Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday, Thursday, 1-2 August (and early Friday)

Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Wednesday 1 August at 2:57a PT | 5:57a ET | 9:57p UT
through Thursday 2 August
/moon goes void-of-course Friday 3 at 12:25a PT | 3:25a ET | 7:25a UT
until Luna enters Pisces Friday at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT

}Deserved Summertime Fulfillment{

We have five planets in air signs, and a grand trine in air during this period because the moon in Aquarius completes it just for these couple of days. This is "breezy" in an inner sense, because the air signs bring their blessing of expanded insight as well as wit, cleverness, and often fun with a sense of humor. That is because of the "detached" nature of these signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), not as "stuck" to the reality of things as the earth signs, nor as remote and idealistic as the fire signs, nor as emotionally involved as the water signs. They are considered intellectual or mental, yet can have human concerns about other human beings, just in a more "detached" or humorous way much of the time. They are quick to perceive things or connections and to act, but with Mercury retrograde (until the 8th, a week from Wednesday) are not immune to premature action leading to tangles. (The wind blows those important papers out of your hand while you are gazing at someone walking by.)

It should be a smoother, less challenging time than Monday and Tuesday. It's the Full Moon period, with expanded consciousness, fullness of realization. You can see the universe in a grain of sand or a flower.

There could be hurry and impatience. Thinking something is other than where it is could result in racing in circles.

It is good to keep up with work you believe in, even if some of it seems premature, because it is on an upward trajectory despite delays.

An artist may be important to you, his or her dwelling, person, or creativity. You may consider art objects, furnishings, or other details of your home. You want things to be perfect for yourself there, no matter how mysterious to others.

It is delightful to experience nature as it is, plus the human touches which bring it closer. Trees and blooms seem miracles. Children playing in nature link themselves with invisible spirits.

It is true that the sun is already declining, for us in the Northern Hemisphere, the days growing shorter, so whatever the weather we may well treasure the splendors spread before us.

Summers Past beckon to you. Do you remember some of them, the wonder of them? The sun-blessed trust in life, nature, fellow beings, friends and G*d, the warm expansion of awareness? Relaxing into Summers Past enhances enjoyment of the present.

Self-indulgence, even self-debasement, is possible, if you were to appropriate too much of a good thing. Yet the shared pleasures of life can be nonpareil. You sense how and where to find them, and with whom, or even alone.

Those present at the Olympics, from around the world, are a symbol of all of us now, for we mix with others from near or far as gypsies around a caldron. As at the Olympics, there is contest, whether overt and organized or covert and informal. We all want to shine, to win the gold in some area of talent or expertise. We do not need to hit or kick someone to do that, for contest can be civilized and fun, whether we seem to lose or win by any hopelessly conventional, superficial measurement.

{Wednesday, Thursday, early Friday} {Deserved Summertime Fulfillment}

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Forecast: Monday and Tuesday, 30-31 July, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Capricorn, 2012

Beginning Monday 30 July at 12:30a PT | 3:30a ET | 7:30a UT
through Tuesday 31 July
/moon goes void-of-course late Tuesday 31
at 4:32p PT | 7:32p ET | 11:32p UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Wednesday 1 August
at 2:57a PT | 5:57a ET | 9:57p UT

\Friendliness During Backtracking Self-Proving/

"Row, row, row your boat, fiercely past the weir,
Gloomily, gloomily, gloomily, gloomily,
Life is really a nightmare."

Did you sing that song in grade school? No? What about this one:

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream."

I prefer the second one too. The point is, we have our choice, more or less, during the Mercury Retrograde cycle. The first was the song of the Colorado killer, who committed his crimes on July 20, six days after the retrograde cycle began. (July 15 through August 7 this time.) The second could be our song if we get in the right spirit.

"Life is but a dream" means a lot more than appears. While Mercury is retrograde, it seems almost literally true. People do get lazy, so "Up a Lazy River" could be a good theme song for the MR cycle during this summertime. If, of course, you don't have duties to keep you from the Lazy River (and most of us do). Also we get dreamy. I felt today that I wanted to vanish into dreams of the past, of a city I haven't visited for 32 years, and recover something from that era in my life which feels deep, true, poignant and ineffably beautiful. You might say that I am filtering my memories through rose-colored glasses. Perhaps. But that is not a crime when it is uplifting. Our souls remember more definitely the good from our pasts than the horrid. The latter is a nightmare which passes, although some say we have to revisit some of those nightmares in our early after-death state in order to purge ourselves of those horrid experiences and learn what we still have to learn from them. Some of that could go on during the MR period also, as in troubled dreams. Then there can be the blissful dreams. I hope you are having some of the latter, and that you deal with the former in a way to learn from them.

There is a toughness in this two-day period, perhaps a little harsher on Tuesday. It's a need to prove yourself. You have work to do and you like that work; it is your choice; yet it can be forbidding at times. You meet a defeat here and there. Insofar as you believe in your mission, you will carry on. It is well to make sure those in high positions whom you serve are honest. If they and you are, nothing can defeat you ultimately.

A verbal bomb could explode, set off by someone who disagrees about something, yet peace in the valley can be recovered. Respecting the needs of neighbors can fit in with your other responsibilities.

Whether someone you like is devoted to the arts or the sciences, he or she is friendly, or wants to be no matter what problems have come up between you. Your sensibilities, and hers or his, are refined and so can rise beyond irritations.

You are deft in handling everything at home or headquarters, shaping things slowly  in directions which please you. That gives you a feeling of freedom and independence.

No matter how wary you may be of people and activities, there can be fun and excitement. The thrill of it is not without danger.

When some things get out of kilter or have to be abandoned because of dysfunction, you may need a respite from them for a while (Mercury retrograde). Rebeginning or rebuilding is possible, but the timing is not entirely in your hands. If you take care of the most essential, the less essential will take care of themselves. (The most-most essential, in my view, is one's relation to the Highest.)

There is luxury, within limits. You might notice how superficial, even inane, is the showy display of some who think their finery or expensive tastes make them superior. On the other hand, some earned luxuries boost your and others' morale.

