Monday, April 1, 2019

Message for Tuesday 2 April 2019

Tuesday 2 April 2019

~The Long Hike~

Moon in Pisces

Are you weary of hearing about Mercury Retrograde? Me too, but it's not over. Yes, that planet, from our geocentric perspective, "turned direct" on the 28th, but have you really noticed a huge improvement since then? On Saturday the 30th I waited 40 minutes for a bus which was supposed to come every 12 minutes. A beautiful day was passing me by. Today (Monday as I write) we find that a mysterious computer outage is causing flight delays at major airports (and the link I just coped to post here will not paste, very much like a Mercury retrograde phenomenon). In short, we are still in the Slow or Dark Hermetic Epoch until April 16, as I have been forecasting for a couple of months. One reason people don't "believe in" Mercury Retrograde is that they are not fools and they see that things do not immediately get better the day after Mercury turns direct. I saw this in the 1970s and studied the phenomenon and discovered and named the Hermetic Epochs, or the longer periods which include about two weeks before and two weeks after the retrograde period, while Mercury is moving slower than the sun (or the earth depending on how you look at it, solar-centrically or geocentrically). That amounts to almost half of the time, a little less. These are not "bad" periods, as you know if you've been reading these forecasts, any more than night is "bad," but they have a lot of delays and obstacles in them. We just don't see the purpose these delays and obstacles are meant to serve in the over-all scheme of the cosmos and our lives. Hence these forecasts; thank you for bearing with me and considering them . . .

Tuesday:  Those who recover slowly and patiently from setbacks are on a long pilgrimage and their internal patience or serenity is their secret treasure, no matter how their fortunes vacillate. Are there really malignant or hostile powers which afflict good or outstanding people? Charubel thinks so, but promises that eventually they will conquer them and shine like "a bright blue triangle embedded in gold, while the fog clears away from it." May that be happening for you today.

There is a joy in worldly goods, and while some may hope for them in what seems a childish way, like waiting for Santa, still they may receive more than expected, rejoice in that and then give in turn. 

Rising above troubles is possible by  measuring and using things which seem immeasurable: "A man in a balloon with the dark clouds beneath him." 

Enduring effort brings reward, like a crown someone receives after climbing a mountain. One's natural interest in making those efforts is what keeps one going.

Chasing an adventurous fortune seems precarious, yet many succeed in that eventually. One has to keep practicing and rising to the occasion, like a jockey.

{Tuesday}  ~The Long Hike~

Cosmic Piper

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