Thursday, March 31, 2022

Message for Friday 1 April 2022

Friday 1 April 2022

^Distress Cleared Away for Reward^

Moon in Aries
New Moon of Aries occurs at [11:26p(Th) PT] | 2:26a ET | 6:26a UT

It seems that things should be getting gradually easier, perhaps more especially by Wednesday the 6th or Saturday the 9th. Meanwhile today one might feel that one is in "a labyrinth," having "a way and a will of one's own" even if the world does not support that way.  Therefore some may view one as eccentric.   However, it is not likely that one will succumb to outside pressures or "prostrate oneself" before someone of the opposite sex "standing over one with a dark countenance."  One can be alert to "malignant influences" and disentangle oneself from them.  

There are still the "crows feeding in the bed of a dried-up river," perhaps individuals or corporations who take advantage of you if you trust them too far.  It is good to help even the unthankful but not to the point of self-hurt.  Holding on to one's better self, one might enjoy "a stately mansion surrounded by trees in an expanse of pastureland."  One might be house-proud and "a capable and polished member of society."  Frank and humane, one attracts friends and entertains them unostentatiously.  One appreciates what one possesses.  

"A woman disappointed and disillusioned" is still suffering the long Venus-conjunct-Saturn aspect (March 17 through April 7).  It is something like "the distress of the human soul whenever it seeks any enduring sustainment from elements without anchorage in its own nature."  That is, the "woman" or anyone of any sex has been leaning too much on someone else, or else, more happily, learning to give as much or more than one gets from associates. Perhaps one has been trying to uplift someone in despair.  Some of the worries have been cleared away, and now one could be "at the summit of a mountain, illumined by the setting sun, with a staff in one's right hand, and in one's left a crown."   Finally there is dignity, prominence and reward.  

{Friday}  ^Distress Cleared Away for Reward^

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Message for Thursday 31 March 2022

 Thursday 31 March 2022

^Malice Overcome through Superior Wisdom^

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:38p Wednesday PT | 2:38a(Th) ET | 6:38a(Th) UT
until it enters Aries at 2:32a PT | 5:32a ET | 9:32a UT 

I believe that the intense pressures are lessening and we shall notice this more beginning about the 6th of April, next Wednesday, with maybe slight improvements already, but still:  "Crows are feeding in the bed of a dried-up river." One could follow some useless tracks which bring about depletion, and perhaps trust wrong people, the "crows" who could be "wayfaring and deceitful men."   Resulting situations could bring about fierce anger, represented by "a dark face, across the forehead a red band of blood."  In some places there could be "frenzy or acute mania" stemming from wanting to "avenge hereditary wrongs."  We need "moral persuasion, intellectual training and social culture" so that no one runs amok.

Some may resignedly let others cast a malignant influence over them, as if "a prostrate man over whom a woman of dark countenance is standing."  Each sex may seem "full of warning and threat" to the other, but if neither merely "prostrates" they may arrive at reconciliation.  This can happen if they look to "a large glass ball or globe capable of receiving the images of the stars in space, as well as reflecting the panorama of the earth."  All who feel threatened by other humans can look toward the celestial order, whether with astrology or some other uplifting aid to perspective, thereby being "open to receive truth and reflect it in daily life." 

"A man leading two children by the hands" is getting into the spirit of the coming few weeks, "social and bountiful, with strong instincts of a domestic nature."  He "delights in his family relations" and attains dignity and honor while guiding younger people.  While in the depths of the love-testing Venus-Saturn conjunction we are happy to greet "a big white dove, a message bearer" who, through transcendental or superior wisdom, brings us convictions which "order all personal desires in a cosmic framework." 

{Thursday}   ^Malice Overcome through Superior Wisdom^

 Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Message for Wednesday 30 March 2022

 Wednesday 30 March 2022

~From Gloom to Responsible Mission~

Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:38p PT | 2:38a(Th) ET | 6:38a(Th) UT

It's Spring, but the moon is waning in its final days, so "the earth is covered with a deep snow; not a vestige of vegetable or animal life to be seen."  There are cheerless moments, an uneventful trend, and less energy than usual.  Still, "a man is sitting at a table with a knife in hand about to carve a feast which lies before him."  There is an epicurean trend, with "good fortune in things of the world."  

Pride can do strange things to one's perceptions.  Magnifying oneself, one minimizes others, like "a man looking at things in his immediate surroundings through the large end of a telescope."  He could be an egotist, boaster, traducer, or slanderer.  He does not acknowledge merit in anyone but himself.  Such an attitude could result in bad decisions, leading to "a forest fire," but fortunately through extraordinary efforts the fire is quenched.  Called from his minimizing telescope, the traducer finds himself cooperating dynamically, and "in the moment's intensification rehearses potentialities he would never discover otherwise." Our concern for common well-being becomes "a successful adventure in social responsibility."  

With Venus still close to Saturn, many may feel that their talents are facing huge obstacles, though they carry on with what stamina they can summon (final days of the Old Moon can be wearisome).  "A bent stalk bearing a full ear of corn" is someone bent under adversity yet still producing much that is valuable for the world.  Even, some may have "a world mission." There is the ascendant, positive influence of "the sun rising above the horizon":  "A man, yet greater than a man!"