It's not a time for excess. "Less is more" comes back as a proverb which has not lost its value. People can enjoy themselves in friendly ways with less cost rather than more. That applies to travel as well.

Friendship is alive. Someone attracted to you is persuasive. You too can be persuasive, if you remember that people are double-minded at this time (Mercury retrograde) and also, for these two days, highly sensitive and probably worried about something. So they appreciate your friendship more than they let on.

{Tuesday and Wednesday} /Friendliness During Backtracking Self-Proving\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 27, 2012

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Sagittarius, 2012

Beginning late Friday 27 July-early Saturday 28 at
10:19p(F) PT | 1:19a(Sa) ET | 5:19a(Sa) UT
through Saturday 28 July
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 29 at
2:02p PT | 5:02P ET | 9:02p UT
until Luna enters Capricorn Monday 30 July at
12:30a PT | 3:30a ET | 7:30a UT


With the entrance of the moon into Sagittarius we are out of the three-day (Wednesday through Friday) period I pointed out as perhaps the "bottom" of the Mercury-retrograde cycle because of lunar positions. [I see just before I post this that during those days there has been crazy or hazardous weather in many parts of the country; not in mine, so I was unaware of it.] We are still in the Mercury-backward stage until Wednesday August 8. Face it, fess up, you have been lazy. You have been "out of pattern" at least, if you will not plead guilty to laziness.

For example, a friend invited me last week to see another friend's work at an art gallery. We arrived just after opening time to find a note there saying the gallery would open three hours late that day. No explanation. Somebody was in the perils of Mercury Retrograde and could not or would not arrive on time to open the gallery. So we had three extra hours, and since we are both astrologers, took it philosophically. We visited a library, and then had a fantastic lunch at a place we otherwise might not have visited. Hurrah for Mercury Retrograde! It can be good for just that sort of thing, the unexpected, and sometimes that unexpected can be very enjoyable. My friend had been at this restaurant many times years ago and did not know it was still there. Hurrah for Mercury retrograde! It can be returning to old scenes, expectedly or unexpectedly. When we finally arrived at the gallery we met the artist himself, which was not expected. Hurrah for Mercury retrograde! It tends to pull people's paths into congruence in unexpected, fateful ways. My friend had taken three books out of the library, books she had never thought of reading before (Mercury retrograde, doing things "out of pattern"). She forgot that she had put them on a table at the gallery. So I volunteered to go back for them the next Monday after the gallery opened. Mercury retrograde, forgetfulness, human error (partially because one is doing things "out of pattern"). That Monday, although I had reminded myself of my task the night before, I never thought of the books. (Forgetfulness again.) When my friend mentioned them on Tuesday I apologized, and went back to get them Wednesday. Okay, that is Mercury's day, and it is still retrograde. (Backtracking, part of any backward Mercury period.) I viewed the artist's work for a second time. Mercury retrograde can be repetition of things you have already done, sometimes voluntary, sometimes involuntary. Coming home I decided to go to a supermarket I don't usually use (out of pattern). I put two items in my cart, then could not find two other items I definitely wanted, and was angry at the store, and left the cart in an aisle with the two items, huffing out of the store annoyed at my waste of time. Mercury retrograde, waste of time. (My behavior was not nice, and probably unethical, since someone would have to remove the items from the cart and put them back on the shelves.) Mercury retrograde can signify impatience, sometimes of monstrous proportions (the Colorado killings by a man impatient with the frustrations of his college career). I decided then to go to a store quite a way out of the way, and huffed and puffed up a steep hill, stopping at two street corners to rest (Mercury retrograde, delays). I had never walked all the way up that hill before (out of pattern). Yes, I finally got home with the items I needed. Not everything is impossible at these times, thanks to the G*d of heaven who is greater than the heavens! Although, because of (a) the person not opening the gallery on time the week before and (b) my friend forgetting her books and perhaps (c) my forgetting to recover them on Monday, when things might have been easier, I "wasted" about three hours of my time and felt exhausted from all the walking. On the other hand, perhaps there was a "final cause" reason for all of this and perhaps the struggle up hill did me good.

And, this morning just before starting this report (on time) I noticed that I had given some of the lunar timing wrong in the previous report (Mercury retrograde, human errors) and conscientiously corrected it on three websites and for the Yahoo group (another mailing). That made me late in writing this report (lateness, Mercury retrograde).

I recant the above trivia just to show you the kinds of things which have convinced astrologers, over the millennia, that these are very special periods. So my advice is, Use the out-of-pattern quality of the time to do things you don't usually do, while at the same time not neglecting basic things which need to be done so you won't be in arrears or cause other trouble for yourself. It can be a reflective, illuminating, relaxing time if we use it wisely, which is after all the purpose of astrological analysis, observation and discovery.

And, I must continue . . . the moon is void-of-course as I write, although I try hard to avoid such periods. And I have to say, to controvert some who might think, 'Well, these astrologers and those who believe in them just find all kinds of excuses for flaking off, and blame it on the planets," NO! because as a matter of fact, if I did NOT know that the moon was void-of-course now while Mercury is retrograde, I would be somewhere else. I would not be sitting here at home writing this, I would be out for a walk or doing something for sheer relaxation and entertainment. That was my very strong tendency today. Knowing about these positions encouraged me to "keep on keeping on" because I knew my desire to escape was a mechanical reaction based on internal reactions to the planetary and lunar positions. That made me stronger to continue with the forecast even though I didn't want to. Whether the result is worth while is for you and others to judge. So far, you might think, "Well this long rant has been pretty worthless, it must have been the moon void-of-course." Okay. But all this can have very serious implications. For example, if the Colorado killer had known astrology (instead of neuroscience in which he was involved) he might have said to himself, "I see that I am inclined to do some very crazy, wrong things while Mercury is retrograde, when people are more inclined do those things, so I had better wait it out instead. A couple more weeks." He would have come to his senses. Astrology can be highly therapeutic and prophylactic (preventative).

Now to the forecast:

For this two-day weekend period, there are tendencies to "flake off," relax with friends or alone, eat and drink more than usual. I am not going to judge you one way or the other on that.

