Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 1 April 2010

Thursday 1 April 2010

~The Drama of Self- and Other-Evaluation~

Although Aries (wherein the sun wanders this time of year) is red, what sprouts through the soil or on the branches is generally green (sometimes reddish!). I go for the green.

I wonder if the moon in Scorpio, a money sign, but at the end of it so no longer in the Halloween portion of the zodiac (the Via Combusta), and trine Jupiter and Uranus, suggests that this is a day some will tackle taxes if they haven't already. The new page on the calendar is also a spur. But no Fool's Day jokes this time.

In the forecast for Wednesday I said:
Depravity and sociopathy are a factor in humanity---and it must be said almost entirely in male humanity---which baffle all decent people. Adventure can turn into total disregard of others' rights in order to advance one's own. Then there is catastrophe. Some individuals are merely drawn into the sociopathology of others by being passive in their presence, or getting a thrill out of participating in their immoral or evil adventures. (Even those who spend too much time reading about serial killers or warfare may fall in this category.) This was a pretty sharp forecast for my home town at least, because at lunch hour at the high school next door a Vietnam vet who seemed intoxicated started yelling at boys in the schoolyard, across the fence, calling them "punks" and so on, and there was some verbal altercation but fortunately nothing physical. This was a little signature of what is going on astrologically while Venus and Mars are square. Mars in Leo is boys or young men; Venus in Taurus is "punk" only in the sense that the original meaning of that word was sexual, implying that boys are girls (Taurus the sign of Venus)---"punk" meaning a potential object of homosexual anal intercourse. So this rather humorous (fortunately) altercation was "in the stars." Also in the schoolyard. (Unfortunately, such humor is no longer so humorous with the lurking presence of AIDS. The moon in Scorpio and the Via Combusta is not a good time for any kind of sexual or military or fisticuffic adventure. The ridiculously idiotic invasion of Iraq by the U.S. in March 2003 began while the moon was in the Via Combusta, the dangerous Halloween portion of the zodiac. You are still paying for that, by April 15 if not already. No doubt some day veterans of that war will be taunting schoolboys.)

Now for Thursday:

Story 1: You are on the lookout for potential changes in your home; possibly for a travel agenda. You enjoy being on the move locally. You get a thrill of energy from watching out for your own advantages and taking them. You could sell, buy or trade. The TV series Heroes has a message for the day: to sum up, the young people who have strange abilities have to face all kinds of trials, derision, and persecution before they find out how to use their powers (which is work even if it doesn't seem like that to others) and survive with poise in a strange world seeming too often inimical. Something like that is going on with you or with someone you know. Such individuals feel alone; isolated; looking for someone who understands or at least appreciates them for what they are.

Story 2: Some kind of entertainment or pastime is giving you a wider, broader view of life, so that you can apportion your interests more magnificently. What you learn is yours, emphatically; it heightens your morale so that you feel you can meet any situation with poise while evoking applause. Isn't it fun to be applauded, or winked at or smiled at by someone? There is an impetuous streak, which could make you insult people or mock at them or pretend to hurt them, and get away with it. Of course this is a waste of time if carried too far. You have work to finish, and don't mind doing it; but also you want to impact things and transform them. So you could be overly dramatic. Or just dramatic enough.

Story 3: Someone foreign or at a distance has transgressed certain limits and hurt himself or herself. It was not necessary to go so far, as if riding a horse too fast in the wrong place and suffering upset. You feel you could take advantage of the situation; overriding your more kindly side. You are cautious but keenly observant and willing to wait to use whatever you can from the remains of a quarrel you are witnessing. This can be thrilling. Within yourself, you are the judge of what is best, and so you contemplate how the later years of your life will go, the time of self-judgment when you will have to evaluate what you have accomplished in this life. Will you be bitterly disappointed with yourself, or will you bask in the setting sunlight of the rewards you have earned through consistent attention to what your soul wanted to achieve?

As before, you can choose the story that fits; or elements from all three.

{Thursday} ~The Drama of Self- and Other-Evaluation~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 21 March 2010

Wednesday 31 March 2010

~The Choice of Conscience Protects~

Story 1: The mysterious and sublime call to you, either through photos, paintings, music or poetry. There are differing ideas about esthetics. You have an inward urge to be in charge of everything, somewhat officiously perhaps, but then, somebody has to do it or things would go flat. So why not say, "Let's do it this way." Things seem complicated, and yet if they weren't you would want them to be, as the plotter of a mystery. Otherwise interest would fade. So you keep working at mental tasks. Someone with a sweet (or saccharine) or pleasing (or calculated) personality may harbor malicious intentions. Sadistic or cruel? Could be, so it is safe to be wise as a serpent while also innocent as a dove. Those who take on a spiritual role always face temptations to divert to "the left-hand path" and then they can be dangerous. If they stay to the right, they manifest not human passions but G*d's love.

Story 2: Things could be as entertaining as a circus, if you allow that to happen at certain times. That is, after you have mobilized yourself to take care of pressing business or ordinary labor. In order to be a more acceptable participant in certain activities (perhaps involving foreign or long-distance links) you may modify your image or your style. That is okay when the motive is good. People are likely to "go off" over trivia, because momentarily they do not seem like trivia to them, even if they do to you. So you adjust, but not to the point of self-depreciation. You feel an urge for freedom, as the birds in springtime, but know you need to work at ordinary things (building and feathering a nest?) in order to be ready for freedom when it comes. Then you will be resourceful no matter what happens. What you do in private and what you organize in seclusion bodes well for the future.

Story 3: Depravity and sociopathy are a factor in humanity---and it must be said almost entirely in male humanity---which baffle all decent people. Adventure can turn into total disregard of others' rights in order to advance one's own. Then there is catastrophe. Some individuals are merely drawn into the sociopathology of others by being passive in their presence, or getting a thrill out of participating in their immoral or evil adventures. (Even those who spend too much time reading about serial killers or warfare may fall in this category.) While the moon is in the Via Combusta (yesterday and today) it is well to be alert to such dangers. Then one can live on a level above them, and be a reliable guide for the inexperienced, such as children or younger people. What you do and say has a strong influence on the inexperienced and impressionable. It is always important for them to learn to choose the better, the higher, the good. Self-preservation itself requires the better choice.

{Wednesday} ~The Choice of Conscience Protects~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 29, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 30 March 2010

Tuesday 30 March 2010

}Avoiding Self-Sabotage{

Story 1: A little more machismo, bravado or chutzpa is with us. You might feel you are ready to map out a strategy or campaign. There is much mysterious about it, as if only you understood it while others watch with mouths agape. There may be harsh disagreements but you can ford through them. If you encounter one of those individuals who think that only they know the truth about everything, you may get angry. Perhaps your response is legitimate, but of course needless battles only make things worse. There is work to be done. It may seem burdensome but that is partly because you could lose perspective and start to doubt your good destiny. It is well to remember high hopes and know you can attain them if patient and optimistic. Then the "bravado" already mentioned can come forward.

Story 2: It's not the usual time of year for a carnival, but you might be in such a mood, wanting to escape into the colorful crowd of humanity. To do that you need to make choices about how you will present yourself, that is, what image you will manifest. This should not be overly self-conscious. You note how others play public roles, including the President or the head of a corporation or manager of a carnival(!) and follow their lead. You have your own sphere of power. Within it there are reliable recurring events and familiar beings to interact with. So you can be comfortable in your world.

