Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Message for Thursday 25 April 2019

Thursday 25 April 2019

\Proficiency Anticipating the Beautiful/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:49p PT | 3:49p ET | 7:49p UT

Love, passion, and the Beautiful are accentuated. People want to reach out to the wonderful Other despite the difficulties of the |serious third| of this week. 

Conscious self-awareness incorporates into itself the lives of other human beings. This can be through fiction, drama, TV, people-watching in a public place, or personal dreaming and imaging, reaching out not just to observe but to become the Other. 

One might worry about possible catastrophe or the abscission of projects. There is always something to replace whatever is lost. 

You may feel you could stand on a dais, your head enwreathed with laurels, share your mind-wealth and earn the favor of hearers. Or you may admire and learn from someone like that. The latter leads to the former.

Avoiding dangers through presence of mind is something one can do without unnecessary worry. Intelligent caution can be implicit, not disturbing. One could be "A fox running beneath the shadow of a wall."

Then one can shift easily from one focus to another, "A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once." Such proficiency is a reward of effort and self-training which bring it. 

{Thursday}  /Proficiency Anticipating the Beautiful\

P. S.  The |difficult third| period, though perhaps most intense this morning, fades away gradually and ends Friday at 5:33p PT | 8:33p ET | 12:33a(Sa) UT. It has left the weekends and shall move further back to mid-week. 

Cosmic Piper

P. P. S. I keep wondering why so few find these reports worth reading. I believe it stems from some belief that they are intended just to predict things so one will be prepared for them. More than that, I hope that they enhance things! I am trying to give the cosmic-human flavor of each day so that by pondering that your experience will be enriched and your living more understandable and enjoyable. If that is happening for you, you are among the elite. 

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