Thursday, August 9, 2012

Forecast: Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 10-12, 2012

Sun in Leo and Moon in Gemini, 2012

Beginning Friday 10 August at 1:12p PT | 4:12p ET | 8:12p UT
through Saturday 11
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 12
at 2:51p PT | 5:51p ET | 9:51p UT
until Luna enters Cancer Monday 13 at 1:29a PT|4:29a ET|8:29a UT

}Fidelity Continuing Past Divergency-Emergency{

The intensity of things at this point could feel crucial. Mercury has turned direct but is very slow, which is why we are still in the Dark Hermetic Epoch until the 22nd. Aspects are mixed, as usual, with promising features. I will try to untangle some.

There is a desire to be in motion mentally or physically or both. This can be pleasurable, mental, or spiritual seeking, or a combination of all three. Where do we go to find what we need? Is there an end to the quest? You may wonder. Yet brilliant insights of your own mixing with amazing discoveries propounded by others you admire make a star-spangled panorama of advanced understanding, spreading as far as you can encompass it.

The practical focus is not missing, and must be shared with others (Mars conjoined with Saturn in Libra). Together you keep rolling the stone up the hill and watching it roll down. That is, it seems your efforts are never completed. Where is the result? When is the completion? The higher purpose of astrology is to help us answer these questions. These forecasts are serious steps in that direction. Other steps might involve studying your personal horoscope together with those of any individuals important to you. As school-children discover the first day, we learn by comparing ourselves with others. Astrology allows us to do this in a detached, non-competitive, tolerant and understanding manner. Then life-purposes are clarified, and the means to them.

Thereby also we eliminate injustice or unfairness in our judgment of people. To understand a man's horoscope is to understand why he makes the mistakes he makes, and what he is aiming at, and perhaps what he could do to attain it with fewer errors. An equipoise of perspective then makes possible Jesus's command, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Understand, that ye may be understood!

The fidelity of our Sol, the center of our system and source of our planet's very vision and vitality, symbolizes the fidelity of our souls to whatever has upheld us from the deep past. There is wonderful support at this time (the sun sextile Jupiter and the moon on one side and Mars and Saturn on the other). By appreciating its magnificence you live it in more tangible ways.

This is important because it can prevent a dispersion of possibilities through reckless action. It is not necessary to plunge into  avoidable dangers and risk tragedy. What is avoidable can obviously be avoided. The key to this might be remembering who you are rather than what you desire. Then you can master any momentary crisis without tumbling over an edge of danger.

You can be fervent about what you know, believe, and can do. There is a time for proclaiming what your heart tells you to proclaim. The dexterity, the words, the melodies and gestures needed will flow from you spontaneously even if you sense there is opposition to what you say or do.

Your intuition and versatility bring you in contact with individuals of distinction who can be good for you and heighten your status. This is not flattery, on either side, but mutual recognition of inherent strengths which then proceed to gather recognition from the world. The merit of one is leavened, expanded, by the merit of the other.

You sense that some others are caught up in self-seeking, voracious for tokens or honors they have not earned honestly, revengeful and secretive. This kind of stuff should have gone out with the time of Machiavelli. We expect it only in soap operas. It would be laughable if it were not so often destructive to someone's reputation or well-being.

A T square of Venus opposing Pluto while both square Uranus is close to exact. Who betrayed whom? Whose patience snapped? Who calculated ruthlessly how to use someone for personal advantage? What from the past is being replayed with the same abysmal lack of basic tolerance or human understanding? Machiavelli cannot help us. Ruses end in ruefulness. Honesty that hurts, which might be a subtle form of dishonest misunderstanding, can be transformed into kindly honesty that issues from fidelity and slowly recreates trust.

{Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday} {Fidelity Continuing Past Divergency-Emergency}

Cosmic Piper

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