Saturday, August 25, 2012

Forecast: Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday, August 26-28, 2012

Sun in Virgo and Moon in Capricorn, 2012

Beginning Sunday 26 August at 7:00a PT | 10:00a ET | 2:00p UT
through Monday 27 August
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 28
/at 3:34a PT | 6:34a ET | 10:34a UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Tuesday at 10:40a PT|1:40p ET|5:40p UT

\Appreciating High Standards/

The harsh aspects between Venus and Saturn appear to be "the great sadness." They map out "the great loneliness." Venus wants love and the implicit approval it signifies, while Saturn is the eternal critic who pulls back and suggests "You aren't good enough; you haven't earned my love." One comfort is that others are feeling this as well as yourself. So when you feel rejected or judged, you might assume that this could be a hurting reaction from the rejector or judge who has been hurt by someone else (or you) and so hurts you as "revenge" fairly or not. This might sound like what goes on "all the time," but it is more intense during these periods. The current one (Venus square Saturn from Cancer to Libra) covers the period August 24 through September 12. Happy rejecting, happy feeling-rejected.

We are, however, in the beginning of a Bright Hermetic Epoch (until October 18) and therefore many things in the practical sphere can be handled smoothly. You may sense how you can let yourself drift into a happy phase of your life where there are few issues or overbearing responsibilities. Wonderful! However, the "responsible" conscience in all of us doesn't want us to drift too carelessly. You can be grateful for your luck, yet not overdependent on it.

Another possibility is that good fortune and smoothness could lead you to try too many things at once. Versatility is wonderful, but not if it is a thinning out of everything so that you really don't know what you are attempting to accomplish. Lists of priorities might help.

There is force of character. This is essential during this 2-day period because the moon in Capricorn will square Saturn, and so you will need to keep moods up to get done what you know needs doing. You can make your mark and get respect. Destiny is showing you what you need to know, in so many ways, pointing out your fateful career, guiding you through the chaos of half-ideas toward the certainty of the truth-light.

The soul-hunger suggested in paragraph 1 can find satisfaction in surprising ways, especially when you don't look for it. Rather than look for love, be someone who cares about something, and you will gravitate to a locus where happy sentiments enfold you.

Executive powers are available, while the moon is in Capricorn; the ability to disregard what would hamper your disciplined activity and get on with it straightforwardly. Martian aspects are good, so this has a somewhat military feel to it, living up to the call of duty and honor.

Being a do-gooder is sometimes frowned upon, if it is too self-conscious or officious, yet you may run across opportunities to help someone which are memorable and satisfying. Perhaps that someone is trying to rebuild his or her life. The attempt to assist is probably as enjoyable as anything more self-centered would be.

You know how to serve a cause of truth, fairness, high purposes shared by others. You are willing to serve those others because you detect that they are trying (even if often failing) to live up to the high standard which keeps you believing and living.

{Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday} /Appreciating High Standards\

Cosmic Piper

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