Story 3: There are dangers arising from impatience. You could even create a catastrophe if you were to leap before looking. You may be headstrong because feeling frustrated, therefore determined to "kick the world in the butt" not knowing it is your own derriere which will suffer the consequences. You are betwixt and between adventurous impulses and a kind of lazy desire to wander about in your nightgown. Then there is also a desire to be gracious and kind, helping people in order to feel good yourself. That cannot be wrong. Another side of you feels as if some things you had wanted are waning or receding so that you want to do things your own way, regardless of anyone else, and then you feel isolated, resuscitating ailing hopes while rejecting all interference, and regarding potential cooperation as interference. Out of this morass of conflicting motives you can choose what needs to be done, and do it. Simple. That would avoid the psychological divagations to which you might be subject if you were lax with yourself.

We have escaped the |difficult third of the week| (Sunday and Monday this time) but the moon is in the Via Combusta until Thursday. This is less of a problem than it seems, because, as hinted in the preceding Story, we tend to make it a problem by doubting everything, getting discouraged, and imagining that nothing makes any sense. Rather, we could just keep on with reasonable activities. The doubts will still be there, but chased into a corner.

{Tuesday} {Avoiding Self-Sabotage}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Forecast for Monday 29 March 2010

Monday 29 March 2010

}Group and Individual Needs, Balancing{

Story 1: To prepare for better things, for the human race as a whole, it is important to consecrate oneself, and also special occasions, so that those who ordinarily do not aspire very high will be inspired to aspire higher. What is sublime and mysterious has earned our cooperation with it, so that it may uplift even more hearts. By giving ourselves to it we disclose a panorama which enlightens us. In doing that we do not lose touch with the ordinary, the daily, the commonplace, "the simple world of kind familiar things" (Sri Aurobindo). Rather, we consecrate that familiarity toward higher potentials.

Story 2: To celebrate what is worthy of celebration, including the returning Spring, we need to decide what will earn respect for us, and live up to it. Not every one of our personal desires fits with the needs of the society we serve (at least part of the time). There is a balance between our wishes and the wishes of the group. The symbols we have inherited from our rich traditions require constant reinterpretation by ourselves, which happens when we sincerely try to live them. On this Full Moon day we can revivify our aspirations through the activities of the groups which aid our progress. If there is a disjunction between our desires and group needs, we may disappoint people. Somehow the balance can be found.

Story 3: Water or liquids can be hazardous, including what is drunk. (Someone once told me, "Water is the best drink.") Our work, ordinary though it be, is an important part of the fabric of our world and without it our world would collapse. Assuming that the world is against you is not a wise option, no matter how that may seem at times. The universe is basically friendly. A sense of humor might help you see this. When you find yourself floundering in escapism, avoiding what needs to be done, you need not beat yourself up, but can shrug your shoulders, smile at the situation and do something token and easy which then leads on to happier, more effective action. A wandering and lazy approach is at least a beginning. I do not believe it is true that others have to fail in order for me to win. Yet sometimes it seems that that is what happens. If it does, I can hold my head high and appreciate my victory, but pray that these others too may find happiness in their own way. A good heart sees good ready and waiting to overcome everything which looks like momentary evil. Therefore it earns favor from all and finds beauty in ordinary living. When friends seem remote, they just don't want to crowd you; they are waiting to return.

You may choose which story you prefer, or the one which fits; or select from any or all.

The Full Moon is exact at 7:27p PT | 10:27p ET | 2:27a(Tu) UT. We were in the |difficult third of the week| Sunday and remain so today until Tuesday morning; but then the Via Combusta sets in until Thursday. This will not be so terrible; we'll discuss it in tomorrow's report. Uncertainties mean: link yourself firmly to what you know to be certain.

{Monday} {Group and Individual Needs, Balancing}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 26, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 27 March 2010

Saturday 27 March 2010

\Gifts to be Used/

Let's try a somewhat different approach:

Story 1: You are preparing things for the future. It is not easy and you are using at least two basic approaches. You sense that you could be more popular if you took an active part in things, and this is true. But you often feel cheerless and bleak. There is a lot to do which seems oppressive and fruitless, although it needs to be done. This involves partly communication and travel plans. But the problems between people seem to be frustrating all that. A bright spot is your own mind and its ability to savor ideas, knowledge, and discovery. In fact you may discover wonderful potentials or strategies which help you, and others in time. A clue: you do not need to own everything or be on top of everything. To be without things or help or means is an opportunity to discover them through interaction. And that brings extra blessings you would not have anticipated.

Story 2: You can celebrate your individualism in association with others, even if they don't seem open or friendly at first. Escapism is appealing, partly because of human differences and disagreements, but it is better to make your hopes or wishes known than to retreat. The excitement of human associations, some of them new, some old, brings out your desires and gets things moving. Although it's important to watch your words, a certain amount of vivacious chatter can break the ice. You are equipped to meet life in ever-varying situations. The abilities with which you have been gifted develop further through social exercise.

Story 3: Frustrations are so intense that you feel your life is collapsing. Finally you realize you need to take a humble path, letting yourself be "ordinary" for a while, in order to protect yourself and keep your life protected. It is a holding pattern. You sense your weaknesses and realize they make you inconstant, trying this and now that with little result. You see this in others too, friends or partners, and feel disappointed with them. There is a tendency to quarrel whenever you feel your interests threatened. Neighbors could be problematic, and when communicating with anyone you sense storms of disagreement brewing. However, you are also aware of your attainments. You have given much and so you have gained. Some recognize what you have done and give to you in turn, or grant some of your wishes as if from invisible realms.

I leave it to you to choose which story fits you best. Or you may select elements from each of them. You might even highlight the sentences from each story which speak to you. I have made no attempt to reconcile the varying accounts.

It is possible also that you might read all three accounts through several times and then let your subconscious mind elaborate them into "one account" of your own.

Certain astrologers may understand what I am doing here and how. If so, I invite your correspondence.

Since it is wearisome (for the reader also) and almost impossible to combine dozens of daily changing factors into one report, I am trying this approach and we will see how it works. It gives you more leeway in "writing your own report" for the day, with some help from the planets, past astrologers, and yours truly.

{Saturday} /Gifts to be Used\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. As usual there will be no report for Sunday.
The Gaia link to this forecast will no longer be there by the end of March. Gaia is shutting down. So if you have sometimes read it there, please take note of the other available online venues for the forecast, below.
Daily forecast-meditation at:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Forecast for Friday 26 March 2010

Friday 26 March 2010

*Where's the Party?*

Gold for Sol, who rules Leo in which the moon glides (as yesterday). This could be a golden day in quite a few ways. It is my responsibility to point out the difficulties also, but no matter what they are in your case you ought not to pass up a chance for happy times, celebrations, enjoyments.

Quite off from that topic, did you notice in the past few weeks how I often mentioned children, your relation to them, and how respecting them and learning from them would produce better results than tyrannizing over them? This had something to do with Mars being in Leo, the sign of youth and children (among other things). Mars is usually in one sign for only about 40 days, but this time he has been in Leo since October 16, 2009 and remains there until June 7 when he enters Virgo. This means a lot of things, but one thing it apparently has meant is the coming-to-light of more cases of molested children. Mars is in effect the very planet of "molestation" when it goes bad, and this also means other than sexual molestation as in terrorism, stupid warfare, torture, killing, and so on. That is the "bad Mars" which is in a slow historical-evolutionary process of amelioration. I believe males are learning how to be good rather than stupid males, but this does not happen overnight, obviously.

So while that goes on, this current nine-month period of Mars-in-Leo has accented issues related to children, most ominously the ones coming up recently in regard to molestation. (I do not like the word "pedophilia" because it means literally, from the Greek, "the love of children," and how could that be bad? We ought to have another word . . . I am not a good enough Greek scholar to come up with it, but we need it. Pedo-mania or pedo-eroticism come to mind. Philadelphia is the city of brotherly-sisterly love, not the city of molesters!)

