Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Message for Wednesday 10 April 2019

Wednesday 10 April 2019

}Making Merit Appreciable{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:28a PT | 1:28p ET | 5:28p UT
until it enters Cancer at 8:32p PT | 11:32p ET | 3:32a(Th) UT

It's hard to talk about "the other side" or life after death because people have so many differing ideas about it. I consider Surviving Death by Leslie Kean (published just a couple years ago) the finest, most thoroughly researched book on the topic, from a reportorial viewpoint, with ten chapters written by experts other than the author herself. It seems there might be some interest in all this today (for your personal reasons). 

In using incisive intellect, some can be too aggressive or contentious, to the point of wounding someone's feelings or justified pride. They are trying to teach, but fail because provoking a backlash. One can avoid doing this oneself, and be wisely above the battle if someone else does it. "A master instructing his pupil" can succeed only if his or her elucidations are constructive and harmonious. 

Self-renewal in social connections is symbolized by "An old-fashioned well." People seek recompense for weariness in familiar spots where they can recover with a drink or casual conversation. Venus with Neptune suggests links other-worldly yet real. 

We desire recognition for our conscious merits, and this is not wrong if not exaggerated into overweening pride. It is possible to share, give, and receive in return some kind of reassurance that life and oneself are okay and even wonderful. 

{Wednesday}  {Making Merit Appreciable}

Cosmic Piper

P. S. It's always hard to predict exactly when the best times are for doing important things which might have long-term consequences. One rule is, in general, to avoid the void-of-course periods when possible ("avoid the void!"), and we have one today lasting ten hours (times above). That might mean one ought to try to make specially important calls, contacts, or emails before or after the v-of-c time.  During the v-of-c one might be at the "old-fashioned well." Also, one cannot say that all initiatives or new ideas and plans are premature during the Dark Hermetic Epoch lasting until Tuesday the 16th, yet one might find that they have a way of tangling and re-tangling, of needing further information or input or clarification. I mention this so you won't be upset if you are going through that process. You can keep figuring it out and should have better answers by the two-month period after the 16th (until June 20). What you are doing now contributes to that outcome, perhaps in ways you can't foresee. 

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