Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 1 September 2011

Thursday 1 September 2011

~Practical Satisfaction~

What seemed blocked yesterday could sail along today. The moon in the Via Combusta presents problems but they may be more internal than external, a failure of morale. If you boost your faith quotient, you can accomplish a lot and feel pleased with what is developing.

Seeing both sides of most factors makes you supremely able to act with foresight and intelligence. You are enjoying material gains. Of course, always there can be danger of overconfidence, overspending or over-playing when one feels giddy with success.

A profusion of natural products and satisfactions makes you willing to care for them so they remain a resource. Likewise, idea-resources are available through study and learning. Many are recovering from financial anxieties and watching their affairs astutely so they profit from more favorable economic trends.

Soul-hunger leads you to appreciate the sentiment of human association however you can, although problems involved seem recalcitrant. People become gruff and stalwart when trying to accomplish a mission; sentiment takes a back seat or sidecar. So the drive forward takes the lead rather than emotional dalliance, and this seems a day for valor.

There is a gentility of family ancestry which sustains your aspirations. Whether your family is with you physically, or a spiritual family, it is solid background. So you can get physical tasks done thoroughly, carry out duties and service without complaining, and feel revitalized by it all.

{Thursday} ~Practical Satisfaction~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 31 August 2011

Wednesday 31 August 2011

}Getting Back on Track?{

The momentum of the New Moon (last Sunday) continues to unfold, with a sense that you are gradually getting things back on track. However, Luna's conjunction with Saturn and square with Mars is not conducive to paths of flowers, so you will face nitty-gritty stuff today. It could be satisfying to take care of it feeling you know what you are doing. This should still be "old stuff" mostly, which you need to clear away, rather than brilliant new schemes. Those are developing but may be half-baked for another week or so.

When old moorings are gone, one finds new ones. This is happening through experiment, unsettling at first but satisfying when good results start to come in. Meanwhile, patient watching and waiting.

Marriage is not for everyone. Yet as analogy everyone is married to something, as his work or hobby. There are also the groups or organizations to which one belongs or with which one is friends, or from whom one's friends come. Through power struggles, which look silly in afterview perhaps, people learn to face crises and develop character. Ultimately there is rest from conflict, plus experience under one's belt which will prevent or sweeten future tests of the sort.

Some electrical problem, or involving electrical implements of any kind (including computers, cell phones, etc.), could be at a stage of partial resolution. It has not been easy.

A stagnant situation in living situation, love, or friendship, connected with travel indirectly (past or future), is not so terrible; you see passive advantages in it.

People who have talents can be sensitive about them. Naturally they want approval and fear disapproval. Yet they are romantic and hopeful.

Despite difficult lunar aspects, there is a trend toward serenity, an openness to the beauties of nature and human beings. One might as well delight in harmony wherever one can.

{Wednesday} {Getting Back on Track?}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, August 29, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 30 August 2011

Tuesday 30 August 2011

}Limits Within Which Love Moves{

The mess on the East Coast of the U. S. because of the hurricane weather is typical of the Dark Hermetic Epoch. Mercury turned direct on Friday. According to the astrologers I learned astrology from decades ago, that would mean things are better. But they seem almost worse to me, not only for the thousands unsettled by the weather but by myself where it is not weather but a multitude of other factors I cannot control which are causing me continuing trouble. It was because I saw this happen over and over again that I discovered the Dark Hermetic Epoch, based upon the cycles of Mercury but not just the Mercury-retrograde cycle. That is the center of the Dark Epoch, but not the whole of it. This time it continues until September 10. Of course, things could get gradually better, but that depends on lunar and other aspects from day to day. You will need patience in dealing with "old stuff" which hangs on until slowly resolved.

It is hard when it seems you are learning something all over again. You can do it, with assistance visible or invisible. Caring about whatever needs you is strengthening. Details of the physical world--people, animals, growing things--when cared for give morale and confidence.

In your job you sense the value of conforming to what is expected. There are endless ways you put your stamp of freedom on that, while still doing what supports those who depend on the function you perform. Links people form with one another may be uneasy, yet links there must be. When they seem bondage, they are about to loosen and become privilege.

How is love working out in your life? What choice of partner have you made, consciously or subconsciously? You are invited to become more conscious of this link and whatever it means. Because it had value when made, it has value still. Every partner insists on being mysterious or independent. This is part of the drama without which a relationship would be lifeless.

When you can be alone with nature, you are not alone, for contemplation opens doors to larger realms. At the same time, you are not unaware of what is profitable financially. It seems you have a better grasp of it as the days go by.

You may be entangled with one who is musical, artistic, or skilled with words. You appreciate any artistry, or execution of others' works such as musical performance, reciting or acting. Difficult feelings evoked within you by this are evoked for the purpose of letting them be more conscious, so they can transform into something more satisfying.

There is constant bouncing from times when people need their space, and separate, and then come together again. When limits are seen as necessary and helpful, they are not resented.

{Tuesday} {Limits Within Which Love Moves}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Forecast for Monday 29 August 2011

Monday 29 August 2011

\Calm, Patient Strength/

The New Moon of Sunday evening carries us along although many factors remain slow, reflective, involved in study and analysis, in preparatory stages.