{Wednesday}  ~From Gloom to Responsible Mission~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 28, 2022

Message for Tuesday 29 March 2022

 Tuesday 29 March 2022

~Open to Receive Truth~

Moon in Pisces
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 12:57p PT |  3:57p ET | 7:57p UT

We can be grateful for even a small diminishment in the harshness of both Venus and Mars conjoining Saturn, in that planet's own sign.  The diniminshmnt has to do with their moving away from a concurrent square with Uranus, which has made things even more harsh and divisive (see the state of attempted war negotiations as well as situations in your own life).  "A beaver at work upon a tree overhanging a gorge" is a good Saturn symbol.  The beaver is admirably industrious and diligent, planning to use the felled tree for building, but all depends on the direction in which it falls.  We do what we can and trust fate.  Charubel reports that he is "above the earth, seeing the sun ascending above the horizon" which should show that there is "a man, yet greater than a man, who has a world mission."  Heaven knows we need him.  

The Venus-Saturn conjunction makes us suspicious of people, or disappointed in their failings, so that we may see someone as "a man unmasked."  This speaks to me because this was also a symbol for Monday and I am, on Monday, extremely frustrated with two public figures and three news commentators who seem to be failing drastically to say much that makes sense.  They are "unmasking" themselves, that is, revealing some of their true colors.  I shall listen to them in the future, but with more wariness.  Dr. Jones says that this degree could be "a demand that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it."  So it would seem.  Maybe we should get our information instead from "a large glass ball or globe, capable of receiving the images of the stars in space as well as reflecting the panorama of the earth."  That globe is, I believe, the charts of our solar system I study daily for these reports.  One ought to have "a mind open to receive truth, reflecting the truth in one's daily life.  One will then be scrupulously just and honorable, perhaps a great seer or naturalist."  Transparent truths are essential to reduce the miasma of confused opinions.

"I see green everywhere; every object is a dull green.  At the same time everything is on the move" says Charubel.  That sounds like the "greening of Spring" or maybe the Emerald City of Oz.  We seek rest but find little because also seeking a goal which is as far off as before.  What could help?  "An old-fashioned lantern.  A man with one in his hand is walking in darkness."  "He finds his way out of every difficulty guided by a divine instinct, having an implicit faith in those religious truths taught and practised by his forefathers."  

{Tuesday}  ~Open to Receive Truth~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Message for Monday 28 March 2022

 Monday 28 March 2022

}Restraining Anger, Crystal Gazing{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until early afternoon Tuesday
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:12a PT | 10:12a ET | 2:12p PT 
until it enters Pisces at 9:33p PT | 12:33a(Tu) ET | 4:33a(Tu) UT

Virtually all day, the moon is void-of-course, while Venus is exactly conjoined to Saturn and Mars close behind.  "A raging bull is stamping upon the body of a dog."  Anger could lead to violence.  We know this has been happening in Ukraine and we should be sure it does not happen in our own lives.  Even subjectively entertained anger has bad consequences.  The remedy is "controlling one's own feelings," says Sepharial, though we might attempt also transmuting or sublimating them.  "A mounted Indian with scalp locks" "acquires and uses the particular genius of an enemy."  Putin and Zelensky are both trying that.  How do we settle this?  

Perhaps through the services of "a crystal gazer."  Her or his acute insight "brings the entire universe within the purview of the mind."  The world and the individual reflect each other, "providing a foreview of every possible mood or situation."  Thereby "a man is unmasked."  Could this be Putin, or Zelensky?  The ultimate intentions of both remain somewhat obscure to strategists, calling for more accurate analysis.  "Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity."  Removal of each mask "demands that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it."  

The sun in Aries moving toward a sextile with Mars and Saturn could bring out constructive virility.  "A man is covered with decorations and ornaments of the most gorgeous kinds, standing in the midst of a garden abounding with fruit trees, flowers, and fountains.  The sun is shining brightly, and he appears to enjoy himself amazingly, with self-admiration."  Fortune smiles and showers choice gifts.  One's way of enjoying this could be through one's own and others' talents, as if one had the company of "a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant."  

{Monday}  {Restraining Anger, Crystal Gazing}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Message for Sunday 27 March 2022

 Sunday 27 March 2022

}Awakening of Human Resolution?{

Moon in Aquarius
|Karmcally serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us (until Tuesday near noon)

The familiar story of Mars and Venus both moving close to Saturn remains, and today and tomorrow that is exacerbated by Luna moving toward them while square to Uranus, to which they are also squared by normal orb.  This is not comfortable.  "A mounted Indian with scalp locks" could be, of course, a Russian or Ukrainian or American or . . .  There is "pride in personal prowess" and "capacity for gaining and administering authority among men."  But when opponents are both in command of their forces, then what?  "An unimpeachable control over life through a discipline of the self and its powers" sounds good, but there are two or more "selves" claiming power here and the possible use of horrific, even nuclear, weapons, which would be suicidal.  It is time to give up those "scalp locks," or we could have, not just "a man lying wounded or sick upon the ground," but millions.  Is there "moral apathy, mental ineptitude and weakness"?  I would say, if so, it is the apathy of those who are in positions to secure peace talks and real negotiations to save our planet and our humanity, but not doing so.  Blustering that one could demolish an enemy, when it means demolishing oneself as well, is "moral ineptitude."  