I am not going to discuss the ethical, political and religious questions involved. I point this out merely to suggest that whatever issues you yourself have with children or young people may be coming out during this time, and more clearly now that Mars is direct again (as of March 9). Some people are almost "afraid" of young people; others resent them; others are attracted in a good way, others in a less good way; others feel they have to correct or train them all the time. Few actually respect them and try to be open to them, or learn what they are within themselves. Perhaps Mars's transit of Leo until June 7 is a good time to attempt that.

Friday continues a trend of on-again, off-again ambition. Although you want to rest on a bed of flowers, you awaken to responsibilities needing timely attention. This has something to do with the "dual yod" focused on both Mars (action) and Neptune (meditation or contemplation). This is your individual strategy to work out. Meditation can be a form of intense activity, inwardly, and can have outward results (as in healing). Likewise, outward activity can be meditative and thereby more rather than less effective. Restlessness does not result in effective action. Poised quietness does.

You can be cunning and cautious when it comes to financial matters. You think of " all the angles" when it comes to investment, saving, and other financial dealings. This is also true when it comes to entertainment, so you might discover a way to enjoy more than one form of entertainment in a given time-span. This party pullulates!

"To hurt another is to injure God, and this must be adjusted not only with the injured party but with God himself." --- Marc Edmund Jones, The Legalistic Message VI. I am afraid that is something many do not learn until the after-death state, when they pass through a sort of purgatory which enables them to face and adjust whatever they have done to hurt individuals or to offend the Highest. Since we were speaking of children, it might be well if both they and their supposed protectors were taught, gently, to understand this doctrine, or the basic laws of karma. It is astounding to me that torturers and killers seem to have no idea of the reality or inescapability of that law. Our secular education, in refusing to teach anything remotely "religious" or spiritual, is not serving young people well.

Spiritual responsibility is a form of love, and love is happiness; so we get back to the possibility of celebration as a basic urge and privilege of this day.

Dominion over oneself leads to dominion over every social situation. Your sensibilities will then guide you to people and events which thrill you, and you will be able to adjust them one to another adroitly so that everyone has a happy time.

{Friday} *Where's the Party?*

Cosmic Piper

P. S. The Gaia link to this forecast will no longer be there by the end of March. Gaia is shutting down. So if you have sometimes read it there, please take note of the other available online venues for the forecast, below.
Daily forecast-meditation at:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 25 March 2010

Thursday 25 March 2010

*Revealing Fun-Time for the Self-Aware*

If I were a camp director, or skipper of a vacation cruise, I would proclaim today and Friday as the party days of the week. We would have talent night, banquet night, sports competitions, concerts, whatever people wanted for entertainment. Of course, that is a tendency on Thursdays and Fridays anyway, but this week the stars support it. (Saturday looks less thrilling.)

There are always more than two or three trends going on, which makes writing these reports pretty difficult (if not impossible; I thank you for bearing with me, giving me the benefit of the doubt when I seem all wet). Another trend today is home-centered, wanting to get things straightened out there, which you can do; it is a demand for order and it has a bearing on your job and income, that is, order in the home, shop or office is needed for success itself. It could also have to do with taxes; lucky are you if you have dispatched them already. (These practical matters are not well described by the title of today's report, which I chose to intimate the more liberating potentials. Both are needed.)

When feeling depressed and nervous, remember that this is a momentary mood, for before long you will be feeling on top of things again. With two yod patterns in the sky, focused on Mars and Neptune, much karma is being worked out. On the ordinary level this just feels like "a lot to get done" with the accompanying pressure. Withdrawal seems natural at times; if you make these withdrawal periods brief (and uplifting) rather than lengthy you may find yourself gaining on circumstances.

People say "Are you all set?" when readying themselves for an adventure. That could be your attitude today. The way you think about travel and entertainment determines what it means to you and whether you do it this way or that. This is a mind-set, so "being set" for something is primarily mental. Gaining control of one's mind-set is not easy but brings rich rewards.

Being on top of things means there is a chance for a fall; but that would happen only if you got too randy or arrogant, forcing your will on people. That invites comeuppance. You can approach a certain line in the sand and enjoy the accompanying exhilaration, but refuse to cross that line of danger so as to prevent defeat.

Clothing right for one venue or occasion is not right for another. Mental clothing is important as an accompaniment of the physical.

What is reality? You determine it to large degree. You do not need to get caught in alien realities but can dismiss them through your mind-set, if you have a better reality to replace them. Such a better reality might be considered "imagination" by those who are not linked with the spiritual worlds.

You can be cautious, patient and on guard in relation to household matters, invoking peace in the home. This is true also of job and career matters, which are a concern but one you can handle smoothly.

Certain people lack the ability to perceive you as you are in your heart, and so attribute motives to you which are not there, or else are a subconscious ghost of your real self. Facing this is hard. It feels as if you are a victim of gossip. If that evokes soul-searching, well and good, but in accord with previous paragraphs it ought not prevent you having a good time. Some of you is veiled from people. It is better to refuse to resent that fact, and be willing to be misunderstood to some degree. Dismissing the misunderstanding within your own mind and going on blithely to be yourself could disarm those who see you through vile glasses. They will not know what happened but will forget their objections to you. Reticence along some lines permits self-expression along others.

{Thursday} *Revealing Fun-Time for the Self-Aware*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 24 March 2010

Wednesday 24 March 2010

~Bright Prospects~

The moon toward the end of its own sign Cancer is in a fairly comfortable position with respect to the other planets, so this should be a good day for many purposes. There are ten more days of the Bright Hermetic Epoch. I am not goading you forward so much as suggesting that some important matters you are tempted to postpone might better be handled now.

That said, there are easy-going, relaxed tendencies.

Still, an emphasis on Mars in Leo could be a signal to stay with anything constructive or initiating. There is a weakness of giving up too easily, as if infected by lethargy; then a rush of energy and desire; then the reverse. A male with peculiar disturbances in his life or consciousness may get your attention. He may want to change his home situation. or travel, but seems blocked from doing so. He should remember that he will be respected when he is concerned to do the right thing.

I am tired of mentioning travel, which I have done for several days, but it still seems as if you might be considering it or working out details. Maybe it would in fact be wise to map travel plans from now through July, as much as you can, during the next ten days (by April 4). Then details you can't settle now can be handled beginning May 28.

Zeal takes the form of self-assurance, especially when at home or in a relatively private space at work. There you are able to prepare for adventures. You would like to be in more than one place at once, which is possible only on the psychic level or through imaginative or superphysical peregrination. When you do that you may come back to your present location strengthened.

Those fit for philosophy may study it in stunning style. There is inspiration of a remarkable sort, whether through verbal ingenuity or spiritual contemplation.

The point where the public's needs and your interests intersect is being magnified or utilized.

Those who have tax matters to settle, or other payments, might find things easier today.

You have a protective attitude toward anyone or anything important to you. That does not mean you want them to stagnate in a protected pavilion; you want them to live fully in their own free way.

Tottering uncertainty or laziness can be removed from your life by examining your prospects honestly. They are good, and through appropriate effort you can attain them.

{Wednesday} ~Bright Prospects~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 22, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 23 March 2010

Tuesday 23 March 2010

~Merit Appreciated~

It's interesting that the Senate version of the health-care bill passed on Christmas eve, right after the sun entered Capricorn, that is, after the winter solstice, and then the House version passed Sunday just after the sun entered Aries, the vernal equinox. The cardinal signs have a sense of urgency about them; they get things moving. Also, the Senate version was passed during the Dark Hermetic Epoch, while the House version passed during this current Bright Epoch. Things seem much clearer and more straightforward with this current bill. Nobody thinks it is perfect but . . .

