Friday, July 30, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of July 31-August 1, 2010

Weekend of July 31-August 1, 2010

*Self and Other Tangle, Tango, Wrestle*

[Lest you misunderstand this title, I hope you will read on to the P. S. where I explain it. Perhaps the final sentences of the P. S. are the most important in this forecast.]

The moon had just gone void of course last night (Thursday) when I wrote Friday's forecast. If you read it you know that my computer stopped typing numbers. That is the first time that has ever happened to me in my 11 years of using computers. Very odd. Now here is the astrological clue: The moon had just gone void of course. As a wise and brilliant astrologer, Al Morrison, told me many years ago, that means "unpredictable." Things are unpredictable.

Now the numbers are working. Then they weren't. Now the moon is still void of course. Go figure (with the numbers). It's an odd time, when the moon is void. I try to point it out most times it happens, as I did in Friday's report. I shall not repeat the time that the moon enters Aries, it is there already for you.

We are considering Saturday and Sunday in this report.

However, yesterday I was reading in In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky, a highly seminal book which has influenced thousands, hundreds of thousands, and probably millions of people directly or indirectly through those who have been influenced by it, including many founders of schools, systems, teachings, and trainings. Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, the former the teacher of the latter but the latter more readable, have been an enormous covert and usually unsuspected influence in the formation of most all New Age disciplines and trainings. Now I want to quote from page 24 (emphases in original):

'Somewhere about this time I was very much struck by a talk about the sun, the planets, and the moon. I do not remember how this talk began. But I remember that G. drew a small diagram and tried to explain what he called the "correlation of forces in different worlds." This was in connection with the influences acting on humanity. The idea was roughly this: humanity, or more correctly organic life on earth, is acted upon simultaneously by influences proceeding from various sources and different worlds: influences from the planets, influences from the moon, influences from the sun, influences from the stars. All these influences act simultaneously; one influence predominates and one moment and another influence at another moment. And for man there is a certain possibility of making a choice of influences; in other words, of passing from one influence to another.'

That is exactly what we are trying to do here.

Back to Ouspensky: '"To explain how, would need a very long talk," said G. "So we will talk about this some other time."'

Yes, we are having a very long talk.

In response to what G. said, I would say, there are at least two ways of modifying planetary "influences" or correspondences (the latter word being preferred by astrologers such as Marc Edmund Jones to avoid any implication that the planets influence us through material or efficient cause): 1. By advancing spiritually, as well as mentally and emotionally, so that a hard aspect such as Venus conjoined with Saturn (it is beginning now and lasts until August 19) is experienced differently by the individual because that individual has advanced to be able to handle it with equanimity. 2. By "making a choice of influences, that is, by passing from one influence to another" as G. put it. This would mean, for example, instead of relating to and getting riled by Venus conjoined to Saturn, tuning in (now) to the sun's trine with Jupiter or Mercury's trine with Pluto. How does one "tune in" to a better aspect?

"To explain how would need a very long talk," said G.

This weekend Mars has made his conjunction with Saturn, both in Libra (Venus lags behind in Virgo), and this could be a very interesting aspect. While Mars was in Virgo---I tried to tell you last night when it went into Libra, but my computer was not typing numbers---it went into that sign Thursday at 4:47p PT | 7:47p ET | 11:47p UT---back when Mars was in Virgo (June 7 until Thursday) most of us were struggling with a lot of physical, technical, therapeutic or trouble-shooting issues. That no doubt will continue in some ways, since there are always such issues as long as we are living in the physical set-up we are living in (and you are living in it if you are reading these words). However, Mars and Saturn both now in Libra spell a different tale. (And perhaps "tail" since Libra is supposed to rule that part of the body.) Watch and see. Clue: More about relationships, about interactions with people, and learning how you are dependent on people and they on you. Mars in Libra is a coupling or pairing position. People with it in their birth-charts are drawn to others as their sources of inspiration or impellation (impellment?) the word processor does not like either word but there should be such a word. Mars is impulse or impulsion (that's the word) so when it is in the sign of "the other" (Libra) one's impulsions come from others to a large degree. (The word processor does not like "impulsions" in the plural, but I do.) You will notice such people latching on, temporarily (because Libra is an air sign) to anyone who "gets them going" and often they want guidance or direction from people (directly or indirectly). It's as if they want to know which way the wind is blowing (Libra rules weather-vanes) and to do that look toward anyone who is close to them or anyone whom they choose, often subconsciously.

However, both these planets are opposed to Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, the most decisive sign of the zodiac, the most male sign, the one that says "I determine things and you follow or else get lost." So this opposition should prove most interesting. Rather than give "a long talk" about it I suggest you ponder it in this way: On part of you (Aries) wants to be the supreme director of your life and others to follow along. Another part (Libra) wants to know how the wind is blowing by observing and interacting with other people and even submitting to their impulsion or guidance. At this interesting point in time, you are making choices in both directions. You are adjusting your own internal guidance mechanism (Aries) to the internal guidance mechanisms of others (Libra). And they are adjusting to you. Well, that goes on all the time, perhaps, but at this point we should become much more aware of it and how it is functioning in our lives. It would probably take a deep psychologist or psychological philosopher to explain all this (Jean-Paul Sartre tried, though he was following in the footsteps of Hegel, who had Venus in Libra in his birth-chart). (Venus will enter that sign on August 7, something to anticipate.)

Ultimately perhaps it gets down to "Who is the self and who is the other?" and then perhaps "Is there any difference?" or "What is the difference?" It gets down to "If two men in a war both pull the trigger at the same time and both are killed, who killed whom, or was it mutual suicide?" and on and on. It gets down to MAD or "mutually assured destruction," one of the most insidious notions the human mind has ever come up with. (I see right now in the Wall Street journal, "
Three U.S. troops died in blasts in Afghanistan, making July the deadliest month ever for U.S. troops since the Afghan war began".)

It can also be, "If two individuals look at each other, smile, talk, and soon fall into bed together, who seduced whom?" and on and on.

The moon will be in Aries both days of the weekend (the time it went into that sign on Friday has already been given) but is opposed to Saturn and Mars on Saturday, separating from that aspect and moving toward a sextile with Neptune on Sunday. Saturday is the heavier day of the weekend, Sunday lighter.

{Weekend of July 31-August 1, 2010} *Self and Other Tangle, Tango, Wrestle*

Cosmic Piper

P. S. That cute or catchy caption for the weekend is not intended to imply that it is a good time for relationships. (When is a good time?) It could be a dreadful time for them. It could be both good, in some cases, and dreadful in others. It could be a very good time for understanding the "tangle, tango, wrestle" by observing it in a detached way, not in a way which could get you hurt because your emotions are too involved. Even if you choose to be out of the "wrestle" you will be able to perceive and "grok" it somehow. There is a spiritual side to interactions which has very little of personal attraction-repulsion in it, or rises beyond those. You could be learning that.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forecast for Friday 30 July 2010

Friday July Thirtieth 2010

I am using red because the moon leaves Pisces to enter Aries at 1:43p PT | 4:43p ET | 8:43p UT. Before that it will be void of course, throughout the working day on the East Coast of America. So it is better to be calm and patient rather than ambitious. You can finish up things of a routine nature as well as relax and meditate.

It is also the |difficult third of the week| both today and Saturday. This began late in the day on Thursday but then the moon was not void of course so it was easier to work with it or around it. Friday could seem filled with either despair or annoyance for many of us. So we need to look beyond ordinary hopes toward the spiritual realm.

