Monday, March 29, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 30 March 2010

Tuesday 30 March 2010

}Avoiding Self-Sabotage{

Story 1: A little more machismo, bravado or chutzpa is with us. You might feel you are ready to map out a strategy or campaign. There is much mysterious about it, as if only you understood it while others watch with mouths agape. There may be harsh disagreements but you can ford through them. If you encounter one of those individuals who think that only they know the truth about everything, you may get angry. Perhaps your response is legitimate, but of course needless battles only make things worse. There is work to be done. It may seem burdensome but that is partly because you could lose perspective and start to doubt your good destiny. It is well to remember high hopes and know you can attain them if patient and optimistic. Then the "bravado" already mentioned can come forward.

Story 2: It's not the usual time of year for a carnival, but you might be in such a mood, wanting to escape into the colorful crowd of humanity. To do that you need to make choices about how you will present yourself, that is, what image you will manifest. This should not be overly self-conscious. You note how others play public roles, including the President or the head of a corporation or manager of a carnival(!) and follow their lead. You have your own sphere of power. Within it there are reliable recurring events and familiar beings to interact with. So you can be comfortable in your world.

Story 3: There are dangers arising from impatience. You could even create a catastrophe if you were to leap before looking. You may be headstrong because feeling frustrated, therefore determined to "kick the world in the butt" not knowing it is your own derriere which will suffer the consequences. You are betwixt and between adventurous impulses and a kind of lazy desire to wander about in your nightgown. Then there is also a desire to be gracious and kind, helping people in order to feel good yourself. That cannot be wrong. Another side of you feels as if some things you had wanted are waning or receding so that you want to do things your own way, regardless of anyone else, and then you feel isolated, resuscitating ailing hopes while rejecting all interference, and regarding potential cooperation as interference. Out of this morass of conflicting motives you can choose what needs to be done, and do it. Simple. That would avoid the psychological divagations to which you might be subject if you were lax with yourself.

We have escaped the |difficult third of the week| (Sunday and Monday this time) but the moon is in the Via Combusta until Thursday. This is less of a problem than it seems, because, as hinted in the preceding Story, we tend to make it a problem by doubting everything, getting discouraged, and imagining that nothing makes any sense. Rather, we could just keep on with reasonable activities. The doubts will still be there, but chased into a corner.

{Tuesday} {Avoiding Self-Sabotage}

Cosmic Piper

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