Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Message for Wednesday 30 March 2022

 Wednesday 30 March 2022

~From Gloom to Responsible Mission~

Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:38p PT | 2:38a(Th) ET | 6:38a(Th) UT

It's Spring, but the moon is waning in its final days, so "the earth is covered with a deep snow; not a vestige of vegetable or animal life to be seen."  There are cheerless moments, an uneventful trend, and less energy than usual.  Still, "a man is sitting at a table with a knife in hand about to carve a feast which lies before him."  There is an epicurean trend, with "good fortune in things of the world."  

Pride can do strange things to one's perceptions.  Magnifying oneself, one minimizes others, like "a man looking at things in his immediate surroundings through the large end of a telescope."  He could be an egotist, boaster, traducer, or slanderer.  He does not acknowledge merit in anyone but himself.  Such an attitude could result in bad decisions, leading to "a forest fire," but fortunately through extraordinary efforts the fire is quenched.  Called from his minimizing telescope, the traducer finds himself cooperating dynamically, and "in the moment's intensification rehearses potentialities he would never discover otherwise." Our concern for common well-being becomes "a successful adventure in social responsibility."  

With Venus still close to Saturn, many may feel that their talents are facing huge obstacles, though they carry on with what stamina they can summon (final days of the Old Moon can be wearisome).  "A bent stalk bearing a full ear of corn" is someone bent under adversity yet still producing much that is valuable for the world.  Even, some may have "a world mission." There is the ascendant, positive influence of "the sun rising above the horizon":  "A man, yet greater than a man!"

{Wednesday}  ~From Gloom to Responsible Mission~

Cosmic Piper

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