The |difficult third of the week| lasting from early Monday until Wednesday morning has not been terrible; but requires agility in dealing with complexities. It is interesting that the health bill passed before this period began, while the moon was in good aspect with Venus, a good omen.

Personal consultations or negotiations could go well if they seem crucial or necessary. Then you will be motivated to handle every factor realistically and get moving toward a definite outcome during the next ten days of the Bright Epoch. It is good to participate, speak up and be a part of what is developing through far-flung communication and planning.

The fact that the health bill was passed just after the sun entered Aries, the beginning of a new astrological year, and during a Bright Epoch, suggests that the efforts of some to "repeal" it are highly unlikely to have much effect. Saturn retrograde in Libra the sign of the courts suggests the legal backpedaling which will be done to hinder implementation of the bill. I doubt it will accomplish much. The fact that Mars, which had been retrograde in Leo since December, turned direct on March 10, in the sign of the President, is an interesting signal that this legislation is likely to be progressive and effective.

There is considerable luck. The |hard part of the week| means that you will not simply rejoice in your good fortune, but insist on protecting it and developing it further. Questions of travel, either soon or later this year, might seem slow to get definitive answers but you are on their trail. Information seems crucial.

It is a good time to pursue interests you firmly believe in. Opposition to them is either fading away or is not tenable at present; so you do not have to fight it, but just press ahead as if the opposition did not exist. If your cause is just, your opponents are befuddled; doomed to falter and fumble.

Those who have attained to positions of eminence are aware of those from the past, some of them passed from this outer world, who have aided them to arrive where they are. At their best they will be grateful for this help from those who are now invisible.

In some ways, celebration is in order. It is likely that you will keep it to reasonable proportions, but enjoy it thoroughly--not just because of indulgence in food and drink but because you are celebrating something of deep significance which bodes well for the future. Then, it is likely, you will keep on with important details you are scouting and organizing.

{Tuesday} ~Merit Appreciated~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Forecast for Monday 22 March 2010

Sunday 21 March 2010

}Mission Possible (Even if Stressful){

Somehow I feel yellow is a Gemini color, probably more yellow than this (but that is hard to read). Today the moon is in that sign. (It was there Sunday also.)

People are involved with serious concerns and important business. You are sensing how to proceed with practical career matters and working out strategies for that, as well as means of communication with customers, clients, supervisors and partners.

Today and Tuesday comprise the |difficult third of the week| but I would say that this time it is good for business and strategy, planning and even consultation, although it is important to keep in mind that everyone is busy and stressed so you need to avoid pushing buttons or annoying anyone. What is crucial should get attention; the rest left behind for now.

You do not need to miss your calling, or relax so much into inconsequential matters that you miss precious moments to be devoted to what you need to do and say among those important to your future. It might be frightening to be in a public position, but it would be more distressing if you avoided that, because you are needed there. By filling that need you fulfill yourself. It is not a time to hide your abilities.

At the same time, rashness is to be avoided. The moon's square with Uranus (as well as Saturn) means that people's nerves may be frayed or they may not be able to bear much in terms of your fresh viewpoint. Still, you have to state it or make it as clear as you can. You can use your discretion as to when it is wise to speak up, and how much. People appreciate honesty but not rashness. What you have to communicate is difficult enough for them to assimilate, so you should present it politely and gently.

Peace, harmony, and luxury are available, at the right times and places. Someone you respect, a woman (or man with great charm), enfolds you kindly, giving you to know that all is well.

You are devoted to someone or some group at a distance. You are aware of potential quarrels which need to be fended off or prevented through foresight and preparation.

You are inquisitive about places to be, live, or visit. If considering a new home you would be very careful about every detail; getting all the facts and negotiating every factor involved. If considering travel you want to be sure no one gets hurt and accommodations along the way are suitable.

Research or discovery could bring you renown.

{Monday} {Mission Possible (Even if Stressful)}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 19, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 20 March 2010

Saturday 20 March 2010


In the forecast for Friday I mentioned "rain" as a possibility but neglected to mention snow. I should have, because the sun is opposed to Saturn and this can make for wintry or colder weather especially in an unpredictable month like March.

As if to accent that point, I just sneezed twice. It is cold where I am. Since meteorologists are specialists at predicting the weather through measurement of material and efficient cause (in Aristotle's terms), I refrain from predicting it with formal cause (astrology) although I am convinced that there are astrological statistical patterns in the weather. Back in January when I wrote a long-term weather prediction for the winter (which was basically correct) I mentioned that there might be a recurrence of wintry weather in March. (I hope a few of you remember my long-term predictions.)

This is an odd day because the moon goes void-of-course right after it squares Neptune at 12:42p PT | 3:42p ET | 7:42p UT. I would say, take it easy and make it a day of rest in the ancient Hebrew style. Moses will bless you, if you turn your thoughts in a direction he would approve.

The two big pictures in the sky are (1) three planets opposed to Saturn and (2) those same planets trine Mars. The first means, slow down and weigh everything carefully. (Could be taxes or something else financial.) The second means, don't give up on ambitious plans, because some of them are just right, on target, not ready to bear fruit but worthy of continued attention and activity. These could include connections through communication, phone, writing, Internet; and any other project which seems pressing. However, given the strange lunar situation (paragraph 3) you could let these be muted, not pushing them too hard. Sometimes playing around the edges of things is more helpful than the direct attack.

Certain things that need to be done seem irresistible, and those are the ones to take care of.

The sun enters Aries today---the Vernal Equinox---at 10:33a PT | 1:33p ET | 5:33p UT. It could be a cold Spring at first because said center of our System is, from geocentric perspective, opposed to Saturn the planet of winter. However, the trine with Mars should warm things up. (Those two sentences are more figurative than scientific, I admit, but they give a sense of what is going on. Sometimes astrology is a picture language which leads to intuitions.) The fact that Mars and Saturn are in a sextile suggests that heat and cold are cooperating. (Put another log on the fire?)

A certain roughness or readiness, and willingness to face realities, is helping you to stay or get on your feet. You realize something intense about what you want in this life.

Drudgery---tasks which bore you at first but are necessary---can be lightened by a brisk military cheerfulness. If this be trumped up at first, it can be genuine once you get in the spirit of the thing.

You have chosen certain projects and values. So you can ignore detractors and side issues in order to get on with them. (Paragraphs 3 and 4 suggest an indirect approach if that feels better.)

It is wonderful to feel that you do not have to interact with certain people. Isn't it fun to leave them be for a while? You are not despising or rejecting them; you are just being your own friend, keeping up with your own interests in your own way.

At worst that could include some earthy materialistic self-indulgence. You will know when you have had enough of that. If you decide to bear the cost, fine. Something easygoing and genteel is appropriate.

{Saturday} /Genteel\

Cosmic Piper

Overmental Astrology?

Overmental Astrology?

[The forecast for Friday has already been posted.

[The following is my reply to someone who posted an assemblage of statements on astrology by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Both admitted that astrology has some validity but they warned that one ought not to take it as fatalism. They also said that yoga can change the way an individual experiences his horoscope.]

