Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 21 March 2010

Wednesday 31 March 2010

~The Choice of Conscience Protects~

Story 1: The mysterious and sublime call to you, either through photos, paintings, music or poetry. There are differing ideas about esthetics. You have an inward urge to be in charge of everything, somewhat officiously perhaps, but then, somebody has to do it or things would go flat. So why not say, "Let's do it this way." Things seem complicated, and yet if they weren't you would want them to be, as the plotter of a mystery. Otherwise interest would fade. So you keep working at mental tasks. Someone with a sweet (or saccharine) or pleasing (or calculated) personality may harbor malicious intentions. Sadistic or cruel? Could be, so it is safe to be wise as a serpent while also innocent as a dove. Those who take on a spiritual role always face temptations to divert to "the left-hand path" and then they can be dangerous. If they stay to the right, they manifest not human passions but G*d's love.

Story 2: Things could be as entertaining as a circus, if you allow that to happen at certain times. That is, after you have mobilized yourself to take care of pressing business or ordinary labor. In order to be a more acceptable participant in certain activities (perhaps involving foreign or long-distance links) you may modify your image or your style. That is okay when the motive is good. People are likely to "go off" over trivia, because momentarily they do not seem like trivia to them, even if they do to you. So you adjust, but not to the point of self-depreciation. You feel an urge for freedom, as the birds in springtime, but know you need to work at ordinary things (building and feathering a nest?) in order to be ready for freedom when it comes. Then you will be resourceful no matter what happens. What you do in private and what you organize in seclusion bodes well for the future.

Story 3: Depravity and sociopathy are a factor in humanity---and it must be said almost entirely in male humanity---which baffle all decent people. Adventure can turn into total disregard of others' rights in order to advance one's own. Then there is catastrophe. Some individuals are merely drawn into the sociopathology of others by being passive in their presence, or getting a thrill out of participating in their immoral or evil adventures. (Even those who spend too much time reading about serial killers or warfare may fall in this category.) While the moon is in the Via Combusta (yesterday and today) it is well to be alert to such dangers. Then one can live on a level above them, and be a reliable guide for the inexperienced, such as children or younger people. What you do and say has a strong influence on the inexperienced and impressionable. It is always important for them to learn to choose the better, the higher, the good. Self-preservation itself requires the better choice.

{Wednesday} ~The Choice of Conscience Protects~

Cosmic Piper

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