Sunday, August 12, 2012

Forecast for Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, August 13-15, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Cancer, 2012

Beginning Monday 13 August at 1:29a PT | 4:29a ET | 8:29a UT
through Tuesday 14 August
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 15
at 1:22a PT | 4:22a ET | 8:22a UT
until Luna enters Leo Wednesday at 11:06a PT | 2:06p ET | 6:06p UT

~Hopes Retained Doggedly~

There is nothing seriously wrong with the cosmic set-up, but the moon in Cancer is squaring Mars-Saturn on one side and Uranus on the other (cardinal signs) for the duration of this period. So moods tend toward pessimism or "realism" rather than thrilling anticipation. By taking account of that, both in yourself and others, you can reduce the pain. It's a very good time for finishing old stuff. If that sounds dull, please don't blame me. You'll feel better when you get some of it cleared away. In addition, it's a good time still for that daydreaming and nightdreaming we love while Mercury is retrograde, for we are still in the slow-Mercury (though not backward-Mercury) period until the 22nd.

There is much healing proceeding on a smooth level as if aromatherapy. The scents of summer waft into weary systems to restore and reassure. You can rediscover something strong about your mission or your salutary effect on humanity or special individuals.

Some fruit is ripe for picking, perhaps, at the level of friendship. Friends can re-estimate one another in positive ways, sensing progress in one another, but not until they get past the hard part, that is, the unripe fruit.

Equanimity is strong while the sun in Leo is sextile both Mars and Saturn in Libra, sign of Saturn's exaltation. This means that harmony can prevail even in areas where communication and cooperation are difficult. We can give one another the benefit of the doubt.

You may protect yourself and others from injury by being vigilant. Children or young people might be susceptible to mistakes of adults or one another. This could be carelessness or, at worst, exploitation.

Some individuals in high positions are voracious and self-seeking, and get away with this up to a point. (The funders of political ads come to mind.) "Nice" people can be wolves in sheep's clothing.

Bullying is likely to go on wherever children congregate. As for adults, their bullying of one another tends to be more subtle, more calculating and sometimes more cruel.

Enlightenment is available as you face complex or unknown matters. As Sri Aurobindo has pointed out, the unknown is not the unknowable (contrary to the assumptions of so-called scientists who debunk astrology and occultism). Ordinary good thinking, when accelerated, can approximate the superhuman, encroaching on the realm of the previously unknown.

You can ascend beyond troubles when you are linked with a friend or a guide you appreciate. This can be gentle and sweet, in contrast with the worries by which we are besieged if we go "sublunar" (too subject to the moon's influence). There is balm in flights of fancy and hope, which may be shared with someone special.

Being tactful is a pleasure when it avoids conflict and leaves the future open to amelioration. Information you get about others' faults or failures is helpful when you harbor it rather than trumpet it, using it covertly to influence things in a happier direction.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} {Hopes Retained Doggedly}

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprised by this assessment. "Bullying is likely to go on". It's not only children that suffer the inanities of this choice of command. I can only look forward to re-reading this on Tuesday to see if the bright points followed through. The dark points are all too real as I go into Monday....

    It's all good. I appreciate the pep talk to walk through these next couple days. There's still time to dig deep and choose the spiritual path while I walk the walk.

    This dark hermetic epoch has certainly been harsher than many. I used to look forward to this time frame as an opportunity to regroup, go deep, refresh, make plans. This last bout has me wishing for fresh air and less tension.

    You have hinted at some upcoming "issues" coming up with the bright hermetic epoch that have me concerned that things are only going to feel more frazzled. I appreciate the insights. I pray for the best, for everyone.

    Thank you for your kind attention to these postings. You are appreciated.