Other trends are remarkably uplifting. You are in touch, outwardly or inwardly, with someone glorious, prophetic, transcendent. You may appear to be such to someone else. In the midst of the Mercury-retrograde cycle, people can "come into their own" when they remember who they are at some deep level, joining all the links of their lives into one golden chain of dazzlement.

There is also a "misery loves company" syndrome, because despite the foregoing paragraph, many will feel the sadness of what is missing in their lives, what they have lost, or what they imagine they will never attain. Let's make this poignant rather than depressing. With depression, one feels there is nothing. With poignancy, one finds one's whole being pointed past sadness toward a higher passion, meaning, hope, readiness for transcendence.

You reach out toward remarkable connections. You see the hook-ups between varied phenomena, ideas, people. We are all implicit astrologers when we gaze at the night sky. Oh, that is us up there! said the ancients, and imagined the constellations, bursting also with animals and gods. And here we are on a summer evening, being whatever we can.

And so the mood can be elevated. Anything is possible, we are sure.

Reorientation is a key whenever you feel lost, as we all can when Mercury is retrograde. The "lostness" could be internal or external or both. You can re-find your way, with your own compass or the help of a stranger. The paths of the world, the roads of destiny, are congruent in some higher scheme of things, out of which we can never fall.

People feed one another, are kind to one another, sensing needs and conveying healing for large or tiny hurts.

Many sense that they could be famous. This is heady, dizzying. In some way you are superior. Summoning courage, you can display talents freely.

There is a confluence between age and youth. Those who feel they are abandoned because of age are finding renewed possibilities, and ought to convince themselves of that even when there seems little evidence of it. We all feel deserted at times, and have all been guilty of desertion. The mellowness of maturity can join hands with the naively exhilarating hopefulness of youth in old and young alike.

{Saturday and Sunday} *Dazzlement*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Correction to the Thursday-Friday Forecast:

The section giving timing, at the beginning of the report for Thursday 26 July-Friday 27 July, was wrong in saying that the moon goes void-of-course Friday the 26th. It should have been Thursday the 26th. Here is the revised time-table:
Sun in Leo and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 25 June at 7:30p PT | 10:30p ET | 2:30a(Th) UT
through Thursday 26 June
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 26
at 8:39a PT | 11:39a ET | 3:39p UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius late Friday 27-early Saturday 28 at

10:19p(F) PT | 1:19a(Sa) UT | 5:19a(Sa) UT 

~Holding Things Together with Savvy~
I did not note any problems with the rest of the text.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Forecast: Thursday and Friday, July 26-27, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 25 June at 7:30p PT | 10:30p ET | 2:30a(Th) UT
through Thursday 26 June
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 26
at 8:39a PT | 11:39a ET | 3:39p UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius late Friday 27-early Saturday 28 at

10:19p(F) PT | 1:19a(Sa) UT | 5:19a(Sa) UT 

~Holding Things Together with Savvy~

I'm writing this on Tuesday before the moon goes void-of-course (virtually all day Wednesday) but still I am forty minutes behind because of a forty-minute wait for my computer to get ungummed. This is typical of Mercury Retrograde (until August 8, although the Dark Epoch continues two more weeks after that, at least, as always and as you must know if you have paid any attention to these reports over the years). So, in case it needs repeating, the current time frame is SLOW, slow, slow, slow, with backtracking and confusion, but also with a chance to recapture the past, to rethink the past and present and get your bearings--if you do that with a quiet, calm, spiritual orientation as best you can.

Thursday and Friday may be slightly better than Wednesday, but I cannot guarantee that, because while the moon is both Via Combusta and void-of-course Wednesday, a double-witching, it is still Via Combusta Thursday and will be void-of-course Friday (though no longer Via Combusta). So we have three days which, if not useless, are at least peculiar, as you are sure to notice.

To make them not useless, I cam only recommend, as said, calm, quietude, and spiritual orientation. These would be good days for a spiritual retreat. If you can't do that, focus on old things in your work which have been left undone and do them simply and patiently, while open to unexpected revelations linking the past, present and future (yet while not planning that future in any specific detail, where you could definitely go wrong).

I will try to be positive in the following forecast, but please take the positivity with a grain of salt, remembering the previous three paragraphs. It's not that you can't do anything worth while but that your way of doing it will undergo many modifications in the process, most likely, and that will end up being good if those modifications come from your deeper self.

Limits in love are not impossible to face, but may make you solitary. Love is not absent but may be muted, or having to come out in sneaky unexpected only-partially-satisfying ways.

You can work at home or in your job with a focus on old stuff which has to be cleared away gradually.

Your job might seem burdensome, so that you wonder why you are doing it. Its peculiarities and strange ins-and-outs will become clearer eventually.

Which climate or region is best for you? Obviously the one where you are, but you may wonder. Something fateful about your location and about your business is working out. You can't force big changes but can be patient with old business you have to finish sooner or later. Future potentials cannot emerge until then. It is not a pointless struggle.

Crisis or danger is part of the picture. You can endure it and gain from it because of the lessons it teaches, although it's not likely you'll welcome them.

A conscious attempt to secure justice for yourself or others may be required. You can do it when you know you are right. And then you will be representing others who are or could be in a similar situation. That is a noble thing to do.

To be impetuous in asserting your rights could be good. It could be a mistake if you do it with rancor or violence. This is a fine line you need to avoid crossing to your own or anyone's hurt. If you are in certain parts of the world, you could encounter terrorists. Most likely those reading those reports will not, but could hear about them, or encounter someone whose words or gestures are the only violence. Some feel their patience is strained to the limit.

At another level, there can be cunning competition, with success. You are tired of losing, being spurned or ignored, and so could use the skills you have in a power-play. There is no damage done if this hurts no one and exalts you when you need to feel your life counts.

There are those who sacrifice themselves, or rather their time and energy, to help others who have gotten in trouble. You benefit by some such individual. Likewise, you could be that individual for someone else.

Sometimes people (or you or I) give up on the hard labor of life when it seems futile, and amuse themselves, indifferent to the labors of others who might be keeping the world together for us.  If this is a phase of release it is not sinful. This period is midway between the second paragraph preceding, suggesting competition, and the current one suggesting pleasurable indifference. It is yours to find the right path in one way, the other, both, or the middle.