You feel many restraints, social apartness or holding aloof, needing to be alone, or feeling shy about bold interaction so remaining on the sidelines or turning your back on confrontation. This has value in preserving your poise on many levels, allowing you to think clearly about what may be coming up. You can feel fairly confident about careful choices until the moon, sextiling Mars from Virgo to Cancer, then goes void of course at 3:16p PT | 6:16p ET | 10:16p UT.

Choices in love or friendship may seem locked, blocked, or peculiarly unsettling, although fateful beneath the surface while Venus and Mars are in a septile aspect (one-seventh of the zodiac). They go in circles. Someone wonders if you are involved with someone else, and you wonder the same about her or him. Has this not happened before?

Questions of home, or where to live, or when or how to improve the living situation, seem important. You need to retreat to home and its comforts in order to recover from work and its stress. There you continue efforts to provide for yourself and any dependents. This may seem wearisome when it is "more of the same," what you have done time and again, yet is a structure which supports your practical level of existence.

There can be good fortune financially. Somehow, inventive activities your mind has indulged in are bearing fruit; you point to what is valuable or profitable as a dowsing rod to water or oil. Than you are efficient in following up the clues.

Your past, your mother or other ancestry, are molding you into what you really want to be, for birth is not an accident and parents not random. No matter our age, parents remain embedded in consciousness, so we may as well make peace with what they are telling us. Today it is a message of gain and satisfaction in surprising ways.

{Monday} /Calm, Patient Strength\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, August 26, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 27 August 2011

Saturday 27 August 2011

*Gently Aspiring Unfoldment*

This could be a time for preparing things efficiently. Work at home is a focus.

Lighthearted and flattering links between the sexes come and go.

People look to someone who can remove their doubts and get them to participate in something enlivening and interesting as well as useful.

The grand trine in earth signs promotes natural beauty and awareness of it. Contemplation in a natural setting could be wonderful.

Your outlook on possibilities is colored by fairy tales or imaginative stories and characters (or sitcoms, adult fairy tales) which have filtered into your subconscious through television, film, or books. Fine, let them work their magic within you. Your mind comprehends first what takes a while to manifest in the outer world, during this interim period from now until September 10, while Mercury's speed (in relation to the earth) increases. The "going in circles" trend continues, but with less confusion, we hope, as time goes by. Many things cannot be rushed. It remains important to choose the essential, while giving yourself time for inessentials you cannot predict until they happen.

Letting yourself accept assistance with something you don't fully know how to do could help. This is easy, in a harmonious situation. Likewise you may teach or assist others in ways spontaneous and generous. People are longing to see their natural powers and perceptions unfold in a friendlier milieu than we have had recently, and that is happening.

{Saturday} *Gently Aspiring Unfoldment*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Forecast for Friday 26 August 2011

Friday 26 August 2011

*Transition Point*

I cannot predict an end of the harrowing problems and delays most are experiencing just because Mercury turns direct at 3:04p PT | 6:04p ET | 10:04p UT. It should help. But as I have explained many times, Mercury although turning on a dime is still very very slow after it turns direct and so the Dark Hermetic Epoch continues through September 9. This is a statement based on decades of close observation. Still, you should feel some relief tonight or Saturday, a sense that you have a better grasp of things and some of them are straightening out rather than spinning in circles. As for the circles, an example: I have tried to start this report three times in the past hour and a half. I am now an hour and a half past my planned beginning time. Three different computer problems are responsible, one connected with the wireless setup, one with battery life, and another indiscernible to me but harrowing until I restarted the laptop. Restart, the common solution for computer ills as aspirin for pains. I have walked back and forth from one room to another carrying the laptop, books, and papers several times. If that is not Mercury retrograde, it is a very good symbol of it, and what it often means for anyone or everyone. Oh, and by the way, do you remember how I mentioned a week or two ago that people tend to resign while Mercury is retrograde? Steve Jobs did yesterday. And Muammar Qaddafi's "resignation," if there is to be one, is long-drawn-out and peculiar, as everything in his life, and at the moment nobody even knows where he is (except I assume himself).

Friday: The moon in Leo always grants a sort of youthful and fun-loving orientation. However, with Luna "dying" or decreasing in apparent size, one's choices of entertainment tend to be variable or unstructured.

Shrewdness in acquiring wealth is being displayed by many, since only shrewdness seems to work in the current economic climate. In other words, watching carefully one's bottom line and what affects it. Yet there are very good signs while the sun and Venus trine both Pluto and Jupiter, a grand trine in earth signs. Before long or even now, most will feel more comfortable with their financial picture.

Battles of will or pride have been going on. The persecuted one often triumphs at last, after bitter difficulties. Fate or destiny working out favorably is to be observed in many lives and probably your own.

There is modesty or reserve in interpersonal relations, a holding-back which is not unloving but shy. Yet beneath the surface something unusual is bubbling or brewing.

People are awakening from a period of indifference or hostility toward one another into a desire for somewhat more intimate associations, although getting there involves caring about others' needs which we are not always ready to do.
Doing it would raise your standing in the estimation of people.