Maybe there is "a man in a very dark room, sitting at a table, with books, papers and mathematical instruments distributed about him promiscuously" who could bring about a peaceful settlement.  He has "great powers of concentration, yet owing to some peculiarity of temper, he will never benefit himself by his studies."  Maybe what is needed is a little common humanity, such as displayed by "a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant."  These represent "scattered divisions of labor."  "Nothing acts alone or persists in a vacuum."  We need to find "an integrating significance throughout our experience and draw it to a single focus."  Who has unemployed talents for bringing about a desperately needed peaceful resolution?  

Fortunately "a watchdog is standing guard."  Let us hope this is someone capable of preventing disaster, on one or both sides of the conflict, or an intermediary, someone acting under the inspiration of the Supreme (Who, let us believe, still cares about the future of humanity).  "Community integrity" involves "co-operative activity such as will stimulate the highest response from all."  The keyword is Probity, or integrity and faithfulness to ideals.  "A large hat with streamers flying, facing east" is "naive creativity" enabling us to "realize and utilize the ever-emerging novelties and variations of human relationships."  This could even lead to an excitation of good will in those considered opponents.  

{Sunday}  {Awakening of Human Resolution?}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 25, 2022

Message for Saturday 26 March 2022

 Saturday 26 March 2022

\Savvy and Provident/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:52p PT | 7:52p ET | 11:52p UT
until it enters Aquarius at 5:56p PT | 8:56p ET | 12:56a(Su) UT

You may be aware of a very self-willed person with strong passions.  He or she will have his or her own way.  Uranus in Taurus has affinity with "two men striving to hold a mad bull with ropes about his head."  The Part of Fortune in the 10th sector makes for pride in relation to career, or a project in which you want to shine.  "A lunar crescent emerges from a cloud; also a flash of lightning."  There is a determined direction of force, which does not always produce happiness because some schemes "will not bear the light of day."  There is cleavage between the honest and the dishonest.  

Five planets in Saturn-ruled signs make for strategy, as emblemized by "a fox running along a path beneath the shadow of a wall."  This creature or person is wily, prudent and cunning.  He or she has diplomatic power and can be self-defending without violence, avoiding danger.  Caution can be a means of liberation.  "A big-business man at his desk" has organizational powers.  He or she maintains position or advantage by attending to his or her fundamental interests through the continual ebb and flow of circumstances.  Undisturbed within, he or she proves herself or himself through accomplishment.  

Some other individuals may be like "crows feeding in the dried-up bed of a river," grasping what they can from you or anyone.  They are on the decline unless they find a better way.  Meanwhile, one can be kind to them but not abandon oneself to their mercy.  Ultimately one might emulate "a great tortoise" insofar as one develops a patient, plodding disposition, endowed with powers of endurance, obtaining a secure position because of prescience and providence.  Slow toil plus a solitary, philosophical nature make for simple living, esteem, and long life.  

{Saturday}  /Savvy and Provident\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Message for Friday 25 March 2022

 Friday 25 March 2022

\Secret Errors or False Notions Overcome/

Moon in Capricorn

It seems to be a bleak time for most of us.  Yet there are signals of something better beginning today, with a new Lunar Fortnight beginning, lasting through April 8 (Friday two weeks from now).  Still, in the daily positions, Venus and Mars get closer to Saturn in that planet's own sign, not a pleasant indication.  I am putting the hardest symbols for the day in the first two paragraphs, the nicest in the final one.  I hope the harsh will be conducive to clear thought and wise action rather than to despair, which does not help.

"A submerged man clinging for support to a boat upon the sea" asks us to identify who or what is "a friend capable of sustaining us in our extremity."  The "boat" you can cling to for safety is there "in response to great faith," says Sepharial.  Your deficiency of tact or skill has made problems, but you "will not sink into the depths" if you cling to the faith-summoned "boat."  A seemingly opposite problem is "the bed of a dried-up river wherein crows or black birds are feeding."  The "crows" could be people to whom you have given of yourself, as perhaps an example of "virtue misapplied."  "Wayfaring and deceitful men" are to be pitied, and helped toward a better attitude. but not if that would cause harm to oneself or others.  The first part of this paragraph acknowledges that one needs help from above; the second, contrariwise, warns against giving supposed help which might be of no benefit to anyone.  

Our clairvoyants are being hard on us, as if we were foolish.  Maybe it doesn't hurt to consider that viewpoint.  "A triangle with a round hole in the center" could indicate "secret notions which, being false, render all other good intentions abortive."  One might pray to Heaven that such errors could be eliminated; as David prayed, "Cleanse Thou me from secret faults."  "A helical scroll" could represent "dreams and fancies which exclude useful and practical measures."  One ought not to wander alone, but seek "healthful and virile companionship" whether visible or invisible.  Then undecided and fickle tendencies could be channeled into something better.  

People are touchy while Venus approaches Saturn.  They may feel that someone, or yourself, is assuming an attitude of superiority to them.  "A man riding upon a horse near the edge of a cliff looks down into a valley where people are at work."  The "boss" needs to be careful lest he fall over the cliff of arrogance.  Still, he might be "qualified to undertake the government of others" within limits.   Let's hope the day might end with "two lovebirds sitting on a fence."  "There is high magic in any inner completeness, so that the whole world loves a lover."  We may experience "a shared richness or tenderness in human personality."  The lovebirds are affirming their consistent loyalty to each other. 