Anyone who has read my daily astrological forecasts knows that I do not predict that someone will break his neck. That is an absurd parody of real astrology. The real astrologers from whom I have learned were all deeply spiritual souls who understood things from a deeply spiritual viewpoint. They were also scientists who did not make ridiculous assumptions based on superstition but who tested, and continued to re-test, everything they said in their books. One of the best of them, Marc Edmund Jones, was also a superb philosopher, spiritual teacher, and expositor of the Bible, an ordained Presbyterian pastor with a doctor of philosophy degree from Columbia University.

Much of what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said about astrology was designed to warn devotees against Indian astrology, which is much too fatalistic. So-called Vedic astrologers will give you exact predictions of when you will die and so on. Western astrologers do not do that, or I have never known of one who did. We are a little more sophisticated than that.

It is interesting that just two weeks ago when I was testing an advanced astrological hypothesis I was able to find conclusive evidence for it in the horoscope of Sri Aurobindo. I used the dates that the Mother first visited him in 1914, Her coming to stay at the Ashram in 1920, and the marvelous events of November 1926. I was able to see these three reflected perfectly in the heavens by the particular advanced method I was studying. So the idea that advanced yogis are no longer linked with the solar system is just not true. Why would they opt out of the solar system? There is nothing evil in it! No astrological aspect is evil. Some are more difficult than others, that is all. Sri Aurobindo's attainment in 1926 was not fated or predicted by "the stars." That would be absurd. But the placements of the planets at the time of that attainment reflected what was going on perfectly, simply because, as the Mother says, astrology can be "a kind of notation on the material plane of the relations between universal and individual life." For someone who was not a yogi, born at the same time as Sri Aurobindo, these planetary placements would have meant something different---not a Day of Siddhi but something remarkable in the context of his or her more limited life. Because Sri Aurobindo was the most advanced yogi the world has ever seen, he was able to make something happen which had never happened before. The planets did not do it, but it happened at a time when the planets were aligned in accord with the essence of that remarkable event.

Astrology is a field of discovery, not a closed and fixed system. There can be an overmental as well as a merely mental astrology, and the best astrologers are either close to the Overmind or perhaps sometimes working within it. (Of course these are quite rare beings.) I doubt that any of them are Supramental astrologers, although I envision that possibility.

Astrology is not about planets influencing people. It is about the invisible and divinely ordained links between the motions of the solar system and individual human lives. There are multiple ways of studying and using it. I find that every critic of astrology I have ever read or encountered has a much too simplistic or primitive idea of what it really is. He does not know what those who have studied it for years to develop a proficiency in it have learned. Advanced astrology is truly amazing, enlightening, uplifting, thrilling, and a real proof that G*d is not separate from his universe or his people. I love it, and because it is true I know that it is part of the Truth-Consciousness. I mean, of course, advanced, real and evolving astrology, not the reflection of it in popular superstitions.

Hugh Higgins
Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Forecast for Friday 19 March 2010

Friday 19 March 2010

\Toward Prosperity/

This could be a signal day for forwarding some of your most important hopes and plans.

I don't mean to be pointlessly exuberant---life has its issues even under the best astrological aspects---but since we are approaching another Dark Hermetic Epoch beginning April 4 (and by the way this has nothing at all to do with the fact that Easter falls on that date), it is wise to use "good days" productively. So, "taking care of business" could be a useful focus.

Anyone who is job-hunting might use this day to good effect. I have noted that early days of a lunar cycle are usually good for that, provided other factors give a go-ahead. You might even pop into the office of someone or some corporation which has delayed hiring you to jog things a little. Or try something completely new.

If you have a position, talking to your current boss about something might go well.

"I want what I want when I want it" is a trend, but probably, with three planets including the sun opposed to Saturn, you will moderate this urge to get it in line with realities. Then you will be able to take the long view and focus on projects which will really help rather than on self-indulgent demands.

Something very basic, ideal, and spiritually eternal is motivating you at the base of your consciousness, whether you articulate this in words or not. You are determined to be what that is, no matter what the opposition from circumstances or individuals.

This is something rock-like and wonderful, a point on which the universe can pivot.

The smokescreens others put up do not have to deter you. Sometimes ignoring them is the best approach. Precise attention to what your real interest group is fairly expecting of you will win the day.

Being a naturalist is a wonderful thing. It doesn't matter what the weather is; if you're in the Northern Hemisphere spring is coming and you can enjoy that sense of nature ready to burst forth in glory. You might spend time outdoors, even if it rains, and appreciate the sun whether or not it has to penetrate a cloud. Invisible nature spirits dance in sunlight and shadow.

Life is invigorating when you choose attainable goals and pursue them.

{Friday} /Toward Prosperity\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 18 March 2010

Thursday 18 March 2010

\Secure in What You Can Trust/

Quite a smooth day, one of the best this week, actually both today and tomorrow. You could carry on business with high efficiency. Maybe you should do those things, contact those people, work out deals you have been postponing. They would go smoother now and tomorrow.

Self-indulgence is a possibility, as if you wanted to use the freedom you feel just to enjoy yourself. I cannot say that is wrong but of course it is well to carry on with necessary activities also. Something irresistible about young people could keep you fascinated by them.

Knowledge is being validated, whether old or new. You see things brilliantly with prismatic perspective, that is, discerning their colorful details and how they fit together in a usable pattern.

Feeling isolated can lead to a lot of varying reactions, such as intense reaching out for human contacts, even when that fails over and over to yield anything but dust and ashes. People want to relate with one another and will keep trying, even if the attempts seem futile, because a learning process is going on subconsciously. Something is gained even through meeting and facing others' failures, peccadilloes or flaws.

Friendship may seem like work, or a project requiring time and agility. Therefore it is wonderful when you can revel in moments when everything clicks, and you are relaxed with someone you feel good about.

Good things are happening through far-flung contacts. You reach toward the remote in space through links on the Internet or phone. It is good to be direct with desires and ambitions, pursuing them amiably and getting generous or favorable responses. A precision in planning and linking can result in mutual benefits, so it is well to get details settled.

It's wise to keep developing the assets and arrangements you know are going to yield happy results. It could be treacherous to diverge far from what you have seen to be valuable in the past two weeks. You have been at a peak while Mercury conjoined the sun (in its fast-forward phase), in terms of mental assurance and clear thinking. So as I often recommend at these times, it might be good to write down what seem your best goals and plans for the next few months, or through July. It's not that you won't change some of these, but your view ahead now is the eagle's and you could settle more details than you realize if you put your mind to it. Diligently you weave the pattern of the spring and summer.

{Thursday} /Secure in What You Can Trust\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 17 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

*Tough Deal Struck; and Elusive Charm*

I kind of like to use red when the moon is in Aries, today's color less strident than yesterday's.

We escape the |difficult third of this week| by noon or early afternoon in North America (later in Europe and Asia). Problems requiring deft concentration and sacrifice may be easier to encompass without tears.

Young people in or near your home, or in the community, continue to be significant, giving you fresh awareness and impulse toward whatever interests you. You are trying to establish something which could be a legacy for them, that is, for generations coming up. It would be too much to expect them to appreciate all of that but they might get some of it. Teachers, as well as parents, cannot really expect young people to understand or appreciate all that is done for them.

Such younger ones, whether in their teens or twenties, sense their irresistibility and ability to get what they want through begging, whining, or other dramatics. This can have its value when it grants them expanded opportunities for growth in experience.

Remarkable things are happening at a level of research into previously secret knowledge. Whether you do this yourself or become aware of what someone else has done, it can be exhilarating. Eureka!

Ultimate values are coming to fruition in ways you have expected and in other ways you couldn't have foreseen. You sense how to use business, and focused endeavor, to keep building the structure of your prosperity.

Tough cookies in business may be the very ones you need to deal with. Their forbidding appearance crumbles when you are able to find common ground and strike a deal.

