Thursday, April 25, 2019

Message for Friday 26 April 2019

Friday 26 April 2019

}Out of Turmoil to Connectivity{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
/moon remains void-of-course 
until it enters Aquarius at  2:28a PT | 5:28a ET | 9:28a UT
|Karmically serious third| of this week remains until 5:33p PT | 8:33p ET | 12:33a(Sa) UT

Indications are mixed, with warnings of conflict and torture or torment. Actual torture is the worst crime a human being or group of them can commit and it should be totally eradicated from human consciousness. Unfortunately, many Netflix and feature film stories are filled with actual or indirect torture and that is not good. In fact it is hideous and people need to improve their tastes. You may encounter this issue today.

"An empty hammock" is a puzzling symbol, but in Dr. Jones's elucidation it suggests a freedom to be either in the hammock or out of it, and so the freedom we all have at core to make our choices. The keyword "rumination" means that if we are "hammocking" we are meditating on varied potentials of the past and future, a healthy and creative activity.

One should not fail to see or welcome beautiful things, gracious synchronicities, revealing serendipities.  A bluebird could herald good fortune. So could any symbol or signal which catches your eye or ear.  As for the ugly ones, we should not truck to them or let them get in our heads. Let the ugly be transformed into the beautiful through imaging.

One does not have to be rash, impetuous, or quarrelsome, or disturb the peace of others, to be confidently oneself. 

Novelties and variations in human connections are exciting. One is stirred to cooperate with the trend of events. One shares one's liberation with others who feel liberated. This can be a cure for paragraph 1.

Comfort, happiness, contentment and luxury are possibilities, more likely later in the day.  

{Friday}  {Out of Turmoil to Connectivity}

Cosmic Piper

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