Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Message for Wednesday 1 May 2019

Wednesday 1 May 2019

^Toils of Love and Endeavor^

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Aries at 3:25a PT | 6:25a ET | 10:25a UT

Feeling lonely and outcast is only temporary. Partly it's because one feels one has much work to do. That effort is good for those around you and yourself.

You feel you represent those who like yourself are treated unfairly in the society or economy. This does not daunt you but inspires you to attack major problems despite inconvenience.

Plans which seem to have been cut short may have been premature. Your active mind (Mercury square Saturn and sextile Mars) can find better ones.

There is reciprocity between yourself and those who please you. Venus's long-term sextile with Mars is increasing until it is exact during the 12th-15th, then it remains until June 1. People may give each other the benefit of the doubt at least at the personal (if not the commercial or political) level, though Venus also is beginning a square with Saturn. Love has to go deep to be satisfying. Motives and intents are being refined. Let's be hopeful and happy for the Other's sake as well as our own.

Wisdom is heightened through personal attractions. "A serpent coiling near a man and a woman" means they could debase themselves, or they could find out the deeper Sophia or wisdom (serpent) implicit in their need for each other. 

{Wednesday}   ^Toils of Love and Endeavor^

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 29, 2019

Message for Tuesday 30 April 2019

Tuesday 30 April 2019

~Impetuosity Plus Watchfulness~

Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:58p PT | 5:58p ET | 9:58p UT
(until it enters Aries early Wednesday, time given in tomorrow's report)

Attempts and trials may include errors and failures at the beginning. Climbing a mountain requires getting back up after stumbling.

"A labor demonstration," together with Mars opposing Jupiter, shows that many feel they need to justify their position, and improve it, through maneuvering for rights which seem not given voluntarily.  

One should not be vain or petulant to the point of carrying that "labor demonstration" to the point of "an unsuccessful bomb explosion." An impetuous expression of righteous anger can sometimes have needed results if not extreme.  

An adventuring spirit means one does not feel totally settled, but willing to endure seeming insecurity because one has high hopes.  Shrewdness and watchfulness are likely to bring wealth, even now perhaps.

Enduring effort has its suffering, but brings ultimate reward of a high sort. 

{Tuesday}  ~Impetuosity Plus Watchfulness~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Message for Monday 29 April 2019

Monday 29 April 2019

~Adventurous Variety~

Moon in Pisces

There is sufficient supply for everyone's needs and you may enjoy either eating out or sharing a meal with someone. 

Or one could go too far with material pleasures, to the point of grossness:  "An ox lies upon the ground asleep in the sunshine. Upon its back two birds are perched." 

Change and travel have their benefits. You consider how to gain through unsettled or changeable conditions, riding over the waves.

The flexibility of your mind can discern what works and handle math or other intricate calculations. 
You have an intuitive sense of how to aid, please, or guide younger ones:  "A man leading two children by the hands."

Along with that there could be an insouciant sense of utter freedom:  "A flock of wild geese." When the mind pauses in its moralizing, instincts reveal themselves as basically ethical.

{Monday}  ~Adventurous Variety~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Message for Sunday 28 April 2019

Sunday 28 April 2019

}Thoughtful Interim{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:45a PT | 5:45a ET | 9:45a UT
until it enters Pisces at 3:13p PT | 6:13p ET | 10:13p UT

A bit of a drift, denoted by the v-of-c, is not bad on what is a non-work day for most. There could be some gloom, a sense that "nothing is working, nothing worth doing," so one needs to contact one's higher Self for inspiration and guidance. Recreation or re-creation has its own value.

"A large archaic volume" saves what is indestructible from past experience and its accrued wisdom. We all need a Bible of some kind to keep us centered in what is lasting rather than mortal. 

Those who inspire confidence and faith in others in a beneficent manner are rare ones, attractive to the youthful. Someone not a parent but parental has a flock of young adherents. That could be you or someone you observe and admire.

The long-term sextile between Venus and Mars began Friday and continues through May 31. Have you felt it? It is improved relations between the sexes, or within them when there is strong attraction or affinity. This is a blessing. 