Much is happening, however. Mars entered Libra Thursday afternoon at :p PT 5:p ET :p UT

Hey guys, I am giving up for the day. My computer will not type numbers. Something is so seriously wrong, I may need a new computer. I cannot give you the times I wanted to give because I cannot type numbers. This is very strange.

Mars entered Libra Thursday afternoon at :p That is what my computer is typing.


I hope your Friday will not be too trying. I shall not look for a new computer until Sunday or Monday most likely so if there are no reports until then you will know why.


Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 29 July 2010

Thursday 29 July 2010

~Separations Promoting Perspective~

To an astrologer the major thing to look at in current charts is the quadruple opposition of Jupiter-Uranus with Mars-Saturn, exact now, with Mars within a degree of conjoining Saturn and within a degree of opposing Uranus. This is intense. I am glad that so far there have been no major outbreaks of violence (that I am aware of) other than the usual violence (which ought not to be usual) of warfare, terrorism and the like. There was a plane crash in Pakistan killing 152 people---Uranus often involves airline disasters when it is heavily badly aspected. I hesitate to say that because some people may think I mean they should cancel all their air travel. I didn't say that. Astrology is statistical and difficult, not pat and simple-minded. To me, this combination of oppositions is coming out in simple everyday ways, such as this morning. I went to a meeting of like-minded people working on a common problem. We meet every week. Today the leader of the group sat doing a crossword puzzle. He hardly looked up. He did say a few words about a few topics and went back to his puzzle while the rest of us talked. Then he dismissed the meeting abruptly, when we had done almost nothing. To me, this is Mars conjoined to Saturn and opposing Uranus---disruption, rupture, breaks in normal relations with people, covert harshness or resentment (or, if not covert, then semi-violent).

But of course all that is just because we do not know how to respond to these aspects yet. If we are in a school devised by the gods, they are teaching us how to react and live under all kinds of astrological conditions. Now they are trying to teach us how to behave under difficult Mars-Saturn-Uranus aspects. It is hard not to be impatient, frustrated, and upset or even angry. Yet we can learn how to traverse these rocky and rushing waters. I am not even going to try to tell you exactly how. Each of us is learning in her or his own way. Here is one way, which I read in my Gospel chapter for the day this morning: "And so angry was the master [at the man's unforgiving attitude toward his debtor] that he condemned the man to torture until he should pay the debt in full. And that is how my heavenly Father will deal with you, unless you each forgive your brother [or sister] from your hearts." (Matthew 18, end of chapter) A hard saying and hard teaching, but perhaps one we need to ponder at this point.

Combined with this is, for today, the moon's opposition with Venus as well as (later) Mars and Saturn while it moves toward Uranus. The moon-Venus opposition can be separation. You may be feeling separated from someone or more than one in a mournful manner. Perhaps they are feeling the same about you.

The helpful aspect is the sun's position trining one pair of the opposed pairs and sextiling the other pair. This is a cushioning aspect which makes things somewhat easier. The trick it to "tune in to it." Since the sun is in Leo, a Leo individual might help you, such as a great spiritual teacher such as Sri Aurobindo (or H. P. Blavatsky, also a Leo, or perhaps Max Heindel). Or maybe even a temporal leader such as Barack Obama.

Truth is in us; let it shine.

We can master painful moods and separations. Things and people separate, it seems, in order to come together again in a better way, wiser and more understanding of one another. If this process seems slow, well . . .

{Thursday} ~Separations Promoting Perspective~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Wednesday 28 July 2010


We discussed so much in the past two days (Monday's and Tuesday's forecasts) that I feel I ought to refer you to them. If you haven't read them, please do, and if you have, you might review them because I am not going to repeat what I said there, at least not today and maybe never. If this were a monthly report, you might copy or print it and re-read it as needed. Since it is daily, you need to take it upon yourself to note or remember the longer-range forecasts (insofar as they "click" with you or are helpful). They come when they come, not according to any set formula.

Wednesday looks ordinary, at least in terms of lunar aspects. The moon in Pisces is gentle and easygoing for the most part. Since the Bright Hermetic Epoch is winding down, ending on Sunday, you might review and ponder what has happened in the past two months as the basis for your future.

It feels to me that the restlessness of Jupiter conjoined to Uranus, combined with the fretting and serious effort to get things in shape of Mars conjoined to Saturn, these two pairs of planets exactly opposed, result in a feeling that one has to get things in shape, has to settle things, and yet a feeling that this is hard or impossible, so it is a striving after the unattainable. Still some things are attainable, so for the next four days it is good to attain and settle what one can.

The sun in high focus (discussed in Monday's report), while our Sol is trine Jupiter-Uranus and sextile Mars-Saturn, is very helpful now, although it will be fading by next week. I would suggest, think of what you are master. What have you mastered? What can you do of which someone might say "He or she is a master of that"? You could focus on that with profit. Also, who is your Master? A Christian would say, Jesus the Lord. ("Lord" in that sense does not mean "God," by the way, since Jesus did not claim that, but "Master.") Others would say someone else; I might say Sri Aurobindo, my chief guru in addition to Jesus. Or it could also be your boss, at a more ordinary level, or someone you admire or emulate. This is your "sun," the solar effulgence aiding you on your journey toward your better possibilities.

{Wednesday} ~Master~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Tuesday 27 July 2010

*Surveying and Consolidating Achievements*

Most of what was said yesterday remains pertinent. Yet you may face a desire to be "elsewhere." The moon conjunct Neptune dreams of the Elysian fields.

But you have responsibilities at home. These may involve study and research as well as ordinary household chores. There could be a need to reconstruct or reorganize some features of your home. Your work "out in the world" is shaping up also in a strong way while the sun is trine Uranus and Jupiter, and sextile Mars and Saturn. Whatever you have been working on during the past month is reaching a natural culmination and you could either "wrap it up" or note carefully what you have achieved, because you might be at a peak with it. By noting that and "saving it" as it were, you prevent yourself from losing what you have gained after we enter the Dark Epoch beginning Sunday. It's like salting something away, or freezing or canning it, before it goes bad. If you are realizing, "This is the best way to do these things I am always trying to do," write that down or record it and remember it, because you may slip away from these best guidelines in August-September.

Mercury trine Pluto now is savvy at business, deals, and purchases. You could negotiate with someone. Settling a deal now, before August, could be very smart.

I reported yesterday (Monday's forecast) on relationships and how they might go in August. I will add to that: Although August may be good for toying with a relationship or friendship, real and more basic progress in that area, or with a partner, could come in October. This is a clue for you to consider, even if you have no idea what it means yet.

While we are looking ahead, it is likely that in January 2011 you may achieve more in terms of business, career, and monetary gain than you are capable of right now. This is a signpost to keep in mind even if there is nothing you can do about it at present. It could help you get over the rough places on the way.

Meanwhile, today you may sense something striking and fortifying about your true powers and skills. They come from the past, where you learned them, and will not abandon you. Reviewing and fortifying them during the Dark Epoch (August-September) may be a natural and salutary procedure. But today and tomorrow you can use them more actively.

When it comes to money and investments---and anyone who has a decent income probably ought to be investing in some manner or other---you may be sowing the seeds of gains which will be more definite and useful by the summer of 2012, two years from now.

We discussed travel in August, and its potentials, yesterday (which you ought to re-read if you want an August vacation). A more helpful and useful time for travel, perhaps involving a partner, could be October (perhaps leading into November), as mentioned in recent forecasts more than once. (If you are a student, however, this would be studies, most likely, rather than travel.)

