Sunday, July 22, 2012

Forecast: Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 23-25, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Libra, 2012

Beginning Monday 23 July at 3:29p PT | 6:29p ET | 10:29p UT
through Tuesday 24 July
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 25 at 8:23a PT|11:23a ET|3:23p UT
until Luna enters Scorpio late Wednesday-early Thursday
at 7:30p(W) PT | 10:30a(Th) ET | 2:30a(Th) UT

}Letting All Be Themselves{

A quick rundown: Wednesday is the "worst" day of these, with the moon both in the Via Combusta and void-of-course. Tuesday is more tolerable for most purposes although touchy. Late Monday just after the period begins could be quite nice, with the moon forming a sextile with the sun. It could be a good social evening. Tuesday also could be sociable although with the "touchiness" pointed out.

There is no need to despair, although many may be in a despairing mood. You see so much that is possible! Good or fascinating people (they are not always the same) are within your purview. Yet it seems hard to know what to do with them.

Your visions and hopes are high and exalted. You are passionate. If not in love, you are nearly in love. How do you shape the world to your liking? By loving it first. That has a little suffering mixed with it.

At times you may want to just "give up," submit to whatever impulses or whims move you, opt out from decisions or manfulness or womanfulness. Oy vey, it could be Mercury retrograde. It is a natural refocusing time for all of us.

Without depreciating yourself, you may reduce your self-image. It feels better to be humble. If you flaunt your image you will be disappointed, so you choose to de-inflate it. I'm just one of the common folk; like me for that. We all see through vain snobbery.

Your background is your back, that is, it has your back, you can rely on it for support, so do that. You might read old books, look at old photos, remember old scenes, people, friends, relatives. This is vigor and sustainment. You might reach further, into the background of the human race, through scriptures or ancient teachings. (A friend told me that the 150 Psalms contain every sort of prayer ever needed by anybody. She was probably right.)

You have to dig deep to find what you need, in terms of people, friendships, connections. That could mean facing and accepting the scrungy, difficult, peculiar, unattractive components of the people with whom you have to deal. You are not the first to have done that, nor is this the first time you have done it. We have to find the gold within the lead or we may never find it.

Escaping from the world entirely is what you may dream of on Wednesday. There is wandering and uncertainty, a lack of any feeling of responsibility except to preserve one's bare existence. Yet this can feel liberating.

Those who are sick, needy, or upset may appreciate your kindness. This last may be the best remedy of all.

Desertion or abandonment is a hard thing to face. I doubt that anyone is deliberately abandoning you. It just seems that way. They may feel abandoned themselves, by someone else or maybe by you. So the humility mentioned above comes in to rescue all of us, if we just let our hair down and be what we are, letting others be the same, opening to the equality of honest interaction.

{Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday} {Letting All Be Themselves}

Cosmic Piper

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