One might observe others falling or failing, and feel concern while unable to do anything directly. One does not glory in their fall yet feels victorious because one is still able to carry on, perhaps for the sake of those very others. 

Those who listen to sermons or other spiritual messages may detect fresh significance in them, "A man teaching new forms for old symbols." Interpreting and comprehending what our experiences mean is a long-term process. 

After Luna enters Pisces (time above) you may have a better sense of realistic gain for the coming week, how to prepare for and live it successfully. 

{Sunday}  {Thoughtful Interim}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, April 26, 2019

Message for Saturday 27 April 2019

Saturday 27 April 2019

}Spelling Out Confident Harmony{

Moon in Aquarius

The good spirits of yesterday are likely to carry over into today. We can celebrate the advent of weekends free of the |karmically serious third|, through most of the summer.

Charubel gives the symbol of someone standing upon two crossed swords, holding a sceptre pointed heavenward. He says this indicates "a person of peace" who "confides in the higher power." We need more of them. You may feel you can reconcile the world's disharmonies. You stand upon the crossed swords so that conflict subsides.

Your roots and your background are your resources and give you security when you feel there are issues with anyone. Some "archaic volume" or book of wisdom lifts your spirits if you heed what it is spelling out.

The "bluebird standing at the door of the house" has been a persistent symbol and indicates good fortune, allied with Jupiter's presence in his own Sagittarius, the cheerful sign. Mars's opposition to that suggests that friendly instincts can overcome disagreements.

On the less positive side there are clues that one ought not to be lazy or irresponsible, attempting to drift through life without effort. Well, it's a Saturday, so I take that advice with a grain of salt. You may take compassion on a street person who has very little. We do not have to denigrate or admonish such people; life is doing that in numerous ways. Kindness gives hope.

Yet there is confidence for most. We feel cool and collected, with more than a dollop of pride, and maybe that is justified. At the same time we can have acute insight into trends, using our implicit higher faculties to detect opportunities and happy connections. 

{Saturday}  {Spelling Out Confident Harmony{

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Message for Friday 26 April 2019

Friday 26 April 2019

}Out of Turmoil to Connectivity{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
/moon remains void-of-course 
until it enters Aquarius at  2:28a PT | 5:28a ET | 9:28a UT
|Karmically serious third| of this week remains until 5:33p PT | 8:33p ET | 12:33a(Sa) UT

Indications are mixed, with warnings of conflict and torture or torment. Actual torture is the worst crime a human being or group of them can commit and it should be totally eradicated from human consciousness. Unfortunately, many Netflix and feature film stories are filled with actual or indirect torture and that is not good. In fact it is hideous and people need to improve their tastes. You may encounter this issue today.

"An empty hammock" is a puzzling symbol, but in Dr. Jones's elucidation it suggests a freedom to be either in the hammock or out of it, and so the freedom we all have at core to make our choices. The keyword "rumination" means that if we are "hammocking" we are meditating on varied potentials of the past and future, a healthy and creative activity.

One should not fail to see or welcome beautiful things, gracious synchronicities, revealing serendipities.  A bluebird could herald good fortune. So could any symbol or signal which catches your eye or ear.  As for the ugly ones, we should not truck to them or let them get in our heads. Let the ugly be transformed into the beautiful through imaging.

One does not have to be rash, impetuous, or quarrelsome, or disturb the peace of others, to be confidently oneself. 

Novelties and variations in human connections are exciting. One is stirred to cooperate with the trend of events. One shares one's liberation with others who feel liberated. This can be a cure for paragraph 1.

Comfort, happiness, contentment and luxury are possibilities, more likely later in the day.  

{Friday}  {Out of Turmoil to Connectivity}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Message for Thursday 25 April 2019

Thursday 25 April 2019

\Proficiency Anticipating the Beautiful/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:49p PT | 3:49p ET | 7:49p UT

Love, passion, and the Beautiful are accentuated. People want to reach out to the wonderful Other despite the difficulties of the |serious third| of this week. 

Conscious self-awareness incorporates into itself the lives of other human beings. This can be through fiction, drama, TV, people-watching in a public place, or personal dreaming and imaging, reaching out not just to observe but to become the Other. 

