Sunday, July 8, 2012

Forecast: Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, July 9-11, 2012

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Aries, 2012

Beginning Monday 9 July at 5:15a PT | 8:15a ET | 12:15p UT
through Tuesday 10 July
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 11 at 2:24a PT|5:24a ET|9:24a UT
until Luna enters Taurus Wednesday at 4:32p PT|7:32p ET|11:32p UT

*Measures of Partial Success*

We are most definitely in the Dark Hermetic Epoch (June 27 through August 21) and I have been feeling it the past week more than before, as Mercury slows down a little more each day. Things start to go "contrary to expectation," in other words, they get "interesting," and most of us would not choose to live in "interesting" times. I wish you well.

Already several factors seem topsy-turvy for me. I will be able to deal with them, most likely, yet it seems like picking up serpents and trying to put them in suitcases.

The good part of it is not absent, either, a kind of sensitivity to everything good as well as difficult, a dream-time or day-dreaming during working hours, which can be bad or good. People get sidetracked, but often they want to be sidetracked because those side paths are so "interesting." Meanwhile boring "ordinary business" gets lost in the shuffle, and when you come back to it you have to catch up.

You may feel you are using a knife or scalpel to carve out your destiny from the economic situation. This does not necessarily mean loss, but a wariness against loss which can prevent it. The strange connection of money and sexuality is prominent during this period. This is most obvious when people buy sex with money, of course. It is less obvious in other situations but still you may note it. As men know, women "smell" men with money, for example. And it goes the other way also, I guess. And on and on. You will discover your own applications of this astrological situation (Mars and Uranus both square Pluto while Venus is in good or peculiar aspect with all of them).

Esoteric or similar studies may interest you, mostly for your own pleasure or for upliftment. Often there is no one with whom you can share them. What convinces one lifts the other's eyebrows.

In public, or a public place, or in connection with regulators or overseers or politicians, you may encounter some who seem remote, not noticeable, yet have shrewdness and power. It appears they are interested in you and vice versa. Somehow something good can come of this situation, although each side may accuse the other of immorality or unethical behavior.

A spiritual figure who has performed weddings may turn up. It is hard to understand him but when you conform to some of his rituals, or other social rituals, things go much better. It is good to be realistic through weighing pros and cons. Then you can identify the best course, which is not always the easiest, but because you need to conform to society at large, both sides may find their way easier through some kind of compromise. Yet you will not want to be quick to compromise because you must make your point thoroughly first and gain as much headway as you can.

When people lose their inhibitions and are frank, there is a chance for strained, then more open amiability to arise and save the day. Keeping the morale of the group up will help a lot. Humor is bound to arise whether intended or not.

Your aim may be peace and contentment, for yourself as well as the public when you face public or business matters. And there are plenty of good indications to help in bringing that about. People want to be happy and content in their communities. Good influences help in that direction.

Some individuals of substance or wealth, cultivated, appear gentle at times, then harsh. Whether they are deceptive may depend on one's viewpoint. They are protecting something.

You may be aware of musical performers in a big way. Some are awkward, others suave, but the preponderance is toward satisfaction.

Good people are on every hand. They want to enjoy life thoroughly. They are entrenched in their families. At the same time they are restlessly seeking for new experiences. So there is opportunity for surprising and rich shared pleasure, not to excess if all are wise.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} *Measures of Partial Success*

Cosmic Piper

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