{Friday}   /Secret Errors or False Notions Overcome\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Message for Thursday 24 March 2022

 Thursday 24 March 2022

\Peril, Chaos, Final Success/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:00a PT | 9:00a ET | 1:00p UT
until it enters Capricorn at 2:55p PT | 5:55p ET | 9:55p UT

While Venus and Mars move closer to Saturn, we have "an old woman seated on a stool with a hooded cloak wrapped closely round her." One could be "warped by feelings of selfishness and jealousy, assuming an attitude of melancholy, or silent and envious misanthropy."  Of course one would blame this on what others have done or failed to do.  "Bitterness and secret enmity could poison the soul."  "Let him or her study to preserve interest and sympathy in all that is human, and so escape being abandoned of Heaven and Earth."  Then one might be "contented and laborious, peacefully employed in useful arts" like "a man habited in rough clothes hewing timber close to a log hut."  Stability and virtue go along with humility and utility.  

Luna square the sun and Mercury could bring out some adventure:  "A person is climbing a rock in the midst of a fierce storm.  Flashes of lightning reveal the figure in dark outline.  It appears strong and climbs well."  Through force of character one makes one's way against almost insuperable difficulties.  There is uncertainty and peril, but final success, even a position of security and comfort.  If one then emulates "a train entering a tunnel" it is because one courteously performs community service rather than flaunting personality or attainment. 

 "A helical scroll" is intended to indicate "one who will lose himself in the multitude of his projects and imaginings.  His path in life, circuitous, will lead back to himself."  "A chaotic mind filled with dreams" would be strengthened by "healthful and virile companionship" if that came at a propitious moment.  Perhaps one might turn to politics, and hoist "a red flag floating on the top of a very high flagstaff."  "Red" used to mean Russian or Communist, while now it means "right-wing American."  Either way, one could be "an agitator, a person of great organizing abilities, a revolutionist."  Or some milder hope for a better world could, at least, keep us sane and focused.

{Thursday}  /Peril, Chaos, Final Success\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Message for Wednesday 23 March 2022

 Wednesday 23 March 2022


Moon in Sagittarius

"A man lying prone upon a bed of sickness" might evoke pity in us, but Sepharial seems to be "blaming the victim" here, or suggesting that this person has become ill through an apathetic, indolent or perverted attitude toward life, or is in essence a hypochondriac.  However, there might be "a need for constant rest" so we may excuse ourselves for extra napping.  Perhaps we feel like "a woman sitting on a tombstone in the act of weeping," loving "the shady side of life more than the sunshine," feeling sorrow and sympathy for those separated from us.

Yet the moon is in cheery Sagittarius, sextile both Mars and Venus, and so at times one might feel like "a man covered with decorations and ornaments of the most gorgeous kinds.  He is standing in the midst of a garden abounding with fruit trees, flowers, and fountains.  The sun is shining brightly and he appears to enjoy himself amazingly, with self-admiration."  Fortune "showers on him her choicest gifts."  But if one goes too far into vanity one might recoil into "a train entering a tunnel," that is, being courteous by performing community service without fanfare.

As before, "an angel is blowing a trumpet" so that someone, or yourself, is proclaiming an important message to the world.  This could make reasonable sense to many, or some of it could be esoteric, designated by Charubel as " * * * " or something incapable of being described in words.  Someone, perhaps yourself, "has great magnetic powers" and is "capable of destroying popularized evils, as a reformer, healer and philanthropist."  

{Wednesday}  ^Amazing^

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 21, 2022

Message for Tuesday 22 March 2022

 Tuesday 22 March 2022

^Getting Priorities Right^

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until 10:30p PT | 1:30a(W) ET | 5:30a(W) UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:02a PT | 12:02p ET | 4:02p UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 12:00p PT | 3:00p ET | 7:00p UT

"A woman sitting on a tombstone in the act of weeping" sounds too much like what we are mourning in the war zone.  We may be sensitive and sympathetic, sorrowing over those we have lost.  Yet there is "a spark of intelligent faith which may be fanned into a flame of conviction."  The symbol for that is "a smith's forge and bellows" signifying also "a profession allied to the useful arts, devoid of ostentation."  Yet this "smith" could be "great in soul and of immense aspiration." 

More from the war zone:  "A man rushing along on horseback, sword in hand, to meet a company of armed men."  He is violent and fearless, with more courage than discretion, causing trouble through rash acts.  This could be some on both sides of the conflict and we obviously need magnificent diplomacy to end the torrent of blood and chaos.  Who is measuring not only the quantified horror but the reasonable costs, concessions, which both sides need to make?  Anyone?  They need to use a "barometer" of "living experience in advance" to "estimate their own potentials" for peace.   There are "measurable dependabilities" which could end the war if both sides were reasonable enough to read and accept the indications.

"An angel" continues to "blow a trumpet" and while some might think this is the Gabriel of apocalypse, let us hope it is "a preacher, lecturer, or popular person who will publish to the world an important message bearing on the social or spiritual condition of mankind."  Many in both Russia and Ukraine would be willing to listen, if only their leaders and the information-distorting media would heed the call.  We need to get our priorities -- peace and safety -- right if we are to be like "a person sitting at a table with a knife, about to carve a feast which lies before him."  The simple pleasures of life continue, thanks be to the Supreme.  