Difficult studies are good. You may be drawn to them while Mercury is at its station (more or less unmoving, geocentrically). You will find your own balance between a desire for friendlier associations and a sense of restraint, waiting for the right time, or attending to individual matters first.

{Friday} *Transition Point*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 25 August 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011

~Struggle Soothed by Appropriate Pleasure~

Ironically, the first day on which I can write a forecast (I was prevented for two days by horrendous Mercury-retrograde computer and other problems) has to be for a day, Thursday, on which the moon is void-of-course all day. All bets are off, one might say. That is, with this condition plus Mercury still backward, what can one do but muddle through? You can get routine necessary things accomplished, at least; and perhaps there will even be some nice luck in regard to job, career, standing, and the good graces of a (not necessarily) female in a high position. That will all be gravy, if it happens, apparently unplanned and even unearned; but there it is to make you feel better.

What is good gravitates toward what is good. Good people aid one another without trying.

You may be interested in something absorbing your attention, perhaps scientific or philosophical, or a puzzle or set of puzzles you try to figure out.

The “going in circles” trend is one which may be calming down by Friday afternoon, though still with us to a lesser degree until September 9. It is all right to have more than one friend (!). That strange comment may mean something. In other words, you feel you have to drop one friend for another, and then the reverse, and this may be seen as duplicity or vacillation when it really is not. Old friends are still with you in consciousness whether you see them or not, and even those who have passed from this world.

There could be a tendency to eat too much. I once suggested that it might be good to fast while the moon is void-of-course. Like all such rigid notions, it is not likely to work out in practice. Being aware when one is hoggish might be a good idea, however. Hunger is often psychological rather than physical.

Some spiteful individual who pretends to a position he has not really earned may get his comeuppance, not necessarily at your hands or by your lips.

Some diversions could be wonderful. You get on the merry-go-round of your desires and ride toward nothing but sheer exhilaration. Youthful spirits and mirth antidote worries we have been harboring so long. Pleasure is a god who favors us until he signals he might become a devil. Enjoy, thus far!

{Thursday} ~Struggle Soothed by Appropriate Pleasure~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 24 August 2011

There was no forecast for Tuesday and there shall be no forecast for Wednesday. Probably Thursday.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Forecast for Monday 22 August 2011

Monday 22 August 2011

}Passing a Test of Deprivation with Persistence{

This is the last week of Mercury being retrograde: it turns direct on Friday in the afternoon and early evening. However, the difficulties of the period continue after that, technically perhaps until September 9, although diminishing. At least by the weekend you should have a firmer grip on the direction of plans and hopes.

Today is for technique, skill, persistence in applying what you know, and willingness to face difficulties, maintaining your position in the face of delays and quagmires.

How much or how far to reveal things which you surmise should be kept secret is an issue. You will have to decide as best you can, trying to maintain your confidence in people's integrity and discretion although being wisely careful when that is called for.

You care about the upkeep of your home and yard or community surroundings. You want to maintain the morale of your working headquarters by straightening it out or spiffing it up. Growing things appreciate considerate attention.

Determined not to flinch from challenges, you glorify what you most deeply believe in by holding steady no matter who or what questions or challenges it. This requires a willingness to trust G*d's alliance when the chips are down and you have to uphold your position apparently with no one else's support.

Complaining when things are hard is not likely to help. It might make you feel weaker. Reorganizing your energies requires faith, hope and persistence. You have a sense of how to help yourself, and serve yourself as well as others, looking out for your own affairs so they improve gradually even if in the lurch temporarily. While at home or in a secure place at work you realize deeply that you can regain dominion over everything difficult in recent weeks.

Frequent changes of mood are to be expected. Yet through it all you can compete for the prize of knowledge, or facility in the area of skill you care about. It does not matter if, temporarily, you are lacking in some resources or feel helpless because deprived of them. A hard, mathematical attitude could help by removing emotions which would block clear thinking and intelligent action. Then you will be restructuring things on a sound basis.

{Monday} {Passing a Test of Deprivation with Persistence}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, August 19, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 20 August 2011

Saturday 20 August 2011

*Invoking the Ideal in a Relationship*

It is good to keep up with close relationships, and important associations, whether close at hand or at a distance. Some individuals want closer cooperation or association with you. And then that tends to ramify out into other connections.

Vacillations between associates, some older and some younger, some far away, make you realize that you can keep all your friends although at times you have to juggle timing, leaving one aside for the sake of another. This may seem like going in circles but has a value in keeping you flexible, alert to varied potentials.

Melancholy moods are likely at times, but it is well not to let them take over. You could fret over wrongs done to you, real or imaginary, and let them get control of consciousness. There are things you need to do, service in the realm of your mission, and when you focus on those you are happier than if you try to influence or control someone who seems a depressing influence.

You get support and nourishment from one who has a tough side, seeing into your faults but trying to overlook them. Technically this is called charity, and you need it also in dealing with others, so that together you can materialize better possibilities.

The potentials in a relationship are ideal, calling to the soul. You sense what this union could mean for the whole human race, perhaps, or how it is a happy constructive influence whenever the two of you are together. By importuning each other to rise to the best, so as to be ideal companions, you lift life beyond the commonplace.