There are those who take the tasteful, easy approach through being what others like or appreciate; and those who are not afraid of difficult labor carried on persistently toward common ideals. Both get appreciation from the world. The second is more of an achiever, and greatly respected; the other is more of a pleaser or entertainer whose presence is enjoyed even if not thoroughly respected.

There can be isolation. You may feel that someone who might be with you is so wrapped up in his or her problems that you either can't or don't want to be a party to them. This can be disappointing to the degree that you wonder who is good for you. Then strange things happen: you are drawn to someone else whose attractive power is immense, but still wonder, "Is this one good for me?" I am not talking about marriage or partnership so much as temporary companionship, although the issues may seem the same in either case. Revelation proceeds from your struggles with such questions. "Love the one you're with" is a song's answer. "Just get over it" is another.

{Wednesday} *Tough Deal Struck; and Elusive Charm*

P. S. I forgot that this is St. Patick's Day! Well, there is the "Elusive Charm" of the Irish. So maybe I hit it after all. There is also, with the green beer or Jameson shots, "Love the one you're with." Dangerous holiday. Just get over it.

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 15, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 16 March 2010

Tuesday 16 March 2010

*Finding a Point of Poise*

The New Moon of last evening is helping to get things moving a little. However, we are still in the |difficult third of the week| until tomorrow forenoon.

You may be getting tired of some who are intense males, involved in their own self-worth too much, a little pompous. They are getting a better viewpoint slowly so you will have reason to feel better about them soon, perhaps as early as tomorrow.

Intellectual discussions could go well, or at least with lively interest in unusual topics. The disagreements may be painful yet not overbearing.

You may feel you are uncertain about whom to trust in some particulars, and yet you can figure this out if you are patient and astute. There are occult, invisible influences about you. These are probably mostly good, if you can tune in to them; the bad influences are easier to fall prey to when one is unguarded. A spiritual consciousness, caring about the Kingdom of God most of all, is the best protection.

A background of prosperity is with you. To maintain it, keeping it vital and alive, you can put some energy into common purposes and hopes, either of a group important to you, your family, or the community. That will push away the dark forces and link you to a higher destiny as to a lifeline.

It is always possible to question things. Sometimes this is fruitful; sometimes it is a waste of time. You can find the best balance between needless labyrinthine questing, which often ends up where it began, and (at the other extreme) complacence with old answers which are not complete. There is a right point of poise between these extremes which you can find through intuition and easy-going discernment.

Young people or children may be significant as forces to contend with, bringing freshness into your life (for if children did not bring something new, what would be the reason for their birth?). Sometimes the best way to teach young people is to learn from them. Then they will respect your trust in them, and be glad to learn from you in their own way.

{Tuesday} *Finding a Point of Poise*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Forecast for Monday 15 March 2010

Monday 15 March 2010

~Struggling Out of a Cocoon~

"Beware the ides of March," which is today. I am not superstitious about that, since it happens to be a line from a play, but today is not a "nice" day. It might have its peaks, which we shall discuss, but today and Tuesday comprise the |difficult third of this week|.

First, it may not feel like a work day but a day to continue your weekend resuscitation, that is, by lying around in bed. I wouldn't blame anyone for feeling like that. So the advice has to be, do your work, but keep a low profile and don't take on more tasks than you can reasonably handle. Rest when you can and get home early for needed recovery.

You care about a male individual who has been both interesting to you, attracting your attention, and somehow deeply involved with your soul's needs or your mission. This is someone who can shock, who can arouse strong reactions, and teaches through dangerous adventure. His mission, whether understood by himself or not, is to represent something you and others need and guide you obliquely toward it.

"Secret enemies" as the meaning of the 12th House is not a "nice" signification but one you might ponder today. Where there is a desire for something revolutionary, there are enemies of the change being agitated for. With this you are dealing in one way or another. Even in the spiritual field, as Sri Aurobindo knew well and discussed brilliantly, progress for humanity is attended by interminable back-dragging or covert opposition. Much of this is not visible on the surface of life, so the ancient astrologers called these enemies "secret."

The New Moon at 2:02p PT | 5:02p ET | 9:02p UT (Daylight Time except for UT which is the same as Greenwich Mean Time) could be the beginning of the butterfly's extrication from its cocoon. "Beginning" because usually it takes at least hours, maybe days, for us to get the drift of a New Moon. You might note what you are thinking and feeling after that time as a clue to your coming month's agenda.

Someone who is rustic, natural, hearty about his or her work, willing to go all out for goals shared by his or her family or community or group, could be near you or else on your mind. This is a rare sort of being who deserves more appreciation and cooperation than he or she gets.

It sometimes seems that some individuals are content to go through life with opinions and attitudes they developed at an early age and refuse to adjust to reality. If you are around such a type, you may be hard-pressed to control your temper. "This is the way I see it and so this is the way it is." It may be impossible to argue with that directly but possible to work around it if you are forced to do things in cooperation with this individual.

Study is important in connection with your work, and in order to solve problems which have been lying in wait. This could be book-learning, but also some practical savvy you learn by doing, by trial and error.

Other, more beneficent influences are present, which could take shape in someone lovely, kindly, sweet and helpful to all. The description sounds feminine but it could be someone of either sex. When this happens you are relieved, your faith in humanity restored.

{Monday} ~Struggling Out of a Cocoon~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 12, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 13 March 2010

Saturday 13 March 2010

~Correct Choice is Restful~

Balancing rest with responsibility is a key while we are in the final days of an Old Moon. You have important things to do which are in the nature of duties, and can do them without hassle. Then when you feel mostly caught up you can rest.

A focus on study or learning in connection with career matters is significant. This is something like unlocking things which had been locked up.

Mars moving ahead slowly gives you strength to accomplish what had been delayed. You care about your dignity because sensing inwardly that it depends on your integrity: faithfulness to tasks and projects.

No doubt there are temptations to lazy sensuousness. The soul realizes that its immortality is separate from the body, and so it tends to let the body's disciplines slide. But it is important to keep those going on a daily or almost-daily basis while soul and body are coupled in this life. Then permitted pleasures are more intense and satisfying than they would be if they were the center of attention all the time.

In order to help or heal people you need to be alert to invisible dimensions: the hidden potentials the sufferers are neglecting and not manifesting as they could.

Good fortune is yours. You have a developing sense of how to live in the world of other human beings and natural forces as a laborer, doing the labor which is yours and not someone else's. This is eminently satisfying not only while laboring but when rest and reward are a natural recurring result.

Choices are harrowing only when you forget your inward restful self and its inborn purposes.

{Saturday} ~Correct Choice is Restful~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Forecast for Friday 12 March 2010

Friday 12 March 2010

}The Winding, Fascinating Social Process{

It seems like a drifting, mostly easy day. Any generalization like that is bound to be wrong because our lives are complex and the motions of the planets and the moon are complex. But I put that down as a first sentence because it could give you clues. Likewise for the rest of this report. Not absolute statements, but clues. You are the detective in and of your own life.

It's a day for friendship, or for letting yourself be your own friend if other friends are unavailable.

This Bright Epoch (up to April 4) has been confused or slowed down by a retrograde Mars. That changed Wednesday when Mars turned direct at 9:17a PT | 12:17p ET | 5:17p UT. He is still going very slowly but his forward motion helps to pull us out of the doldrums.

Today the "doldrums" have to do with the moon forming no aspects except a conjunction with Neptune (in Aquarius) early on Saturday. So there could be lassitude. If you had been able to take this day off from your regular work, that might be ideal; or, at work, you can coast along with routine or relatively painless projects. The idealism and inspiration of Neptune are with us, but at the level of ordinary business they might seem unrealistic.