{Tuesday}  ^Getting Priorities Right^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Message for Monday 21 March 2022

 Monday 21 March 2022

~Deep-Thinking Cosmopolitan Alliance~

Moon in Scorpio
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until early Wednesday
< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 10:29a PT | 1:29p ET | 5:29p UT

Deep thought could be difficult yet worth the trouble.  Rubbing thought-sticks together makes a spark.  "An angel blowing a trumpet" could be someone who is publishing or podcasting "an important message bearing on the social or spiritual condition of mankind."  We may be weary of the "red versus blue pills" we are offered to interpret current events, and turn to a situation in which "a master is instructing his pupil," that is, someone who knows things larger than political bias is willing to elucidate information opening up larger dimensions of directed destiny.  

Humor also is instructive, when really humor rather than caustic sarcasm.  "A comedian entertaining a group" releases fresh perspective and laughter through her or his personality-power.  One plays some self-rehearsed role in contact with others, which could even amount to "uninhibited self-expression."  Some take humorous comments at face value, superficially, while others "get" the deeper serious commentary which impelled the comic's efforts.   "People on stairs graduated upwards" are on different levels of competence or understanding but able to progress higher.  

"Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man" are impelled by someone's spiritual authority calling them to an immediate work or project aiding all.  High aspirations are "brought down to earth" so they appeal to the masses.  With such inspiration upholding us we might then feel we are in "a ship in full sail upon a sunlit sea."  Many will be enterprising and adventurous, with a cosmopolitan spirit, though the |difficult third| of this week could dampen enthusiasm to a degree.  Still, there are "alliances productive of the greatest good," even affluence.

{Monday}  ~Deep-Thinking Cosmopolitan Alliance~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Message for Sunday 20 March 2022

 Sunday 20 March 2022

~Springing to Realization~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon remains in the Via Combusta (until Monday near noon)
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:41a PT | 8:41a ET | 12:41P UT
until it enters Scorpio at 8:46a PT | 11:46a ET |  3:46p PT 
Sun enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) at 8:35a PT | 11:35a ET | 3:35p UT

The Sabian symbol for 0Aries1, the first degree of Aries, is "a woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her."  The sun moves from Pisces, a feminine water sign, into a masculine fire sign.  Dr. Jones says this can indicate "the mutual interdependence of the emotional and purposeful aspects of self."  The keyword Realization suggests "an illimitability of experience of which anyone can take advantage."  There can be a subtle rebirthing process.  Then one would be "tete-a-tete with one's inspiration," satisfied in the transcendental or ecstatic experiences of selfhood. 

"A broken bridge spanning a rapid stream" could presage unforeseen dangers, so that if there is any competition one might be especially wary.  One is sure to be of service to others or counsel them, even if also needing sustenance oneself.  An appeal to Heaven would be appropriate.  Or one might be part of "a crowd coming down the mountain to listen to one man," whose attainment "enlists the higher potentialities of everyone for some practical need of the moment."  One who has spectacular spiritual authority appeals to you.  

To some the Covid nightmare seems a dream of the past.  "A man is lying in a bed, a gray cloud hanging over him, his chamber dark and gloomy.  Yet the horizon looks bright."  Eventually there come "health and other comforts."  "A master is instructing his pupil" and so greater understanding is possible.  "Life entreats the individual to employ its privileges and enjoy its bounty."  Elucidation of whatever needs to be known "fortifies personality to direct its own destiny."  Happy Spring!

{Sunday}  ~Springing to Realization~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 18, 2022

Message for Saturday 19 March 2022

 Saturday 19 March 2022

}Preparing a Higher Manifestation{

Moon in Libra
< moon enters the Via Combusta at 6:48a PT 9:48a ET | 1:48p UT (until Monday near noon)

"A cavalier fully armed" is "outwardly cautious and suave" but "alive to his own interests and on the defensive."  He is safer when "observing regard for others."  Her or his assertion could be military or polemical or just keeping up with needs of daily life.  Then she or he could be like "a man habited in rough clothes hewing timber close to a log hut."  There are interests at a distance, yet one thinks of them as a substitute or future home rather than as travel delights.  Useful arts enable one to shape one's world close to headquarters.  

"Two daggers crossed'' indicate contention, litigation, or (let us hope) some sort of conflict-resolution.  Harmony seems elusive, yet each dagger prevents the full harmful use of the other so that it becomes more feasible to save face than prolong a battle. Charubel says that "a man with two horses plowing" is "not to be taken literally but psychically or spiritually.  As the plow prepares the earth for reception of the precious seed, someone could be a forerunner to prepare the world of mankind for a higher manifestation."  The "two horses" could, like the preceding "two daggers," be opponents finally agreeing to work together.  Or, at least, the symbols are hinting that this could be our concern and agenda.  

We are facing both Mars and Venus square Uranus, an accentuation of individual demands which seem to oppose or frustrate the demands of someone else, as in the Russia-Ukraine situation.  "A straight column with a square capital and base" is someone with "strongly developed egoity" who "lacks flexibility and deference."  "Intelligence would render him a successful dictator, though uncouth."  Other happier aspects could facilitate "a consistent intimacy with spiritual verities of every wort and on every hand."  Accepting "the overshadowing of a universal life and order," "man is tete-a-tete with his inspiration."  This could be idealism serving humanity, in which case it could rise into ecstasy.

