Sunday, October 23, 2011

Forecast for Monday 24 October 2011

Monday 24 October 2011


Today, Thursday, and Friday are likely to be the best days of this week for business or social matters of importance, or making deals, purchases or agreements. Today, technically the |difficult third of this week| begins at 4:01 p PT | 7:01p ET | 11:01p UT, extending through Tuesday and Wednesday. You can handle essential matters on those days but should avoid any serious departures from the tried and true. There is likely to be confusion and lack of morale, undermining clear thinking or intelligent choice.

Further, the moon is void-of-course today until 8:49a PT | 11:49a ET | 3:49p UT, so those early hours are somewhat suspect also. Routine is what will stabilize you then. That leaves more than seven hours for anything unusually important you need to do before Thursday.

Fortunately, as mentioned last week, general aspects other than lunar ones are getting better. That led me to predict that some workable and not terribly upsetting (to financial markets and the world's economny) solution may be forthcoming from the important gathering of leaders of the European nations and their banking systems. They are trying to meet a Wednesday deadline, but I would suggest that Thursday or Friday would be more felicitous.

Thoughts and hopes of great magnitude will uplift you. You sense who and what is likely to help you. You could be developing a fitness through exercise of some kind, physical and strengthening, which sets you up bodily and mentally to face the world.

You can learn from someone whose wealth of mind is enormous, whose learning and eloquence you trust. This person's writings and instructions are available, even if from beyond the grave. Justice is working out in world affairs, and your own. We are inclined to whine when it cuts too closely to us, eliminating some tidbit we had wanted, but we can make the adjustment and learn from it.

There can be an accentuation of skills through self-discipline. You are aware of what has made you slide from the true path in the past, seducing you into depending on external stimulation as a substitute for effort. So you can rise beyond such temptations, and get thrills from wise activity rather than stimulants or addictions.

Through the clash of teachings, ideals, and seemingly contradictory principles or methods, something great is rising up in you, granting illumination. The One who has formed us does not forget us; therefore true understanding can emerge from within.

{Monday} {Illumination}

Cosmic Piper

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