The peculiarities of people close to you are likely to come out in either difficult or interesting ways while Venus and Mars are close to Saturn over the next three weeks. But since Venus will move into her own sign Libra (on August 7), and Saturn is exalted in that sign, these issues could contain happy surprises. You and a partner or friend may come to understand each other at a deeper level. The outer problems are the stimuli which awaken such deeper understanding or commitment.

Today is a time to act and achieve as well as to dream great visions of where you want your life to be headed.

{Tuesday} *Surveying and Consolidating Achievements*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Forecast for Monday 26 July 2010

Monday 26 July 2010


In my research I seemed to notice that the opposition is the most difficult aspect (more than the square). (I was not researching aspects per se but this is something I noted by the way). And we have six of them right now, three of them very close, which is quite rare.

So, to answer Charms' complaints, yes it is a difficult time but I am still trying to be a cheerleader because we have the Bright Hermetic Epoch for the rest of this week only. In other words, yes, there are enormous difficulties, but it is possible to deal with them with a clear mind now. Further, using the Sabian methods of astrology, by one viewpoint we have a Locomotive chart now (by another viewpoint it could be considered Seesaw) with the sun in High Focus, and that means, Do it! Now, what should you do? I do not like my own advice, because there are certain things I am avoiding and do not want to do in the next week. Other things which are more important to me, I do want to do or finish if possible and the charts are telling me, This is the time. So, in your case, you might think about what is most important to you now and focus on that for the coming week.

The sun in high focus is said (by Marc Edmund Jones who established the Sabian methods) "masterful." With what are you masterful? It is on that you ought to focus.

It's not that you can't continue it during the Dark Epoch (almost two months beginning August 1) but it is well to do as much as you can now, and then the remainder will take care of itself. This is not a time for dilly-dallying, although some times in any Dark Epoch are good for just that.

A relationship is mysterious, and probably you should not focus on it. If it is in the back of your mind that is fine. Venus will be joining Mars (conjunct) soon, beginning today by a ten-degree orb. Unfortunately, Saturn is right there with them. Oh boy, "till death do us part," or not. In other words, a relationship is in the briar patch. Will you find some berries to pick there? Yes, but the thorns are predominant. It is " a learning experience" as are all Saturn experiences. The conjunction of Venus and Mars in itself is not as good as the sextile or trine. Perhaps the problems of the loved one are predominant (both planets are in Virgo).

The middle of August is better for a relationship, when the pair Venus-Mars will be together in Venus's sign Libra. This will be better for all friendships. As I have mentioned, other things being good, old friendships (or relationships) are renewed during Dark Epochs.

If you have travel yet to do during the summer, it also could go well during the middle of August. True, Mercury will be slowing down (on August 1) and going retrograde (on the 20th) so travel should be of the "dilly-dallying" rather than too-purposive sort, but it could be enjoyable. Life is full of paradoxes: Travel is often delayed, peculiar or puzzling when Mercury is slow or retrograde; but if other aspects are good, it can still be enjoyable. Knowing astrology, one can sit back and enjoy the odd and unexpected things which happen during a Dark Epoch, rather than fret about them. Only if the aspects of the planets are severe are these likely to be dangerous. This time (August) the aspects are fairly severe, so I don't know what to say. If you have a vacation already scheduled, go for it, but considering these things, make it a lazy and relaxed vacation, without over-scheduling. You will want to go at your own pace. The oppositions of Mars, Venus and Saturn with Uranus and Jupiter, all of them squaring Pluto, could make for very peculiar adventures---perhaps exciting, perhaps dangerous. If you are the timid type, maybe you should stay home. If you want to face "interesting times," go for it.

Back to the present, Monday: Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4.

{Monday} {Masterful?}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 23, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of July 24-25, 2010

Weekend of July 24-25, 2010

}Hopes and Plans Bookmarked{

Well, I spent the whole day doing serious and very rewarding research in astrology. That means, calculating hundreds of charts and studying how they have worked in the actual lives of people I know.

This is so much easier now with computer programs that the astrologers of old times would have thought that we are living a miracle. Indeed, so it seems.

There is nothing like astrology. It is truly a sacred science, and I have no doubt of that. I feel sorry for those who do not know that it is a science, for they are depriving themselves of one of the greatest gifts possible to human beings: An overview of the time-space continuum with all its human meaning and value.

But to do all that research required hours of time I might have spent on the weekend forecast. I do not have time for a complete report, in consequence. So I will give some highlights:

The Full Moon is coming up Sunday at 6:38p PT | 9:38p ET | 1:38a(M) UT. It affects the whole weekend with that expanded consciousness which arrives with the glowing prosperous munificent gibbous moon.

Saturday with the moon in Capricorn trine Mars in Virgo is good for practical things, getting things done. This has been a theme for a few weeks and it continues. Mars in Virgo is good for precision, accuracy, putting things in perfect order, getting information which is totally accurate and precise, and for technical expertise of any kind, as well as for health matters.

Sunday could be a very good day. Before the moon becomes full, it will enter Aquarius at 12:39p PT | 3:39p ET | 7:39p UT, and form good aspects with Saturn and Jupiter. Sunday could pull a lot of things together for you or for a group of people you are working with. Moods are up, optimism rife, and much could be accomplished in happy ways. Cooperation is a keynote. It could be important to note and remember what happens today, for it could be a "bookmark" in your life which will re-inspire you in future months when you need that reassurance.

{Weekend of July 24-25, 2010} {Hopes and Plans Bookmarked}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Forecast for Friday 23 July 2010

Friday 23 July 2010

\On a Roll/

It's been a very active time for me and probably for most of you. First, we near the end of a Bright Hermetic Epoch a week from tomorrow. Subconsciously, everyone, including those who think astrology is nonsense, is feeling "I have to get this right now" because their subconscious mind knows the Mercury cycles and is telling them to "get it together" while they can. Secondly, Uranus at the first degree of the zodiac (0 degrees of Aries) opposed to Saturn at 0 degrees of Libra is an extremely rare astronomical event and suggests radical rethinking a lot of things, and fresh directions impelled from the hidden Superconscient in our very cells.

The times, they are a-changin'

Of course, something remains still true, and that is the Supreme One and His blessing never to be revoked. (We can revoke it for ourselves by turning away from it.)

Mars at the end of Virgo approaching Saturn suggests the conclusion or final eradication of certain technical problems. This could be connected with health, cleanliness, the elimination of pesky disorders, or high-tech issues involving computers, smartphones, etc. You may be closer to an answer to some of these matters than ever before. If you see that answer on the horizon and believe in it, now is the time, the next week, to seize on it and get it done.

If you're reading this Thursday (and I did not write a complete forecast for Thursday), the Part of Fortune in the 5th sector Thursday but not Friday suggests Thursday might be a better entertainment day than Friday. TGIT this time.

However, both days are in the |difficult or tricky| third of the week. This time I don't think that will be too bad however. The pressure is on to get things done, but as one of our members wrote today, "May your day be pleasantly exciting," in other words, even pressured and necessary activities can be enjoyable when you are in the right frame of mind.

The moon is in Capricorn both Friday and Saturday, giving us "goat" gruffness and "What you see is what you get" attitude. Don't let anyone get your goat. While the moon is in that sign everyone is feeling, "You can't get my goat!" You will see that look of scorn on people's faces. Bah-ah-ah-ah-ah!

But while the moon trines Venus, stronger into the evening and wee hours of Saturday, there could be a semi-erotic element. For women this could be attention to grooming, hair, clothes, makeup and so on. Capricorn can be the sign of Pan. So there is hope for unkempt, rustic-looking guys also.