{Saturday}  {Preparing a Higher Manifestation}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Message for Friday 18 March 2022

 Friday 18 March 2022

}With the Aid of History, Patient Adaptation{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:12a PT | 4:12a ET | 8:12a UT
until it enters Libra at 4:27a PT | 7:27a ET | 11:27a UT

"A lion raging against the bars of its cage" could be Zelensky, Putin, Ukrainian citizens, Russian citizens, or any one of us.  Sepharial says that we need to be aware that "compeers and superiors are equally jealous as ourselves of their rights and privileges."  The lion will not be caged forever, and while it is, needs to be calm so as not to make things worse.  "A ruin consisting of the remains of an ancient massive wall, with an archway therein" is intriguing and could inveigle one to "find more pleasure in the retrospective than the prospective."  Either antiquity or more recent history could be a good study.  It seems, for example, that most of us are pretty ignorant of the history of Ukraine and its relation to Russia.  The "archway" in the "ruins" suggests that we could find a way out from current disaster through a more cogent awareness of the relevant historical context.    

"Two daggers crossed" could be, at best, fencing without injuring rather than wounding or being wounded.  Contention, or "a radical want of harmony," does not make for friendship.  However, if the "daggers" are intellectual powers this could be a symbol of savvy negotiation, which we certainly need rather than more weapons!  Charubel hints at a more exalted style of "warfare":  "A hand with a sword in it.  Just rising in the ascendant, a halo of golden light envelopes it.  That sword is not for indiscriminate slaughter.  It is to defend the right."  But who is the bearer of that "sword" which, let us hope, is not a nuclear or other weapon but a sharply incisive use of negotiation?  "Thou hast a mission to accomplish, and wilt be armed with the necessary power and authority.  Thou art a child of the sun.  The worldlings, inhabitants of this red planet, will not see thee as thou art seen by thy compeers."  

At times one might feel like "a man upon a raft floating in the open sea."  Misanthropic isolation could stem from a lack of initiative, a wandering and uncertain mind rendering itself helpless.  One can overcome discouragement or nerveless apathy by "taking in hand the rudder of intelligence whereby to guide one's course, spreading one's sails in hope."  Back to land, one could be like "a man habited in rough clothes hewing timber close to a log hut."  One adapts oneself to circumstances honestly and shapes a world of one's own from rude materials supplied by nature.  Industry and stability could unite with humility, making for impersonal utility.  

{Friday}  {With the Aid of History, Patient Adaptation}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Message for Thursday 17 March 2022

 Thursday 17 March 2022

\Perilous Times Require Pure Intentions/

Moon in Virgo
Full Moon of Pisces-Virgo occurs early tomorrow (Friday) at 0:19a PT | 3:19a ET | 7:19a UT

We need St. Patrick to help us on what could be a bad day.  "A military officer with sword, on top of a hill, on the look-out" is very familiar to anyone reading the headlines.  What is he guarding against? Someone, or someones, who are "charged with evil and wickedness of the most diabolical nature."  I pointed out in earlier posts that Jupiter was at this degree during February 21-24, and then Putin invaded Ukraine on the 24th.  Today Mercury is there for just one day.  This does not necessarily mean Putin but it could be someone opposing Russia who gets carried away with revenge, bringing on a situation not better but worse for Ukrainians, Russians and all.  Of course Charubel says that "this is liable to modification," thank the Supreme Lord, yet "under the most favorable circumstances such a person will find very strong leanings to injure his fellow men rather than do them good."  All who are trying to negotiate a settlement should be very persistent in finding a solution so that lurking evil impulses can be eliminated at their source. 

"Two bulls fighting on the edge of a precipice" are obviously endangering not only their opponents but themselves.  This is what everyone has to learn about the Russia-Ukraine situation.  How could anyone win?  "He will rely upon his strength and pushfulness to overcome his enemies, but it will be shown to him that there is nothing so insignificant as the strength of a man."  What is significant, then?  "A farmer's cart and horse with man driving."  In other words, ordinary work, simple duties performed without ambition but with contentment.  

"A triangle with a round hole in the center" represents someone with good qualities but "possessed of some secret notions which, being false, render his or her good intentions abortive."  And so, in regard to war and peace and all things, we need to uplift our vision and hold on to "a white flag unfurled displaying a red Maltese cross."  Pure intentions and noble thinking can triumph over obstacles and foes.  Let us pray that peace talks shall continue.  

{Thursday}  /Perilous Times Require Pure Intentions\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Message for Wednesday 16 March 2022

 Wednesday 16 March 2022

\Gradual Triumph/

Moon in Virgo
(from very early hour, time of entrance given yesterday)
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 11:54a PT | 2:54p ET | 6:54p UT

Some of the symbols for recent days of the war have been horrifying, in that context, such as this one for today: "A head and hand separated from a body."  But Sepharial goes on to explain that usually this means a lack of coordination, or some sort of paralysis or temporary nerve severance, or separation from kindred (which of course is happening during the war).   We may need to repair our ability to coordinate various functions.  What might help is "an astrological chart in square form" or any method which puts data in proper order for ready understanding and usefulness.  (I need to get a new phone and will be studying options.)