One might worry about possible catastrophe or the abscission of projects. There is always something to replace whatever is lost. 

You may feel you could stand on a dais, your head enwreathed with laurels, share your mind-wealth and earn the favor of hearers. Or you may admire and learn from someone like that. The latter leads to the former.

Avoiding dangers through presence of mind is something one can do without unnecessary worry. Intelligent caution can be implicit, not disturbing. One could be "A fox running beneath the shadow of a wall."

Then one can shift easily from one focus to another, "A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once." Such proficiency is a reward of effort and self-training which bring it. 

{Thursday}  /Proficiency Anticipating the Beautiful\

P. S.  The |difficult third| period, though perhaps most intense this morning, fades away gradually and ends Friday at 5:33p PT | 8:33p ET | 12:33a(Sa) UT. It has left the weekends and shall move further back to mid-week. 

Cosmic Piper

P. P. S. I keep wondering why so few find these reports worth reading. I believe it stems from some belief that they are intended just to predict things so one will be prepared for them. More than that, I hope that they enhance things! I am trying to give the cosmic-human flavor of each day so that by pondering that your experience will be enriched and your living more understandable and enjoyable. If that is happening for you, you are among the elite. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Message for Wednesday 24 April 2019

Wednesday 24 April 2019

[The Tuesday forecast was posted somewhat late but has been posted.]

\Developing Effective Focus/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 10:29p Tuesday PT | 1:29a today ET | 5:29a today UT
(until Friday afternoon)

There could be much change, variety, and adventuring, with a desire for interesting company.

There is a parallel urge to go within, and develop one's spiritual powers in a way unexplainable to others.

Mental or spiritual intoxication is a good thing when truly uplifting and not out of harmony with necessities.

Goodwill and contentment fit neatly with work of a sort which is simple and fulfilling.

There could be differences of viewpoint about how others manage things or how you manage them---a sense that someone is being superior to someone else in a way which does not yield good or happy results. People do not want to feel that they are being observed and judged for the way they do things, by someone assuming a superior vantage point. If you have to do this anyway, you could succeed diplomatically. 

You can see things truly, as differentiated from one another. "A square brightly lighted on one side" means your mental set is able to shift to what is more helpful or useful in each situation and face the difficulties involved without unnecessary worry but with red-blooded valor.

{Wednesday}  /Developing Effective Focus\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 22, 2019

Message for Tuesday 23 April 2019

Tuesday 23 April 2019

^Diffident or Rustic Enjoyment^

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:45a PT | 7:45a ET | 11:45a UT
until it enters Capricorn at 3:51p PT | 6:51p ET | 10:51p UT

People are likely to stand alone, gazing at the rest of the world but not desiring intimacy with it. The beauties of Nature seem more comely, perhaps, as a walk in the woods or around plants, flowers and trees.

On another level, people may be indignant at violations of human rights: "A woman suffragist haranguing." There is always a fine line at which indignant reproach becomes assassination of character and it is well to heed it.

Experimental investigation goes well, with the sun and Uranus together, and it might have very practical applications since these two are in Taurus, the earth sign ruled by Venus. 

Wrath may seem like righteousness and yet it can disintegrate good things rather than build them up. Yet it is necessary to speak out and act against some horrendous injustices. "The Lord watches over the way of the righteous." --Psalm 1

Some individuals can be rugged while rich of heart, rustic yet wise. "Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk" fits with a lucky quintile between Mars and Venus, so there can be friendly enjoyments shared with anyone of either sex. The solitary limits of Paragraph 1 may still apply yet be modified. 

{Tuesday}  ^Diffident or Rustic Enjoyment^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Message for Monday 22 April 2019

Monday 22 April 2019

^Harvesting Reality^

Moon in Sagittarius

You may feel sympathetic and impressionable, sensitive to others' sufferings and needs. 

Common elements or bits of knowledge you share with anyone are comforting and clarifying. Little things are reassuring.

Experiments you have made, to determine what might be beneficial to you in any way, could be near a point of conclusion. Acquisitiveness can have good results. You gather together, as into a basket, a harvest of plenty. 

Those who are kind, gentle and harmonious are also lovers of luxury. 