{Thursday and Friday} ~Holding Things Together with Savvy~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Forecast: Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 23-25, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Libra, 2012

Beginning Monday 23 July at 3:29p PT | 6:29p ET | 10:29p UT
through Tuesday 24 July
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 25 at 8:23a PT|11:23a ET|3:23p UT
until Luna enters Scorpio late Wednesday-early Thursday
at 7:30p(W) PT | 10:30a(Th) ET | 2:30a(Th) UT

}Letting All Be Themselves{

A quick rundown: Wednesday is the "worst" day of these, with the moon both in the Via Combusta and void-of-course. Tuesday is more tolerable for most purposes although touchy. Late Monday just after the period begins could be quite nice, with the moon forming a sextile with the sun. It could be a good social evening. Tuesday also could be sociable although with the "touchiness" pointed out.

There is no need to despair, although many may be in a despairing mood. You see so much that is possible! Good or fascinating people (they are not always the same) are within your purview. Yet it seems hard to know what to do with them.

Your visions and hopes are high and exalted. You are passionate. If not in love, you are nearly in love. How do you shape the world to your liking? By loving it first. That has a little suffering mixed with it.

At times you may want to just "give up," submit to whatever impulses or whims move you, opt out from decisions or manfulness or womanfulness. Oy vey, it could be Mercury retrograde. It is a natural refocusing time for all of us.

Without depreciating yourself, you may reduce your self-image. It feels better to be humble. If you flaunt your image you will be disappointed, so you choose to de-inflate it. I'm just one of the common folk; like me for that. We all see through vain snobbery.

Your background is your back, that is, it has your back, you can rely on it for support, so do that. You might read old books, look at old photos, remember old scenes, people, friends, relatives. This is vigor and sustainment. You might reach further, into the background of the human race, through scriptures or ancient teachings. (A friend told me that the 150 Psalms contain every sort of prayer ever needed by anybody. She was probably right.)

You have to dig deep to find what you need, in terms of people, friendships, connections. That could mean facing and accepting the scrungy, difficult, peculiar, unattractive components of the people with whom you have to deal. You are not the first to have done that, nor is this the first time you have done it. We have to find the gold within the lead or we may never find it.

Escaping from the world entirely is what you may dream of on Wednesday. There is wandering and uncertainty, a lack of any feeling of responsibility except to preserve one's bare existence. Yet this can feel liberating.

Those who are sick, needy, or upset may appreciate your kindness. This last may be the best remedy of all.

Desertion or abandonment is a hard thing to face. I doubt that anyone is deliberately abandoning you. It just seems that way. They may feel abandoned themselves, by someone else or maybe by you. So the humility mentioned above comes in to rescue all of us, if we just let our hair down and be what we are, letting others be the same, opening to the equality of honest interaction.

{Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday} {Letting All Be Themselves}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 20, 2012

Forecast: Late Saturday, Sunday, early Monday, July 21-23, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Virgo, 2012

Beginning Saturday 21 July at 10:25a PT | 1:25p ET | 5:25p UT
through Sunday 22 July
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday at 5:45p PT|8:45p ET|12:45a(M)UT
until Luna enters Libra Monday 23 at 3:39p PT|6:39p ET|10:39p UT

\The Wager Divine/

As I write everybody seems to be thinking or talking about the killings in Colorado. I noted that they occurred at a Century 16 theater. Then later I noticed in a photo that the killer, in his school days, wore a 16-numbered jersey on his soccer team. In the Tarot, 16 is the card of the lightning-struck tower, showing a male and female figure falling from the crumbling tower. I do not fear the number 16, but I notice things like this. When I lived at 1600 Hillside Road in Boulder, a mansion on a hill overlooking the city and a high school football field (16 is the card of Mars and so connected with young males and sports), one day I walked into the bathroom and found the ceiling had fallen in. I had to remove some of it to use the plumbing. Then I had arguments with some of the young males who were caretakers of the property. Then I complained about noise next door. The owner "fixed" the wall but the noise was no better. Finally when I left I had to point out to the owners that they were breaking the law by not returning to me interest on my security deposit. Reluctantly, they did so. However, I had many happy days there and accomplished some things.

It is not a number to be feared, but it has its problems as well as its benefits. Does anybody really believe that the "sweet" 16th teen-age year is really sweet? We all have to pass through that, of course.

These are some side reflections. See the quotation from Jung below. One sees things like this especially while Mercury is retrograde. Synchonicity is rampant, so that we live in Synchronous City. It is not superstitious to note cabalistic correspondences with numbers. It would be superstitious to make too much of them. I did not refrain from moving into 1600 Hillside even though I knew about the reputation of 16 from previous observations. I thought it might be an adventure. It was.

Nor would I say one ought never to visit a Century 16 theater, but to me common sense would suggest not going to a violent after-midnight movie in a dark theater full of strangers. Especially, perhaps, if the number 16 or 13 appears on the front of the building.

As for Mars, he is guilty, in the guise of the young male killer. There is something seriously wrong with the male (Mars) genetic code, as all women know. It becomes especially pernicious when Mars is in hard aspect with Uranus, as it was at the time of the killings by less than one degree. Perhaps I should have pointed out this danger in these reports. It is doubtful that that would have saved anyone. I find it nearly impossible to mention, in every forecast, all the cogent factors which might be mentioned, and so leave it to your  foresight and intuition to put together what you can from clues I am inspired to offer.

Other, and perhaps more important, manifestations of the Mars-Uranus aspect were the killings in Syria, as well as who knows how many other atrocities going on in that desolate land, as well as the international uproar over it; and also the bus attack in Bulgaria. For most of us this aspect has been more subjective, perhaps an internal anger or upset over something, or a repressed hostility toward something or someone, or other irritating matters.

It is still there within three degrees during this period. Deal with it, is the only harsh advice I know how to offer quickly. Further, Pluto is there in the mix; the two planets both form squares with it, one by less than one degree, the other by a little more than three. Pluto when badly aspected is not a nice god, entity, aspect of the collective unconscious, or manifestation of human tendencies working toward divinity, but a nasty problematic one, working in secrecy or under the cover of darkness. "The Dark Knight" suggests him.