Yes, Shell, things should be "pleasantly exciting." But don't be disappointed if that is muted: Because work and effort are accented, so that the excitement could be connected with getting things accomplished more than just having a party.

{Friday} /On a Roll\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Response to to Some Questions about this Group

Maybe, Patti, you are bringing out things connected with this group I should have made clearer.

1. It's a free group; anybody can join or get the forecasts and there are no strings or requirements.

2. So naturally it is not necessary for people to study astrology on their own if they want to use the forecasts.

3. Therefore, since I know that some readers are astrologers or students of astrology, I have two groups to write for: 1. Those who know little or nothing about astrology and 2. those who have studied it a lot and used it perhaps even professionally.

4. Therefore in writing each daily report I sometimes am writing to the first group and sometimes to the second. If this is confusing, I don't know what to do about it. It is not necessary for the person interested in a helpful forecast to study astrology. But since I mention astrological details frequently I kind of assume that probably half the readers are somewhat curious about them and are mildly informed about some of them.

5. Therefore also, those writing in to the group are free to belong to either of the two groups just mentioned. If you know nothing about astrology, you can still write and say "I think Monday's forecast was all wet, at least for me," and explain why. That could help me. Or, "That was very accurate" and then hopefully tell why it was accurate which also might help me in this experimental endeavor.

6. If you know more astrology, you are free to write your opinions about the current aspects, what they mean, or to disagree or agree with what I have said about them. This could lead to some useful discussion.

7. But I am not implying that everyone must do any of the above. I was just expressing my disappointment that often there is no discussion about some of the important things I am trying to present as best I can (though imperfectly).

Thanks for your helpful comments and questions.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 21 July 2010

Wednesday 21 July 2010

*Prudence Plus Optimism; Better Balance*

One of our members, Patti, wrote that her Monday was very hard. Mine too. I told her that this had to do with the moon in Scorpio all day. And yet I have never wanted to make "moon in Scorpio" a bugbear or bogeyman. Some very good people have had it in their birth-charts. It has its problems.

However, on Monday it was also square Mercury all day and this may have been the source of the problems.

In fairness, I did receive some very good financial news Monday, and Scorpio is a financial sign. The good news came after the moon had left the Via Combusta though it was still in Scorpio.

Balancing all the indications is hard. I try. Maybe no astrologer can do it, unless he ascends into what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind, or beyond that, the Supermind (beyond ordinary human possibility).

But it is good that Patti wrote about this. She confirmed one of my long-held suspicions, that although 15 Scorpio is the end of the Via Combusta and the second half of that sign is no longer in the Burning Way, I have wondered about this. Maybe we need to consider a sign and a half, from 15 Libra to the end of Scorpio, as the Burning Way. I don't like that at all but realistically I am beginning to think so. Let's talk about it a month from now when we will again face that segment of the zodiac.

When I set up this group I was hoping there would be some dialogue here about what the daily aspects mean and how they affect people. Instead I find most of you just want me to the the Supreme Panjandrum spouting out perfect truths for you. To me, astrology is experimental. There is not doubt that much of it is valid but new discoveries can be made as in any other science. I invite your discussion about what the daily aspects are meaning for you.

Wednesday has the moon in Sagittarius square Venus. This aspect has worked out for me as attraction in peculiar ways. People are drawn to one another either as friends or enemies. In the latter case they are neither enemies nor friends but a little of both. Or it seems totally friendly but there is an edge of incompatibility, so that you and someone else are strongly attracted to each other yet aware that you don't really fit together. The absence of a real fit is part of the (perhaps perverse) attraction.

I am not saying that relationships will be a mistake. Not at all. Just that they are edgy or peculiar. If you notice something like this, or not like this, let me know.

Jupiter square Pluto, getting closer every day and virtually exact now, has been a stimulus to the stock market. This is an aspect of either greed or munificence or an attempt to create munificence through somewhat of a gamble, in other words, it can be just what is happening, worry plus speculation in the stock market. There has been an unusual amount of speculation in the Wall Street Journal about whether the current market is a bear or a bull. Prudently, I do not make any prediction on that score. But I see this seesaw indecision as a feature of Jupiter square Pluto. Everybody talks about it but nobody knows.

Saturn has entered Libra! It will be there about two years. I discussed this yesterday; you might review what I said so I don't have to retype it. The exact time of the ingress is 8:09a PT | 11:09a ET | 3:09p UT.

Something in either a relationship or a legal-style confrontation may improve today, or at least be faced with more equanimity.

Something you are studying or working at should improve in the evening with greater perspective while the moon is forming a trine with Mercury.

{Wednesday} *Prudence Plus Optimism; Better Balance*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 19, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 20 July 2010

Tuesday 20 July 2010


The moon is in Scorpio until it enters Sagittarius at 4:50p PT | 7:50p ET | 11:50p UT.

This looks like an excellent day, perhaps the best of the week. There is virtually no void-of-course time---or one lasting about 6 minutes before the moon enters Sagittarius---and plenty of fine lunar aspects strengthening you for being up and about your business. You could strike deals, make trades, settle financial matters, make purchases, and confer with anyone involved in your work.

People are mostly well-disposed toward one another even though Mars is conjoining Saturn while opposing Uranus and Jupiter. This is a finicky and demanding aspect, as evidenced in the U.S. by all the squabbling over politics, the President, the financial reform bill, and immigration. Most of it seems to go in circles---rather than to be aimed at real solutions. However, the seriousness of the Mars-Saturn combination in Virgo means that some solutions indeed are being found (during a Bright Hermetic Epoch) even if people are not willing to acknowledge that, such as the cap on the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. Interestingly enough, this has happened while Saturn is in the last degree of Virgo, an earth (oil) sign and the sign of the very sort of arduous labor and technological precision demanded in the feat of stemming the flow. She (he or it) enters Libra on Wednesday, not to return to Virgo for something like 25 or 26 years. We can celebrate that, because Saturn has been said since ancient times to be exalted in Libra. Perhaps legal and court matters will be straightened out more harmoniously (over the next two years) than we might have thought possible.

The August-September period, even though a Dark Epoch, could be good for romance since Venus and Mars will be together in Venus's sign Libra. Often in a Dark (or Backward) Epoch people return to previous loves or old friends. You may be getting glimmers of whom this might be in your intuition, even if premature. New loves are not ruled out (since they could be from past incarnations, for example).

Money matters connected with your home or efforts to improve it could work out by the end of October or early November. (This has been hinted at before.)

You might get tickets for an entertainment or sporting event coming up in the first week of August. This could be a good idea. You might feel more prosperous at that time also, and might plan now for better income then.

Matters you are researching or studying with a determined attention to details will become clearer for you over the next two years (perhaps especially by November 2011).

This is a good day, and evening, to make plans, record goals or agendas, and settle things.

{Tuesday} *Competence*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Forecast for Monday 19 July 2010

Monday 19 July 2010

~Foundational Reassurance~

This is potentially a powerful day for a lot of things you feel important.
But it will be more so after 1:23p PT | 4:23p ET | 8:23p UT when the moon, still in Scorpio, leaves the Via Combusta.

Something is going on fateful or determinative regarding finances. I hope it will not be a stock market decline. If not it could be the banks and regulators and brokers chewing over the new rules without knowing exactly what they will be at this point, which could make for difficulties and backtracking.

Your personal work, however, should go well. You feel on top of it and willing to put yourself out to please a partner or anyone closely affected by the results of what you do. You can go slow with developments in career. They are tardy in some ways although you can stay on top of day-to-day details and ought to. All will be clearer by late October or November, as said before.