You feel at home in your nation and community, sensing how you "exploit" it even as it "exploits" you, yet this is something better than exploitation because it is just recognition of reality and ways of using it for mutual satisfaction.

{Monday}  ^Harvesting Reality^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Message for Sunday 21 April 2019

Sunday 21 April 2019


Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Sagittarius at 9:00a PT | 12:00p ET | 4:00p UT

Easter, based on the Hebrew lunar calendar, usually occurs when the Part of Fortune (based on the relation of the sun, moon, and earth) is in the 8th house, that of death or of regeneration. Of course it is the latter on Easter. 

There is a feeling that one can accomplish most anything, and glory in the accomplishment; yet a sense that the present state of the world, or mind-set of humanity, is not entirely sympathetic to one's ambitions, so one feels somewhat alone.

Yet some things could be clarified through simple, easygoing conversations with individuals whose habits and tastes are familiar.

You may be rising beyond certain trials which have made your path confusing. 

Some of the great things one has attempted may have come to nothing, or to what seems failure. Yet the lessons learned remain as personal treasure and a basis for something better.

Independent strength is yours, in your particular area of skill and talent. Knowing this, you can manifest a sense of humor about many matters which might sometimes have seemed daunting. There is a laughter-release through the comedic mirroring of one human being by another. May we be in such good spirits.

{Sunday}  ^Release^

Cosmic Piper

Friday, April 19, 2019

Message for Saturday 20 April 2019

Saturday 20 April 2019

~Purposes Firming Up~

Moon in Scorpio
Sun enters Taurus at 1:56a PT | 4:56a ET | 8:56a UT 
< moon is in the Via Combusta
but leaves it at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:01p PT | 12:01a(Su) ET | 4:01a(Su) UT

There is a lot of strength, energy, and passion dedicated to goals. One does not seem to care as much for principle or kindness as for success. 

It is not good to make insinuations about others' motives or ethics, in most cases. Rather one could rely on positive telepathic connections with those in a position to further one's aims. Subtle intimations that come may be valid and helpful. Venus quintile Mars heightens personal attractions.

Someone in a high and influential position is inspiring you to emulate him or her, regardless of some differing opinions.

Self-defense can be effective in business or financial spheres. 

Emotions and purposes are joined in a realization of what you can accomplish, and this feels good. Previous obsessions with what is futile are vanishing in the mist and you are finding your effective field of enterprise. 

{Saturday}  ~Purposes Firming Up~

Cosmic Piper

Message for Saturday 20 April 2019

Saturday 20 April 2019

~Purposes Firming Up~

Moon in Scorpio
Sun enters Taurus at 1:56a PT | 4:56a ET | 8:56a UT 
< moon is in the Via Combusta
but leaves it at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:01p PT | 12:01a(Su) ET | 4:01a(Su) UT

There is a lot of strength, energy, and passion dedicated to goals. One does not seem to care as much for principle or kindness as for success. 

It is not good to make insinuations about others' motives or ethics, in most cases. Rather one could rely on positive telepathic connections with those in a position to further one's aims. Subtle intimations that come may be valid and helpful. Venus quintile Mars heightens personal attractions.

Someone in a high and influential position is inspiring you to emulate him or her, regardless of some differing opinions.

Self-defense can be effective in business or financial spheres. 

Emotions and purposes are joined in a realization of what you can accomplish, and this feels good. Previous obsessions with what is futile are vanishing in the mist and you are finding your effective field of enterprise. 

{Saturday}  ~Purposes Firming Up~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Message for Friday 19 April 2019

Friday 19 April 2019

~Recovering from Bruises~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta (until Saturday mid-morning)
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:13a PT | 7:13a ET | 11:13a UT
until it enters Scorpio at 5:42a PT | 8:42a ET | 12:42p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues
until it ends at 2:46p PT | 5:46p ET | 9:46p UT

Interesting fact:  The fire which destroyed the Notre Dame cathedral occurred on the final day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch. The destruction of the World Trade Center eighteen years ago occurred on the first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch. It's not an evil period but a time when many more "untoward" things happen.  Often old things are cleared away. This does not have to be destructive but can be as harmless as having a carpet cleaned, for example.