But I try to make these forecasts inspiring rather than dreary, because we are learning to divinise these aspects, century by century, and perhaps my optimism is a century or two ahead of the current situation.

During this period: A rural scene with flocks and rugged beauty may be in your mind, or you might pass through it.

There are individuals, some or one of whom you are aware, who are lost to sight of the general public for many years yet emerge later as remarkable ones who have contributed something decisive to the human race.

Your mind is active, and you admire the mind of a partner or one with whom you are in beneficial and vigorous communication.

When you have a definite desire of which you strongly approve and push it on the world, you may succeed or not, but at least you will learn, grow, and find yourself on a more perspicuous plateau in your life-adventure.

You learn to choose with whom to talk, what to read, what to study, what to discuss, teach, or learn, through natural affinities. You drop some things, books, studies, individuals to make place for others more congenial and helpful. All this can reach a point of enjoyment or deep pleasure during this period. Affection springs up among birds of a feather.

Someone in a specialized area is a good teacher for you. That does not mean you agree with every facet of his or her presentation. You may emulate him by teaching in turn, and likewise face differences with your students. Mars sextile Mercury exactly brings out mental powers.

You can be fearless, dignified, and noble. Remember to be kind as well.

Knowledge and power go with pride. There is false pride and true pride, the latter happy to use knowledge and power for the benefit of all.

While at home, or a place which feels like home, you understand your essential dominion.

You cut out a line which gets attention and feel pleased. You enjoy and appreciate others who are making a splash in life, taking their chances to be spectacular.

{Late Saturday, Sunday, early Monday, July 21-23, 2012}  /The Recurring Wager Divine\

Cosmic Piper

"I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud." - C.G.Jung

Let those who seek the Lord be joyful in heart.  --Psalm 105

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Forecast: Thursday, Friday, early Saturday, July 19-21, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Leo (reprise), 2012

Beginning Thursday 19 July at 3:14a PT | 6:14a ET | 10:14a UT
through Friday 20 July
/moon goes void-of-course Friday-Saturday 20-21
at 10:19p(F)PT | 1:19a(Sa) ET | 5:19a(Sa) UT
until Luna enters Virgo Saturday at 10:25a PT|1:25p ET|5:25p UT

*Summer Harmony*

Anybody for a cruise? That's what I thought of the second I looked at the chart for the current period. The fact that more people are taking them (and prices are often heavily discounted, check vacationstogo.com) could be connected with the presence of Neptune in Pisces--but don't rush for your ticket, you have until April 2025.

It looks like a lazy, easy summer period. Mercury retrograde (as of late last Saturday) has felt like a slightly uneasy recess--uneasy because there are things one could do, and one's conscience nags. I think we should be easier on ourselves at these times, choosing carefully major tasks and dropping minor ones which can be postponed. Easy and accessible natural beauty as in a yard or garden is emphasized this period.

Although you are careful about money (sun square Saturn), something prosperous is going on and you may feel you have plenty as compared with recent periods. Just thinking about money rolling in from income sources makes you feel good.

Those in building trades deserve our hearty appreciation; we all need homes. Although you may know nothing of those who built the rooms in which you dwell, you could give them thanks in your mind. House-building was considered a magical art, presided over by Hermes. (My only caveat with that is, I do not believe in overbuilding or in huge mansions for few residents, unless the world's population growth were to subside to make room.) A community project of some kind could be good for you, or just hobnobbing with neighbors.

All can be compatible with all, in a manner, if we work at it. Maybe there will be a neighborhood party. Well, some will put forward their ardent viewpoints, bordering on politics, which might rile you, but that is part of the "neighborhood" package. Being indignant about something wrong is a beginning of correcting it.

Adventure is fine if one is competent enough to face it. If not, such competence can be developed, and Mars-Mercury aspects favor this. What seemed scary becomes doable with practice. (Although ordinary caution always makes sense.)

Some facets of the chart are redolent of a summer church camp where hymns are offered up in a glorious natural setting. Whatever you are proud of about yourself gets reinforcement from the world. Then you feel pleased with your dominion over your bailiwick within it. There are small things you need to do which seem unfruitful, but these are part of the natural "cost of living," and dissolve within the larger glories you appreciate.

{Thursday, Friday, early Saturday} *Summer Harmony*

Cosmic Piper

"I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud." - C.G.Jung

Let those who seek the Lord be joyful in heart. --Psalm 105

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Forecast: Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 16-18

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Cancer (reprise), 2012

Beginning Monday 16 July at 5:32p PT | 8:32p ET | 12:32a(T) UT
through Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 July
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday-Thursday
at 9:25p PT|12:25a(Th)ET|4:25a(Th)UT
until Luna enters Leo Thursday 19 at 3:14a PT|6:14a ET|10: 14a UT

~Relying on or Developing Poise~

The T square with Mars opposing Uranus and both square Pluto is the big culprit, although it has been with us for days. If you felt I was too optimistic in the weekend report, it was because I did not give sufficient attention to this aspect. It was indeed a "Remarkable!" weekend for me but not as pleasant as I thought. I made some excellent discoveries and progress, but also had an unusual amount of trouble. The two seemed to go together. If I got your hopes up for a nicer weekend than you had, I apologize.

Going with the above is the sun's square with Saturn, never pleasant and always challenging. Especially during a Dark Hermetic Epoch it can mean delays. Old stuff has to be faced. I should have taken more account of this in the weekend forecast. It is still with us during this period.

And, for these two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, we are in the |difficult third of this week| by the moon-Saturn formula, so I cannot promise a great deal of "mercy" from the heavens. They want us to face up to our karma and handle what we have been assigned.

Still, there is love. Someone important to you could be either with you or present with you in your mind, telepathically, enough so that you feel supported by the relationship. Even love not returned in any objective sense is wholesome and uplifting.

Much can be given and received in a gracious manner, even when moods are extremely touchy.

You may deal with some who are self-willed and shallow, at least in appearance, and blanch at their effrontery. People feel challenged and although this may bring out the best of their efforts it probably won't bring out the best of their courtesy.