A Neptune influence, with Mercury beginning its opposition with that planet (by ten-degree orb) makes people wonder where their true welfare lies, financially, and where their security. People and institutions are throwing their investment money from one fund or stock to another in crazy ways. Hey guys, calm down a little.

International finance is prominent in ways never heard of before. Recently the "foreign" markets have been moving in lock step with the U. S. markets, for the most part (with the exception of the Japanese exchange, seemingly off in its own world). We are in a global economy for sure.

Studying financial matters could be good for you. It doesn't hurt to get more information and more savvy. Major decisions, especially if departures from previous ones, should not be made during the Via Combusta or until after the time given in paragraph 1. A woman has a beneficent influence on your fortunes.

You may want to spend more time than usual at home, or else in a place which feels like home away from home. Your community foundations are strong. You are sure to settle something about your home which makes you relieved and happy by the end of July or sooner.

In the evening you may communicate effectively with a male about job or money matters.

A young person's confusions about costs or spending could come to your attention. He or she needs more balance and realism.

A nice possibility is relaxation and drifting into dreams. In them you have an unlimited bank balance.

Your most important partnership is likely to improve during the rest of July. You can have more confidence in someone than you had in June or early July. Trustful connections and communications are beneficial, at least after the time in paragraph 1.

Your entertainments today are somewhat cerebral, involving thought as much as or more than romance--up to the point where Neptune takes over, the blissful dreams of Morpheus.

{Monday} ~Foundational Reassurance~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 16, 2010

Weekend of July 17-18, 2010

Weekend of July 17-18, 2010


It seems that, with Pluto at point focus in Capricorn, people are focused on business, finance, and government---which is extremely accurate in Washington in that the most comprehensive legislation ever regulating banks and investment firms as well as credit and debit cards has just been passed. No one knows yet what the results will be---some of them unintended and unexpected no doubt. I take no position on this---such a complex bill doubtless has some features with which I would disagree and others with which I would agree. Those who just condemn Obama and the Democrats mindlessly are just that---mindless. There was Republican and business support for a lot of the features in this bill. Like all legislation, it was a compromise. It may have gone too far in some ways but that remains to be seen.

Also, around the world, in China and Europe and everywhere, these same issues are being discussed. Pluto is definitely the planet of finance and big business, as has been seen by astrologers from the beginning of its discovery and has been abundantly confirmed by observation. Its position at point focus in Capricorn, sign of big government, is exactly coordinate with all these developments. The relations between big government and big finance are being rediscovered, realigned and reapportioned.

As ruler of the "underworld," Pluto also is connected with oil and the oil spill---and I am very happy that there appears to be some resolution of that matter, at least for now. If you look at my old forecasts you will see that I said that I hoped a solution would be found before the new wells are drilled in August---because that will be during another Dark Hermetic Epoch (August and September) such as the one in which the spill occurred. As it turns out, somebody took my advice.

This weekend, international matters may be prominent in your thoughts. You could study them or otherwise learn about them. Other kinds of study, including the philosophic, could be good for you. We do not expand our minds sufficiently. Choose only the best books. Nothing by atheists, who are in deep darkness; something by someone who has at least a glimmer of the Supermind, the Mind of God. Those who do not "believe in" God do not believe in anything real. Every item of the so-called physical sciences they study has been mapped out in the Mind of God. That is why it is patterned and susceptible of human perception. Our perceptions are all within the Mind of God, as we are. To be within his love, however, we must acknowledge and please him (or her); although, as even Islam affirms, He is merciful.

The moon in the Via Combusta Saturday and Sunday (up to mid-afternoon Monday) is not a tragedy; it happens every month; but colors these days with doubts. That is why the spiritual foundations I have just been pointing out are so important. If you keep your mind on your highest goals---"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness"---you will not get lost in misgivings, doubts and flagging morale.

I said in Friday's report that this would be one of the better weekends of the summer. Yes, I think so. It could be nice socially, on both days, even while people are going through the Jupiter-Saturn mutation and the Via Combusta, which means that internally they are trying to figure out the next phase of their lives no matter how they interact on a more superficial social level. They will not speak out all their thoughts. They won't want to burden you, and they know they have not arrived at final conclusions, or even if they have will not want to broadcast them. That is all right. If you remember that they are going through this you may understand them better and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Probably Saturday will be more intellectual and Sunday more social or friendly, although these two moods blend into each other.

It is a nice weekend in which to sense how your life is taking shape in various ways. You do no have to fret, but will get finespun intimations of how you can pattern things successfully in the remainder of July. And, apart from that: Enjoy just being, as the summer seems to teach.

{Weekend of July 17-18, 2010} {Being}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Forecast for Friday 16 July 2010

Friday 16 July 2010

}Strength Plus Savoir Faire{

The eternal optimist says, today is better than yesterday, less moody or difficult. The realist says, it is still within the |difficult or burdensome third of the week| until Saturday. But my impression is that it will be a pretty smooth day.

You may be moving around a lot, away from home, finding a home away from home to enjoy temporarily. There are heavy issues connected with your home itself which may be reaching resolution at least partially, through cleanliness, organization, technical assistance or orderliness, as if you were removing a pesky problem from your premises.

Technical matters of any kind including computer, Internet, smartphone, etc., may get your attention in a positive and helpful manner. It might not be a bad time for changes, improvements, upgrades or purchases in those directions, although during the |difficult third of the week| I recommend caution when it comes to costs or contracts.

I think, however, you will be on top of costs, values, charges and purchases, nimble in your estimations and choices.

This could be a good day for partnership, with your mate or other individual who feels like a partner or someone who shares much with you.

The moon in the first half of Libra is often a happy time of the month (before it goes into the Via Combusta in the second half; more about that in tomorrow's forecast) so you may feel good being out and about, running into people, making casual conversations or contacts. Still, people are serious and conscience-laden (worried about doing the right thing) so keep that in mind when they seem aloof or unfriendly. They are just trying to be good or do good and so may feel that you are a distraction from that, fairly or not.

As mentioned in recent forecasts, the second half of July seems positive. You can settle things. You will feel better about home, household costs, and work details or assignments before the end of the month, perhaps especially about a week from now or by the weekend of the 24th-25th. Whatever is brewing, it seems basically under control and this is the time to get it on a sound basis before the August-September period when things will be harder to get in solid shape. In other words, settling things is solid preparation for that potentially dismantling or busting-up period. The more definite and secure your foundation before then, the less trouble you will have.

This looks like one of the nicer weekends we have had this summer; more about that tomorrow.

{Friday} {Strength Plus Savoir Faire}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thursday 15 July 2010

\Realistic, Useful Focus/

It is impossible in astrology to state that there are just unambiguously "good" or "bad" days, and that is why I am always trying to make fine distinctions and complex explanations of what "good" or "bad" might mean on a particular day. It is not easy. (You might review yesterday's forecast for information about the coming days up through the weekend.) Today seems good for work, good for facing issues and problems, good for digging to the bottom of matters which need resolution. It is not so good for moods perhaps, although the moon sextile the sun increasing in the evening will help. Moods will improve when one feels one has dug out from under necessities which have piled up.

All in all, it seems you will be cautious and careful, and that is wise.

Anxieties about money and jobs are, of course, higher than normal in this mini-recession or whatever the economists choose to call it. Some of that will be felt today and can be dealt with realistically.

A slow and careful approach to the most important relationship in your life is also appropriate, because although indications are favorable for the long term, little but patience is likely to "cook" today in relationships. It is well to take your time.

Friendships are calm, slow, and building up gradually rather than effervescent. You ponder mysteries connected with a friend and realize that questions of location, home, work and resources will improve the friendship over time.