This daily forecast contained the following for the day of the fire (Monday):  "In 'The purging of the priesthood' we have a symbol suggesting that we can see through hypocrisies, whether in religion, government, business or elsewhere. We do not want to tolerate what is manifestly unfair or wrongfully judgmental. Yet, let us hope, we will avoid the other mistake of becoming overly judgmental ourselves, and extend a hand of helpful reassurance to those being 'purged' of their falseness no matter what." "The purging of the priesthood" is in fact how one might interpret the fire. While millions mourn the cathedral and billions of dollars are being given to rebuild it, some Protestants and non-Christians feel that building ostentatious churches is not the way to go to demonstrate the teachings of Jesus. And so they might, without being perverse or sadistic, interpret that fire as being divine judgment on ostentation as a substitute for sacred living. "As he was leaving the temple, one of his disciples exclaimed, 'Look, Master, what huge stones! What fine buildings!' Jesus said to him, 'You see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.' " --Mark 13: 1-2 

Friday:  The welter of lunar indications given above is appropriate for the day of Jesus's crucifixion. It is not that we have to spend the day in mourning or despair, of course (whether we be Christian or not)  but that an underlying seriousness prevails to get us on a better path.

We ought not to shrink from labor, for it appears needed even if seeming unrewarding.

We rejoice in skills and talents, some of an aesthetic nature. 

We emulate those we believe in.

One is likely to feel isolated part of the time: "A horseman, armed, is watching the waning moon." Although just past full, Luna in fact is waning; not a bad sign of course but it throws us back upon ourselves and away from too much reliance on what is exterior, so we resemble the solitary horseman. 

We might dwell too much upon wrongs inflicted upon us and become misanthropic. It is better to view the seven colors of life as revealing and validating the best path to follow, as a prism fashions a rainbow.

{Friday}  ~Recovering from Bruises~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Message for Thursday 18 April 2019

Thursday 18 April 2019


Moon in Libra
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week is most intense this afternoon, 
and continues until Friday at 2:46p PT | 5:46p ET | 9:46p UT
< moon enters the Via Combusta (uncertainty during cosmic reshuffling, or a time of transition) at 4:53a PT | 7:53a ET | 11:53a UT (until Saturday morning)
The second Full Moon of Aries-Libra occurs Friday at 4:13a PT | 7:13a ET | 11:13a UT (the Easter Full Moon)

Sometimes fighting or arguing stems from the fact that one party knows more than the other. There are indications that you, or someone you connect with, knows a very great deal, even has some super-physical knowledge or intuitive skill of a high degree. Someone else who does not have the same gift may think that what you say, or this person says, is hokum, and you may feel you have to contradict that wrong opinion vociferously. Or, you have to decide whether or not it is worth while to engage in the conflict, and to what degree. Sometimes a subtle word, without stress, is enough to produce an effect later.

It is amazing how much apperceptive skill, expressed through finger-coordination, it takes to be a great pianist. Other skills can be compared to that---being semi-consciously aware of ten different factors (as ten digits, whether number or fingers) and manipulating them to such a degree that amazing compositions, musical or otherwise, result for the edification of humanity. You or someone you know may be doing this today, or you become aware of that, with Mercury poised with a quintile to Saturn on one side and Mars on the other. This is good luck with mental processes of any kind important to you.

Strength is built up through practicality and persistence, like "a man of humble appearance felling a tree with an ax." This is more exalting, even intoxicating, than seeking stimulation through drugs or alcohol. 

Nature's deeper secrets expand our livingness toward immortality. The super-powers of paragraph 1 are nascent in us. We are likely to be ken to secrets which bring prosperity, "A fertile garden under the full moon." Marc Edmund Jones named this degree "Ultimacy." In fact the moon will be exactly full after midnight (time above). There could be a basis for satisfaction through rich fulfillment. 

