Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Forecast: Late Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 30-September 1

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Thursday 30 August at 3:32p PT | 6:32p ET | 10:32p UT
through Friday 31
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday 1 September
/at 1:03p PT | 4:03p ET | 8:03p UT
until Luna enters Aries late Saturday-early Sunday
at 10:38p(Sa) PT | 1:38a(Su) ET | 5:38a(Su) UT

~Steering Wisely Past Rocks and Reefs~

I'm avoiding politics at this point, but will mention this interesting fact: The moon enters the sign Pisces, Romney's sun-sign, Thursday a few hours before he will make his acceptance speech and get a huge national audience. This does not have any predictive value as to how well he will do afterwards. It is merely an observable fact that very often people get more attention when the moon is in their sun-sign, moon-sign or ascendant. It is something to notice, not something to profit from so far as I can see. For example, in a regular meeting group where problems of the members are discussed (such as AA, a Bible study group,  12-step program or just a friendly gathering) you will notice often that if the moon is in Virgo a Virgo member will get the spotlight that evening, and so with the other signs.

The moon is totally full Friday at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT.

Here's something I sense from the planetary setup: One tendency is toward something serious involving difficult negotiation. If you do not negotiate this interpersonal matter, or discuss it, it might just rankle within you. So those dreaded words "We have to talk . . . " might be uttered frequently during this period. Okay, it has to happen sometimes. You know how to be cautious and considerate.

The other major factor is that "all systems are go" in terms of the Bright Hermetic Epoch (till October 18) and a current Full Moon, so there is no need to delay the "we have to talk" session, unless you get a strong intuitive sense that you need to delay some portions of it. It is probably better to get the discussion or negotiation going now. There are good planetary aspects to support it, involving Mercury, which suggest successful communication even about difficult issues. The hard part is the cause of the issues needing discussion, namely, Venus square Saturn. This could be some crime, sin, or mistake of the past which needs to be dealt with in order to clear a path to the future. It could be someone else's fault, yours, or both. It could be perceived rather than real mistakes or faults. This matter is not easy but needs to be faced honestly. Honestly but not with rancor, which is easier said than done.

Another issue is how far you intend to proceed alone, on your own, and how far you need the cooperation of others. In a criminal mind this can be a huge problem. In the mind of a saint it is still a problem but he works it out more smoothly by being relatively egoless, able to work with the more divine trend of things and the strengths and weaknesses of others successfully.

What do you need to do alone to fulfill your legitimate ambitions? You can do it calmly and efficiently. If you are "secretive" about it, that is just that there is no point in wasting time and energy and getting people riled by talking about it. This is not a conspiracy, just common-sense discretion.

And what do you need to do which requires cooperation with those who have devious or questionable motives? Maybe you do not understand their motives. Maybe they are more selfish and deceptive than you realize. Or maybe you are attributing selfishness and deception to someone unfairly. Maybe it is some of both. Welcome to the mutually suspicious human race.

There could be an external (shared) or internal (known to yourself alone) breakthrough about all this late Friday or early Saturday. That is, you might arrive at some temporary conclusion or decision which makes you feel better, in control and also in harmony with the world (or most of it). This has required facing facts. It requires realizing that some lucky people do not know how to deal with the goodness or opportunity their luck provides. It requires seeing that some good fortune is seductive if it is based partly on anything devious. People are sometimes mysteries to themselves and don't realize their cupidity.

One who is eccentric has caused trouble, but not intentionally in most cases. He or she is looking for something in a thousand directions and getting lost in the details, much of the time, yet may be a fine person in terms of motives and intentions.

Everyone has a right to some form of good fortune. You are finding out what that is for yourself. It is always based on skills or abilities of one kind or another, used in conjunction with other people no matter how difficult that may sometimes feel.

Insofar as you are a pioneer, you are self-reliant. That does not deny the last sentence, but means that you want to set the conditions for your participation in life with others, rather than let them set the conditions. This is possible to a large degree at the present time. It could be dangerous if it gave you delusions of grandeur, but not if it satisfies your sense of freedom. Such freedom recognizes the need for honest cooperation when that is desirable, but not when it requires giving up principles.

{Late Thursday, Friday, Saturday} ~Steering Wisely Past Rocks and Reefs~

Cosmic Piper

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