{Saturday} *Invoking the Ideal in a Relationship*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Forecast for Friday 19 August 2011

Friday 19 August 2011

\Friendly Liberation within Congenial Realistic Limits/

This looks like the smoothest day of the week, so perhaps TGIF will mean something.

Things you could not get done earlier in the week might go well, relatively, although I recommend that major life-changing decisions not be made while Mercury is retrograde (until the 26th or later). Necessary purchases or transactions are favored (but nothing wasteful).

You can get a lot done with efficiency, at least compared with recent days. One danger is offending anyone whom you don't understand or who does not understand you. Because interpersonal understanding is so hard, we have to rely on faith or trust.

There could be better beginnings in terms of travel, locations, places to visit or anyone visiting you.

Shrewdness and watchfulness are serving you well when you assume responsibility for your particular duties and make them a benefit for yourself as well as everyone else. You see into techniques and methods, and care about happy results.

Obstructions in terms of income are obvious, given the economic milieu, so you can pause, held up on a sandbank but confident that there will be rescue. You may as well enjoy yourself while waiting, by making fun of whatever is ridiculous in your situation.

Friendship or partnership could be superb. (Paragraph 3 gives clues also.) You take someone's hand and together broaden your panorama, giving of yourselves to each other in a liberating manner. Your interest in life, people, and surroundings ramifies in countless directions; the world's delights become intimate.

{Friday} /Friendly Liberation within Congenial Realistic Limits\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 18 August 2011

Thursday 18 August 2011

*Past Obstruction through Cleverness and Insight*

Figuring things out is one focus. That includes both practical, work-related matters and intellectual matters of study. Some foci of attention are in abeyance so others can come forward.

At a practical level you remain steadfast, insisting on "getting it right" when it comes to job and other endeavors. This requires patience: satisfying when done sincerely.

At a more informal level there are theatrics and coquetry. Some lightly pretend to be what they are not, with no harm in that when it is a release. Individuality can be itself more fully when it assumes the identities of others in a clever way.

Obstructions could hold you back if you give too much attention to temptations. Escapist entertainment is all right, up to a point. But forcing your way with people has its dangers. One cannot destroy and create at the same time. Impatient emotional reactions may be self-deceived. It is better to contain impatient fury until it finds a harmless outlet.

When stymied, or unsure, you can take time to recuperate. You could find the spiritual power in the hidden significance of things which happen, even those disturbing at first. This gives you an expanded dimension of understanding and therefore of control.

Clowning is satisfying at times, when it lets people transcend their limitations by highlighting them in a laughable manner. There are shifts going on from day to day which seem confusing (especially while Mercury is retrograde for another week), but you can look for the hidden positive in what seems negative. Then there is a dawn of fresh potentials and renewed hope.

{Thursday} *Past Obstruction through Cleverness and Insight*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wednesday 17 August 2011

*Patient Labor as Basis*

It seems like a "nose to grindstone" day when things come to a point requiring action. This is mostly remedial, however, doing things which have been postponed. I would say, be cautious about anything new, especially if it involves an expenditure of money or time. That could lead to loss of one or the other. Most likely Thursday or Friday will be better for fresh activities, attempts, transactions and choices.

No matter how you try, you may feel your efforts are unstable or shifting, hard to stabilize. Yet you are trying to make a better life for yourself through labor, whether in your job or any other project. You sense that such efforts will ultimately be crowned with success. Meanwhile, worry and fidgeting can delay you. That is why I suggested that remedial or old business, things you need to catch up with, are best now.

Steadfast activities of such a simple sort are excellent, no matter what your feelings of futility. You give much to your community or family because you sense how your fulfillment is linked with theirs. Therefore you are setting up conditions which will benefit you later on.

If there is little to encourage, still you persist, adequate to the task. Your strength is within yourself (or, more basically, a gift from the Supreme One). You care about sustenance of people and growing things; because this is what holds your life together.

Arts or skills you have learned may not be complete or perfect yet are solid enough as a basis for craftsmanship. You find promising significance in little things, which are signs that the universe cares about you and will make good your vision of ultimate fulfillment.

{Wednesday} *Patient Labor as Basis*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, August 15, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 16 August 2011

Tuesday 16 August 2011

~ Exploratory Paths into Simplicity~

Natural delights, as in Heironymus Bosch's Garden of Delights, surround you. Some may be quite surprising.

You are imperturbable, resting content with what is within yourself, not feeling you need to exploit it or succumb to anyone else's judgments or commands. This is a sort of divinity of detachment, above the battle. Simple or crude work is manly or womanly, exalting the one who performs it more perhaps than a king languishing on his throne.

You can withdraw your attention from whatever is pointless in interpersonal relationships. No bickering, pleading, or arguing is necessary unless you want to do that in a humorous way, as comic relief for others and yourself. The king was pleased to be mocked by his jester.

Things are latent more than expressed, or waiting in the wings, for the moon remains void-of-course until it enters Aries at 5:03p PT | 8:03p ET | 12:03a(W) UT. After that you could have better insight into major choices, which might better have been postponed during the earlier hours. (Major-major decisions are still questionable while Mercury is retrograde, until the 26th or into September.) Life takes time to develop into its happy maturity, for each individual, but even younger ones can appreciate what may be their lot later on, for such anticipation helps them maintain forward momentum during seemingly pointless phases. What your father, grandfather, or other ancestors have done remains a source of internal or even external support.