{Thursday}  {Ultimacy} 

Cosmic Piper

P. S. For Christians, this is Maundy Thursday, or the night Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples knowing what would follow on Friday. A mournful, painful, difficult occasion but soul-expanding when experienced with the humility of "Thy will be done." It is very hard to say anything about it; but it is expanded into some of the finest spiritual writing in the history of the world in John, chapters 13-17. In my experience this is the exalted peak of the four Gospels. Reading those chapters whether for the first or thousandth time would bring anyone a benediction.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Message for Wednesday 17 April 2019

Wednesday 17 April 2019

}Care Among Opportunities{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Libra at 4:23a PT | 7:23a ET | 11:23a UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 1:10p PT | 4:10p ET | 8:10p UT (until late afternoon Friday)

Humble, simple, ordinary activities are recommended, which are productive of nourishment and security.  

Some are feeling they have to test the patience of their opponents by speaking up saucily. If this went too far it could have a dangerous backlash. If just far enough it might awaken growth in both parties.

Mental or spiritual intoxication is far better than debauchment through alcohol or drugs, which could be a problem while Venus in Pisces remains squared to Jupiter in its own sign. "Too much of a good thing" is productive of hangover. The "earthquake" is probably just small events which seem disturbing, maybe after the |karmically serious third| of the week begins. People are working out their problems more successfully though the details be demanding part of the time. 

Yet there are lovely indications of the presence of someone generous, gifted, with a good heart, who appreciates luxuries and shares them with you. 

It may seem there are almost too many opportunities, a welter of them, yet in and through them a benediction. 

{Wednesday}  {Care Among Opportunities}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 15, 2019

Message for Tuesday 16 April 2019

Tuesday 16 April 2019

\Realism Seems Promising/

Moon in Virgo

A new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins at 2:30p PT | 5:30p ET | 9:30p UT (lasting through June 19)

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:30p PT | 12:30a(W) ET | 4:30a UT

People have been intensely disagreeable about religious and political matters (Venus and Mercury square Jupiter) but this does not have to be as acute as before. You see a better way to communicate, or to finesse issues through indirect communication or telepathic diplomacy rather than painful words.

Those who have gained prestige through birth, inheritance, or luck may not retain it forever; there could be signs of this in those you know or in the news. Reversals of fortune could stem from decadent attitudes, presuming that they are immune to what others suffer. A different symptom of this could be overeating or overindulging oneself in other ways (again, Venus exactly square Jupiter).

Security can be yours through being wary of dangers and thereby preventing loss. "A new moon that divides its influences" (symbolically; the moon is not "new" now in actuality) suggests finesse in choices, yet this could be vacillation at first until you get a strong sense of where the wind is blowing or how to follow valid trends. Then you would be secure, and could count on the faith and goodwill of friends and associates.

The beginning of a new Bright Hermetic Epoch, extending through June 19th, is a positive sign. Today you may still be involved in clearing away some of the "old stuff" you have been dealing with for weeks, but you should be seeing that this is almost finalized. The past does not have to cling around your ankles any more. You are identifying "a new path of realism in experience." 

{Tuesday}  /Realism Seems Promising\

Cosmic Piper

". . . against Thee no man on earth can be right . . . "

". . . in Thy gracious kindness, show me the level road."

--Psalm 143

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Message for Monday 15 April 2019

Monday 15 April 2019

\Determinative Perceptions/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon void-of-course until it enters Virgo at 3:15a PT | 6:15a ET | 10:15a UT

Charubel promises us new discoveries today, based on his symbol for the sun's position. This could be in connection with health, work, income, or friendship. The mind is sharp: Mercury and Mars in a quintile. 

"A new path of realism in experience" means we are identifying what works and distinguishing it from what does not work. 

You admire someone royal, kingly or queenly; you can gain power and authority through cooperation with her or him.

In "The purging of the priesthood" we have a symbol suggesting that we can see through hypocrisies, whether in religion, government, business or elsewhere. We do not want to tolerate what is manifestly unfair or wrongfully judgmental. Yet, let us hope, we will avoid the other mistake of becoming overly judgmental ourselves, and extend a hand of helpful reassurance to those being "purged" of their falseness no matter what that may be. 

The man in the balloon with the dark clouds beneath him is still up there; that is you rising beyond some confusions or contradictions in your experience and almost ready to decide definitely what is what. Then you can go wherever you want in that balloon, or come down safely. 

{Monday}  /Determinative Perceptions\

Cosmic Piper