Monday, July 5, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 6 July 2010

Tuesday 6 July 2010

\Intelligent Preparation/

I am pleased by the changes going on in the sky, which should be relaxing tensions and promoting good cheer and hopefulness. This could be reflected in the business world, because investors, executive officers and administrators are more likely to spend wisely and get things moving and hire people during the rest of July than they have been for a month or so.

Some individuals who have been lazy, yet highly critical of the work of others, may be realizing how much they have been officious roadblocks, and become more humble.

Your more noble aspirations seem less demanding and difficult when you are in a happy mood, and then your influence on people is uplifting. You can work something out in your mind which will have a strong constructive impact on the world.

Some things which demand attention will get it, but you can fit your own rights in with the rights of others so that conflict is ameliorated. Neither you nor others have to explode. You can just say, "It's time to handle this now and get it over with" and proceed effectively.

Your position in your country and in the world, your citizenship and ancestral profile, are becoming more interesting as you enhance your awareness of them. You are free, and actually your place in the world makes you more rather than less free, because it is the context in which you can do what you wish to do.

When you move things around, you may put them in higher places to get them out of the way and avoid contact with things on the ground or below it, as a safety measure; or perhaps move to higher ground yourself. Your industrious way of getting things done will impress people.

There are several indications, despite the good prognosis above, of danger if you were to be too aggressive or demanding, or awaken resentment and retaliation in anyone. So it is well to keep your cool.

As mentioned in previous forecasts, important matters involving your status, position, or career will come to a peak in September or (perhaps more likely) October. Now is a preparatory time, however, and the Bright Hermetic Epoch is with us until August 1 to help with clear thinking.

{Tuesday} /Intelligent Preparation\

Cosmic Piper

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