I don't think there are any horse militia in Ukraine, fortunately for the horses, but we have "a military officer mounted on a fine-looking charge, with sword in hand, on the top of a hill as if on the look-out."  This denotes a successful strategist, "one competent to organize a multitude or an army."  But Sepharial says this might have a spiritual rather than temporal application.  Mars and Venus both squaring Uranus can be agitation and upset or anger, but if channeled strategically this can be competence in protecting oneself from any loss or disturbance.  An accompanying symbol is more mysterious:  "A very large disk consisting of circles of light with dark grey interspaces.  These resemble wheels within wheels, which are spiral, all revolving."  Charubel says this shows that someone "cannot live and have his being upon those ordinary lines along which the multitude are eagerly rushing.  Her or his early life will be passed amid considerable confusion and apparent contradiction.  At the critical moment of almost giving up in despair, a new light develops and he gets out of those dark spaces where he has been floundering, on to the circle of revolving light.  Henceforth he is on his groove, carried onward and upward."  

The moon increasing toward the full about a day from now gives us fuller comprehension of things, so that we could "with pure intention triumph over all obstacles and vanquish every puny foe" as if displaying "a white flag unfurled with a red Maltese cross on it."  Or the flag could just have the indication " * * * " which Charubel gives for one of the symbols because it suggests "one incapable of being described in words, who has great magnetic powers and will do much in the way of destroying popularized evils---a reformer, healer, and philanthropist."  If we aspire toward that, we can do it.

{Thursday}  /Gradual Triumph\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 14, 2022

Message for Tuesday 15 March 2022

 Tuesday 15 March 2022

^Under The Big Top^

Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues (until Wednesday afternoon)
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:57a PT | 6:57a ET | 10:57p UT
until it enters Virgo at 10:00p PT | 1:00a(W) ET | 5:00a(W) UT

"A new moon that divides its influences" is symbolic, because in fact we are approaching a full moon by Thursday-Friday.  Perhaps there are multiple new paths one needs to explore, with finesse, somewhat blindly (it's dark at the new moon) and instinctively.  Transitions are hard (difficult third of this week, plus moon void-of-course all day), yet we can capitalize on them.  "An X-ray" suggests sharp investigation of reality which validates one's capacities.  What one finds "out there" is then "within oneself" as knowledge to be used.

That is one advantage of astrology, and we have "an astrological chart in square form."  "Square" suggests getting one's knowledge "squared up" or clearly formulated. Astrologers are "just and kind persons," Charubel remarks.  This symbol could apply also to those investigating other modes of personality or character analysis. "A huge rock rent by a flash of lightning" suggests rock-like skepticism in some.  This could even be "reviling and bitterness of spirit," yet subject to conversion when struck by the lightning of truth.   (Some, like Dr. Naomi Wolf and her team of investigators and lawyers,  think this is happening in relation to official narratives about the efficacy of masks and vaccines.)  

There is also such a thing as psychic or supra-mental illumination, so we have "a fixed star, a transcendental Sun, shedding a halo of supernal glory on the ascendant."  That could manifest as "brilliant gifts not appreciated by the present-day world, but influencing future generations."  Many of us are trying to prepare ourselves for such a happy eventuality.  Meanwhile we have "a gigantic tent" or a circus-like bringing-together of multiple human talents and risky entertainments to suffuse all with renewed insight and courage.    

{Tuesday}  ^Under The Big Top^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Message for Monday 14 March 2022

 Monday 14 March 2022

^Dark, Gradually Developing Wisdom^

Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us (until Wednesday afternoon)

Mysterious figures are moving on the world stage, in the complexity of conventional, financial, and cyber warfare, and though that is not pleasant it is stimulating all, including those not directly involved in any form of combat, to uncover and use powers of resilience and endurance.  Ultimately we give up any notion of succumbing to others' opinions and trust our own dark but high, moving wisdom.  Today one might find oneself sorting through various options and finding none exactly what one wanted, in which case it might be better to delay choice.

Practical business matters seem essential, though not conducive to pleasant and relaxed companionship.  One is on the look-out, as if a strategist, and has competence through both negative and positive moods.  

Venus and Mars, together, moving closer to a square with Uranus, suggest frictions and separations, as are evident in the Ukraine but also everywhere else in different ways.  "An astrological chart in square form" means that one can measure things and people in a just, kindly manner, whether with astrology or some other technique, and thereby get an overview not otherwise available.  One might be brave enough to aspire toward "a crown and scepter" because one has powers of which one is unconscious or only partly conscious, and thereby could be entitled to more than one possesses.  

{Monday}  ^Dark, Gradually Developing Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  In the Sunday report I failed to take account of the time change and so you need to add one hour to the given indications.  Apologies.  As for the longer-term methods I am researching, it is too soon to announce what I am discovering but I shall do so as things get clearer.  I hope to find time periods coming up which will give us some relief, but it is important to do the best we can with what is developing at each moment, while it is developing.  A look forward is one thing astrology is designed to give, but at the moment I am keeping this to the daily prognoses rather than monthly or fortnightly methods until those are better filled in.  

