Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Response to to Some Questions about this Group

Maybe, Patti, you are bringing out things connected with this group I should have made clearer.

1. It's a free group; anybody can join or get the forecasts and there are no strings or requirements.

2. So naturally it is not necessary for people to study astrology on their own if they want to use the forecasts.

3. Therefore, since I know that some readers are astrologers or students of astrology, I have two groups to write for: 1. Those who know little or nothing about astrology and 2. those who have studied it a lot and used it perhaps even professionally.

4. Therefore in writing each daily report I sometimes am writing to the first group and sometimes to the second. If this is confusing, I don't know what to do about it. It is not necessary for the person interested in a helpful forecast to study astrology. But since I mention astrological details frequently I kind of assume that probably half the readers are somewhat curious about them and are mildly informed about some of them.

5. Therefore also, those writing in to the group are free to belong to either of the two groups just mentioned. If you know nothing about astrology, you can still write and say "I think Monday's forecast was all wet, at least for me," and explain why. That could help me. Or, "That was very accurate" and then hopefully tell why it was accurate which also might help me in this experimental endeavor.

6. If you know more astrology, you are free to write your opinions about the current aspects, what they mean, or to disagree or agree with what I have said about them. This could lead to some useful discussion.

7. But I am not implying that everyone must do any of the above. I was just expressing my disappointment that often there is no discussion about some of the important things I am trying to present as best I can (though imperfectly).

Thanks for your helpful comments and questions.


1 comment:

  1. It'd be nice to have a contact point other than "comments" section...I never see Patti's comments...I must be the "other" group.

    I've been reading you for over a year and a half now and you are amazingly accurate. When you are off track I can read the tone changes in your posts...just an interesting aside.