You are sensitive to your own interests as allied with those of a group, or set of associates or friends. So you can speculate on future developments in an intelligent manner. Although your interests are not identical with those of the group, perhaps, facilitating the latter facilitates the former in a natural way.

Costs are a normal focus of attention while Venus and Saturn, opposed, form a T square with Pluto. None of us like expenses we can't avoid. These include, of course, taxes for many at this time of the year. As I pointed out in January, this period of the Bright Epoch is the best time to get them done; that means by April 4.

You see how certain other big expenses are going to facilitate your goals, and your social life, in the near future, and so you can accept them with resignation.

You can guard people, whether younger or less experienced, or protect them from painful learning experiences, if they are willing to learn from you. In a way you are setting an example for them. (Likewise someone may be doing this for you, if you are humble enough to learn.)

Presence of mind makes you wily when it comes to chancy interactions. People are needing such interaction as a substitute for missing friendship, or, in some cases, a lead-up to friendship. You can trust and enjoy that social process (even if you are also guarding yourself from inappropriate or wasteful entanglement).

{Friday} {The Winding, Fascinating Social Process}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 11 March 2010

Thursday 11 March 2010

}Mutual Appreciation and Shared Prosperity{

The morning seems unusually friendly, so breakfast, brunch or lunch encounters could sail along enjoyably.

With the Part of Fortune in the 11th house of friends, and the moon in Aquarius, a sign of broad-flung tolerant connections, you awaken to glories and enchantments of those around you. A lack of inhibition could lead to release from emotional insecurities.

People are dramatizing what they want to accomplish. This does not have to be a tantrum but might appear so. They need a long-term view to realize their endeavors will be recognized eventually.

You have a mandate to ally yourself with someone of high principle, who establishes or maintains strong values so that you and others can rally to them. Even if that seems like temporary sacrifice, it gives you strength and eventual mastery.

Many are pleased with encouraging developments in their efforts for income, or for self-establishment in career. You realize that you do not need to subordinate yourself to anyone of questionable intent or motive. You can be an influence leading him or her to wiser paths.

If your mind-set is optimistic, you will deal with people's peccadilloes and "sins" in a way which is understanding and helpful. You do not have to be officious in counseling them, but can still do so indirectly through friendly communication, humor and a sense of proportion.

{Thursday} {Mutual Appreciation and Shared Prosperity}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 10 March 2010

Wednesday 10 March 2010

\Living Values/

Things ought to be on a somewhat smoother basis.

People are intense in their reactions, but less touchy than yesterday.

Certain costs or expenses seem irresistible and that is not easy to handle. You may feel exploited and yet the business world is as it is and has its irresistible requirements.

Something you pay for today may yield dividends later on.

Values you care about deeply are requiring a bit of sacrifice. That is sobering but within your capabilities, and you feel stronger when you live up to those requirements.

How do you make yourself a good example for those who look up to you? At certain times all of us feel such pressure, and the fact that we do is a sign of our ethical maturity. You protect such individuals, as well as your standing in the world and your own eyes, by doing the best you can to live the ideals they expect you to embody.

When circumstances seem harsh, your perseverance increases, so that you can pass through the abrasive adventures and feel stronger as a result. Mysterious forces which hold you back are working a slow magic of transformation in your character.

{Wednesday} /Living Values\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 8, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 9 March 2010

Tuesday 9 March 2010

\The Strength and Satisfaction of Idealism/

The |difficult third of the week| is receding but still with us until late evening. The moon's good aspects with Jupiter, Mercury, the sun and Uranus will make things progressively smoother. Still, all day it is good to be on guard against mistakes, hasty errors, accidents, and excessive worry.

What you should worry about, if anything, is that this month or next you pay 57 per cent of your taxes for weaponry which is designed to kill the entire population of this planet over and over and over again. You are paying greedy military contractors huge salaries and profits. Are you happy about that? That is something to worry about. You could write or call your congressman and tell him "Enough! The enormous military budget is impoverisihing our country. It is the greatest, colossal, single cause of our country's debt, our insolvency. It is destroying America. It is the elephant in the room, the huge mad invisible elephant consuming our individual incomes and public resources. Please do all you can to cut, cut, cut the military budget! Eliminate all wasteful and unnecessary items and programs. The future of our nation depends on it."

If some of the Founding Fathers came back to see us now I am sure this would be one of the first things they would be appalled at. Some of them warned against "standing armies" and wanted to keep America free of foreign entanglements. We have abandoned our heritage, and common sense, to hand over our hard-earned income to thieves, killers and liars, what General Dwight Eisenhower warned of as "the military-industrial complex." This is not Americanism or patriotism; it is suicidal insanity.

If you don't write to or call the President or your Senators or congressman about this today, there are other things you could do in connection with "men or women in power" because the daily chart suggests such action or communication. This could be with an employer, client, or other businessperson, or with a government official or representative.

Parents are also important today and you may consider or reconsider them in some context, whether or not they are still an active part of your life.

Preparations for travel could be significant.

You are finding a path of dignity in your work, your career or profession. This involves savvy effort, research, or communication. You may be earning accolades.

Consultations and career developments may go on in the context of a shared meal or pleasing familiar interaction.

The unusual quality of much of what you yourself are trying to achieve need not appear vain or silly to others if you present it reasonably.

You can be happy if you are guarding and aiding those who need such assistance. Everybody is needed by somebody. You may be setting an example, without realizing it. You find ways to represent a powerful, non-violent ideal.

Those who represent such an ideal for you become even stronger influences, for which you are grateful.

Easy enjoyments can be shared, especially in the evening. Some of this is artlessly natural and almost rustic.

{Tuesday} /The Strength and Satisfaction of Idealism\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Forecast for Monday 8 March 2010

Monday 8 March 2010

\Slow Lane to Earned Dignity/

We are in the |difficult third of the week| today and tomorrow (as we were on Sunday). I stopped mentioning these times for about a month and nobody even asked me why! Which leads me to wonder how many of you study these reports and use them seriously.

I decided to go back to pointing them out because I observed very serious (as well as dangerous) problems of several people happening last week during that time and feel it is my obligation to point out what I know whether anyone bothers to heed it or not. I hope some of you do.

If you are new to these reports you will not know what I mean by |difficult third of the week|. If you persist in observing what happens in your own life at those times you will find out what it means for yourself, and that is the best way. It is always somewhere between two and three days long. I do not always point out the exact minute of beginning and end unless that seems necessary. It extends this time up until late Tuesday evening. It obviously does not mean "Stay home and do nothing." It means exercise more care than usual in everything and do not try anything dangerous or perilous. It also means watch your moods and use whatever spiritual methods you know to keep them bright and cheerful rather than anxious and fretful, for the latter mind-set is likely to bring on more trouble.

Monday requires much patience. The morning could make you wonder why you are bothering to be dutiful in your work. It is well to carry on dutifully, needless to say. Of course we all face these times of despair and even remorse. Patient endeavor according to the soul's injunctions is the right path.

What you do seems invisible so much of the time, unnoted even when valuable. But someone, somewhere, is aware of how valuable it is and so you can rest on your dignity while performing essential tasks.

Study and learning are important. Controversy is not likely to be helpful at this point. Choose your battles carefully, or stay away from battle entirely if it is not necessary. A calm meditative hopeful peaceful state of mind is the ultimate victor.

In thinking about travel or education, you can take the long view, realizing that some times are right for it and they will reveal themselves to you naturally. Expertise is available to solve any problem or question.

