Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday, Saturday, early Sunday, August 3-5, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Friday 3 August at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT
through Saturday 4 August
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 5
at 10:57a PT | 1:57p ET | 5:57p UT
until Luna enters Aries Sunday at 2:00p PT|5:00p ET|9:00p UT

~A Quest Partly Fulfilled~

Mercury will turn direct next Wednesday, August 8, although (as regular readers will know) that is not the end of the Dark Hermetic Epoch (of which the MR cycle is always the center) which lasts until August 22. At this point, since we have some quite supportive aspects such as the sun in good aspect with Jupiter and Mars, while Venus trines Saturn and Neptune, I recommend thinking about "coming out of the woods" gradually. If you have ideas for activities, projects, changes, cherish them, entertain them, and see where they lead over the next two to three weeks. They could be solid at this point, but whatever is not solid in them can be winnowed out by the 22nd at latest. You probably have a feeling something like this. "I'm almost ready to try such-and-such, but not quite." The wavering you experience, plus the improvements you make in plans, will help you to be sure.

Any partnership or friendship involving studies, learning, shared interests, teaching or writing can go well over this weekend period. There is an emphasis on career along with fascinating interests in attractive channels.

The part of you which labors hard and long at tasks is accented even though it's a weekend. You'll feel better about everything if you keep on with sheer drudgery which yet is bound to have a good effect eventually. Mars conjoining Saturn aids with this.

There is much questioning, but it has definite and good results. Even those you run into who are quibblers, always skeptical about everything, may help you to find your way, because rather than feeling stultified by them you take their challenge as a stimulus toward getting answers. This is enjoyable. Skepticism is bound to wither away in front of the truth.

In a gorgeous setting filled with natural beauty, you contemplate the past of yourself and maybe the human race. So you are also contemplating the future, necessarily. The past revamped. Your judgment is good.

Retrospection is useful. (When will I ever get down to writing about my past, for my own benefit? I think it would be very helpful.) This can be either for practical purposes, such as a high school coach reviewing Friday's game on Saturday, or for deeper soul-purposes, linking again in memory and telepathy with associates and raptures from years ago to revive their essence.

Those who practice deception in the business world (or even worse those who use strong-arm tactics like criminal gangs) cannot harm you if you mind your own business and hold to an honorable course. This you are likely to do because you have seen that such constancy is always preferable to divergence from the true path. Therefore you feel pleased with your prospects, not worried because not trying to grab more than makes sense. This is part of the Mercury-retrograde "intelligent waiting" path.

Excessive desire is possible along some lines, making you wander in search of you know not what. We all need such periods of quest occasionally. This one is likely to lead you gradually back home, or to a place which feels like an ancestral or community caravansary, where you appreciate the fruitfulness of nature and your fellow human beings.

{Friday, Saturday, early Sunday} ~A Quest Partly Fulfilled~

Cosmic Piper

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