Monday, April 8, 2019

Message for Tuesday 9 April 2019

Tuesday 9 April 2019

}Endurance Brings Benefits{

Moon in Gemini

There is always the choice as to whether to try to "steel" you for the hard aspects going on, or comfort you by praising the rosy ones. I try to do both but then fear you will think I am talking out of both sides of my mouth and being inconsistent. There are always good and hard aspects going on.

My belief is that by telling you about the hard ones, and then suggesting ways to transmute them into good, I will be aiding you. But it seems that some readers always take this honest recognition of difficulties as just "negative" and then feel despair. I don't know what to do about that. I do my best to try to suggest how to overcome the difficulties. I can't pretend there are no difficulties to overcome. 

Tuesday:  It is always good to pray for help and guidance, and that is specially recommended today. The sun's square with Saturn is exact within a degree and closing. This is not a disaster, for most, but it "attacks our weaknesses" in order to help us overcome them. It makes us aware of issues we don't want to be aware of. 

But all is not grim. "An old-fashioned well" shows something simple and sharable, life with others in natural ordinary connections which need no explanation or justification. This ease of shared living is a recompense for whatever difficulties we may be working through. 

You have explored things which seem feasible, yet you have doubts, and this is reflected by Mercury squared to Jupiter, increasing by the day. This can be bias in people, and wrong ideas which get a foothold in them. You may feel helpless to help them get better perspective. Yet "A man in a balloon with the clouds beneath him" is transcending such confusions at a spiritual level, and so can you. Others too will eventually rise out of misconceptions and misunderstandings. Meanwhile one has to be patient.

Being a pioneer is adventurous and inquisitive. There is no reason to squelch one's adventurous side, yet the sun in Aries the pioneer is square Saturn in Capricorn the reliable one. So it seems that being reliable and holding on to needed security squelches adventurous pioneering. Somehow you are working out this diremption one way or another. It's easy to say "You can do both" but it may seem hard, temporarily, to get one's footing. As always I say that beginning April 16 (and then for two months) we may have an easier time of it. Meanwhile we do our best and that prepares the way.

As for taxes, an emphasis on money houses suggests many will be working on them today before the deadline. Yet there can also be a celebratory mode, "An Easter promenade," whereby we "strut our stuff" or show the world that we are alive, well, and worthy of attention.

{Tuesday}  {Endurance Brings Benefits}

Cosmic Piper

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