There can be repose when you need it. Something you have been choosing in connection with what entertains you is contributing to your emotional equipoise and peace of mind, whether music, films or reading.

Someone who does not seem bright or interesting may have business with you which you can facilitate by clarifying things for him or her as best you can.

Whatever might be dangerous or lead to unnecessary trouble needs to be guarded against, in view of the aspects already pointed out. That doesn't mean excessive worry, but reasonable caution.

Bursts of fame or notoriety you or others enjoy could be fascinating. Those who are not very responsible in a stolid way might still contribute dazzle and interest to the world.

I'll mention, reluctantly, that the Mars-Uranus opposition, with Uranus in a fire sign, could signify fires. Let's all be careful. It might also mean domestic strife and argument or turmoil brought on by anger not channeled wisely. Another possibility is resentment between smokers and non-smokers.

Vexations can be handled with equipoise if you "poise" yourself to do so. That means not running in several directions at once to catch up with things which seem pressing, but calming down and finishing one at a time. No matter how you are doing financially, there is real gain from equanimity of consciousness.

{Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday}  ~Relying on or Developing Poise~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Gemini, 2012

Beginning Saturday 14 July at 5:28a PT | 8:28a ET | 12:28p UT
through Sunday 15 July
/moon goes void-of-course Monday 16 at 3:58a PT|6:58a ET|10:58a UT
until Luna enters Cancer Monday at 5:32p PT| 8:32p ET | 12:32a(T) UT


Our moon is shrinking but in the 11th sector of "friendship" Saturday and Sunday, so connecting with people is favored. This is indicated also by Mars trining both Jupiter and Venus in air signs. Hobnobbing with people is recommended, whether in person or via Internet or phone.

Some will be traveling or going farther out of their neighborhoods than usual. Delays (Mercury slowing down) or peculiar setbacks should not faze you; take them as opportunities for adventure. (While waiting for a delayed bus, I chatted with a fellow waiter and it was a happy conversation for both of us.)

People are happy about some secret business deals, even if other deals are not to their liking. This is a time to do work you enjoy, if you do any work, and probably you will, whether hobby or other, because you feel like it. Sheer entertainment is also very much favored.

The Dark Epoch has its perks, and slacking off is one of them.

Still, Mars and Saturn are in positions suggesting a concern with your career path, so you can be pondering that or settling things connected with it.

Is there more than one Messiah? Doctrinal Christians will say No. I think the answer is more complex. Jesus was an Avatar, a Messiah, but that would not preclude others from being so. Sri Aurobindo was another, and I say that as one who has tested his work and his teachings for forty years. I know. There are lesser "messiahs," prophets or teachers also, whose work has been extremely important to me. Who is helping you to become more than merely human?

We can all be tolerant of those who think the truth is contained only in one sect, church or teaching. After all, they have found a facet of the truth, and know it helps them. If they follow that path to the end, they may rise far above those who superciliously think of themselves as "universal" and yet are shallow.

Sheer power of intellect rising toward the Overmind is with us during this period to a remarkable degree. The human mind can only attain its real power when inundated by that Overmind or the even higher Supermind (as Sri Aurobindo taught and demonstrated).

There is an inception of something crucial in a relationship. You have made a choice, or are making one, and it does not have to be an eternal choice but must be adequate to the changing current situation. You can have more than one close companion and find somehow what your direction is through both or all of them.

Some fateful, destiny-laden links are invisible or telepathic. You get intimations from those who are far away, or even gone from the  outer world. This can be pertinent and fortunate.

At a more practical level, you are shrewd. That means you separate, perhaps immediately and instinctively, what is useless from what is useful in your life-adventure. Will this benefit you and those you care about, or hurt them? You can tell at once.

You can meet strife or disagreement wisely. You have differed radically with some in recent weeks about something which could upset your neighborhood. It seems you are learning exactly how to handle the situation. You can be masterful in this regard. Opponents cannot resist the truth.

At one level, you can oppose those who would plunder the environment and other human beings. At another level, you can play a sort of game with some who are not intentionally hurtful and learn something from the play while enjoying it. These may be two separate matters, but could reinforce each other.

This is an intricate report. I encourage you to re-read it and mark those parts which apply most to you and your situation. This seems a remarkable period for most of us, and mostly excellent. (Monday may be more off-base because the moon will be void-of-course.) The final paragraphs dealt with the more difficult factors but should not obscure the happier prognoses.

{Saturday, Sunday, Monday} {Remarkable!}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Forecast: Late Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, July 11-13

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Taurus, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 11 July at 4:32p PT | 7:32p ET | 11:32p UT
through Thursday 12 July
/moon goes void-of-course Friday 13 at 12:57p PT|3:57p ET|7:57p UT
until Luna enters Gemini Saturday 14 at 5:28a PT|8:28a ET|12:28p UT

\Earned Serenity/

You care about your position in the world, even if at times it feels you are sinking out of public notice, struggling hard to keep up with responsibilities. Covert or hidden activities may be essential and important, although they have a bearing on your public stance eventually.

You sense that you are destined to be in a position of power and command. Your way of getting there may seem difficult at this point. Cooperating with others who have hewn a path, or are technologically or otherwise competent, can help. Much careful and intelligent thinking is going on. Mechanics, dynamics, ways of moving things or getting them in place, have an impact on how you proceed.

It is okay, in fact smart, to assert your talents rather than worry about whether they are adequate. Asserting them makes them adequate (or at least develops them toward adequacy). In fact, taking risks to be what you want to be will pay off immediately and later. You are growing toward a role not evident yet. There may be some backlash from what you say or do, but some will appreciate your sauciness.

Behind you, backing you secretly as it were, is someone who has integrity and inner knowledge which "the world" never seems to comprehend. He senses ultimate potentialities and so fosters them in you. He is fatherly and good-humored, striking up affinities even with those he has to oppose partially.

