose some of its exhilaration. (For those in Europe or Asia, the evening could be the best part.)

People link arms, join hands, get together: "Your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends" was the chorus of a childhood song. Feelings are congruent and festive.

The advantages you enjoy are not without worry, a gloom deriving from uncertainties, which help you to focus on what is attainable through rational calculation. The advantages are more solid than your worries anticipate. What is rational can be holy if suffused with a holy attitude.

As soon as work is finished, being out and about is recommended. Being creatively lazy at certain points will not hurt your chances adversely.
You may feel popular and prosperous, and find that whoever interests you responds to you with interest, even fascination. All contain mysteries which others are ready to find a blessing.

{Friday} {Blessings}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 6 October 2011

Thursday 6 October 2011

}Work and Play Divide the Prize{

This could be the foremost social day of the week, with Friday in second place. Not because it's Thursday; trines between the moon in Aquarius and the planets in Libra are mood-enhancing at the very least.

A lot of people are frustrated gamblers, while Mars and Jupiter remain in square. This could be in casinos or the stock market or trading, or in a desire to go for the biggest prize whether realistic or not. Results are mixed, as they always are with gambles. It is tempting to say that the Market may improve over coming weeks, but as always I hedge such remarks with the view that it is impossible to predict the Market. Its recent wild ups and downs reflect the astrological aspect just mentioned, a financial roller-coaster.

The perennial choice between grinding away at tasks, or indulging yourself freely, seems accented. At certain moments or hours you need time to recuperate.

At best, you will enjoy your work, even delight in it. At work or play, you are responsive to influences which make life smoother, in ways you determine as best you can.

{Thursday} {Work and Play Divide the Prize}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 5 October 2011

Wednesday 5 October 2011

}From Disappointment to Childlike Hope{

Gloom may be felt while things undergo a transition toward something better, probably by Thursday. Radiating affection and love are coming, as things lighten up, noticeable even today but flowering tomorrow. Meanwhile there is a process of rising beyond suffering by learning whatever it is teaching.

Some things which have seemed promising may seem less so, with a resulting let-down. The keyword is "seem" because, after this hiatus, what you believed in will become convincing again.

You are alert to intensities in yourself and people. You can't let anything be; you have to get involved at least mentally. You can prevent this sensitivity from becoming painful and let it be inquisitive, explorative.

There are touches of enchantment even in your work. You can transform worry into a childlike trust in the beauty of things. Sharing what you have may seem absurd when you feel you don't have enough, yet it can happen if the inner attitude is confidence that all will be supplied. Then generosity multiplies gifts, as the loaves and fishes.

Childlike trust is a wonderful thing to see. The adult knows that the child will have to learn responsibility and duty, but would not force them too often or too soon on the happiness the child enjoys by trusting the Invisible (which only with reluctance he admits functions usually through his parents' grace). So in parenting ourselves we have to keep up with work, yet its efficiency and results are more secure if we feel we can rest and enjoy even while working. Thereby we become adept in facing every moment's challenge as opportunity, yet letting even opportunity go when it is time to trust the One who (believe it or not) cares for us.

{Thursday} {From Disappointment to Childlike Hope}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, October 3, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 4 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

\Calibrated Effort within Social Finesse/

The clue is in using the abilities you have, even if in ways which seem less than stunning to you. Circumstances seem to deny you the chance to use them to the full, yet using them as much as feasible develops them and also molds the circumstances to make fuller use possible.

You are in a position where people feel a sense of ownership about things, and when things don't go well they may blame you, or anyone, for the failure or delay. You can retain your composure, and make a home of your workshop, job area, or office, thereby feeling composed and in charge.

Efforts which seem profitless could be partly misdirected. If you pare away useless motion you will get more done. There is harmony underlying the day, equanimity which refuses to be disturbed by challenges but faces them harmoniously.

That side of the day, apart from or percolating into your work, becomes more frivolous and carefree, sensuous or vain: surprising attractions which could be lascivious are moderated toward the genteel. Those younger, to whom life is thrilling, find you attractive or pleasing and want to be near you. There is a curious intellectual component to this mutual interest.

Some such individuals, whether younger or older, have their trials and tribulations and you become aware of them. You would like to shelter them as much as possible; save them from peril. In doing such serious work for them you become aware that the link between you deepens, turning however from the morose to the light-hearted and colorful. You elevate one another within mutual flattery.

{Tuesday} /Calibrated Effort within Social Finesse\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Forecast for Monday 3 October 2011

Monday 3 October 2011

\Ambitions Tempered toward the Better/

There is enthusiasm for sharing specialized knowledge. This could get a little out of hand or overbearing unless modified by realism and deliberation.

You can symbolize values and joys in a careful, gruff, determined manner which in fact makes life more colorful.

You are deft in organizing talents, finishing handicrafts, mechanical attempts, or anything requiring physical or technical dexterity. It's a good idea to avoid "too much" because there is a tendency to attempt too much. Recognizing workable limits, you can proceed more confidently and comfortably. However, there is a desire to attempt much, even the impossible.

Animals, birds, children might befriend you in interesting ways. You are making yourself helpful to them directly or indirectly by being a positive influence. There can be animalistic desires at times, which you can sublimate into higher aspirations and endeavors.

It's an interesting fact that when people become prosperous they tend to become snobby. Rare is the one who can avoid this, showing he has developed a true sense of values, placing value in what is thought, felt, and accomplished rather than what is possessed.

Pride is considered a sin because it inflates the proud to the point at which they fail to perceive the virtues and good qualities in those around them, and become isolated before they realize what has happened. This need not occur, although there is a temptation toward it. Happier interplay is possible, through sports, games, or gentler contacts of conversation and shared pleasure.

{Monday} /Ambitions Tempered toward the Better\

Cosmic Piper