At moments when you feel you have to separate yourself from the superficial world and its judgments, you find internal strength. "Why does it matter what people think?" could be your attitude. Then you feel you want to be with those whose simplicity of life, facing rustic realities, commends them to honest estimation. High and low mingle when they gather food from the soil.

{Tuesday} ~ Exploratory Paths Into Simplicity~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Monday 15 August 2011

Monday 15 August 2011

~Illumination and Creative Assurance~

If you are bold, remarkable possibilities may open up. But I hasten to add, since the moon is void-of-course all day, these may not be of the practical, solid, realistic, cash-value sort of possibility, more of the sweet, entrancing, exciting, thrilling, or marvelous sort. No need to try to cash in; you will enjoy what happens just because it is happening. Your creative powers are at a peak, as also an audacious streak which wants to try things. You have spiritual intelligence of a rare sort which will guide and protect if you are attuned with it.

You recuperate from stress smoothly, and from personal interactions, which can be lighter than you had expected, with a "live and let live" attitude everywhere. Or, if it is not there at first, you could evoke it. People sometimes fall into imitating others, and forget who they are for a while, which makes everyone happier.

The simplicity of life at home is wonderful. While there, the whole world is there with you. You do not have to travel to be cosmopolitan. You let yourself reach for what you desire, and the results are revealing. You trust your inclinations, and the harshness of recent weeks seems to fade as pleasant things fall to you. A feeling of security releases creative potentials and talents.

The tentative nature of what occurs (moon void-of-course) need not be a problem. Just refusing to force any hard decision will prevent mistakes. The time for major choices (or negotiations or transactions) would be Wednesday, not today or Tuesday. Still, courage and self-assurance are your privilege. Through such a bearing of yourself, you glide past troubles as if this were an art form. You have what you need; it even comes to you magically. A refined intelligence shines on you from above, which can be heightened if you link yourself with inspired teachings.

{Monday} ~Illumination and Creative Assurance~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, August 12, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 13 August 2011

Saturday 13 August 2011

}Dramatic Assurance{

The Full Moon of Leo-Aquarius is exact at 11:59a PT | 2:59p ET | 6:59p UT. Is this the peak of the summer months? Perhaps, but Harvest Moons are something to look forward to.

The day does indeed look like a time for relaxation, recuperation, and an accentuation of hope: "Hallelujah, come on, get happy." (Do I owe ASCAP something for quoting that? Sorry guys; nobody's paying me so why should I pay you?) It's a time for family or community, in whatever forms those are available.

You appropriate what you can of wisdom by striving for it. We tend to be mentally lazy, but today you could realize many truths, both intellectually and beyond intellect in the realm of intuition or inspiration.

Many will be seeking stimulation from external agencies, such as alcohol or drugs, but a course of moderation is recommended. Better stimulation comes from reaching toward ideals and assurances inwardly while appreciating whatever is going on outwardly.

Penetrating insight into people and situations is a delight in itself. It's one reason detective yarns and soap operas are popular. The drama (let's hope comedy) is available directly now rather than through writers and actors. We are the writers and actors.

Flattery and flirtation are part of the spontaneous play-acting. It is better to enjoy it than worry what people mean by it. The green monster of jealousy may rear its head, most likely through misunderstanding. Lovers should realize that the lover's flirtation with another is usually harmless. Your knowledge of human nature, gained through long experience, will rise to the surface in any prickly situation to help you respond to it masterfully in a way which gets respect. (And remember, even laughter or derision is a kind of left-handed respect).

{Saturday} {Dramatic Assurance}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Forecast for Friday 12 August 2011

Friday 12 August 2011

}Full Moon of Hopeful Waiting{

The Full Moon approaches (exact Saturday afternoon), with the moon in Aquarius and the sun in Leo. A fidelity to your location, your home, community and personal domain could grant peace and contentment after what (for most) has been a harrowing week. People have needs, and you have tried to fill them in one way or another, and could continue to do that, and also receive aid in surprising ways.

The magic of summer is with us, and transcendent regions or domains of the invisible open to us when we relax and meditate within nature's reassuring realms. Human parties could be congenial with the Aquarius-Leo axis emphasized. They are always unplanned or partially planned, and open to spontaneous comings and goings, while Mercury is retrograde, with old memories and people coming to attention like comets re-arriving in their orbits.

People join to one another to get glory from one another. Each complements and supports the other's brilliance. There is a tendency to take things easy and indulge oneself, but that need not turn into a "pig-out."

It is wise to be careful of being in the wrong without realizing it. We are all fallible in our judgments especially when it comes to the hard-to-comprehend behavior of other human beings during a Mercury-retrograde period. Each feels he or she is justified, but others cannot see it that way. So we need to be careful we do not offend or hurt unnecessarily, thereby "burning our bridges behind us" not realizing how those bridges may be needed later. There are good ways of asserting yourself when you are sure of yourself.

