Thursday, March 18, 2010

Forecast for Friday 19 March 2010

Friday 19 March 2010

\Toward Prosperity/

This could be a signal day for forwarding some of your most important hopes and plans.

I don't mean to be pointlessly exuberant---life has its issues even under the best astrological aspects---but since we are approaching another Dark Hermetic Epoch beginning April 4 (and by the way this has nothing at all to do with the fact that Easter falls on that date), it is wise to use "good days" productively. So, "taking care of business" could be a useful focus.

Anyone who is job-hunting might use this day to good effect. I have noted that early days of a lunar cycle are usually good for that, provided other factors give a go-ahead. You might even pop into the office of someone or some corporation which has delayed hiring you to jog things a little. Or try something completely new.

If you have a position, talking to your current boss about something might go well.

"I want what I want when I want it" is a trend, but probably, with three planets including the sun opposed to Saturn, you will moderate this urge to get it in line with realities. Then you will be able to take the long view and focus on projects which will really help rather than on self-indulgent demands.

Something very basic, ideal, and spiritually eternal is motivating you at the base of your consciousness, whether you articulate this in words or not. You are determined to be what that is, no matter what the opposition from circumstances or individuals.

This is something rock-like and wonderful, a point on which the universe can pivot.

The smokescreens others put up do not have to deter you. Sometimes ignoring them is the best approach. Precise attention to what your real interest group is fairly expecting of you will win the day.

Being a naturalist is a wonderful thing. It doesn't matter what the weather is; if you're in the Northern Hemisphere spring is coming and you can enjoy that sense of nature ready to burst forth in glory. You might spend time outdoors, even if it rains, and appreciate the sun whether or not it has to penetrate a cloud. Invisible nature spirits dance in sunlight and shadow.

Life is invigorating when you choose attainable goals and pursue them.

{Friday} /Toward Prosperity\

Cosmic Piper

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