Sunday, October 2, 2011

Forecast for Monday 3 October 2011

Monday 3 October 2011

\Ambitions Tempered toward the Better/

There is enthusiasm for sharing specialized knowledge. This could get a little out of hand or overbearing unless modified by realism and deliberation.

You can symbolize values and joys in a careful, gruff, determined manner which in fact makes life more colorful.

You are deft in organizing talents, finishing handicrafts, mechanical attempts, or anything requiring physical or technical dexterity. It's a good idea to avoid "too much" because there is a tendency to attempt too much. Recognizing workable limits, you can proceed more confidently and comfortably. However, there is a desire to attempt much, even the impossible.

Animals, birds, children might befriend you in interesting ways. You are making yourself helpful to them directly or indirectly by being a positive influence. There can be animalistic desires at times, which you can sublimate into higher aspirations and endeavors.

It's an interesting fact that when people become prosperous they tend to become snobby. Rare is the one who can avoid this, showing he has developed a true sense of values, placing value in what is thought, felt, and accomplished rather than what is possessed.

Pride is considered a sin because it inflates the proud to the point at which they fail to perceive the virtues and good qualities in those around them, and become isolated before they realize what has happened. This need not occur, although there is a temptation toward it. Happier interplay is possible, through sports, games, or gentler contacts of conversation and shared pleasure.

{Monday} /Ambitions Tempered toward the Better\

Cosmic Piper

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