{Friday} {Full Moon of Hopeful Waiting}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 11 August 2011

Thursday 11 August 2011

\Sorting Things Out Casually/

There is much uncertainty in connection with projects, a sort of rushing into the wind and finding one can make little headway. It is not necessary to give up totally on a project if it is important, but it could be the right time to slow down, and even turn your attention to other things for the sake of refreshment.

People when lodged together closely find ways of relieving the boredom. One does not have to be the life of the party to relax and be oneself, thereby relaxing others.

A theatrical tendency could be welcome, even while at work. People pretend, mock, imitate and play. It doesn't hurt anyone. It is possible also to entertain oneself within oneself, by daydreaming or taking a nap.

Excess or luxury can be pseudo, or childish, yet still refreshing. It suffices when one feels a lack of means for really luxurious spending. Children find luxury in the most amazing inexpensive things, and so could we all.

Meanwhile you care about your personal economy and are trying to make provision for it through whatever kind of wheeling and dealing. You secure your area, bailiwick or domain, no matter how tiny, and within it provide for the welfare and happiness of those to whom you are related. Even if with serious (and therefore somewhat worried) intent, this can be done almost casually.

You are linked with those who stimulate good thinking or inventiveness in you. This could be through reading, study, casual research or surfing. We assimilate ideas and methods through osmosis. Then we organize them more methodically through careful instruction or self-instruction. If much of this is experimental and indefinite, it might become more definite tomorrow, or tonight after the moon leaves Capricorn for Aquarius (therefore no longer void-of-course) at 8:49p PT | 11:49p ET | 3:49a(F) UT.

{Thursday} /Sorting Things Out Casually\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 10 August 2011

Wednesday 10 August 2011

\Untangling Tangles; then Waiting/

There is a foolish tendency while Mercury is retrograde, but the problem is that one cannot usually know if oneself is the fool or someone else, or both. One runs in circles, and makes mistakes of judgment (witness the stock market, with investors not knowing what to do, the ink changing from red to green to red in the space of a half hour; and the riots in London). One can at least try to be convivial with other human beings.

People can be imitative, mocking, or hypocritical; appearing to be what they are not. This is not always because of conscious posing or dishonesty, just that they are not really sure where they stand. There can be recuperation in the midst of difficulties because you refuse to let them take over your whole life and consciousness.

That might be especially true after 1:35p PT | 4:35p ET | 8:35p UT, when the moon will be void-of-course for the rest of today and all of Thursday. It is important to avoid making any disastrous decisions then, or offending anyone uselessly. Quietude and waiting could be the best policy in case after case.

People are trying to be meticulous about money and the effort obviously is not easy in the current economy. At moments of escape one may go the other way and be gaudily profligate as a way of restoring confidence.

There could be links with people at a distance, not simple but complex and potentially confusing, so it is well to be sure people are communing with one another in a positive way so that tangles can be untangled. People are wary, not forgetting injuries from the past and wanting to protect themselves from more of them; yet they are hoping for something constructive. Simple honest realism might help.

{Wednesday} /Untangling Tangles; then Waiting\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, August 8, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tuesday 9 August 2011

\Undaunted through the Storm/

Ever determined to look for happy potentials, I have not been predicting the Market downturn or financial crisis, although I have pointed out repeatedly the fact that we are in the central Mercury-retrograde period of the Dark Hermetic Epoch and also that we are struggling with a Grand Cross involving Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Pluto--the first of those two being the traditional "malefic" planets in ancient astrology. Of course I do not regard them as malefic in reality but they set boundaries and challenges. You have enough of those, no doubt, so that I do not have to point them out to you.

The moon going into Capricorn mid-day and joining Pluto is part of that Grand Square so it could be a stressful time.

When other things are tough, mental powers can be at a peak. Brilliant people often have difficult lives, as if their problems sharpened their intellect and their judgment. You might be alert to important instruction. You could also give it in perhaps surprising ways, not even realizing how influential you are with certain individuals.

Probably you have been struggling with gross, lazy tendencies in yourself. We all have areas where we are trying to get ourselves out of languorous escapism. Severity with oneself is better than severity with someone else. Even more, enlisting in service to G*d or humanity in one form or another can be a cure for lassitude.

Many feel betrayed by their investments, or circumstances, or their shrinking bottom line. It is important to maintain one's confidence in oneself and in the human race, and most importantly in the Supreme One, when things are tough. (I am doing this preaching because it is probably needed, by myself as well.) When some things become dispersed, and apparently lost, this is prelude to a reshuffling and a better deal.

Those who are not rich or even prosperous can be strong, and good friends. They have learned to subsist on less in the outer world and therefore developed inner strength. They could be impulsive now.

There is no need for violence to erupt but with Mars square Uranus and both in hard aspect with Pluto many astrologers would predict its likelihood. So we all need to calm down. There is ultimate recovery and there are signs of it for those who can see unblinded by defeatism.

{Tuesday} /Undaunted through the Storm\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Forecast for Monday 8 August 2011

Monday 8 August 2011

*Relying on What is Working*

For a Mercury-retrograde day, this one seems relatively smooth, at least according to lunar aspects. However, the X Square involving major planets is still with us. Crucial things are happening. If you are up for them and return the ball over the net, it could be quite good.

