Friday, July 9, 2010

Forecast for Weekend of July 10-11, 2010

Saturday and Sunday, July 10-11, 2010

~Strong Definition~

A good administrator in a complex organization said to me (on Thursday) that he was very busy. I have never heard him say that before and he sounded somewhat harassed. This is the fact of three hard-edged, demanding planets at critical degrees (Saturn, Uranus and Mars), two of them in Virgo and the other (Uranus) in the first degree of the zodiac, which is making everyone edgy and trying to get things in shape "for the rest of my life." So it is a high-pressure time. Let us not forget the Saturn-Jupiter opposition (mutation) which we discussed at length a month or two ago; it is still going on and is an intense review of one's life, wanting to make the rest of it something better, though a natural outgrowth of what preceded.

Further, we have the Bright Hermetic Epoch for the rest of July so that we sense instinctively that "now is the time" to get things in shape. It is.

That said, we are in a dying moon phase this weekend, the final twelfth of the lunar month, so that some restriction and internal processing of things is appropriate. You want to get outer things done, which is fine, but need also to give time to inner things: what a monk does in his cell. The inner world prepares events in the outer. Further, the outer means almost nothing without the inner.

The sense of opportunity is intense. It tends to happen at this time of year anyway: Students are thinking about the next year of their career or preparation for it; summer vacations give everyone fresh perspective; and as the ancient Hebrews seemed to know, placing their New Year in the autumn, things seem to begin afresh in September-October. I felt that peculiar change in the air this morning, the sign of the declining summer. The heat remains but the sun is with us less each day. There is nostalgia for past summers, past autumns; they are gone yet are here to color and inform the present.

Saturday is more intense or difficult than Sunday. It has the flavor of "last chance" to get certain things accomplished or set in motion. Yet the moon is declining so what you can do is partly symbolic, partly external. It is not exactly a good business day, but you could think out agendas in that realm in your mind. It is satisfying to prepare, to get things in order, including physical things in your place or headquarters. The springboard won't spring without the proper attention or repair. Minor things enable major.

The New Moon occurs Sunday at 12:42p PT | 3:42p ET | 7:42p UT. Further, lunar aspects Sunday are much nicer than Saturday, so we will be coasting into a more peaceful and optimistic frame of mind. You ponder your career or what your life means, what you have done and shall do. Now could be the time to put significant plans in shape, before the August-September period when, because of the Dark Epoch, it will be harder to maintain as clear or sharp a focus.

You might want to read Friday's forecast again because the Venus-Neptune aspect adumbrated there is still with us. I could elaborate the more "feminine" or subtle and emotional-spiritual aspects, such as that one plus Venus trine Pluto, but this might take us away from the definition which is so definitely possible, symbolized by the exact sextile of the sun and Mars (Friday through Sunday). These are two masculine bodies, definite and positive, knowing what they want to do and proceeding to do it; the sextile between them is strong and facilitative. So what you decide now could have staying power and help you shape your life closer to what you want.

{Weekend of July 10-11, 2010} ~Strong Definition~

Cosmic Piper

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