Your position in front of the world involves publicity, a woman, and refined analysis of financial potentials or economic matters. All this looks as if it will be more definite and satisfying by early in September (even though we will be in the Dark Epoch then, when sharp decisions are less feasible).

Something involving neighbors, the community and your home situation seems to be reaching culmination by next Tuesday, the 20th. You could communicate well that day and learn as well as teach in a telling manner. Health or work matters could attain happy resolution then.

I have been mentioning November as a time when money and household issues could arrive at better resolution or happy fulfillment. I am not encouraging you to live in the future, but this could be a signal to help you navigate through various conditions of the waters up to that time-port.

For today, entertainment is mellow and not overtly helpful, so you may decide to forego most of it in favor of efforts you are making to understand things related to career, studies, or skills you are trying to develop.

{Thursday} /Realistic, Useful Focus\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 14 July 2010

Wednesday 14 July 2010

\Satisfaction in Achievement and Gain/

The moon, now in Virgo and conjoined to Venus while both trine Pluto, suggests richness, growth, and satisfaction, as indeed business, or at least Market prices, have been improving lately. You may feel lush with gains, and able to pyramid them, today at least but not tomorrow when the |touchy or testing| third of the week begins (through Friday, leaving Saturday free this week for the first time in months, though the moon will be in the Via Combusta). "Make hay while the sun shines" is appropriate for today. This could apply to purchases, business decisions, and upward mobility in career.

It is interesting that the oil spill began during a Dark Epoch and is being, perhaps, capped fairly during a Bright Epoch. If you were to take a long and careful view of events, you would find this sort of thing happening repeatedly. So the "make hay" motto applies also to the rest of July in a general way.

Communicating with someone important to you, a partner or ex-partner, could be helpful. It seems you will fathom more about your closest partnership when at home rather than when out.

Friendship and social life, however, are hard to fathom. Your feelings about people may be clear to you, when you dive into them, but unclear to them. And vice versa, so you are not sure what they are thinking about you. This is not cause for hyper-suspicion, however. Leave that for tomorrow and Friday during the |difficult or suspicious third of the week|. Then on Saturday-Sunday you may be up for more direct and simple interrelations.

The creative side of your work is skillful or technological. You blend the pleasure of achievement, which might be called beautiful, with technical expertise you have developed.
This has to do with the moon, Venus, Mars, and Saturn all in Virgo as well as the day's aspects.

For major enjoyment or entertainment, I would look toward Saturday and Sunday, even though the moon will be in the Via Combusta those days. That means, partly, "take it light" and expect less while enjoying more. You might set up something for the weekend now.

Regardless of your job situation, you seem to be on top of things, randy for improvements in business and income, ready to follow up opportunities as well as relax into whatever patterns are already serving you.

{Wednesday} /Satisfaction in Achievement and Gain\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 12, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 13 July 2010

Tuesday 13 July 2010

*Internal Glory Suffuses External Activities*

The peculiarities of the moon opposing Neptune need not phase you, although they can be unsettling. It is as if you are otherworldly, or seeking the otherworldly, or something beyond what you can get in your immediate situation; something to irradiate that situation with spiritual efflorescence and joy. To do that you may feel you have to neglect practical matters which just get in the way of your internal satisfaction. That is a Neptune debility if it goes too far. If you integrate your spiritual seeking with your ordinary living you will not be upset by this aspect--which increases into the evening and wee hours of Wednesday.

At another level, practicality can be quite intense as you consider costs, spending and investment or other ways of income generation, today through Thursday. This could be very helpful because the Bright Hermetic Epoch is with us only another couple of weeks and it is well to get your affairs in shape. What seems impossible today could be more feasible tomorrow, so if you have the luxury of making one day a pleasure day, the other a work day, today would be the pleasure day.

You may feel friends are hard-nosed or stuck in their own paths, maybe their work or responsibilities. However, you have a desire for pleasure, which could be fulfilled in unusual, strange or indirect ways you approach on your own.

Something technological or precise is also a thing of beauty; you feel prosperous and successful when you work it successfully. It makes you appear to be on top of things in your job or career.

Whatever travel has been interesting you is either on your agenda right now or you are thinking about it or mapping it out. Possibly it won't happen until almost the end of this month, or else something will gel then in your planning.

I have mentioned that something connected with home and a partnership could be in better shape by November; it appears you are taking small steps toward that.

By Friday you may have something settled in connection with your home which makes you feel like celebrating there.

You might be improving some of your work, involving complex skills, in a way which seems like play or fun.

The health as well as the work or job of a friend will be improving through the end of 2011 in way which you will notice either now or eventually.

But back to the present: As adumbrated in the first few paragraphs of this report, which might be worth re-reading.

{Tuesday} *Internal Glory Suffuses External Activities*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Forecast for Monday 12 July 2010

Monday 12 July 2010

*Useful Set-Up Period*

Orange for Sol; the moon is in his sign Leo today and tomorrow.

The complexity of the aspects is beyond me. You need a better astrologer. But probably no astrologer currently on the Internet, at least none I have seen. And probably there is no astrologer on this planet who could comprehend and explain what is going on for the next few weeks.

The hard and sombre side of things is the fact that Mars is joining Saturn in an opposition with Jupiter and Uranus. This cannot be easy. It cannot be good for warfare or peace-fare (why don't we have such a word?) and looks like a lot of hassles in connection with daily work, details, and health regimens. One can only say, Buck up and handle all this with as much grace as you can.

The good side is that Mercury now, and the sun soon, are sextile and trine those two opposing planetary conjunctions. This softens the indication.

We had a New Moon as of Sunday afternoon and today it is stronger because increasing in light, so you can get some major things settled, or as settled as possible, which I recommend. (By the way, non-astrologers have discovered that there is more precipitation near the New as well as the Full Moon, and often just after one or the other, in my experience; and a storm is brewing now, late Sunday afternoon where I am.)

I gave a good prognosis for the rest of July in previous forecasts. I am not taking that back; but little comes without work, and it seems your work is cut out for you, or you will decide to cut it out more perfectly. That is good even if tedious at times.

It seems that something connected with your home and finances, or household finances and costs, is working out today and you can facilitate that nicely.

Something else connected with money gets more stability, making you feel more secure, by the 19th (which is a date within the good prognosis I have already given for the second half of July).

Connections with important people who challenge you might be worked out or arranged today. There is basic underlying friendship with them no matter what details need consideration.

As for the most important person in your life, or a partner, it seems you might make a good move in her or his direction today even if that seems premature.

Efforts to get your home in better shape so you will be happier there are favored, and could be building up to a peak in November.

Friendship is improving on a long-term basis.

Today, however, is premature for some things. Perhaps you will find yourself happy with prospects in the morning, or even until 3:48p PT | 6:48p ET | 10:48p UT. You could connect, organize, and settle things during those hours in a way which brings poise to your circumstances, even if not ultimate poise.

{Monday} *Useful Set-Up Period*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, July 9, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of July 10-11, 2010

Saturday and Sunday, July 10-11, 2010

~Strong Definition~

A good administrator in a complex organization said to me (on Thursday) that he was very busy. I have never heard him say that before and he sounded somewhat harassed. This is the fact of three hard-edged, demanding planets at critical degrees (Saturn, Uranus and Mars), two of them in Virgo and the other (Uranus) in the first degree of the zodiac, which is making everyone edgy and trying to get things in shape "for the rest of my life." So it is a high-pressure time. Let us not forget the Saturn-Jupiter opposition (mutation) which we discussed at length a month or two ago; it is still going on and is an intense review of one's life, wanting to make the rest of it something better, though a natural outgrowth of what preceded.