Someone who is a strong resource for you does not forget injuries or injustices perpetrated upon him or her; but also does not forget kindnesses and so could be good to you. You may put relationships on a back burner and attend to business, work, and income.

There is a mixture of the sensual, of sheer enjoyment, with the superior, the noble and spiritually victorious. You can somehow blend these two sides of your nature. You are aware of how passions could mislead you, determined to make good in accord with your ideals, yet not rejecting pleasures.

People care about each other, sometimes surprisingly, in the midst of what looks sometimes like deceptive stuff going on. A light-hearted tendency is welcome, removing some stigmas or doubts about people. You have allies, and so a happy store of freedom.

You can justify what you are trying to do, and your beliefs or allegiances, by sticking with your well-considered position until people see that you are consistent and determined. Then a kind of universal festival or pageant may be your lot, people becoming friendly in a setting where all have a chance to display themselves and their particular talents, charms, and skills.

{Monday} *Relying on What is Working*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, August 5, 2011

Saturday 6 August 2011

Saturday 6 August 2011

}Determined Fulfillment{

There are huge possibilities of personal power and strength; as if your personality were flowering, gloriously costumed within the human pageant. There are simple delights you can appreciate without too much effort or displacement. Life could be more easy-going and childlike than in recent days. A solitary trend is less pronounced than it was, although you wonder about the strength of a relationship.

When succumbing to doubts you might feel that you are rejected or misunderstood, but you can be indomitable in your faith and just keep pushing on toward what will satisfy you.

There could be a detective-like tendency while the moon is in Scorpio; an inquisitive streak. There is companionship if you are open to it, some of it magnificent. You feel that whatever your personal characteristics or attainments, they are appreciated and enjoyed. Your advantages, and those of a companion, are highlighted.

{Saturday} ~Determined Fulfillment~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Forecast for Friday 5 August 2011

Friday 5 August 2011

~Too Much to Handle Unless with Serenity~

It's a provisional time, or a delaying or waiting time, letting things be for the most part, while attending to essentials (of course). There is a lot of thinking. There is a desire to be free and childlike. There is a desire to hang loose and take breaks. Goals and plans may be clearer than on Thursday but still do not have to be in final form. Impatience would be a serious mistake. Being more childlike and ingenuous would be helpful and liberating.

You are aware of some who have extreme needs, such as those in institutions, whether prisons or hospitals. It might be possible to help in one way or another. That could be better than pondering difficulties and issues in a morose, hopeless manner.

You contemplate things from a high level. You are aware of injustices. That is hard to bear, but proper contemplation of them could lead to answers, or provisional answers. With injustice there are always two needed remedies: 1. The external remedy of protest or rectification, however that may be done non-violently. 2. The internal remedy of faith in divine justice as well as mercy, so that one has the internal poise to deal with everything calmly (and prayerfully for those able to pray).

Not because it's Friday but because of certain planetary aspects and positions, it could be a day of self-indulgence, part of the time, when free of duties: of delight in what is available to enjoy. I do not have to urge you in that direction. The opportunities are there for fun and pleasure. One thing clouding them might be differences in attitude and opinion, which can make otherwise wonderful enjoyments into burdens. People believe different things, and like different things. We never seem to get over that, but if you can, you will have more happiness today.

{Friday} ~Too Much to Handle Unless with Serenity~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 4 August 2011

Thursday 4 August 2011

}Essentials Are Enough{

Looking backward is natural during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (until September 10). This is helpful because it restores your powers through memories of what you have accomplished and learned. Memory can be the backward pull of the bow being readied to unleash the arrow. But please, take your time pulling and especially aiming. It is probably better to wait.

Simplicity and childlikeness are your right at this time, because they release you from too many worries which would circle around and deplete your energy. It is better to be enchanted by the immediate present than to fret, unless your fretting has immediate value for reorientation.

It is a contemplative time. We all want to be worthy and achieve something, but we need periods of review and renewal. This is one of them. You can see what you already know, and what you have done or failed to do, with fresh eyes. Your limitations were, but do not have to be, for they are a springboard. Resources seem limited, but when your vision is fresh as a child's you easily make do with what is available.

The solitary trend mentioned yesterday continues, but you don't mind because within yourself you are constant in your hopes and intentions, so you feel solid ground no matter how long it takes to bring about what you wish.

People accuse one another of indolence and greed. The wealthy see shiftless parasites everywhere. The poverty-stricken or jobless see the wealthy as the parasites on the economy. Too often it's "every man for himself," although this does bring out self-reliance. Self-reliance gone wrong, however, is crime. The line can be fine. Noble natures aid even the parasitic, seeing that in some ways their helplessness is endemic. Yet is is well for the dependent to try to assume more responsibility for their well-being. In this paragraph is an answer to the battle between Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives.

Mercury turned retrograde late Tuesday (8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 3:51a[W] UT). This is the heart of the Dark Hermetic Epoch, lasting until that planet turns direct on August 26 in a little more than three weeks. It accentuates what I pointed out in the 12 points posted a few days ago.