People want peace in their neighborhoods, and courtesy from their neighbors. It may not be as hard to come by as it seems. There are times when the tide is against us and this may seem one of them, but tides always turn. The moon is in its waning quarter but that does not stop you from thinking about and planning for success. Disappointments in money and love are the stuff of the world and the world's training for each of us. We do not have to be indifferent, but can be detached and serene, content with what we have while hoping for something better. To be honorable and at peace with all may be far more sublime than to be questionably motivated toward questionable ambitions. Honor is substance of self rather than glitter of world.

{Late Wednesday, Thursday, Friday} /Earned Serenity\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Forecast: Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, July 9-11, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Aries, 2012

Beginning Monday 9 July at 5:15a PT | 8:15a ET | 12:15p UT
through Tuesday 10 July
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 11 at 2:24a PT|5:24a ET|9:24a UT
until Luna enters Taurus Wednesday at 4:32p PT|7:32p ET|11:32p UT

*Measures of Partial Success*

We are most definitely in the Dark Hermetic Epoch (June 27 through August 21) and I have been feeling it the past week more than before, as Mercury slows down a little more each day. Things start to go "contrary to expectation," in other words, they get "interesting," and most of us would not choose to live in "interesting" times. I wish you well.

Already several factors seem topsy-turvy for me. I will be able to deal with them, most likely, yet it seems like picking up serpents and trying to put them in suitcases.

The good part of it is not absent, either, a kind of sensitivity to everything good as well as difficult, a dream-time or day-dreaming during working hours, which can be bad or good. People get sidetracked, but often they want to be sidetracked because those side paths are so "interesting." Meanwhile boring "ordinary business" gets lost in the shuffle, and when you come back to it you have to catch up.

You may feel you are using a knife or scalpel to carve out your destiny from the economic situation. This does not necessarily mean loss, but a wariness against loss which can prevent it. The strange connection of money and sexuality is prominent during this period. This is most obvious when people buy sex with money, of course. It is less obvious in other situations but still you may note it. As men know, women "smell" men with money, for example. And it goes the other way also, I guess. And on and on. You will discover your own applications of this astrological situation (Mars and Uranus both square Pluto while Venus is in good or peculiar aspect with all of them).

Esoteric or similar studies may interest you, mostly for your own pleasure or for upliftment. Often there is no one with whom you can share them. What convinces one lifts the other's eyebrows.

In public, or a public place, or in connection with regulators or overseers or politicians, you may encounter some who seem remote, not noticeable, yet have shrewdness and power. It appears they are interested in you and vice versa. Somehow something good can come of this situation, although each side may accuse the other of immorality or unethical behavior.

A spiritual figure who has performed weddings may turn up. It is hard to understand him but when you conform to some of his rituals, or other social rituals, things go much better. It is good to be realistic through weighing pros and cons. Then you can identify the best course, which is not always the easiest, but because you need to conform to society at large, both sides may find their way easier through some kind of compromise. Yet you will not want to be quick to compromise because you must make your point thoroughly first and gain as much headway as you can.

When people lose their inhibitions and are frank, there is a chance for strained, then more open amiability to arise and save the day. Keeping the morale of the group up will help a lot. Humor is bound to arise whether intended or not.

Your aim may be peace and contentment, for yourself as well as the public when you face public or business matters. And there are plenty of good indications to help in bringing that about. People want to be happy and content in their communities. Good influences help in that direction.

Some individuals of substance or wealth, cultivated, appear gentle at times, then harsh. Whether they are deceptive may depend on one's viewpoint. They are protecting something.

You may be aware of musical performers in a big way. Some are awkward, others suave, but the preponderance is toward satisfaction.

Good people are on every hand. They want to enjoy life thoroughly. They are entrenched in their families. At the same time they are restlessly seeking for new experiences. So there is opportunity for surprising and rich shared pleasure, not to excess if all are wise.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} *Measures of Partial Success*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 6, 2012

Forecast: Very late Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 6-8, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Friday-Saturday 6-7 July
at 9:30p(F) PT | 12:30a(Sa) ET | 4:30a(Sa) UT
through Saturday 7 July
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 8 at 4:01a PT|7:01a ET|11:01a UT
until Luna enters Aries Monday 9 at 5:15a PT | 8:15a ET | 12:15p UT


The marvelous is marvelous. Platitude? I mean we can never really figure it out. What I want to say is that besides the real "miracles" or superphysical, supernatural events which happen (and they do), there are the other "marvels" which derive from human ability stretched to the limit. Some of the feats of gymnasts, artists, and others of endless description seem miraculous although they are "only" due to the self-training of the one who seems to be working magic. Sportsmen, poets, musicians, on and on . . . who can really explain some of their "magical" abilities? Yet we know a large part of them derives from self-training. There are also moments when self-training has reached such an apex that the trained one can let go of his training and worry and effortlessly perform what look like miracles. That can be happening now.

Speed can be an enemy as well as a friend, so I would say, when you get overeager, slow down a little, especially on Sunday when the moon is void-of-course all day. Yet I would not downplay your ability to connect outwardly or psychically with potentials all over the globe. The world is fascinating, yet we do not have to leash ourselves to any particular marvelous aspect or be absorbed by it. Still, wonderful entertainment is available. Is it a blown bubble, or an act with its predetermined limit? The average length of a song-track is three to four minutes (about the same as the period of one degree of the zodiac passing over the ascendant), yet we all know we can experience a multitude of meanings and memories during that interval.

Whatever you need to do with other people unfolds as a seed unfolding. There is some danger of stumbling if you are overeager, as suggested. If a crisis emerges you can correct it as quickly as possible. Sometimes to foresee trouble is to prevent it. Other times worry is a blighting mistake. Experience and intuition teach how to steer between the two extremes.

Then, when you do that, you are ready to innovate as you choose. Divine impatience shows how everything can be changed. Divine patience shows how to change it.

A woman who is calm, wise, and uses good judgment has attained a position of power almost without striving for it, just by being true to herself. She takes a leading part in the community. You may join her or learn from her, and do your own pioneering along lines which are then useful to others. Perhaps, together or separately, you are trying to avert a crisis.

The calming influence of those who have seen into human needs and devoted themselves to aiding the helpless is important and needed. There is usually a choice as to whom you choose to rely upon. The one who would help you at one time is not the one who will help you this time, perhaps, so your intuitive choice becomes vital and valid. This applies not only to medical personnel but those who give advice or training in any arena.

