Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday, Thursday, 1-2 August (and early Friday)

Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Wednesday 1 August at 2:57a PT | 5:57a ET | 9:57p UT
through Thursday 2 August
/moon goes void-of-course Friday 3 at 12:25a PT | 3:25a ET | 7:25a UT
until Luna enters Pisces Friday at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT

}Deserved Summertime Fulfillment{

We have five planets in air signs, and a grand trine in air during this period because the moon in Aquarius completes it just for these couple of days. This is "breezy" in an inner sense, because the air signs bring their blessing of expanded insight as well as wit, cleverness, and often fun with a sense of humor. That is because of the "detached" nature of these signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), not as "stuck" to the reality of things as the earth signs, nor as remote and idealistic as the fire signs, nor as emotionally involved as the water signs. They are considered intellectual or mental, yet can have human concerns about other human beings, just in a more "detached" or humorous way much of the time. They are quick to perceive things or connections and to act, but with Mercury retrograde (until the 8th, a week from Wednesday) are not immune to premature action leading to tangles. (The wind blows those important papers out of your hand while you are gazing at someone walking by.)

It should be a smoother, less challenging time than Monday and Tuesday. It's the Full Moon period, with expanded consciousness, fullness of realization. You can see the universe in a grain of sand or a flower.

There could be hurry and impatience. Thinking something is other than where it is could result in racing in circles.

It is good to keep up with work you believe in, even if some of it seems premature, because it is on an upward trajectory despite delays.

An artist may be important to you, his or her dwelling, person, or creativity. You may consider art objects, furnishings, or other details of your home. You want things to be perfect for yourself there, no matter how mysterious to others.

It is delightful to experience nature as it is, plus the human touches which bring it closer. Trees and blooms seem miracles. Children playing in nature link themselves with invisible spirits.

It is true that the sun is already declining, for us in the Northern Hemisphere, the days growing shorter, so whatever the weather we may well treasure the splendors spread before us.

Summers Past beckon to you. Do you remember some of them, the wonder of them? The sun-blessed trust in life, nature, fellow beings, friends and G*d, the warm expansion of awareness? Relaxing into Summers Past enhances enjoyment of the present.

Self-indulgence, even self-debasement, is possible, if you were to appropriate too much of a good thing. Yet the shared pleasures of life can be nonpareil. You sense how and where to find them, and with whom, or even alone.

Those present at the Olympics, from around the world, are a symbol of all of us now, for we mix with others from near or far as gypsies around a caldron. As at the Olympics, there is contest, whether overt and organized or covert and informal. We all want to shine, to win the gold in some area of talent or expertise. We do not need to hit or kick someone to do that, for contest can be civilized and fun, whether we seem to lose or win by any hopelessly conventional, superficial measurement.

{Wednesday, Thursday, early Friday} {Deserved Summertime Fulfillment}

Cosmic Piper

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