Further, we have the Bright Hermetic Epoch for the rest of July so that we sense instinctively that "now is the time" to get things in shape. It is.

That said, we are in a dying moon phase this weekend, the final twelfth of the lunar month, so that some restriction and internal processing of things is appropriate. You want to get outer things done, which is fine, but need also to give time to inner things: what a monk does in his cell. The inner world prepares events in the outer. Further, the outer means almost nothing without the inner.

The sense of opportunity is intense. It tends to happen at this time of year anyway: Students are thinking about the next year of their career or preparation for it; summer vacations give everyone fresh perspective; and as the ancient Hebrews seemed to know, placing their New Year in the autumn, things seem to begin afresh in September-October. I felt that peculiar change in the air this morning, the sign of the declining summer. The heat remains but the sun is with us less each day. There is nostalgia for past summers, past autumns; they are gone yet are here to color and inform the present.

Saturday is more intense or difficult than Sunday. It has the flavor of "last chance" to get certain things accomplished or set in motion. Yet the moon is declining so what you can do is partly symbolic, partly external. It is not exactly a good business day, but you could think out agendas in that realm in your mind. It is satisfying to prepare, to get things in order, including physical things in your place or headquarters. The springboard won't spring without the proper attention or repair. Minor things enable major.

The New Moon occurs Sunday at 12:42p PT | 3:42p ET | 7:42p UT. Further, lunar aspects Sunday are much nicer than Saturday, so we will be coasting into a more peaceful and optimistic frame of mind. You ponder your career or what your life means, what you have done and shall do. Now could be the time to put significant plans in shape, before the August-September period when, because of the Dark Epoch, it will be harder to maintain as clear or sharp a focus.

You might want to read Friday's forecast again because the Venus-Neptune aspect adumbrated there is still with us. I could elaborate the more "feminine" or subtle and emotional-spiritual aspects, such as that one plus Venus trine Pluto, but this might take us away from the definition which is so definitely possible, symbolized by the exact sextile of the sun and Mars (Friday through Sunday). These are two masculine bodies, definite and positive, knowing what they want to do and proceeding to do it; the sextile between them is strong and facilitative. So what you decide now could have staying power and help you shape your life closer to what you want.

{Weekend of July 10-11, 2010} ~Strong Definition~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday 9 July 2010

Friday 9 July 2010

}Individual Dreaming and Consensual Disillusion; Or the Reverse{

Frankly, it looks somewhat blase`. If you do not have a boring day, that is to your credit. It is okay, however, to stick to relatively unexciting but necessary tasks. Mars and Saturn in Virgo keep us assigned to material or technological duties.

Yes, it is the |difficult or boring or soul-searching or touchy| third of the week, today and Saturday. This period will move back to earlier in the week and away from the weekend gradually, later in the summer.

There could be some excitement, however, in human relations, especially in the evening when the moon approaches a sextile with Venus. This is a potentiality to be brought out. Oh, maybe it's sitting at home watching a movie while chumping on munchies (you chumpy). How thrilling. Maybe that is what I will do. But if you go out for the evening or are with someone thrilling there is at least the potential of something nice happening, but be aware of the |difficult third| when people are moody and likely to (a) dump on you or (b) jilt you. Just sing "That's life."

The intense aspect now might be Venus opposite Neptune, exact today. Sue Tompkins does not add anything really new to what previous astrologers have said, but some of her words are helpful. She is speaking of the aspect in natal horoscopes but it is applicable now to all of us: "These people are reluctant to commit themselves to any one partnership for they do not want to give up the dream of a relationship that is wonderful, romantic and surely made in heaven." She mentions how they (we now) are romantic and idealistic about relationships, not realistic. We are in love with love. "There can be great difficulty in maintaining interest in, and commitment to, an ordinary person and the rigours and unromanticism of everyday domestic and habitual living with someone." Oh, is that your excuse? I'll buy it for myself.

"Eventually we discover the real other person, warts and all. But Venus-Neptune aspects do not want to discover the warts. . . . . Sometimes the Venus-Neptune person will withdraw from the scene, retiring to suffer and lick wounds. Sometimes they will insure that the partner does. [That looks like an important warning to me--Cosmic Piper] And many will keep up a pretence of a relationship while pursuing romantic liaisons elsewhere. One can associate this aspect with clandestine relationships." Or, I might add, with totally imaginary ones. However, that is not necessarily bad. It could be good. Hope springs eternal. To take away someone's fantasy life in connection with love would be cruel. If life does that to some people, movies, novels and dreams can heal the wounds. And if all that sounds chick-y and not guy-y, well, it is a Venus aspect after all; but guys suffer the same kinds of stuff silently.

Enough to chew on today, or to get stuck on (Neptune is the planet of glue, as in old silent movies when Laurel or Hardy could not get something off his fingers, somewhat like many pseudo-relationships).

Happy dreaming. And if you dream with someone else, even for a while, maybe that is better---or maybe not.

{Friday} {Consensual Dreaming and Individual Disillusion; Or the Reverse}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 8 July 2010

Thursday 8 July 2010

}Hopes Within Reach{

I mentioned Venus opposite Neptune yesterday, but did not mention it might be cool and wet weather, which it is where I am, on Wednesday . . .

It seems you'll be quite active today. A lot of little things can be put in their places with satisfaction. You may need to do organization and clean-up for example.

Friendship is strongly emphasized. Someone rock-solid in your life is good for you.

Your goals for the next twelve months are within your mind; if not conscious they can be made conscious. If you think of where you expect or want to be next summer you may arrive at something tangible.

Even if some of your career aims are invisible or obscure, they are on a solid trajectory for the next twelve to thirteen months.

Pleasures and entertainments could be mapped out through the end of July. You might make a list of things you want to do for sheer pleasure during the rest of this month, whether plays, concerts, sporting events or anything.

Something that is worth studying for the next five years may be on your mind; it is weighty and you are up for it and don't want to let it go.

Your most important personal relationship might be in never-neverland. Not lost; just in abeyance or dormant.

Work you can do with possessions is thoroughly enjoyable. Things can be put in shape.

It is well not to rock the boat when it comes to finances. Your current agenda is probably correct for the rest of July, and improving in its benefits.

You get rid of doubts when you "just do it" in a lightning-like pioneer spirit.

A nice feeling of union or unity develops, when you let it, in connection with a friend or friends.

{Thursday} {Hopes Within Reach}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Forecst for Wednesday 7 July 2010

Wednesday 7 July 2010

\Romantic Poise/

There is a peculiar intensity about this summer which is hard to decipher from the astrological patterns. They are getting better, with Mercury and the sun and Venus starting to form smoother aspects, and the Grand Square released. Yet the opposition between Saturn and Uranus is getting tighter. I am optimistic.

Something super-romantic might be to your taste, with Venus opposing Neptune. (I recently re-viewed The Summer of '42, a movie which strangely affects me, the theme still running through my head.)

You combine gentleness toward friends, even enemies, with a determination to win out over obstacles to good things you envision. So if people don't submit to your better self, they will soon wish they had.

Waging peace is more fun than waging war, and many will be deeply pleased by your attitude of benevolence. It cuts through bureaucratic or other red tape and shows them that good things can happen now.

What would be an explosion of fury, if you let it, could be turned into a whirlwind of activity to straighten out business, health and technological matters.

Watch out for those romantic leanings mentioned in paragraph 2, when they intensify! It could be love at first sight: a feeling that one is merging with someone who gets one's full favorable attention. This is more sensuous and enjoyable than anything recently.

