Sunday, March 28, 2010

Forecast for Monday 29 March 2010

Monday 29 March 2010

}Group and Individual Needs, Balancing{

Story 1: To prepare for better things, for the human race as a whole, it is important to consecrate oneself, and also special occasions, so that those who ordinarily do not aspire very high will be inspired to aspire higher. What is sublime and mysterious has earned our cooperation with it, so that it may uplift even more hearts. By giving ourselves to it we disclose a panorama which enlightens us. In doing that we do not lose touch with the ordinary, the daily, the commonplace, "the simple world of kind familiar things" (Sri Aurobindo). Rather, we consecrate that familiarity toward higher potentials.

Story 2: To celebrate what is worthy of celebration, including the returning Spring, we need to decide what will earn respect for us, and live up to it. Not every one of our personal desires fits with the needs of the society we serve (at least part of the time). There is a balance between our wishes and the wishes of the group. The symbols we have inherited from our rich traditions require constant reinterpretation by ourselves, which happens when we sincerely try to live them. On this Full Moon day we can revivify our aspirations through the activities of the groups which aid our progress. If there is a disjunction between our desires and group needs, we may disappoint people. Somehow the balance can be found.

Story 3: Water or liquids can be hazardous, including what is drunk. (Someone once told me, "Water is the best drink.") Our work, ordinary though it be, is an important part of the fabric of our world and without it our world would collapse. Assuming that the world is against you is not a wise option, no matter how that may seem at times. The universe is basically friendly. A sense of humor might help you see this. When you find yourself floundering in escapism, avoiding what needs to be done, you need not beat yourself up, but can shrug your shoulders, smile at the situation and do something token and easy which then leads on to happier, more effective action. A wandering and lazy approach is at least a beginning. I do not believe it is true that others have to fail in order for me to win. Yet sometimes it seems that that is what happens. If it does, I can hold my head high and appreciate my victory, but pray that these others too may find happiness in their own way. A good heart sees good ready and waiting to overcome everything which looks like momentary evil. Therefore it earns favor from all and finds beauty in ordinary living. When friends seem remote, they just don't want to crowd you; they are waiting to return.

You may choose which story you prefer, or the one which fits; or select from any or all.

The Full Moon is exact at 7:27p PT | 10:27p ET | 2:27a(Tu) UT. We were in the |difficult third of the week| Sunday and remain so today until Tuesday morning; but then the Via Combusta sets in until Thursday. This will not be so terrible; we'll discuss it in tomorrow's report. Uncertainties mean: link yourself firmly to what you know to be certain.

{Monday} {Group and Individual Needs, Balancing}

Cosmic Piper

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