Sunday, March 13, 2022

Message for Monday 14 March 2022

 Monday 14 March 2022

^Dark, Gradually Developing Wisdom^

Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us (until Wednesday afternoon)

Mysterious figures are moving on the world stage, in the complexity of conventional, financial, and cyber warfare, and though that is not pleasant it is stimulating all, including those not directly involved in any form of combat, to uncover and use powers of resilience and endurance.  Ultimately we give up any notion of succumbing to others' opinions and trust our own dark but high, moving wisdom.  Today one might find oneself sorting through various options and finding none exactly what one wanted, in which case it might be better to delay choice.

Practical business matters seem essential, though not conducive to pleasant and relaxed companionship.  One is on the look-out, as if a strategist, and has competence through both negative and positive moods.  

Venus and Mars, together, moving closer to a square with Uranus, suggest frictions and separations, as are evident in the Ukraine but also everywhere else in different ways.  "An astrological chart in square form" means that one can measure things and people in a just, kindly manner, whether with astrology or some other technique, and thereby get an overview not otherwise available.  One might be brave enough to aspire toward "a crown and scepter" because one has powers of which one is unconscious or only partly conscious, and thereby could be entitled to more than one possesses.  

{Monday}  ^Dark, Gradually Developing Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  In the Sunday report I failed to take account of the time change and so you need to add one hour to the given indications.  Apologies.  As for the longer-term methods I am researching, it is too soon to announce what I am discovering but I shall do so as things get clearer.  I hope to find time periods coming up which will give us some relief, but it is important to do the best we can with what is developing at each moment, while it is developing.  A look forward is one thing astrology is designed to give, but at the moment I am keeping this to the daily prognoses rather than monthly or fortnightly methods until those are better filled in.  

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