It has a constancy in it which may surprise you; even if you are not sure it is lasting. What is ultimately lasting? (The summer of '42.) So the love-song you or someone sings is the song of the immortal present.

People really do want to sustain one another in the grip of friendship. The obstacles we know all about: The human failures and weaknesses, even in the one loved; and the less challenging frailties in those with whom we have less intimate yet meaningful contacts. Somehow it is working out; somehow you can be the link of charity: willingness to overlook and understand.

{Wednesday} /Romantic Poise\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, July 5, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 6 July 2010

Tuesday 6 July 2010

\Intelligent Preparation/

I am pleased by the changes going on in the sky, which should be relaxing tensions and promoting good cheer and hopefulness. This could be reflected in the business world, because investors, executive officers and administrators are more likely to spend wisely and get things moving and hire people during the rest of July than they have been for a month or so.

Some individuals who have been lazy, yet highly critical of the work of others, may be realizing how much they have been officious roadblocks, and become more humble.

Your more noble aspirations seem less demanding and difficult when you are in a happy mood, and then your influence on people is uplifting. You can work something out in your mind which will have a strong constructive impact on the world.

Some things which demand attention will get it, but you can fit your own rights in with the rights of others so that conflict is ameliorated. Neither you nor others have to explode. You can just say, "It's time to handle this now and get it over with" and proceed effectively.

Your position in your country and in the world, your citizenship and ancestral profile, are becoming more interesting as you enhance your awareness of them. You are free, and actually your place in the world makes you more rather than less free, because it is the context in which you can do what you wish to do.

When you move things around, you may put them in higher places to get them out of the way and avoid contact with things on the ground or below it, as a safety measure; or perhaps move to higher ground yourself. Your industrious way of getting things done will impress people.

There are several indications, despite the good prognosis above, of danger if you were to be too aggressive or demanding, or awaken resentment and retaliation in anyone. So it is well to keep your cool.

As mentioned in previous forecasts, important matters involving your status, position, or career will come to a peak in September or (perhaps more likely) October. Now is a preparatory time, however, and the Bright Hermetic Epoch is with us until August 1 to help with clear thinking.

{Tuesday} /Intelligent Preparation\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Forecast for Monday 5 July 2010

Monday 5 July 2010

*Letting Amelioration Happen*

In the U.S., many will have this day off from work. the moon's trine with Venus, sextile with Neptune and trine with Pluto will help the holiday mood, supplying softness, graciousness and luxury. There could be considerable sensuousness and erotic attraction, which might feel like "falling" in a good or bad sense.

Regardless of your "bottom line" you may feel prosperous, and so willing to spend a bit for what seem like blessings. It is comforting to be around people who are normally reliable and considerate, in a familiar zone of innocuous interaction.

You are willing to work slowly toward goals which may be nearer to completion by October, but of course to delay them would not be wise. They involve studying and improving technical expertise for the sake of greater prosperity. Your prestige, through accomplishment and solid connections, could be enhanced by then.

Improvements in your home which require some effort may be building up toward a peak of satisfaction in November. Your finances and home seem linked, either because of household costs or ways of reducing them, or increasing if need be; the relation of cost to home should be clearer by the 21st to 25th of this month. This could involve also a job or career opportunity. Other opportunities for improving the situation could come sooner, by the 14th, though they require negotiation. In previous reports I have indicated the middle of the month, from the 16th on, as increasingly fortunate. At present you may work at secret or private ways of improving finances.

A youthful, interesting person you interacted with more in 2005 may be ready for renewed contact, at least indirectly, but the response may be slow. He or she seems involved in work to a large degree.

Friendships improve through respecting the work a friend is doing.

Travel plans are either unchanged or on hold so there is no reason to mess with them. This summer has been hard for vacations or travel for many, so "staycations" are more frequent.

Some kind of study which you really enjoy is supporting and uplifting you at a blissful level.

Your closest personal relationship is involved in idealizations of the loved one which might seem unrealistic to a "realist" but help a lot, because when you remember the beauty of the loved one's face and being at certain moments in the past, that image sustains the relationship through all vicissitudes.

{Monday} *Letting Amelioration Happen*

Cosmic Piper

Daily forecast-meditation at:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of July 3-4, 2010

Weekend of July 3-4, 2010

*Transitional Period; Tensions Easing*

Sunday is the better of these two days for most purposes, especially later in the day and evening. It should feel more like a real holiday than Friday and Saturday. I expect to issue a report for Monday as usual on Sunday evening; it looks like a quite pleasant day to end the U. S. holiday weekend.

It’s a somewhat lazy weekend, yet you may feel you have things you ought to finish up from the past few weeks, hanging as it were. Probably you can finesse those or give them less time than you would on a normal weekend. There is a desire to get moving with various things which have been problematic and settle them, involving posssessions or money or health matters, but it is hard to do very much.

Objectives within reach seem fairly normal ones which can be wrapped up by the middle of this month, or about the 16th.

You would like to work on career matters but it seems that your headquarters needs to be revised or resettled in order to carry on, with possible travel plans being also part of the picture, or even moving (for some individuals). Household matters could be settled more favorably, in connection with administration and costs, by the 16th.

Money matters may be on the mend, improving toward the middle of the month or by the 20th.

Invisible factors, or hidden things you can’t fathom, perhaps involving a woman or women, seem to be healing slowly; there is nothing you can do about them directly except pray.

Studies important to you, which are therapeutic or useful, could be essential and helpful, following a trajectory over the next year and a half which will solidify your knowledge or expertise.

If pleasures and entertainments seem to be weak or un-thrilling, perhaps you can let them go and focus on something more significant to you than merely passing the time in a relaxed manner. That might be even more relaxing. Your ambitions, it seems, will not let you drift too far away from something connected with them. When you put some attention on that even while doing other things you feel more centered and happier.

{Weekend of July 3-4, 2010} *Transitional Period; Tensions Easing*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Forecast for Friday 2 July 2010

Friday 2 July 2010

}Escape to the Future{

Not a good day. Terrible day. Rotten beginning of the so-called "holiday" weekend (what are we celebrating, exactly? Might we not have been better off with Queen Elizabeth and King Charles?).

So, stay home, relax, meditate. Let everyone else run around in circles.

Neither partnerships nor money seem to be flourishing. Better to wait, have faith that it will get better, maybe after the Grand Square releases most of its power by next week (after the holiday weekend, Monday or Tuesday or later).

Communications are too indefinite to add up to anything.

A bright spot is your home. You should stay there! Or do something there which feels good and right, such as putting things in order. Any dealings with a landlord or rental agent or real estate agent or the like could go well.

It's not a great day for friendship, entertainment and parties. You might have concluded that from what has already been said. It's much better, though, for therapies, technologies, helpful things done at or for your home or to make things more comfortable in a healthy manner.

Someone in politics or business might fascinate you, and you might imagine yourself as the right-hand man or woman of this glorious or powerful individual. It's interesting to consider that, at least, and no harm in imagining yourself happy within a prosperous inner circle. Imagination can lead to good results other than the specifically imagined objective.

You might mark Monday the 12th on your calendar as a day some of your money issues could be solved or improved, or at least you could get clues that day from those in a position to be of assistance.

It's possible that if you are having trouble with vacations this summer, an October vacation could work out well.

The middle of September could be good for job or career developments.

I'm not encouraging you to live merely in the future, but on a day like this, maybe that's the best place to be.

{Friday} ~Escape to the Future~

Cosmic Piper