It is better to take the behind-the-scenes position, studying and developing your knowledge and skill, rather than display yourself as if you were the Supreme Panjandrum. Freedom and dignity in your career or profession will manifest when you have earned them.

{Monday} /Slow Lane to Earned Dignity\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 5, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 6 March 2010

Saturday 6 March 2010

*Balancing the Familiar and Fresh through Insight*

The moon in Sagittarius squared to Pisces planets makes for intense thinking, whether on spiritual or psychological themes.

You are questing, yet your home and/or family are an important ingredient in the quest, either questing with you or part of your quest for a greater understanding of them.

There is an intensity of restlessness. You want to dramatize things which stand out as powerfully significant. You should do this without being pompous or tyrannical. Then people will accede to your wisdom or insight without fighting it.

Venus opposed to Saturn, yet trine Mars, shows that the time is ripe for reconsidering relationships. One may be going and another coming.

It is well to be humble and careful concerning things which are changing in connection with your home and your financial situation. From your current headquarters you are able to prepare future manifestations, and the signs you get are promising.

The cycles of time are being considered. You know that such cycles exist and you tune in to them subconsciously or consciously so that you know when to act and when to rest; "when to hold and when to fold." This is important for your ultimate well-being. (I try to give you a lot of signals in that direction through these forecasts. I cannot mention all the major cycles every day, so it is well to read every report and write down or remember the longer-terms cycles when I mention them.)

If you feel something has ended, something better is beginning. You will see what this is during the next month.

When dealing with those of differing backgrounds you may feel you need to command them or announce to them the views they ought to hold. This could be a temptation toward arrogant mistakes; that is, you need to moderate your confident opinions sufficiently to make them palatable to anyone with whom you discuss important matters.

Harmonious understanding is possible despite, and perhaps because of, the restless seeking already discussed, so long as reins are held on the mind's eager suppositions.

{Saturday} *Balancing the Familiar and Fresh Through Insight*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Forecast for Friday 5 March 2010

Friday 5 March 2010

~Transcendent Fulfillment~

We are out of the Via Combusta, and life should be less confusing and more satisfying on many levels. A feeling that you need to impose your wishes on others gets less disturbing because natural cooperation is arising more freely.

Passions and lusts can be turned toward the tender side, toward care for those who attract you rather than any desire to ravish them. This is a lesson of maturity gained through bittersweet experience. It could be happening now in a big way.

Investment or investment planning is another matter which could be moving along gratifyingly.

A rainbow is visible only to one who can discern the seven colors of the spectrum, and the real richness of life is visible only to one who can discern its divine complexity and the divine patterns of purpose and whim (called lila by the Hindus) which run through it.

If you feel isolated for a while, this should change easily when you make a move toward being with whomever you feel compatible with in one way or another. There is depth in togetherness as well as depth in aloneness. You can balance these with intuitive finesse.

{Friday} ~Transcendent Fulfillment~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 4 March 2010

Thursday 4 March 2010

~Finding Your Way in the Fairy Tale with Exhilarating Companions~

Feeling a little lost is okay when it leads to adventure. You will get adequate assistance when you ask for it and you may feel more confident and assertive than on any day this week so far. The "lost" feeling does not reduce your confidence; it is more like the characters who have to be lost in a fairy tale in order to have a grand adventure and discover themselves.

Money may be flowing to you in a big way, or if not, you are finding ways to make that happen.

You are alert and strong in career areas. You could press beyond the ordinary in your work. You stand on your dignity and feel sure that you can succeed. You assert yourself in ways you would not have planned, as a natural result of feeling you have a right so to assert yourself.

The direct approach in organizing your home or important factors in your career will get you far. You can ignore the smoky or smudgy stuff which gets in your way, or get rid of it easily. You feel up for being who you are, in a way which gets favorable attention. That can be thrilling.

Liberty comes through dedication. That seems a paradox, but those who try to be free by ignoring the needs of everyone else and spurning G*d end up in a morass of suffering either through drugs, drink, lassitude or absence of a reason for living. To be dedicated to something or Someone, or perhaps a meaningful project, is a secret of happiness.

It's a day of good luck, despite the "lost" feeling mentioned above (deriving from the fact that the moon is in the Via Combusta, which is most certainly not a superstition). Struggling to regain composure is an enjoyable process, perhaps with the aid of sweet and strong companions or servers. People are willing to face problems together, and get high while doing so.

{Thursday} ~Finding Your Way in the Fairy Tale with Exhilarating Companions~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 3 March 2010

Wednesday 3 March 2010

}Ready and Waiting{

Don't yell "Fire!" in a crowded beehive. (A joke for those reading this on Buzz.) But the moon is in the Via Combusta today. Actually it seldom has to do with literal fire but always with complex or confusing matters you find it hard to get a handle on.

It could be a good mystical day, for the search for G*d. I realize some people think G*d is boring! Oh well, they just don't know. We need to revamp and revitalize our concepts of God. God is not your concept of God! He is much greater than that, and more interesting and less boring! So it could be a time either to get beyond your concept of God toward the true God known through experience, or to expand that concept of God. Sri Aurobindo and Alfred North Whitehead could help you do that, and perhaps also the philosopher Schelling; and indeed Martin Buber with his concept of the Eternal Thou.

The real G*d does not pound you into a corner but liberates you.

There are good potentials of housekeeping today, or of organizing or cleaning up your shop or office.

There are good career and business potentials. But since the moon is in the Via Combusta and also void-of-course a good part of the day, perhaps the more ordinary, less dramatic side of business would be best.

You can be cautious as well as dauntless. That means not giving up on your projects, but moderating your approach to handle just what you can handle on this day.

Potentialities are emerging, up through April 3. You can link to them in a fairly easygoing manner, giving yourself time to regather energies when necessary.

{Wednesday} {Ready and Waiting}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 1, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 2 March 2010

Tuesday 2 March 2010

}Endeavor Brightened by Happy Prospects{

It should be easier than yesterday to secure cooperation from people. Spiritual seekers play a prominent role.

When people have problems they turn in all kinds of directions for answers. Some including you may fret too much. It is well to slow down and prevent yourself from doing precipitate things which complicate the issues. When to go where you plan to go and when to stay at home is one question you may get flustered over. Costs of travel, of home, or of lodgings may come up as requiring slow investigation or adjustment.

A workman or servant may become more friendly and useful when you talk about what is needed in a calm way.

A (most likely male) friend at a distance, or seemingly in hiding, may loosen up a bit and be more congenial. A (probably female) associate or partner has work or health issues, but will be more likely to laugh and interact in relaxed style.

The sun and Jupiter together in Pisces continue to suggest success along lines of work, study, and (today more than yesterday) relationships or a partnership. There is no reason to hold back when your intuition suggests that you contact someone or propose something.

You can be decisive and capable even with matters which have been dragging on for weeks. It should be easier now to dispatch some of them. Being tactful is important when there are questions of a potential power struggle. The welfare of the community, family or group requires people to adjust their egos or over-ambitious plans to those of the others involved.

Group work is favored. People appreciate the unique qualities in their team-mates or friends (one of whom is yourself).

You are developing remarkable powers of analysis and invention, bordering on the miraculous, to help you in your work for income as well as happy social interaction.

This sounds rosy, and is, although Saturn's prominence in the chart suggests that you will be cautious enough to slow down and make sure of your ground before you commit yourself to anything new or ambitious. That is well and good. But it is wonderful to feel that cooperation is available in full supply whenever you choose to invoke it.

(Tuesday) {Endeavor Brightened by Happy Prospects}

Cosmic Piper