The moon is void-of-course all day, as it was Tuesday. (A) it is better not to blame oneself for logjams or lassitude or "nothing working." (B) It is also better to avoid too-easy flaking off from responsibilities. The middle course means taking it easy while being reasonably careful to keep up with essentials. Choosing what is essential is part of the process.

{Thursday} {Essentials Are Enough}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 3 August 2011

Wednesday 3 August 2011

}Facing Issues with Serenity{

In the twelve-point delineation of the Dark Hermetic Epoch (July 15-September 8) I posted last week (I hope you have a copy), it was pointed out how one perceives things intuitively, or with "right brain" (left-handed) or intuitive logic. Today I am feeling peculiarly that I am in a Tarot-card logic. Maybe the Tarot symbols and mathematical codices reveal more, in some ways, than astrology (although astrology is much more basic, intricate, and complete). The 19th century, whose characteristic number is really 18 (the 1800s), is amazingly the "romantic" century, symbolized by Tarot Picture 18, The Moon. It was an occult and mystical century beyond what we commonly realize. Spiritualism and Theosophy were born in their modern forms, and the Romantic literature in philosophy as well as poetry, including Hegel, has still not been appreciated in its full reality and depth. It was a century for us, a century we still need (at its best). The 20th century, symbolized by both 19 (the 1900s) and 20, was a century of light (the Sun, Tarot Card 19) and romance (two children dancing in a fairy ring, hands joined). The 20 involved is the Judgment card, suggestive of "final judgment" or "the end times," as in the two most hideous wars the world has yet seen, and the threat of final atomic destruction.

And, if there is a glimmer of truth in all this, where are we now? 20 and 21, the last two Tarot cards. The end times. Not in 2012 (I have never believed that peculiar myth) but . . . to be yet seen and understood. People are feeling that their lives are being summarized or summed up; they feel they are holding themselves to account.

Enough of that for now.

Wednesday is tough, with the moon conjoined to Saturn in Libra, accentuating the T square in cardinal signs (now that Mars is in Cancer). Yes, it feels that we are being held to account. It is important to decide on priorities. It might help to actually write down your priorities, in the order 1., 2., 3. etc.

It important to have some companionship, invisibly (in thought) if not visibly. When people are upset, they are often susceptible to erotic energies, no matter how fitfully or perversely. It is important to enlist yourself in something which helps people. Laws of karma require us to do that, each in his or her own way: so there is freedom within the requirement.

You can adapt yourself to varying situations and needs; you can wear more than one hat. When working, you will want to be extremely conscientious, for failing in your duties could hurt more than you realize. At the same time, you want to push on beyond formal requirements of the job and manifest something you deeply believe in, which will leaven or improve human living through either politics, science, the arts, or healing. People are manifesting their artistic sides, no matter what their professions or interests. Artistry is neither feminine nor masculine. It lends strength to both sexes.

You want to protect your advantages. This is possible despite varying opinions or opinion-clashes. You will need to control appetites, for they are lying in wait to spoil your best intentions. It is gross to indulge yourself at times when upward effort is necessary to your self-respect and well-being. The cosmos will spank you for wallowing in laziness.

The more hopeful side of the day stems from trusting to familiar (or family) traditions and customs which are supporting you and allowing you to enjoy the blessings of the summer season. Nature is bountiful, which those of an old agrarian culture appreciated more at times like this.

Who is it you can trust and rely on? Be thankful. You can feel devoted to someone, whether visible or invisible. Real devotion wants the other to be free.

Intuitive ardor is lifting you beyond the commonplace. This is not merely an escape from difficulties, but a rising above them so you face them more happily.

{Wednesday} {Facing Issues with Serenity}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, August 1, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 2 August 2011

Tuesday 2 August 2011

\Facing Differences Enjoyably/

There could be a lot of self-indulgence. There could be simple summer pleasures, and these are delightful. With the moon void-of-course all day (as reported in yesterday's forecast), if you can tone down your work load, fine, because you may be longing for rest or recuperation, recreation and regeneration. You might protect yourself from harsh disagreements, so that these do not diminish your enjoyment of a summer hiatus from worry.

If you are solitary, perhaps that is all right. You have suffered from placing your affections too much on one individual. A reaction from that means self-sequestering, perhaps, up to a point. Yet there are friendly energies afloat. You could let yourself be childlike whenever your work allows that, and enjoy the childlike enchantments of life which turn up when around younger people or children. Remind yourself that whatever separation or loneliness you feel is temporary.

There is intrigue within the affections. You might want to seduce someone. Of course this is a taboo topic so you will keep it secret. It might eat at you internally so that you wonder who you really are and what it all means. Hiding one's feelings is hard; displaying them even harder. Spending time in a place where people freely disport, play, and display themselves or let their personalities out could be helpful. Each has her or his peculiar charm.

You could become a central figure in such a setting, not by design necessarily but by expressing yourself spontaneously. You glow with your own brand of internal fire, so are a star to those who appreciate it. You will be sure of yourself if you appreciate also the easy-going social milieu of other "stars," not competing but sharing one another's light.

{Tuesday} /Facing Differences Enjoyably\

Cosmic Piper