{Very late Friday, Saturday, Sunday} ~Marvels~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Forecast: Late Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, July 4-6, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 4 July at 5:27p PT | 8:27p ET | 12:27a(Th) UT
through Thursday 5 July
/moon goes void-of-course Friday 6 at 8:50a PT|11:50a ET|3:50p UT
until Luna enters Pisces late Friday-early Saturday
at 9:30p(F) PT | 12:30a(Sa) ET | 4:30a (Sa) UT

}Intangible Success Hints at Tangibility{

"Teach us to order our days rightly, that we may enter the gate of wisdom." --Psalm 90

The period begins nicely on Wednesday evening, continuing into Thursday, falling away later Thursday, with Friday a little less upbeat perhaps. Some may find that late Wednesday was the nicest part of the holiday. (Oh, the fireworks. A good social occasion.)

For the entire period there are refined tastes, gentility and generosity, which can be evoked with a little optimism whenever they seem to flag.

Those who have multiple talents, or use one talent splendidly, will come within your purview and entertain you. You may find yourself more clever and versatile than you had thought.

The study of astrology, other occult or ordinary sciences, or anything technical or philosophical, could go very well indeed. You are not ready to give up until you see whole-patterns.

That does not mean you can easily transmit what you see to anyone else, although there is no harm in trying. But if someone makes light of your insights, don't let that obscure them. You are perhaps seeing things which some see only at the very end of their lives in their final moments of embodiment on the physical plane. This can give you (as it gives them) enormous spiritual strength, a sanction which can work miracles.

You are preparing things, or something in particular, attending to a multitude of facets or items within your file, portfolio, quiver or workshop. You want all these factors to be ready for use in the future, and evaluate them according to how they have served you in the past. There is much artistry in the way you do this, the way you arrange things, as if fresh stimulating beauty were an essential part of everything including the most "practical."

The human race is (and has been) on the threshold of remarkable possibilities. You are sensing these whether or not you can make them explicit. Unpromising people around you such as neighbors may unconsciously offer you more keys to this than you realize.

Studies in which you engage are not to be minimized or slighted, because they improve your judgment to an enormous degree.

What is the success you want? Is it not entwined with gentleness and beauty? Does it not link you with people of high rank who are illustrious in their own right?

Self-reliance goes along with the ability to govern others, that is, to aid them to govern themselves without being officious or condescending. At this point in human history, the dominion of one has to reinforce the dominion of others.

{Late Wednesday, Thursday, Friday} {Intangible Success Hints at Tangibility}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 2, 2012

Forecast: Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 2-4, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, 2012

Beginning Monday 2 July at 3:52p PT | 6:52p ET | 10:52p UT
through Tuesday 3 July
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 4 at 5:26a PT|8:26a ET|12:26p UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Wednesday at 5:27p PT|8:27p ET|12:27p UT

\Shared Dominion/

Especially Tuesday and Wednesday, it seems a good relationship or relationships are emphasized. It is always a question how far these are outward and how far they are within the mind. For example, someone in solitary confinement would hardly experience a relationship or friendship outwardly, but could be dreaming about, thinking about or writing about some such. So the degree to which these indications fit your outward life depends to a large degree on how active you are "in the world" or socially or in business. If you choose to remain at home or solitary on a given day, they might work out merely in your inner life and thoughts or in what you watch on TV or what you read. One purpose of these forecasts is to suggest times during which it would be smart to be more outward and direct, more involved with people, and times when withdrawal might be good. I would say Tuesday is a good day to be involved. Wednesday, the holiday, is all right but the moon is void-of-course that day until the late-afternoon time, so interactions might be loose and indefinable, which is okay for a holiday.

The "relationship" indications are far from easy any time in the period, however, because the moon is squared Saturn in Libra a relationship sign. "Issues" abound, some of which you might want to talk about but others you would rather hide or pretend they aren't there. If you do need an intimate talk with someone late Monday or Tuesday is probably better than Wednesday, no matter how touchy the issues might be. There is sufficient good will to calm the worries and anxieties on both sides to a reasonable level.

Honesty and fairness are emphasized, with male as well as female companions or relatives. Sensitivities are soothed when someone feels you are being as fair as you can.

You are able to get things in their place, to realize the old dictum "a place for everything and everything in its place." This feels good and helps you accomplish daily tasks in a much more cheerful mood. At the same time, intellectual interests get a strong green light. You can fathom the unfathomable. You will not stop pondering a riddle or a question needing research or calculation until you get your answer or are on the way to the best answer through a multitude of temporary answers. This can be exhilarating. You might share some of your efforts with someone who partially appreciates or understands, whether this is a matter of skill, handicraft, scholarship, science or philosophy. Minds are thoroughly alive.

You seem determined to get your finances in order in a ruthless, uncompromising manner, which suggests detailed and accurate bookkeeping.

You are prepared mentally and emotionally for remarkable interactions and adventures. What you have learned or are learning is readily available, at your fingertips. You want to articulate your potentials in a definite way which is not just conformity to the world's requirements but something of your own making. This can be thrilling when you get into the spirit of it.

The Full Moon of this summer solstice season is exact Tuesday at 11:53a PT | 2:53p ET | 6:53p UT. The expanded consciousness takes many forms, including knowledge from study as well as knowledge from direct observation of nature and human beings. This can be super-knowledge if your memories and speculations circle around and rub against one another as sticks striking a spark: that would pull you into the Overmind (as Sri Aurobindo has elucidated it) where nothing is unconnected with anything else and all fits together in a multidimensional jigsaw puzzle.

At that point you feel ready to take on the world. Nobody and nothing can defeat you. Yet nobody and nothing would want to, because you have become one with them, or comprehend what they are about at such a high level that enmity dissipates before it arises. Still there can be playful contest, tussling through a divine lila or sport.

At best you feel dignified and conscientious, able to exercise dominion over whatever is your lot, place, plot, field or domicile. There you reign supreme, yet would not feel supreme if you could not share your dominion with someone.

{Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday} /Shared Dominion\

Cosmic Piper