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Message for Sunday 13 March 2022

 Sunday 13 March 2022

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:45a PT | 10:45a ET | 3:45p UT
until it enters Leo at 11:33a PT | 2:33p ET | 7:33p UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 6:55p PT | 9:55p ET | 2:55a(M) UT (until Wednesday around noon) 

We all have to work to keep our composure during this time of war, and pray, I hope, for its end as soon as possible.  I am writing this on Saturday which is usually my day off.  Apart from the data above I will not attempt a forecast for Sunday.  I have been busy with extra duties and also have been researching long-term, monthly or fortnightly methods to try to understand why the Ukraine-Russia situation came up at this time (that is, from an astrological vantage).  I see similarities, for example, with the chart for mid-August 1914 when World War I was starting.  But I make no long-term prediction.  More about that later.  May we all be protected from serious harm.  


Cosmic Piper

Friday, March 11, 2022

Message for Saturday 12 March 2022

 Saturday 12 March 2022

~Anchored in Prophetic Potentials~

Moon in Cancer

The seeming inevitability of conflict in Ukraine-Russia could be reflected in personal circumstances as "two bulls fighting."  People could be fault-finders or lose their tempers.  Let us hope and pray that this does not develop into "a column of smoke ascending on a gigantic scale, followed by a terrible burst of flame, something like an explosion."  We have had enough of that and a time for reasoned discussion has come.  

Five planets including the moon are in water signs.  "A woman, nude, is looking at her reflection in a pool."  Self-love and vanity could be evident, whether harmlessly or not.  With that could go artistic taste and skill.  Cancer is not a weak sign, and the moon therein is trine the sun, a signature of strength such as displayed by "a warrior in helmet drawing a long bow to which the fletch is duly set."  This could signify a lofty aim plus the gift of prophecy.  There could be hazardous vanity, or else the "higher indifference" of "a mind secure of its achievements" and so not afraid to speculate.

"Spiritist phenomena" bring forward "a facility for actual and conscious co-operation with the potentials of an immortal reality."  This could happen in a multitude of ways.  Sensitivity to the invisible or the unlikely opens doors to both.  One "achieves as one holds a clear picture of the end results one desires."  Among the "spirits" could be "a council of ancestors."  One's antecedents serve one in ways one could not have predicted, for though anchored in the past they spring forth to open consciousness to refined potentials. 

{Sunday}  ~Anchored in Prophetic Potentials~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Message for Friday 11 March 2022

 Friday 11 March 2022

~The Mysteries of Subtle Apperception~

Moon in Cancer
(beginning at 11:05p Thursday PT | 2:05a Friday ET | 7:05a Friday UT; void-of-course in Gemini before that)

"A woman of dark countenance standing over a prostrate man" suggests that one might prostrate oneself before someone else's desires weakly and unwisely.  Or one could be like "an archer drawing a long bow," aiming skillfully, good at manual crafts or at teaching or lecturing.  What is remote has more attraction than what is near.  There is not just perception but apperception.  

One might connect with someone who seems disagreeable or hypercritical, so that together you are like "two bulls fighting."  Yet you may "sit at a table about to carve a feast lying before you."  Disagreement is made agreeable through shared pleasure.

"A man bringing down the new law from Sinai" might have an exaggerated sense of his own importance (like those who have foisted upon us stupid and even harmful mask and vaccination mandates).  Or he might be someone whose ideals and spirituality make him or her a custodian of correct ethics.  We are likely to perceive such matters differently and so they are often presented as "a mystery play" whose performers dramatize deeper realities in subtle ways.  

{Friday}  ~The Mysteries of Subtle Apperception~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Message for Thursday 10 March 2022

 Thursday 10 March 2022

}Dramatic Human Combinations{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:44a PT | 11:44a ET | 4:44p UT
until it enters Cancer at 11:25p PT | 2:25a(F) ET | 7:25a(F) UT

"Determinism and direction of force" are effective but may not produce the happy result desired (moon void-of-course for 15 hours).  One is forced to judge oneself harshly.  "From behind a cloud emerges a lunar crescent and a flash of lightning."  There could be dalliance, vanity and egotism, as hinted by "a woman nude, looking at her reflection in a pool."  Yet there could be artistic taste or ability.

I guess the cherry-tree-blossom-time could be here in some localities, though it only lasts a few weeks.  The symbol "a cherry tree in full blossom" suggests someone precocious and attractive, with the promise of genius which might not be realized.  The blossoms fade too soon.  In contrast with that is "a man walking in darkness with an old-fashioned lantern in his hand."  He is individualistic and conservative, finding his way out of difficulties guided by implicit faith in religious truths awakening a divine instinct.  

One to two million Ukrainian refugees are seeking homes, or have found temporary ones in Poland, Hungary or elsewhere.  "A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant" are emblematic of the unusual, interesting human combinations arising during crisis.  The "Chinese (foreign) servant" could be for these people a Polish or Hungarian family "serving" or assisting them as long as need be.  The symbol suggests "the scattered divisions of labor through which any over-all reality is encountered in everyday or haphazard existence."  "Nothing acts alone or persists in a vacuum" and the talents of all are mutually supportive.  This is in the dimension of space, while in time "a council of ancestors" provide enduring characteristics on which a refugee, or any of us, can depend, through "continual re-embodiment in the hearts and minds of one generation after another."  Our antecedents have founded our integrity.  "Self ultimately must fulfill itself."  

{Thursday}  {Dramatic Human Combinations}

Cosmic Piper