Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 21 July 2010

Wednesday 21 July 2010

*Prudence Plus Optimism; Better Balance*

One of our members, Patti, wrote that her Monday was very hard. Mine too. I told her that this had to do with the moon in Scorpio all day. And yet I have never wanted to make "moon in Scorpio" a bugbear or bogeyman. Some very good people have had it in their birth-charts. It has its problems.

However, on Monday it was also square Mercury all day and this may have been the source of the problems.

In fairness, I did receive some very good financial news Monday, and Scorpio is a financial sign. The good news came after the moon had left the Via Combusta though it was still in Scorpio.

Balancing all the indications is hard. I try. Maybe no astrologer can do it, unless he ascends into what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind, or beyond that, the Supermind (beyond ordinary human possibility).

But it is good that Patti wrote about this. She confirmed one of my long-held suspicions, that although 15 Scorpio is the end of the Via Combusta and the second half of that sign is no longer in the Burning Way, I have wondered about this. Maybe we need to consider a sign and a half, from 15 Libra to the end of Scorpio, as the Burning Way. I don't like that at all but realistically I am beginning to think so. Let's talk about it a month from now when we will again face that segment of the zodiac.

When I set up this group I was hoping there would be some dialogue here about what the daily aspects mean and how they affect people. Instead I find most of you just want me to the the Supreme Panjandrum spouting out perfect truths for you. To me, astrology is experimental. There is not doubt that much of it is valid but new discoveries can be made as in any other science. I invite your discussion about what the daily aspects are meaning for you.

Wednesday has the moon in Sagittarius square Venus. This aspect has worked out for me as attraction in peculiar ways. People are drawn to one another either as friends or enemies. In the latter case they are neither enemies nor friends but a little of both. Or it seems totally friendly but there is an edge of incompatibility, so that you and someone else are strongly attracted to each other yet aware that you don't really fit together. The absence of a real fit is part of the (perhaps perverse) attraction.

I am not saying that relationships will be a mistake. Not at all. Just that they are edgy or peculiar. If you notice something like this, or not like this, let me know.

Jupiter square Pluto, getting closer every day and virtually exact now, has been a stimulus to the stock market. This is an aspect of either greed or munificence or an attempt to create munificence through somewhat of a gamble, in other words, it can be just what is happening, worry plus speculation in the stock market. There has been an unusual amount of speculation in the Wall Street Journal about whether the current market is a bear or a bull. Prudently, I do not make any prediction on that score. But I see this seesaw indecision as a feature of Jupiter square Pluto. Everybody talks about it but nobody knows.

Saturn has entered Libra! It will be there about two years. I discussed this yesterday; you might review what I said so I don't have to retype it. The exact time of the ingress is 8:09a PT | 11:09a ET | 3:09p UT.

Something in either a relationship or a legal-style confrontation may improve today, or at least be faced with more equanimity.

Something you are studying or working at should improve in the evening with greater perspective while the moon is forming a trine with Mercury.

{Wednesday} *Prudence Plus Optimism; Better Balance*

Cosmic Piper

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